MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 415 Ran

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Remember [New] in a second! Before everyone could see the scene in the room clearly, a reptile with a carapace suddenly crawled out of the dark door and rushed straight at the law enforcer who had just broken the door.

Fortunately, the law enforcement officer had been on guard for a long time, and took a few steps back with the door breaker, and was not touched by the carapace monster.

Chuxue's reaction was faster, and she shot the moment she saw something coming out, and the blue energy bullet hit the head of the carapace monster head-on.

As a pool of green liquid burst out, the carapace monster stopped moving directly on the ground.

However, this was just the beginning. In the next second, many carapace monsters rushed out, reaching a dozen in number, each the size of a pet dog.

The firepower of Chuxue's pistol can't solve the problem for this kind of number, the distance between the monsters is too close, and the law enforcers at the front are about to be pounced on.

Fortunately, there were more than a dozen law enforcement officers who had been waiting nearby, and Chuxue didn't need to give an order, and they quickly followed suit.

Facing the extremely powerful barrage of firepower, the carapace monsters had no ability to resist at all. Basically, one of them came out and died, and the ground was covered with carapaces and green water.

Chuxue quickly replaced the magazine with a new one until no monsters came out.

The law enforcers in front hurriedly threw two more firesticks in, illuminating the entire room.

It can be seen that there are no monsters in the field of vision, and it is extremely quiet inside.

Lying on the bed were two mummified corpses with their stomachs ripped open. Judging from their stooped bodies, they should have been older before they were alive.

"It's them...sir..." Xiaorou was also quickly changing the clips, and at the same time said with a vibrato.

Although it is no longer possible to compare the pictures of the corpses, she can still vaguely recognize that these are two of the residents of 704.

Chuxue nodded slightly, without speaking, she lowered her head and counted the carapace monster corpses on the ground.

When she saw that there were fourteen in total, she couldn't help frowning deeply.

Judging from the previous surveillance video, the middle-aged man had five in his belly.

The little girl just now, even though she didn't count carefully, was about three or four.

Now there are two corpses, the number of monsters is fourteen, an average of seven, and the number is different.

If according to the previous assumption, after the monster parasitizes the human body, the number of hatching is related to time, then something is obviously wrong.

Because the little girl and the two old corpses in the room were most likely to be parasitized at the same time, it stands to reason that the number of hatches should be equal.

Now that the difference is so much, it means that in addition to the time of incubation, it is also related to the individual.

The larger the individual, the more hatched.

The individual is small, even if the hatching time is the same, the number will be small.

This is also in line with common sense, adults have more meat than children.

The time when the middle-aged man was parasitized can basically be deduced, probably about a month before the incident.

This is more troublesome. It will take a lot of time to continue to deduce from the monitoring where the middle-aged man went and who he met.

It can only be said that fortunately they found this place and discovered this situation.

Otherwise, when these people continue to hatch, who knows what will happen? Then there will be one or more disasters.

However, it was far from the time to relax. There must be two corpses in the next bedroom, and they had to be cleaned up.

Thinking of this, Chuxue didn't step into the second room, but directly pointed the gun at the third room next to it: "Prepare to break the door, the monster should have left the human body, get ready to strike!"

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but have another question in her mind.

Obviously, in the first room, the monsters hadn't hatched yet, and the "awakening" was completed after they entered.

Before entering the second room, the monster came out first.

Judging from the traces of the corpse, the monster seems to have just come out not long ago.

How did they know to come out early?

Was quarreled? Or did you foresee the danger? Or what kind of signal did you receive?

Either way, it is enough to show that even if the monster is in the human body, it maintains a close connection with the outside world.

In other words, it has been collecting information from the outside world, and it will continue to incubate when it is safe, so that the number of its own side will increase.

When in danger, directly release the parasite and come out to spread disaster.

It's like being in some kind of long battle, knowing the layout and tactics.

This is very scary, and what they are facing is not an emergency, but a premeditated disaster.

If this wasn't a room, setting fire to it would probably set the whole building on fire, and Chuxue was planning to use incendiary bombs directly, that would be safer...

