MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 433 gangster nightingale action

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

First of all, the bandit Nightingale of the Huowei Department, after negotiating the details of the mission with Mu Qianye, led the people to enter the Balkeri Kingdom of Star Aduan through legal means, and began on-site reconnaissance to find the identity of the prisoner Qi family. Specific residence.

Because of the detailed information, this process is not complicated for experienced gangsters, and finally locked on a three-story villa in the downtown area of ​​the capital of Balkri.

It can be said that Yin Disi is still very good to Yuan Qi's family. This place belongs to the wealthy area, and a large piece of land is full of single-family villas. The environment is beautiful and the security is strict.

Next to it, there is a large amount of supporting infrastructure for wealthy areas, including primary and secondary schools.

For example, the five-year-old youngest son of Prison Qi and the fifteen-year-old second daughter are studying in relevant colleges.

In this case, it is definitely not acceptable to rely on violent means to kill them.

Not to mention the prohibition of airframes in the capital city of Balkli, it is difficult to transport both mechas and fighter planes.

In addition, the rich area has strict security, and the prisoner Qi family is also protected by law enforcement officers from the Fire Guard Department. Obviously, there is no chance at all, and the only way to do it is through assassination.

So how to sneak into the prisoner Qi's house without anyone noticing became the most troublesome problem for Nightingale's troops.

In addition, just infiltrating is not enough. According to the mission requirements, you must kill the prisoner Qi family, so you have to choose a suitable time.

This is rather embarrassing, during the day, prison Qi's youngest son and second daughter are away, and only his wife is at home.

They will come back at night, but the 20-year-old eldest daughter is at the art academy hundreds of kilometers away, and there seems to be always a gap.

As for why they had to do it at someone else's house, it was because there were a lot of guards outside the capital of Balkli, and they would be hunted down after committing crimes, and it was very difficult to leave safely. Nightingale and the others had to consider this issue.

After all, they are gangsters, not dead men, and they can't die in order to complete the task.

Fortunately, through the communication records between Prison Qi's wife and Prison Qi, Mu Qianye provided Nightingale with a very important piece of news.

Even the Yuanqi family has dinner twice a month, in the middle and end of the month, and the eldest daughter will go home from the college.

Just a few days later is the seventy-second era, the 7129 star year, the middle of the three-star month, a very good mobile phone opportunity.

Once the time is determined, the rest is the way to enter the rich area.

As long as he can enter the wealthy area without being discovered, it will be very easy to kill the law enforcement officers protecting the prisoner Qi's family.

Of course, Nightingale's people didn't know that it was the law enforcers who were protecting Prison Qi's family, because Mu Qianye didn't elaborate on this, otherwise no gang would dare to take on such a task.

They thought that the target was the local small and powerful rich people, and they regarded the surrounding law enforcement officers as bodyguards...

After another two days of investigation, Nightingale's people found that when the prisoner Qi family had dinner together, the meals were not made at home, but chefs from specific hotels would be called over, and a large amount of raw materials were brought along with them.

This was undoubtedly an excellent breakthrough. Nightingale's people immediately decided to intercept the relevant vehicles on the way, disguise themselves as chefs, and enter Prison Qi's house safely before doing anything.

Then drive the vehicle to the extraction point, return to the star port, and leave the planet.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

If all goes well, it is estimated that the security team of the Balkri country will react when they run far away, and there is basically not much risk.

Then Nightingale's people began to study the terrain and route again, trying to figure out how to intercept the transport vehicle.

This point is undoubtedly much simpler than the previous one, and soon Nightingale's people determined all the plans, just waiting for implementation.

Soon time came to the seventy-second era, 7129 star year, three-star month, and fifteen-star day. It was the weekend, and the eldest daughter of Yuan Qi returned from school to her home in the rich district early in the morning.

Since Prison Qi had been out of contact for a while, the whole family seemed depressed, so they wanted to take the opportunity to talk about what to do and adjust their mood.

After confirming the news, Nightingale's people were extremely excited. As long as the Yuanqi family stayed together, it would be easy.

So he directly set his sights on the catering company and arranged enough manpower.

As soon as the catering company moves, they will start to act.

