MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 435 to mislead

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

After removing the corpses on the field and throwing them all out of the battleship, the female leader ordered the ship division to start the transition procedure and leave this place in the form of a transition.

She hasn't figured out the destination yet, but she must find a remote place to hide from the limelight.

This is also what Mu Qianye taught her. From now on, she can no longer use the star gate, otherwise the Phobos Law Enforcement Federation will definitely find out.

And the female leader undoubtedly made a correct choice, because not long after Nightingale left Starport a few weeks ago, all the bodies of the prisoner Qi family members were discovered.

The reason was not the planned bomb explosion, but the family banquet, not only the original people in the villa, but also several friends hosted by Prison Qi's wife, some of whom were small and powerful in the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Fire Guards Department.

What she wanted was to make connections with these people and ask about the situation of the Tianhe system, so as to understand the safety of Prison Qi.

It's just that she disappeared before the banquet started.

Among them, several guests who were invited to the banquet arrived at the villa in the third hour after the incident, but found that the door was closed and no one greeted them.

Then he tried to contact Prison Qi's wife, but the communication was not successfully connected.

This is very strange, the banquet was agreed upon, but the villa was as quiet as death, it shouldn't be right.

Finally, through the gap in the villa door, the guests smelled the stench of blood and burnt in the room, and they directly notified the local security team.

As the door was forced open, dozens of bullet holes and four charred corpses inside shocked everyone.

One must know that this is the capital of the Balkri Kingdom, and the crime rate is already extremely low, even non-accidental deaths are rare.

Not to mention that this is a rich area, heavily guarded, and there are almost no thieves.

Now that dozens of people have died in the villa, and it is still silent, this is a big deal.

Let professionals dismantle the time bomb of the entire villa.

The guards, who knew they couldn't handle it, immediately notified their superiors, and the superiors reported layer by layer, and finally even the secretary-general of Adu Anxing was alarmed.

Others may not know, but he is aware of the identity of the deceased. The family members of the consul of the Tianhe system have lived on this planet for many years.

In the first few years, he was afraid of accidents and troubles, and he secretly carried out many protections.

Later, I found out that there was nothing wrong with it, so I didn't bother to toss about it. Anyway, there were law enforcement officers watching.

Unexpectedly, under the calm conditions, he died inexplicably and tragically in the villa.

This matter is beyond his ability to deal with. With so many law enforcement officers dead, he can only block all external news and notify the law enforcement federation with anxiety.

Then there were reports one after another, and finally it reached Yin Disi's ears.

After seeing the pictures sent back from the scene, Yin Disi was furious.

She didn't care much about these people, in fact she almost forgot about Gongqi's family.

Anyway, Qiao Qi will soon be a useless piece of trash, and his family loves him to death.

What made her angry was that in the territory of the Phobos Department, under her nose, someone dared to touch something protected by the Federation of Law Enforcers.

For a moment, she suspected that it was Yuan Qi, because only Yuan Qi and her knew the relative location of the family members.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

There must be no problem with her people, so there is nothing left.

For example, it is reasonable for Prison Qi to run away and intend to take his family away.

The four charred corpses were most likely because of the fear of being discovered, Zhou Qi found four similar people and burned them like this, in an attempt to deceive them into passing the test, so that they could retreat together.

As for how Prion Qi did it, she didn't know if she came here in person or hired a certain team, but the logic is valid.

However, this guess was overthrown immediately, because after the DNA test, the four corpses were indeed the family members of the prisoner, and there was no cover-up as she thought.

Then it can't be the prisoner, he only saves his family, there is no reason to kill him, he still uses this cruel method.

Since this is the case, there is a high probability that it is someone who has an enmity with Yuanqi, such as Beiliang who is also in the Tianhe system.

Judging from the pictures at the scene, it really looks like Beiliang's behavior style.

But the question is how does Beiliang know the location of the prisoner Qi's family? How did you get here?

Could it be that the planetary fortress has fallen? Asked from prisoner Qi?

And Beiliang has already infiltrated the Phobos department, so now there are people from Beiliang in the Phobos department?

As soon as these two thoughts came out, Yin Disi couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Because no matter which one, it is fatal to the current her.

But after repeated scrutiny, she felt that neither of these two possibilities existed.

First of all, there is no reason for the planetary fortress in the Milky Way to fall, at least for a short time.

