MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 403 Answer

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"Thank you for the reminder, it's just this, so I won't bother you."

"When Beiliang first returned to the Tianhe system, no one was optimistic about it, so he stumbled all the way to this point."

"I really hope you can see that scene with your own eyes. Beiliang and the Tianhe system don't necessarily have to be slaughtered." Chen Han shook his head and retorted slightly.

This made Yuan Qi startled, not knowing what to reply.

Things are indeed as Chen Han said, there is no absolute in everything.

The situation that Beiliang faced was much more complicated than this, and he also made many reasonable inferences.

It now appears that those inferences are a joke.

If he really had the ability to fully understand the situation, he would not have come to this point.

"Next question." Mu Qianye interjected, they don't need to explain so much to Yuan Qi.

"Mark Group, have you cooperated with you? Since the first time? How did you hook up?" Prison Qi asked without ink.

He has been brooding about the fact that he bought 20 trillion yuan of goods but couldn't receive it at all.

If it was said that the Mark Group had nothing to do with Beiliang, he wouldn't believe it, otherwise how could they be robbed every time? How can there be such a coincidence?

It's just that he couldn't figure it out, how did a group of C-level gangsters in Beiliang get in touch with the Mark Group?

How dare the Mark Group fight against the Federation of Law Enforcers for the sake of a gang of gangsters?

This is also something that he has an answer in his mind, but is not completely sure.

Speaking of this, Chen Han suddenly smiled: "Actually, at the beginning, Beiliang really didn't know them, and being able to grab something was completely accidental."

"It's just later. If you grab more, you will establish a relationship."

"It is indeed a strategic partner now. Speaking of this, I have to thank you."

After speaking, Chen Han seemed to think of something interesting, and his smile became brighter.

If it wasn't for the face-to-face cooperation with Prison Qitan, the Mark Group would not have sent a controlling shareholder.

In that case, Beiliang would at most grab some supplies, there would be no follow-up, and there would be no present.

"Haha...hahaha..." Prison Qi laughed several times in cooperation.

It's just that there is endless bitterness in this smile.

He was obviously the one who spent the money, but the Mark Group became friends with the robbers. All of this was too dramatic.

"What's the situation with that giant power star? You should know better about this, right?" Chen Han asked casually.

But in fact, this is an issue he is more concerned about, because the Gaia exile fleet at that time was not directly in the hands of Juweixing.

Since you want to take revenge, you must first figure out your enemy.

It would be very difficult to kill Yin Disi, after all, she is the consul of a third-level civilized star system.

But if you only face one planet, the chances are still relatively high.

Prison Qi didn't have much doubts, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Understood, it is currently a level 3.8 civilization planet. If there is a planet in the Phobos system that has the best chance of breaking through to level 4, it must be Juwei Star."

"So tall? What has this planet experienced in recent years? How did it develop so fast?" Mu Qianye raised his monocle.

Chen Han also frowned deeply.

This Juwei star has improved too fast. I heard Chuxue say it before. Twenty years ago, it was around level 3, but now it is level 3.8?

"Weitu, the secretary-general of Juweixing, is very close to Yin Disi, like a son."

"Because of this, Yindis gave Juweixing a lot of convenience, treating her like an arm."

"In addition to the previous wars, we have obtained a lot of powerful technology from other galaxies, and it is inevitable to improve quickly."

"In less than ten years, Juweixing will definitely touch the threshold of a fourth-level civilized star system."

"In twenty years, Juwei Star will definitely reach the standard of a fourth-level civilization, and then the Phobos system will also become a fourth-level civilized star system."

"It can be said that the Juwei star is the most important group in the Phobos system.

It can also be said that Juweixing can represent Yin Disi in many cases. "

"What Juweixing did, where it appeared, must be instructed by Indis."

"And there is more than one planet like Phobos, there should be three or five."

"Otherwise, where do you think Yin Disi has the confidence to start a war like crazy, she is not really crazy." Prison Qi looked at Mu Qianye, then at Chen Han.

He is in a first-level civilization star system, even if he is a consul, his vision is limited, and he doesn't know how far the fourth-level civilization star system has reached.

If he was asked to name the technologies that a level 4 civilization should master, he couldn't think of a few, only that they were very strong.