At about eleven o'clock in the noon, the catering company had fully stocked up and was about to set off for the rich area where the prisoner Qi family lived.

They have become accustomed to all this, because the family has called them twice a month for many years, and even signed a related contract.

Of course they don't know the identity of this family, but whatever, they just know they are rich.

However, this time, they were unable to set off as usual. They were intercepted by Nightingale's men and killed one by one without even leaving the underground garage. The bodies were loaded into the truck that had been prepared long ago.

It can be seen from this that Nightingale's behavior style is very vicious, there is no saying that everyone is innocent, as long as it will affect the content of the mission, they will be killed.

After all, if you accidentally let these people run away, it will not be possible to implement it later.

Anyway, killing four is also killing, and killing fourteen is also killing, they will not worry about this number.

After changing into relevant clothes and hiding the weapons used in the ingredients, the disguised Nightingales set off in the food delivery truck.

The road is naturally unimpeded, and no one in the city center with people coming and going will guess what is abnormal in this dining car.

Even in front of the gate of the rich area, the dining car can pass smoothly.

This is also due to the fact that the company's people will come over twice a month, and the security guards will get used to it.

As for the different personnel inside, this did not arouse any suspicion.

The main reason is that the catering company is quite large, with hundreds of chefs, and the people who come here are different every time, which is normal.

When they arrived at the gate of the villa where Prison Qi's family lived, the bodyguards in charge of the inspection, that is, the law enforcement officers of the Fire Guards Department, also only slightly confirmed the goods in the dining car before letting them go, without any vigilance.

Logically speaking, as law enforcement officers, they would be aware of danger.

But these law enforcers are no longer just joining the Law Enforcer Federation, and some were even sent here many years ago, somewhat like being abandoned.

Doing boring, boring and meaningless work every day has long smoothed their hearts and edges, and they just think about how to get along until they retire, so naturally they don't take it too seriously.

This level of security is undoubtedly the best news for Nightingale.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

They pretended to move the goods into the villa one by one, and confirmed the layout of the room and the target person while walking around.

In order to introduce the security personnel at the gate into the villa, they also deliberately asked the security personnel to help carry them.

With everything settled, the killing began.

Nightingale's men took out the silencer pistols they brought from the raw materials of the meal, and each person was in charge of one or two law enforcement officers. In just a few seconds, they killed more than a dozen unsuspecting law enforcement officers.

The sudden change stunned the servants in the villa, and they all cried out in panic.

They didn't know why people died suddenly, and they didn't want to know, they just planned to leave quickly.

But they were also greeted by bullets, and Nightingale's people didn't hold back at all. It was normal for them to kill people when they were on a mission.

In the end, it only took a few minutes. In the villa with more than 30 people, only Gongqi's wife and three children remained.

They were also frightened and stupid. They were usually well protected and had never seen such a scene before.

He wanted to ask outside for help, but he was afraid that he would be shot down, so he could only stay where he was, and be caught by Nightingale's men.

Prison Qi's wife was still a bit smart, and immediately thought that this incident must have something to do with Prison Qi, and asked if Nightingale's people had come to rescue them.

Because even the enforcers of the Phobos system are dead, the people who came there must have nothing to do with the Federation of Phobos enforcers.

That being the case, combined with Prison Qi's loss of contact, maybe there was an accident with Prison Qi and they ran away because they couldn't solve it, so they sent people to rescue them and prepared to run away together.

She had secretly discussed this with Gong Qi a long time ago. Although she lived on this planet without worrying about food and clothing, she was always under the surveillance of others and could not gain freedom. This was not a long-term solution.

It's just that at that time, Yuan Qi kept hemming and hawing, without a clear plan and courage, so he could only let it go.

But in the last communication, Prison Qi had reminded her to prepare for the worst, so she subconsciously thought it was this.

Faced with Prison Qi's wife's question, the female leader Nightingale was stunned for a moment, then smiled, without speaking, and asked her subordinates to start taking photos and recording videos of the target person.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

This is also part of the task content, and it will be handed over to Mu Qianye for money afterwards.

After the recording started, the nightingale leader raised her pistol in the astonished eyes of the prisoner family, and pulled the trigger one by one, not even the five-year-old boy was spared.