Before she could think about it, the law enforcement officer with the door breaker had already stepped forward, carefully aimed at the lock, and was ready to retreat at any time.

Xiaorou and the others also concentrated their attention, waiting for the monster in the room to rush out, so as to deliver a fatal blow.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of glass shattering in the room, which made everyone who heard it feel at a loss.

They haven't broken the door yet, it's obviously the work of "people" or monsters.

Immediately afterwards, a male law enforcement officer shouted in panic: "Four groups report! There is an anomaly on the window sill on the third floor of the fourth building! The monster is crawling out of the broken window and trying to go to other windows. Do you want to attack?! Repeat ..."

The four groups of them have been staying below for a while, following Chuxue's order, and have been guarding below, looking at the window sill.

I thought nothing was wrong, but suddenly I heard the sound of glass breaking, and when I looked up, I saw monsters crawling out one after another.

This shocked them a lot, and they didn't know what happened inside, so they could only report and ask.

When Chuxue heard the words "crawl through the broken window", Chuxue was taken aback.

According to previous monitoring and reports, the carapace monster does not have the ability to climb walls.

She kept the four groups because the room and the corridor couldn't hold more people, just in case, and she didn't think that there would be monsters crawling out.

How can something that was not possible before, be able to do it now? Is it because I can't see it in the monitor, or it doesn't show up?

At the thought of so many open windowsills in this building, Chuxue burst into a cold sweat instantly.

Because these monsters probably felt that there was a threat in the room that they could not resist, so they escaped and went to other places on the floor to parasitize.

This is also completely in line with her personal inference that these monsters are intelligent, share information, or are under some kind of remote command.

The monster in the first room was lurking, and when it realized it was exposed, it broke.

The monster in the second room probably knew that the monster in the first room had been wiped out, so he broke his body in advance and lay in ambush at the door, waiting for the opportunity to parasitize.

The monster in the third room must have known the situation in the first two rooms, and realized that lurking and ambush are useless, so he took the initiative to escape and look for a new direction.

You must know that most of the residents in the four buildings are in their own houses at this time, after all, travel is restricted.

If a monster suddenly crawled out from the window sill, they must have been unprepared and thus parasitic.

In this way, there will be more and more monsters in a short time, and the entire building and even the entire community will fall, which is undoubtedly a destructive blow.

So after only half a second, Chuxue immediately pressed the convenient communicator next to her ear: "Shoot! Don't let them leave this window!"

At the same time, he immediately issued a command to break the door to the front law enforcement officers.

With a "bang", the door of the last bedroom was directly smashed open.

After preparing for a long time, Xiaorou raised her hand and threw three firesticks in, illuminating everything.

There were indeed two corpses inside, a man and a woman, probably the parents of the little girl just now.

The stomach has been ruptured, judging from the flowing liquid, the time should not exceed two minutes.

But the monsters that should have existed were nowhere to be seen. There was only a hole in the window sill, and it was estimated that they had all crawled out.

And there are more and more holes on the windowsill, and from time to time, a few energy rays will flash, which are the attacks from the four groups of law enforcers.

"How many monsters in total? How is the situation? Can they be intercepted?" Chuxue asked anxiously.

She couldn't approach the window sill with the risk of being accidentally injured. She didn't know the monster's situation, so she could only pin all her hopes on the four groups of law enforcers.

"Fourteen, sir, we've shot down eleven of them, and three of them have climbed to the upper floor, lost their vision! Repeat..." The voice of the leader of the fourth group came quickly.

When he received Chuxue's order earlier, he took the lead in firing. On the third floor, at a height of more than ten meters, it is not difficult for a well-trained law enforcement officer to hit the target.

It's just a pity that they didn't have many enforcers in this direction, and the speed of the monsters was not slow. In two to three seconds, they could only sweep down eleven carapace monsters, and the rest ran away.

"The upper floor... is 403, sir!" Xiaorou shouted immediately.

"One group immediately went to the gate of 403 to stand by, we will be there soon."

