MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 405 firm

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"What is the status of Star Stamley in the Batan system? Is it under the Federation of Law Enforcers?" Miao Ying asked suddenly.

She wanted to know if Star Stamley had a backer. If it relied on the Law Enforcer Federation of the fifth-level civilized star system, or if the behavior was instigated by the Law Enforcer Federation, the problem would be more serious than imagined.

Because the Batans are the strongest existence of Kus, fighting against the Batans is tantamount to waiting for the supreme power of Kuss to fight against it, and it is difficult to find a way out.

"That's not true. There are quite a few fourth-level civilization planets in the Batan system, and Stamley is not particularly prominent, and it doesn't have a deep connection with the Federation of Law Enforcers."

"And you may have some misunderstandings about the Federation of Law Enforcers. Not all Law Enforcers are bad, otherwise Kus would have messed up."

"Before becoming a bad person, everyone thinks about how to be a good person. It's just that sometimes you make a wrong step, make a wrong choice, and there is no way to turn back." Prison Qi shook his head, and did not look at the answer when he answered. Chen Han had a trace of memories of the past in his eyes.

When he was young, he was high-spirited and a just law enforcer.

Later, for the sake of power, he failed to withstand the temptation, deceived his conscience, and gradually became the puppet of Phobos and Yindis.

But he didn't regret it, and if he did it again, he would still choose this way.

Because the taste of power is too good, it is endless aftertaste.

What worries him is that he did not do well enough in the process of gaining power, wasting many opportunities in vain, and finally reached the point where he is today.

These words made everyone in Beiliang quiet down, and Chen Han couldn't help but nodded.

In terms of good and bad, they are not good things.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Beiliang has done much more evil than the Federation of Law Enforcers.

But just as Qiao Qi said, before doing evil, most of them were honest and normal people, and they didn't even have the idea of ​​doing bad things.

It's just that there is no way in the end, and he embarked on this road of no return.

"Can you answer my last question, if it is not instigated by other galaxies, why do you rule the Milky Way? Money? Or people?" Prison Qi looked serious.

Originally, he wanted to ask Chen Han and others how they killed the reinforcements from the Huowei Department, but after watching that paragraph before, he found a lot of empty mines, so he guessed what happened.

What is left now is only the purpose of Chen Han and others.

How could a group of third-rate gangsters have the intention of governing the entire galaxy? Still under the tremendous pressure from the outside world.

This is completely a thankless thing, let alone whether it can be managed well, if it is not managed well, it will be lost forever.

Originally, he thought that Chen Han and the others were just looking for a nice excuse.

But from the conversation just now, he felt the belief in this group of people, so he was very curious.

"It's not just Yindis who has ambitions, we also have ambitions. Only with a galaxy behind us can we realize this ambition." Chen Han didn't hesitate, but replied in a mockery.

Of course, taking the Tianhe system is for the subsequent establishment of the Gaia Empire, which was determined a long time ago and is unwavering.

It's just that he won't tell Qiao Qi about this kind of thing, even if this person is no longer a threat.

"Do you have any problems? If not, send me on my way. I'm not going to die unjustly. Enough is enough..." Prison Qi shook the completely empty wine bottle. Digoo. ....

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

He could feel that Chen Han and the others had finished asking questions, and it happened that he had nothing to know, so he would die.

He never imagined that Chen Han and the others would let him go. This is not Beiliang's style.

Moreover, as the consul of the Tianhe system, as long as he does not die, the Tianhe system will not be stable after all.

"In such a hurry to die? Don't talk anymore?" Chen Han handed a bottle of unopened wine to Qiao Qi.

Originally, he thought that Prison Qi was greedy for life and afraid of death, and would beg for mercy or something.

Unexpectedly, after the meeting, what Qiao Qi showed was very different from what he had imagined.

Some of the news just received is still very important, he

I have to wait a little longer to think about what else to ask.

"Cooperate with us in Beiliang and do something to keep you alive first." Mu Qianye said after Chen Han.

Prison Qi just took the wine from Chen Han's hand, before he had time to say anything, he was taken aback when he heard Mu Qianye's words.

