MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 389 trouble

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As for why it came out now, apart from Bu Ben not wanting to take risks, there is also the restriction that the flagship is a heavy battleship.

Because battleships are good at long-range strikes, it is very dangerous to be close.

If a line cannot be formed outside the star gate, without protection, and under fire, it is very easy to die suddenly.

So Bu Ben let the other main battleships go out first, intending to occupy the position, and then the flagship would come out and fire with all its strength, annihilating the enemy in one fell swoop.

It's just that after he actually came out, the situation in front of the star gate was completely different from what he had imagined.

None of the warships sent out could be seen, only countless empty mines and various wreckages.

Those urgent text messages that could not be sent out now also appeared in the flagship's communication channel in a swarm.

Looking at the shocking warnings and help messages, combined with the scene in front of him, the experienced Bu Ben instantly thought of what happened before, and his heart was half cold.

He had heard a little about Beiliang, a group of bandits that suddenly rose up.

Some strength, but not much.

Regarding those messy press conferences, he also probably knew about what happened in the Tianhe system.

But these things are okay to bluff ordinary people, but for a legion commander like him who has been on the battlefield for many years, it is nothing.

Why hasn't he seen such a big storm? It is no exaggeration to say that every single hair of the Phobos system is much stronger than Beiliang as a whole, and it cannot be compared.

So at the beginning, he didn't plan to bring so many reserve fleets here, it would be a waste, with this force, it would be better to put them on the main battlefield.

It was just that Edith asked him to bring enough troops, and repeatedly emphasized that there was no room for loss in the Tianhe system, so he brought a disaster-class warship.

Although he despised Bei Liang in his heart, he felt that this group of people were all young children, vulnerable to a single blow.

But in fact, Bu Ben is still cautious enough. All tactics are based on the previous tactical process, focusing on making no mistakes.

However, even if he was prepared in his heart and knew that there was an ambush in Beiliang, he never imagined that it would be so terrifying.

What happened to the battleship that came in front? Are they all dying?

Before he could figure it out, the warning sound of the artificial intelligence in the ship suddenly sounded, and then the particle shield on the ship's surface was violently attacked by various beams of light.

Bu Ben couldn't calculate the number and source of the attacks, he only knew that the outside of the fiberglass was lit up.

"How's the particle shield damage?!" Bu Ben shouted anxiously in the middle of the main control room, focusing on the radar all the time.

His hair is slightly white, with a small amount curled in front of his forehead. There are slight wrinkles on his face with Chinese characters, especially when he frowns.

"The protection value has been reduced by 27 gotts. It is expected that we will activate the shield energy recovery device for another attack like this..." the captain in front of the main console also reported anxiously, with a slightly trembling voice.

"Twenty-seven?! Attacking the source?!" Bu Ben was in disbelief, thinking he had heard it wrong.

What is the concept of twenty-seven goths? Even if each battleship can issue an attack equivalent to 0.27 Gort, it will take a hundred battleships to achieve it.

And this is obviously not a beam of light emitted from a short distance. It is most likely to be some kind of energy-level weapon, which also means that there are hundreds of warships of the heavy cavalry level or above in Beiliang.

Heavy cavalry class, their Huowei family has a great career, and they only brought two hundred ships over, but Beiliang actually has a hundred ships? Where did you get it?

"The source of the attack is 8,000 kilometers away..." the naval master replied.

This also made Bu Ben more sure of his thoughts, and he paused for a moment before speaking: "Can you launch a counterattack against the target? Have you found the enemy?"

At the same time, he looked at the densely packed empty mines on the radar. It was obvious that they had been deployed for a long time.

It was beyond his expectation that Beiliang would use such an old-fashioned way to defend.

"Still working hard, there are too many interference items around, we have to investigate."

"In addition, even if we find the target, we may not be able to attack with so many mines blocking it..." The ship master at the main console revealed helplessness everywhere.

"Can you rush out? Calculate the range of the empty mine." Bu Ben spoke quickly, and he could feel the seriousness of the matter.

Their flagship is not equipped with dimensional blitzers, and the main heavy battleships are basically useless except for running.

And he didn't consider running away during this trip, so he was only equipped with a shield energy recovery device and a dual-level main gun to maximize the long-range confrontation capability.

Now if you want to get out of the minefield, you can only rush outside with the particle shield.