"The four groups stay where they are, and continue to keep an eye on the windowsills. If you find any traces of monsters, you don't need to ask, just shoot them!" Chuxue quickly issued relevant instructions.

Immediately afterwards, he inspected the third bedroom for a while, then turned and ran outside.

Now we must kill the three monsters that ran away, and we can't let them run around anymore, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.

Xiao Rou and the other law enforcers followed behind, it was meaningless to stay here.

"A group has received and is heading to..."

"Four groups received..."

The law enforcement officers upstairs and downstairs are also busy. So many things have happened in such a short period of time, which is a great test of their ability to execute.

In less than a minute, Chuxue brought people to the door of 403, and a group of law enforcement officers were already waiting.

At this time, the door of 403 was locked tightly, and harsh exclamations could be heard from inside.

This made Chuxue feel bad, there were people inside, without any weapons, it was basically impossible to meet the carapace monster.

But she was quite calm in her expression and demeanor, and she gave orders step by step: "Crack it! Break the door!"

In any case, even if all the people inside were killed, these monsters could no longer be allowed to wreak havoc.

The geek accompanying the team was the first to come up. He quickly connected the electronic lock of the outer door and completed the cracking.

Then came the law enforcer with the door breaker, who slammed the inner door open.

The follow-up law enforcement officers with weapons immediately stepped forward, and all weapons were ready.

However, they did not rush in, but paused at the door for a few seconds.

Because monsters are capable of ambushes, beware of attacks from all corners.

"Pay attention to the ground and the ceiling, and move forward alternately." Chuxue didn't say until he confirmed that there was nothing abnormal at the door.

The room is too narrow, and they have dozens of people here, which is very inconvenient.

Just go in a few, the number is small, you can't pay attention to the overall situation, and you are easy to be attacked by monsters.

If they all go in, they won't be able to use it, and it will have the opposite effect.




The few law enforcement officers at the front slowly started to move, each step seemed extremely cautious.

Although they have undergone special training, they have the courage to face any crisis.

But at this moment, it is impossible not to be afraid.

After all, according to the known information, as long as it is bitten by a monster, it will become a breeding ground for monsters, thus hatching new monsters.

They still vividly remember the horrors of the corpses in front of them, and they don't want to become that ghostly.

Fortunately, the lights in room 403 were all turned on, and the view was not obstructed in any way, which gave them a lot of confidence.

It's just that the reverberating exclamation stopped suddenly, causing the whole house to appear extremely quiet.

This is not good news, they can't judge the enemy's position from the direction of the sound.

Although the structure of 403 is basically the same as that of 303 below, the law enforcement officers who came in still had to search every corner, and no one knew where the monster would hide.

It wasn't until six law enforcement officers took the lead that Chuxue went inside, and Xiaorou followed closely beside her.

It wasn't that she was afraid of death, but that as a commander, her primary duty was to protect herself well so that she could give orders better.

If she went in recklessly and was bitten by a monster first, the enforcers on the field, including the enforcers from this planet, would lose their direction, and she would be responsible for these people.

"The living room is normal..."

“The first bedroom is normal…”

"The kitchen is fine..."


Every time a place is carefully searched, the law enforcement officers will report loudly.

It was not until the second that everyone stopped, because there were two people standing inside.

The female is more than 30 years old, and the male is no more than ten years old. The relationship should be mother and child.

The room was rather messy, the cabinet next to it was overturned, and clothes were left on the floor, as if it just happened.

"Help me... save me..." The woman was wearing pajamas, shaking uncontrollably, her red eyes filled with tears after being frightened, she was looking at the position of the law enforcement officer, and she kept chanting.

"Did something crawl in from the window sill? Where is it now? Have you been bitten?!" Chuxue asked continuously.

The appearance of this person and the room must have seen a monster, or was chased by a monster.

As for whether it was parasitized, Chuxue didn't dare to be sure for a while, let alone let the law enforcement officers in front approach, so she could only ask first.

However, in the next second, she knew the answer.

Because the little boy next to the woman is not afraid of the guns of the law enforcement officers at all, his eyes are so empty...

(end of this chapter)