And these words directly silenced Chen Han and Mu Qianye.

Although I vaguely guessed it before, but after being confirmed, my heart seemed extremely heavy again.

Because if this is the case, it will be a big trouble. How can Beiliang develop to catch up with the fourth-level civilization?

Prison Qi didn't care what Chen Han and the others were thinking, and quickly asked his question: "What method did you use to crack the planetary fortress? As far as I know, even in the Phobos system, it is difficult to have such a ability."

At the same time, Prison Qi's eyes were also on Chen Han's face. He was so confused that he never wanted to understand how all this happened, and he didn't even have time to react.

The previous questions he asked were all tentative, and he didn't ask what he cared about until he felt that what Chen Han said was the truth.

"As far as geeks, the power of geeks we have is much stronger than you imagine." Chen Han put his hand on Mu Qianye's shoulder next to him, "Actually, the cracking started many days ago, probably when the communication of the planetary fortress was cut off. Well, it’s just that you only discovered it recently.”

He wouldn't tell Yuan Qi about the number of exiles, even if Yuan Qi was a dead man in his eyes.

"Impossible, I know you geeks are stronger, but no matter how strong you are, you have a limit. You can do things that even a galaxy force can't do?" Prison Qi smiled and shook his head. He could feel Chen Han is lying to him.

A gang of geeks cracked a planetary fortress. This kind of thing is a joke no matter where it is placed.

It must have some means stronger than the third-level civilization star system, or foreign aid.

"If it's just based on our ability, it really won't work."

"However, before we started, we deliberately contacted the gray hole system to get the dynamic code framework of the planetary fortress."

"Every planetary fortress in your Law Enforcement Federation uses a framework, which comes from a fifth-level civilization planet."

"As long as one of them is simulated and cracked in advance, then cracking the second one will be more effective." Mu Qianye took the words and answered for Chen Han.

This is also true, without the help of the gray hole department, they really couldn't easily succeed.

Chen Han didn't say anything, just looked at Qiao Qi quietly with calm eyes.

"No wonder... No wonder... It's not strange... It's not strange..." Qiao Qi didn't doubt anymore, he lowered his head and continued to gurgle.

Chen Han said that relying on geeks, he doesn't believe it, but with the help of the gray hole system, it is completely possible.

It can be seen that Beiliang has indeed been preparing for this matter for a very long time.

A group of enemies with such patience and strategy, he was not wronged.

"It's time for us to ask?" Chen Han interrupted Yuan Qi's ticking.

During the previous period, their dialogue was quite harmonious, and it was time to get down to business.

"Here we are, ask quickly, before I'm drunk." Qiu Qi shook the empty bottle in his hand.

While talking, he staggered to the wine cabinet, opened a new bottle, and took a sip.

Chen Han didn't rush to speak, but gestured to Mu Qianye.

Mu Qianye nodded, making it clear.

Immediately afterwards, he took a deep breath, looked at the back of Prison Qi, and opened his mouth slightly: "In the Kusi calendar, the seventy-second era, the 7127 star year, six star months ago, you issued an order to let the person in charge of the Yuntian Starfield The Enforcer G43 fleet wiped out a group of D-class gangsters named Yuanzhiying.”


Why did you issue this order? Why deal with this gang of gangsters? Did you do it yourself, or is there a special reason? "

After talking for a period of time, the conversation is almost done, and now it is time to figure out the problem that has puzzled her for more than two years.

"Huh?" Prison Qi's back froze, and he turned his head slowly, with deep doubts in his eyes, as if he didn't understand Mu Qianye's meaning.

After all, it was still about war and Phobos just now, and now it suddenly became such a mess, which made it difficult for him to react all at once.

"Two years ago, why did you give the order to annihilate the D-level gang of Yuanzhiying?" Mu Qianye briefly repeated.

"It's been so long that I can't remember these little things."

"Besides, we are law enforcement officers. It is common to wipe out gangs. There is no reason. It must be that this gang has done something bad." Prison Qi waved his hand, with a trace of impatience in his eyes.

At the same time, he was also thinking to himself why Mu Qianye would ask such a strange thing, isn't it normal for law enforcers to fight bandits?

"Think about it carefully. Is there anything special about this group of bandits? Why did you want to exterminate them? Or what orders did you receive?" Chen Han took a step forward and guided Prison Qi to recall.