"I'm afraid not. The minefield covers nearly 8,000 kilometers. At present, we have only cleared more than 2,000 kilometers of empty mines."

"With the remaining protection value of the flagship particle shield, the shield will be broken if it travels a thousand kilometers at most..." The captain shook his head and gave the relevant data as quickly as possible.

This made Bu Ben stunned. It was the first time in his life that he had encountered a battle that he could neither run nor fight, and it was too aggrieved.

However, when he was in a daze, Beiliang's attack did not stop, and it was another round of precise focus fire.

"The blow has reached twenty-five gorts, the particle shield has reached its limit, and the shield energy recovery device is activated!" The captain shouted quickly, and at the same time turned his head to look at Bu Ben's position, "Sir, we can't bear it any longer." The next hit..."

He was urging Bu Ben to make a quick decision. Although he didn't know what to do to get them out of the predicament, something had to be done.

As an experienced legion leader, Bu Ben's reaction was still extremely fast. After glancing at the wreckage floating outside the glass fiber reinforced plastic, he immediately thought of something: "Quick! Open the still life search, find the location with the most wreckage, and hide in the place where the attacker just attacked Come in the opposite direction!"

Running now is impossible to run, the time is too short, and it is not easy to fight back, so I can only find a way to hide and wait for their follow-up warships to come over before making plans.

With this order, the naval master at the main console instantly lit up and began to operate.

Still object search is also a function of the radar, but instead of targeting enemy warships, it detects other objects that will not show a signal.

For example, space junk, space rocks, and debris are generally used to clean up the battlefield.

After searching for a second, it was soon discovered that there was indeed an area around which dozens of wreckage of warships were piled up.

These are the reinforcement warships of the Huowei Department, and they were collectively destroyed here when they were hit by Beiliang's firepower in front.

As Bu Ben's flagship approached, Beiliang's third wave of attacks also hit. Most of the attacks happened to hit the wreckage, which really provided a good cover.

Originally, Bu Ben was very apprehensive, afraid that he would be killed in the next second.

It wasn't until he found that the loss of the particle shield was not much, he was relieved.

At this time, their new battleship also came out of the star gate, the Alpha-class cruiser.

The new battleship obviously didn't understand the current situation, and stood in front of the star gate for a few seconds.

Fortunately, Bu Ben sent out a communication in time to let the warship approach the flagship.

After receiving the guidance, the battleship moved quickly and merged with the flagship.

Although Beiliang launched a round of attacks during this period, it could not kill the cruiser directly.

Moreover, the wreckage can block a relatively wide range, which is more than enough for the two battleships to avoid the next attack.

Seeing the blue dots representing his companions on the radar, Bu Ben's whole body was refreshed.

It's not that they don't have Alpha-class and heavy cavalry-class warships anymore, it's just that they haven't been sent over in one breath.

Now that the flagship comes out, the subsequent Alpha and Heavy Cavalry classes will follow.

The approximate number is ten Alpha-class ships, and about a hundred heavy cavalry-class ships.

This is also the last main force of the Huowei Department's reinforcements. Whether Beiliang can be killed depends on these.

Although the front was severely damaged and more than 200 warships were sent for nothing, Bu Ben still had confidence in the next battle.

Even without the fleet data from Beiliang, Bu Ben can judge from the attack that most of Beiliang are heavy cavalry-class warships, and they all use relatively poor Type I weapons.

There is still a big gap in the main forces of the two sides. Their Alpha-class battleships are equipped with Type III weapons, and their disaster-class flagships are equipped with Type IV weapons. There is an irreparable gap.

As long as the flagship can be stabilized, relying on the wreckage on the field as a cover, organize friendly warships, and gradually form a scale, it will soon be able to counterattack.

Fang Buben has already thought about it. If there is no dimensional lightning striker, he will stay in the minefield, rely on the cover of the wreckage, and defend and counterattack.

If you have a dimensional lightning striker, just go out and provide pressure assistance from the outside.

In this way, the internal and external cooperation will surely annihilate Beiliang.

At this time, Bu Ben was even more grateful for his decision, and deliberately put the flagship in the middle.

Because he came out one step earlier and there was no wreckage as a cover, there was absolutely no way out of Beiliang's concentration of fire.