Secondly, although the stargate from the Tianhe system to the Phobos system has not been closed, she has been strictly monitoring it.

Coupled with the fact that few warships have come over recently, it is impossible for Beiliang to fish in troubled waters.

Unless Prison Qi voluntarily defected to the enemy and reached an agreement with Beiliang, for example, Prison Qi gave up control of the planetary fortress, and Beiliang would send people to rescue his family members.

Because the people from Beiliang couldn't get through in a short time, some people were hired to carry out this mission.

Or they want to catch the family members of the prisoner and force the prisoner to make a compromise.

But this is not right, the goal of the mission will also be to save people, not to kill people.

In short, no matter how you think about it, Yin Disi can't find the right direction. This matter is too weird.

Anyway, from her point of view, it is impossible for Beiliang to kill the prisoner Qi family for no reason.

There is no reason to vent their anger. Although people in Beiliang are cruel, they will not do such boring things. There must be a deeper meaning behind it.

Not being able to guess the enemy's mind made Yin Disi extremely distressed, and she could only reason over and over again in her heart.

He was also thinking about what would happen to Prison Qi if his family members died, and what Beiliang could gain from it. The process alone took two weeks.

Finally, she suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying possibility, and her hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

Because the reason why she was able to control Yuanqi and make this person obedient was because of Yuanqi's family members.

In this way, even if Prison Qi knows that he must die, he will not have the idea of ​​resisting Yin Disi.

So even when she was extremely angry before, Yin Disi didn't have the idea of ​​killing the prisoner Qi's family.

She didn't care about the life and death of Zhuangqi and these people, but she didn't want Zhuangqi to betray her, and she would suffer a great loss.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

Beiliang had obviously communicated with Prison Qi and knew this, so he must have thought of rescuing him.

It's just that when it was found that it was too difficult to bring people back to the Tianhe system from the Phobos system, they had the idea and plan to kill them directly.

Although if prisoner Qi found out, prisoner Qi would never die with Beiliang.

But the initiative in this whole process is in Beiliang's hands. Since they dare to kill, they must have a way to hide it from Prison Qi.

Let's go and give it a try. 】

The most important thing is that Beiliang will frame him and mislead Prison Qi, making him think that he was killed by law enforcement officers of the Huowei Department.

That prisoner would probably hate her to death, and would most likely cooperate directly with Beiliang.

After all, the only concern is gone, and Qiao Qi will definitely do this kind of self-defeating behavior.

Thinking of this, Yin Disi began to feel uncomfortable all over, feeling like a lump in her throat.

This plan is poisonous. People who can think of this kind of plan are not only smart, but also have extremely delicate thoughts.

Even if it is her, it may not be possible to reproduce it without a large number of deployments.

The most frightening thing is that even if she guessed the reason why Beiliang killed the prisoner Qi's family, she couldn't inform the prisoner Qi, and could only watch helplessly as she was framed.

From this, it can be seen that Beiliang prepared everything, and didn't even give him a chance to fight back. This group of people is much more terrifying than she imagined.

The current situation is very unfavorable to her. After prison Qi cooperates with Beiliang, the planetary fortress will definitely be lost.

With a planetary fortress, Beiliang is equivalent to controlling the entire Milky Way system.

It's fine if you just throw it away, but you can find a way to get it back.

But the planetary fortress has the control over all the stargates of the Milky Way system. Once Beiliang becomes ruthless and closes all the stargates, their fleet will not be able to pass through, and they will not even be able to attack by force.

It can be said that she will have nothing to do with Beiliang at that time, not to mention the Huowei department will suffer huge losses, and even the war may be affected, resulting in a crushing defeat.

What a good strategy, what a good method, Yin Disi couldn't help sighing again.

She never expected that Beiliang would take advantage of her in turn, even though she was in control of Qiuqi's vitals.

However, all of this is her guess anyway, and there is no 100% evidence to prove that it is really the case.

Maybe it wasn't made by Beiliang, it's also possible that it was an accident.

I want to confirm, there is only one way, find the person who committed this incident, ask, then everything will be clear.

Judging from the time of death of the corpse, it was only a few weeks later, the murderer must have not gone far, so it can be traced.

Even if she escaped from Adu Anxing by chance, she must catch this group of people.