His eyes and tone of voice were extremely firm, if Qiao Qi still couldn't remember, then he would be sentenced to death.

Prison Qi noticed Chen Han's expression, realized that it was unusual, frowning and paused for more than 20 seconds.

In the end he shook his head: "I really can't remember, but law enforcement officers will leave files after any action, which records the detailed process, and I can help you find it."

He didn't know why these two people asked these questions, which made him quite curious.

"Let's find it." Chen Han nodded, keeping his gaze on Qiao Qi.

Mu Qianye remained expressionless, this might be her only chance to get close to the answer, and she didn't want to miss it.

Ao, Miao Ying and the others are equally serious, if Qiao Qi dares to play tricks on key issues, then they will really be skinned.

"Wait, let me use the system database." Liu Qi walked towards the podium with the bottle in hand.

Although the power of the planetary fortress has been restored, everything is under Beiliang's control, and he no longer has permission to remotely use any functions, he can only do it manually.

Chen Han didn't stop him, but gave up a seat for Qiao Qi to pass by.

The planetary fortress is indeed under the control of Beiliang, but many places are not yet familiar, especially the data, which is very troublesome to sort out.

Not to mention the files from a few years ago, it would take a long time to find them, it would be best if you were willing to help them look through them.

After arriving at the podium, Prison Qi called up the virtual keyboard with some unfamiliarity, and operated it clumsily.

While operating, he whispered: "7127 Star Year... Around Six Star Moon... The Annihilated Gangster... The Shadow of the Source..."

This process lasted for several minutes, during which Eleven and Piaohuo stayed beside Qiaoqi to prevent him from cheating.

"Have you found it?" Chen Han couldn't help urging, he could feel Mu Qianye's anxiety.

"No... We didn't wipe out any gangs in the Sky Starfield in this year and this month, but we attacked two groups of C-level gangs as a warning, without causing too many casualties..." Prison Qi in front of the screen shook his head, his voice filled with Puzzled, he swiped his fingers up and down.

He searched through the files for three months before and after, but he couldn't find what Chen Han and others said.

"What is this group of gangsters doing? Where is the source of the news? Could it be that they offended other gangsters and blamed it on the Federation of Law Enforcers after being killed by other gangsters?" Prison Qi asked proactively.

This kind of possibility exists, and it happens from time to time, and it is not the first time that the Federation of Law Enforcers has been blamed.

Chen Han looked at Eleven, wondering if Zhuang Qi was hiding something.

Eleven shook his head, it was watching the whole process, and it was true that Qiao Qi didn't do anything.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes were on Mu Qianye, and only Mu Qianye knew about the strange question just now.

"No, it was definitely you who did it, at the time

There were also distress signals from gang members, saying that they were attacked by law enforcement warships. "

"I've checked the relevant parameters, and they belong to your G34 fleet."

"Except for the Federation of Law Enforcers, other forces won't have battleships corresponding to your parameters, right?" Mu Qianye said firmly.

This made everyone immediately turn their attention to Qiao Qi, they must have believed in Mu Qianye.

If anyone is lying on the court, it must be Qiao Qi.

Facing the invisible pressure from the crowd, Prison Qi frowned even deeper, pacing back and forth in front of the podium.

A few seconds suddenly paused, his eyes widened: "Wait...wait...the gangster...the shadow of the source...there is no record..."

This also lifted Chen Han's spirits, and he took another step forward: "What do you remember?!"

"Yeah." Prison Qi nodded first, then took a sip of distilled wine, took a deep breath, and then said slowly, "About two and a half years ago, At that time, Indis had already started to have thoughts about the gray cave system , the Tianhe system has received the notice of war preparations, and the Federation of Law Enforcers is in the preparation period."

"So during that time, we reduced our attack on various gangs and looters a lot, and the collective was preparing, and there was really no time."

"About the fifth Xingyue, I suddenly received a text message from Yin Disi, saying that I should cooperate to wipe out a group of gangsters."

"I also gave the approximate location of the star mark of this group of gangsters. It is in the Sky Star Field. At that time, I sent the fleet under my flag to go there."

"After all, it was the old woman's order, so I have to take it seriously. You should understand this."

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