It doesn't matter if you come out late, there will be no flagship to command, and all the battleships in front will be given away for nothing, and the remaining disaster-level flagship will not change anything.

Thinking of this, Bu Ben gradually became firmer in his heart. After the short-term predicament, the situation became clear instead, just wait.

Of course, he didn't wait, but let the flagship fire and gave the order to clear the empty mines.

Idle is also idle, it is better to use the existing firepower to prepare for the follow-up.

There seem to be quite a lot of empty mines on the field, and the time required to destroy them all is beyond imagination.

But he doesn't need to destroy everything, just attack in one direction and open a path, and then he can rush out along it.

Equipped with several heavy-duty live-ammunition secondary guns, Bu Ben's flagship can clear the empty mines very quickly.

Because the projectile will not stop after detonating the air mine, it will fly over and continue to detonate the next air mine until it completely deviates from the direction.

Often a projectile can achieve the effect that several lasers can achieve.

Coupled with the use of various missiles and the cooperation of a cruise ship nearby, the efficiency of clearing the air mines was directly maximized, and several or even dozens of air mines were detonated every second.

The most important thing is that Bu Ben suddenly contacted the twenty heavy cavalry-class assault ships that escaped before, knowing that they had gathered together and were on standby.

This made Bu Ben overjoyed. If there were 20 more heavy cavalry ships on his side, the chances of winning would undoubtedly be greatly increased, and the room for maneuvering would be much larger.

Originally, Bu Ben wanted these warships to come over to put pressure on Bei Liang, and to help him distract the enemy.

But after hearing these warships say that Beiliang has long-range cracking methods, and ten warships have been controlled by Beiliang, he dismissed this idea.

The main reason is that the strength of the Fire Guards Department in the minefield is not enough, and the minefield has not been opened up. The pressure that can be caused from the outside is limited, and it doesn't make much sense.

If the harassment fails and the twenty assault ships are still under control, then there will be a big problem.

So after thinking about it, he just kept these warships in touch and continued to stand by.

At the same time, he ordered the geeks in the flagship to increase the protection level of the security system, and the new warships should also be careful.

However, what he couldn't understand was how could Beiliang have such means?

A group of gangsters actually forcibly controlled the fleet of the Phobos Law Enforcer Federation by means of remote cracking? How strong is that geek power?

Although they are only a reserve team, the defense system is so-so.

But all of this is also extraordinary, and it cannot be done by conventional technology.

It seems that Beiliang still has some things that the Phobos Department does not know. When this incident is over, he will have to report it to Edith no matter what...

While Bu Ben was doing the choreography, Chen Han felt a headache.

Because the wreckage in the center of the minefield caused them great trouble, blocking all attacks.

No matter how they adjust the ballistic position, they can't hit the target.

It is impossible to destroy the enemy's flagship, and even the new warships cannot be hit.

This was something that Chen Han and Mu Qianye did not calculate in advance, and it was completely unexpected.

It's also my fault that they didn't pay attention when they attacked before. They hit the battleship when they saw it, and they hit it when they saw it. Invisibly, they provided the best cover for the follow-up enemies.

Unless they collectively go around to the other side of the minefield and attack from the back, they will not be hindered.

But the problem is that it takes time to go around, a few minutes or even ten minutes may be possible.

After all, it is a collective transfer, and it is not easy to navigate and adjust the position.

Before the war, the time was not a problem. Now a warship will come out of the star gate every ten seconds, and ten minutes means dozens of They were able to go so smoothly before because the enemy ships came out once. Fight one ship at a time, leaving the enemy ship alone forever.

If dozens of warships from the Phobos system suddenly appeared in the minefield and formed a large scale, it is hard to say what will happen next.

Not to mention that the warships that have come out so far are all Alpha-class, and I don’t know how many more are coming.

Dozens of Alpha-class ships stay together, even in a minefield, it is a force that cannot be ignored, and it is gradually unable to handle it.

The most important thing is that these warships are constantly destroying minefields at this time. With the destructive power of disaster-class warships, it is impossible to calculate how much will be destroyed in ten minutes, and it is not certain that they can rush out directly.

In the final analysis of all these problems, they still lack firepower, and the energy-level weapons of the rest of the warships are too weak, giving the enemy flagship time to react.

If those two rounds of concentrated fire can directly kill this disaster-level heavy battleship, there will be no follow-up troubles.

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