Anyway, regardless of whether they have anything to do with Beiliang, these people are going to die. The majesty of the Federation of Law Enforcers of the Tianhe System cannot be desecrated!

So after thinking for a while, Yin Disi issued an order to investigate with all her strength, and asked the law enforcement officers in charge of this matter to bring back the perpetrator within three days to find out the ins and outs of the matter.

At the same time, send a text message to Wei Tu to explain the situation.

After the first wave of reinforcement fleets of the Tianhe system had an accident, she immediately asked Wei Tu to call the second wave of reinforcement fleets to pass, and it should be halfway there now.

She had to urge the reinforcements to hurry up to prevent things from happening as she thought and out of control.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

As long as the fleet of the second wave of reinforcements arrives first, it doesn't matter even if Beiliang really closes all the alien gates, otherwise there is really no chance...

Following Yindis's order, a large number of law enforcement warships immediately jumped to the vicinity of Aduan Star, controlling the star port, and prohibiting any personnel and warships from leaving.

Then check the identities of those who entered Hong Kong in the past month, and the identities of those who left Hong Kong a few weeks ago.

The investigation on the ground is carried out simultaneously, including finding out when and how the enemy did it.

Due to the existence of security personnel in the wealthy area, these investigations went smoothly, and the company designated to transport the dining truck was found through the description of the security personnel.

I went to the company's garage to investigate, and found more than a dozen corpses that were all stuffed in the car.

The method of doing this is very clear. The perpetrator deceived the security guards in the rich area and the law enforcement officers in the villa through disguise.

Immediately afterwards, he shot when everyone was unprepared, killed all the security personnel, and then killed the target.

Judging from the fact that there were no traces of fighting at the scene, this guess is completely in line with this guess.

Through the monitoring along the road, they soon found traces of the dining car leaving the rich area after being used as a carcass. After chasing all the way, they finally found the abandoned dining car.

This is not surprising, the perpetrator must have run away, but it is difficult to judge where he ran and whether he hid.

Fortunately, the investigation on the star port has also yielded results. It can be seen from the records that a battleship left the port in a hurry more than two stars after the incident.

After comparing the personnel in the battleship when they went down and when they came up, they found that their luggage and clothes were very different.

This was undoubtedly very strange, and the law enforcement officers immediately followed this clue to conduct a careful investigation, only to find that it was a gang named Nightingale.

This is also due to the fact that Nightingale's people didn't have too much camouflage, and even the battleship parameters didn't change, otherwise it wouldn't be so fast.

Combined with the time when Nightingale and his group arrived on Star Aduan, where they have been recently, and various behaviors in the surveillance system, the Federation of Law Enforcers finally determined that this matter was done by Nightingale.

Although there is no evidence yet to prove whether Nightingale was instigated by Beiliang for her connection with Beiliang.

But these are not important, as long as they catch people, everything will be clear.

With a the next step is to find a battleship.

The Federation of Law Enforcers first searched for the records of each star gate, and it was necessary to know the approximate location of the battleship in order to accurately block it.

It's a pity that they didn't find any, as if the warship hadn't used the stargate since it left.

This is very embarrassing. If there is no trace, you can only find it by force.

In the vastness of the interstellar space, even if a certain range is planned, finding a battleship is not easy.

However, under Yin Disi's death order, even if it is to find a needle in a haystack, the law enforcement officers can only bite the bullet and do it...

However, when the farce of chasing and escaping was going on in the Phobos system, Mu Qianye and Chen Han were solving the problems they were facing in the Milky Way system.

Logically speaking, it is a good thing that Gongqi's family members were successfully killed and they still have relevant videos and images in their hands, which means that the first step of their plan has been achieved.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

But how to let prison Qi know about this and take the initiative to think that Yin Disi did it is not easy.

Take it directly, or say it through their mouths, it definitely won't work. Prison Qi is not stupid, so he can definitely guess that Beiliang made it.

At that time, not only will they not cooperate with Beiliang, but they will die loyal to Yin Disi with hatred to the end, so the follow-up plan will not be possible.

It is necessary to mislead Prison Qi invisibly, make him believe in this, and put all the hatred on Yindis, then there will be a chance.

So Chen Han and Mu Qianye had made relevant countermeasures long before the death of Prison Qi's family members.

Read The Duke's Passion