MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 2385 Should not be the result

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The latest website: At this moment, An Lin really realized what kind of force and what kind of force Cyrillic was facing.

The endless light brings endless pressure. Not only is the energy level in an invincible state, but even the number of primordial rays is infinite, and it cannot be completely resisted. This level of blow is enough to make all the creation gods despair.

The emergence of the broken Heavenly Sword has even increased the lethality of the God of Light to an unsolvable level, enough to destroy the defense of any opponent!

Even An Lin's eternal darkness is no exception.

An Lin felt that there was a sword, the endless sword, and a sword that was sharp enough to split everything. He was crushing all the swordless sword powers, and split it towards his body.

At this moment, he felt that what he was facing was no longer a sword, but a universe full of destruction and despair, and he was about to fall to his death with him.

The terrible attack of the goddess of light was beyond An Lin's imagination.

If it was Anlin, who had never transformed, he would have died at this moment. But now, An Lin's face still had no fear, and his pupils flashed extremely sharp light instead.

Darkness was divided and repelled by the broken heavenly sword, and forced Anlin's body back again.

The living beings were tense at this moment, and the heart beat seemed to stop at this moment.

They were wondering what kind of darkness Anlin was going to use to deal with this desperate attack, but Anlin took down the dark ring behind him with the attention of everyone!

Then he threw the ring like a wheel towards the split sword!

"You have your broken heavenly sword, and I have my ring of dark nine sources!"

boom! !! !!

The colorful darkness burst out at this moment.

The collision between the two instantly burst the void of tens of thousands of miles!

Dark impact on the invincible broken heavenly sword, let its slashing stop, the contact surface continued to erupt into an unimaginable entanglement of energy.

The look of the goddess of light changed.

It shouldn't be like this, her strongest move shouldn't be blocked.

The broken sword of Heaven and Heaven merged with the infinite Guangguang, but even Cyril, who was at the peak of the fighting power in the early continent, could kill one sword with an invincible move!

Not only was the Dark Nine Source Ring not hacked, but it was quickly turned and cut against the giant blade, and wanted to cut the broken Heavenly Sword into two halves from the middle.

Light is a sword, and dark is a wheel. Their collision once again becomes a picture engraved on the continent of Taichu, which is extremely magnificent.

An Lin and the goddess of light are deadlocked again.

This is not the result the Goddess of Light wants to see.

At this time, she did not want to see anything happen.

A Tianqing dragon tore open Taichuguang, a colorful Suzaku fluttered across the sky, and hit billions of mighty powers against the chest of the goddess of light.

"Creation of the world, dragon finch!" Xu Xiaolan burst out of all the power in the body, and launched the strongest attack on the goddess of light!

The Goddess of Light focused all her strength on dealing with An Lin, and naturally ignored Xu Xiaolan, who could barely compete with Tai Chuguang.

"Hmm ...!"

Suzaku went up first, followed by Qinglong, and the sparrows opened the world and smashed on the millions of feet of the goddess of light, and the extremely powerful source of sparrows broke out!

The shock of terror made the goddess of light pain in the chest, and she could not help moving. At this time, Tina had rushed to her, and the sword of the world in the mirror of the hand sent out countless kinds of sources.

"This is the last battle ..."

"Lend me all your power!"

Tina's long blonde hair danced wildly, and her green eyes reflected everything in the world of the mirror. As far as her eyes were concerned, it was the goddess of light who was powerful enough to look out on the world.

At this moment, not only the source of the magic mirror, but also the sources of all the creation gods growing in the world of the mirror, such as Black Stone and Tianyi, broke out and merged on the sword of the mirror world!

This sword not only represents Tina's absolute combat power, but also the ultimate cut that combines the top combat power of the entire Mirror World. The mirror is like the sky and the source is like the sea, as if countless gods hold the sword at the same time, facing the light The goddess fell in anger.

"Hmm ..." The body of the goddess of light was torn open.

Her figure went backwards again.

This is not multiple injuries, but the balance of her battle with An Lin was broken at this moment. Xu Xiaolan and Tina are obviously super top powers qualified to participate in the battle, which has become a very serious matter.

The broken heavenly sword was hit by the dark goddess of light because of the distraction of the goddess of light. The darkness of the nine gods of the ring was more than offensive. They pulled out a dark wheel that divided the sea of ​​light in the beginning, and cut across the waist of the light goddess.

Hum ...

A tearing sound.

The waist of the goddess of light was cut by darkness. The ultimate light inside wanted to purify and pierce the darkness, but the darkness was eternal, and it stiffly resisted the impact of light. Not only that, it also cuts with extreme darkness, dividing all the light inside into two halves!

From the outside, the goddess of light was intercepted by the dark source of darkness in the blink of an eye!

Beat the water dog!

Rumble ...

Darkness surging madly, quickly swallowing Taichu, who was in a disadvantaged position.

Most of the world is covered by darkness.

"Our combat power and weapons are similar, but I'm still better than you, because I still have Xiao Lan and Tina!" An Lin smiled proudly, guarding the Nine Source Ring of Darkness, and was about to unload the goddess of light by eight pieces!

The Goddess of Light responded extremely quickly, pulling back the broken Heavenly Sword at an incredible speed, blocking it in front of the Dark Nine Source Ring and resisting the lethal attacks of the Dark Nine Source Ring.

Xu Xiaolan and Tina pushed forward again, harassing and assaulting from both wings. The Goddess of Light was unexpectedly calm, and did not rush to fight back and retaliate. Instead, she focused on the defense and actually stabilized her position.

The torn body was re-spliced ​​and healed under the singularity of the first light, and the internal mirror particles and eternal darkness were completely cleaned up.

Anlin, Xu Xiaolan, Tina, and the three attacked together. Although the situation prevailed, the next attack could not leave new scars on the goddess of light.

Yes, An Lin they can't win.

But there was no trace of joy on the goddess of light.

The sky is still broken.

Heaven is still moving towards annihilation.

An Lin, they are not in a hurry, because they know that at this moment dragging the goddess of light, they will win in the end ...

"It shouldn't be like this ..."

"I have transformed to the pinnacle of strength."

"This is not the result I want ..."

There was a resentment and resentment on the face of the goddess of light.

"Sky's anger, sky's pain, sky's sorrow, shouldn't just end like this ..."

"In order to make billions of beings remorse and remember ..."

The absolute look ~ ~ gradually appeared on the flawless face of the goddess of light.

She looked at the dark Jiuyuan ring that was flying towards her again, thinking that the broken Heavenly Sword that was resisting suddenly changed direction.

Jiuyuan Huanlu.

The goddess of light was cut from the chest with huge black marks.

The billions of sentient beings watching the battle, at this moment, their eyes widened.

They all saw a strange and incredible scene.

It's not because An Lin hit the goddess of light again.

It was the extreme blade, the broken heavenly sword that could kill everything, and suddenly pierced the heart of the goddess of light.


It is the goddess of light! !!

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