Not only Qiao Qi, but Chen Han and others were also stunned.

Because the one who has a deep hatred with Yuan Qi on the field is Mu Qianye.

Although Prison Qi was not the mastermind of killing her parents, he was also involved in it.

It stands to reason that she wished that Zhuang Qi would die immediately, how could she say such a thing as living first?

However, since Prisoner Qi was still there, everyone didn't ask. They knew that Mu Qianye must have his own reasons.

"It's okay to talk, but I won't cooperate with you."

"If you want me to say something to the outside world in the name of the consul of the Tianhe system, or expose the atrocities of Indis, then don't even think about it." Prison Qi opened the bottle, took a sip, and shook his head continuously, with a serious attitude resolute.

Even though Mu Qianye hadn't said what he wanted him to do, he was more or less seasoned and had already guessed it.

"Indy has something to do with you, right?" Chen Han narrowed his eyes slightly.

Judging from Prison Qi's attitude just now, this person has given up on himself, and it should be that he intends to cooperate with them.

But the refusal was so straightforward, obviously there was a reason for the refusal.

Yin Disi is obviously not in the Tianhe system now, and Qiuqi is still so scared, probably because he has been threatened by some kind.

"Almost." Prison Qi nodded helplessly, "There is a price to be paid for being able to sit in this position. I am in the Tianhe system, but my family lives in the Phobos system."

"I'm a failed consul who has killed countless families, and I know that."

"But I don't want to be a failed husband, or a failed father. I have two sons and a daughter. The youngest is only five years old..."

When he said this, Prison Qi's eyes were a little dull, with a little longing, or sadness.

If it wasn't for so many incidents that happened in succession recently, he should be able to reunite with his family in the near future.

Unfortunately, there is no chance. Their meeting a few months ago turned into a farewell.

"You're quite family-friendly." Chen Han joked.

He also suddenly understood the choice of Qiao Qi, this trick is indeed fatal to a middle-aged man in his fifties or sixties.

"Ha, it's one of my few strengths." Prison Qi also replied in a teasing tone, and smiled. ....

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

It's just that in this smile, it seems so bitter.

"Now that the planetary fortress has fallen and the Milky Way has fallen, do you think Yindis will let you go? Or your family?"

"Anyway, it's death, why don't you give her a big hand, so that she can feel the pain." Mu Qianye tried to persuade Prison Qi.

She did have some plans in her mind, but it would be very difficult to carry them out if Qiu Qi didn't cooperate.

"She won't let me go, I'm sure I'm going to die, I've never doubted that."

"But she may not care about my family, or keep them alive because I have been her dog for more than 20 years."

"So I better just die and let this end."

"But if I do something for you, or make her an enemy in the open, she will definitely attack my family, and maybe use the most extreme means to torture. I can't do that."

"As for the pain, she doesn't suffer. Only the losers suffer, such as me now."

"Kill me, I am worthless to you."

"If you don't think it's enough to relieve your anger, you can use your torture methods, which will make me more painful."

"However, I can tell you that my choice will not change." Prison Qi looked at Chen Han, then at Mu Qianye, and finally looked around at everyone in Beiliang.

At this moment, he is naked

The head, the stubble all over the face, the deep dark circles under the eyes, and the drunken expression, looked so embarrassed.

Only the eyes are so resolute, as if nothing can be shaken.

This is indeed the most persistent time in his life. As a human being, there must be a bottom line.

Chen Han nodded, but did not speak.

When a person is not afraid of death, it is true that no means are effective, so they don't have to waste any more time.

Everyone's eyes were on Mu Qianye. Of course, Mu Qianye had to do it or give an order.

"Take it down and lock it up first." Mu Qianye paused before speaking.

Soon a few man-made people at the door came over and grabbed Yuanqi's arm.

Chou Qi didn't resist either, holding the wine bottle tightly in his hand, he followed and walked outside.

As Prison Qi left completely, A Ao spoke first: "Big Sister, this person must die, right? Why..."

Prison Qi was their number one enemy some time ago, causing countless obstacles to them.

Not to mention the personal grievances between Prison Qi and Mu Qianye, there is no reason to let it go.