In fact, she really wanted this woman to give her some money and earn a fortune. People who can live in this kind of place must not be short of money.

But she remembered Mu Qianye's repeated instructions that she must not waste time, and she had to give up if she wanted to be straightforward.

After all, rich people also have a lot of means, who knows what will happen if the delay continues, the most important thing is to complete the task safely.

Afterwards, the oily liquid was poured on the four corpses and ignited, causing the corpses to burn on the floor of the room.

Since all the alarms had been turned off, the fire extinguishing device above did not sprinkle water even though flames and smoke rose.

The camera equipment did not stop during the whole process, there is no other reason, because this is also Mu Qianye's request.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

Nightingale's people don't know why Mu Qianye has a habit of torturing corpses, maybe it's because of too much hatred or other reasons.

But whatever it is, what customers need, they will do what they want to do, take the money and leave after a good job.

The flame didn't last very long due to lack of fuel and stopped after a few minutes.

At this time, the skin of the corpse can be seen scorched black everywhere, ugly and disgusting, but the human figure can still be vaguely recognized.

At this point, Nightingale's people didn't do anything else. They continued to take several photos of the corpse and the interior of the house, and began to place bombs on each floor.

And set the time, after five stars, they will explode in unison.

This step doesn't make much sense, it doesn't make any difference whether to do it or not, and it's not Mu Qianye's request.

But this is the habit of their gang, anyway, they all left this planet after five weeks.

Before going out, they searched the room deliberately, and took away all the small and valuable things.

All the big items were left untouched, not because they were not interested, but because it was troublesome to bring them to Xinggang, and it was unnecessary.

After confirming that there were no omissions, they quietly left the villa and got on the food delivery car.

Despite the fact that so many people died in the villa, the outside world is still calm.

The main reason is that the villas in this area are relatively far apart, and the sound insulation is good. Even if you shoot inside, you may not be able to find it outside. Naturally, no one is alarmed.

Just when driving out of the gate of the rich area, the security personnel asked a few words with a smile.

Because the food delivery truck usually leaves after dark, but now it is only around two o'clock in the afternoon, which is much earlier than usual.

Fortunately, the person in charge of the nightingale driver was also very clever, so he said that today's family feast was very rich, and some ingredients were missing, and he had to go back to transport it.

This time the security personnel didn't say anything more, and let them go directly.

Originally, he was just asking casually, without suspecting anything, let alone that someone died in the rich area.

After hearing that her subordinates had left the gate of the rich district, the female leader of Nightingale breathed a sigh of relief and told her subordinates to go to the evacuation point. They had to change cars and clothes before heading to Starport from the airport.

This step must be done quickly, before the corpses and time bombs in the rich area are discovered.

Otherwise, the interstellar airport might be blocked. With their identities, it would not be easy to escape at that time.

Fortunately, their actions were straightforward, and no one found anything abnormal in a short period of It went smoothly to the evacuation point.

After arriving at the destination, the group directly discarded the food delivery car, changed into elegant casual clothes, carried a briefcase, and rushed to the nearest interstellar airport as if they were going to work.

Air tickets were bought long ago, and on the second day after the operation ended, they successfully boarded the transport plane to Starport.

And after just over a star, he landed smoothly at the star port and returned to his own battleship.

The commander who had been waiting in the ship for a long time did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately applied to leave the starport, and the battleship quickly disappeared under the control of Aduan star.

Until then, the female leader of Nightingale breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she still attaches great importance to this task, otherwise she would not take the risk herself.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

If there is a problem in any link during the period, then she may not be able to come back.

But there was no way. They, Nightingale, had been in trouble recently, and needed this money too much for expenses and boosting morale.

If this is not the case, if it is delayed for a while, it is estimated that it will reach the point of selling warships...

Fortunately, Mu Qianye provided very effective information, coupled with proper planning, the whole process went very smoothly.

There were no casualties on our side, and the battleship could leave safely, which was almost the best result.

After the battleship entered the pseudo-light speed, the female leader Nightingale asked her subordinates to contact Mu Qianye, and it was time to call.

This process took longer than expected, and it took more than ten or twenty weeks for the two parties to communicate.

Read The Duke's Passion