"Death." Mu Qianye nodded, then quickly shook his head, "But not now."

"Can we get something from him?" Miao Ying was a little puzzled.

As far as what Qiao Qi showed just now, even if the skin is completely peeled off, it is estimated that there will be no change.

That being the case, it's better to kill it, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Yes, as long as you use the right method." Mu Qianye adjusted his monocle, as if thinking.

"Tell me what you think." Chen Han walked to the conference table, found a chair, and sat down directly.

Ao and the others did the same, and found a seat at random.

Soon Mu Qianye was left standing on the field. After taking a deep breath, she slowly said, "Now we have taken down the planetary fortress, which is equivalent to eliminating all enemies in the entire Milky Way system."...

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

"At the same time, the threats will also increase. First of all, Yindis should receive the news of the failure of the support soon, or it has already received it and is sending troops to come."

"Secondly, if the news of our taking down the planetary fortress leaks, the law enforcement federations in other galaxies should not sit idly by."

"Then we don't know exactly what happened to Star Stamley and when it will come."

"The last is the Dirk Zerg. At present, there are signs of appearing in the Gray Cave System, and whether there will be one in the Tianhe System. This is a question worth considering."

"Of course, we can directly close the star gate of the Milky Way system, cut off contact with the surrounding galaxies, and concentrate on development."

"Until other galaxies build new stargates, or the Dirk Zerg makes a comeback, it may not threaten us again."

"But this is the worst policy, the most helpless choice."

"Closing the star gate can persist for one year, three years, and it is absolutely impossible to withstand five or even ten years."

"We can't keep the Milky Way system isolated from the outside world for the rest of our lives, can we? It won't develop like that."

"And, no matter what we think we are and how hard we work to make it happen."

"In the eyes of outsiders, and in the eyes of other galaxies, the Milky Way was stolen by us through improper means. It is a thief with a wrong name and bad words."

When it came to this point, Mu Qianye paused intentionally, as if he wanted everyone to digest it, and it seemed to be the language behind the organization.

Everyone, including Chen Han, nodded, and sighed in their hearts that Mu Qianye saw it very thoroughly.

Indeed, they are from gangsters, even if they control the Tianhe system, they are still gangsters, and this will never change in the eyes of outsiders.

Although they took down the Tianhe system as a bandit and created the history of Kus, there is a high probability that it will be passed down for thousands or thousands of years.

But that is all for the future, and what they will face next is endless troubles.

Because apart from the gray hole system and the few allies in Beiliang, there is no

Humans will cooperate with a galaxy run by a gang of gangsters.

After all, it's too unreliable. I don't know when this group of gangsters will be wiped out suddenly.

Without stability, how can we talk about long-term cooperation?

Over time Tianhe System will not be able to keep pace with the development of Kus.

To fall behind naturally means to be beaten until one dies.

Even if they established the Gaia Empire and had a powerful fleet, it would be difficult to change this point.

You can't always go against the entire Federation of Law Enforcers in Kus, can you? Fight endlessly? That can't last long.

Also, this is also related to the internal issues of the Milky Way.

They now have a strength that the entire Milky Way system can't compete with, and they can make all the planets submit and join the united front.

But this was all forced by force, and many planets and forces still refused to accept it in their hearts.

The main reason is that Kus has been governed and managed by the Federation of Law Enforcers for so many years. This has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it will not change because of Beiliang's short-term control.

The resistance must still exist, maybe it's just hiding in the dark.

For the time being, there will be no problems. The warships in Beiliang are here, and the deterrence is sufficient.

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【I am endlessly plundering in the interstellar age】【】

If something major happens, such as the fleet of the Law Enforcer Federation coming over in a few years, or the appearance of the Zerg, the resistance hidden inside will grow and even resist.

At that time, Beiliang will definitely be devastated, and the Tianhe system will be torn apart again.

So how can the entire Kus recognize the existence of Beiliang, and no longer look at the Tianhe system under Beiliang's management with strange eyes.

And let the inside of the Tianhe system also obey Beiliang from the heart, and share the same hatred with the enemy, which is the next biggest problem. .

banana too dog

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