MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 2355 Difficult for 1 party, 8 party support

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A blue water column descended from the sky, and fell fiercely on a dark flame of a flame, blasting the dark flame of the body hundreds of miles into the ground, and even the flame that can burn the spirits was poured out by this water pillar. , Dripping into falling soup fish.

Xiaolan Ni came down from the sky, and a fish tail flew the fastest red Lei Xianpeng fan hundreds of miles like a banana fan.

"Extreme Astrology, Sky and Sea Wall !!"

Xiaolan Ni's white arms stretched left and right, and the sea surged from the ground to form an upright ocean, grounded in the sky, and the endless force of water merged into the sea, turning that ocean into a defense of the supreme water.

Seeing the endless sea standing in front of them, more than a dozen giant beasts of flood and wildness couldn't make a detour at all, but had to bump into the ocean one after another.

礴 The endless resistance in the ocean makes them feel as if they are bumping into an endless viscous liquid, which is difficult to break through in a short time.

Pu Lan Xiaoni blocked a wave of offensive and turned her eyes to Anlin's direction. Her eyes were full of worries and anxieties. Until Shangguanyi came to Anlin's side, she was slightly relieved and relieved.

Shangguanyi stands between An Lin and the goddess of life, a cold source of energy surging and clear, a large snowflake-shaped array formed under the slender feet, looking up at the goddess of life: "With me, you can't even hurt An forest!"

The goddess of life feels the majestic and vast source of coldness of Shangguanyi, and her teeth creak: "There is no end to it? Is there no end to it? One after another comes out and bullies us?"

冷静 "Calm down, you have to calm down your life!" Tian Tian was anxious.

"We don't have to fight with them for this tone, we can win if we drag on! Anlin is dead, and absolutely can't be saved!" The **** of the sea was afraid that the goddess of life would rush out and desperately calm down.

But at this moment, an exclamation sounded.

"Ah! The treatment is effective! Giant Anlin, Giant Anlin, how are you feeling?" Tina looked at the Anlin who was gradually recovering, her eyes were red, she said ecstatically, exquisite jade His face lay on An Lin's face, and his sharp ears trembled, expressing his joy.

Ocean Tenjin: "..."

Sky God: "..."

女 Goddess of life: "Shut up for me !!!"

The goddess of life was so angry that her pupils stared at An Lin, and her intention of killing became more and more vigorous, but for the time being, she did not take any action.

Because of the extremely cold breath released by the official art, the goddess of life was forced to calm down.

Wu Anlin slowly opened her eyes and saw the crystal white snow blade that pierced her body and the elves who had done everything to treat him, her heart was greatly touched.

Seeing Shang Guanyi standing in front of him and Lan Xiaoni, who was standing against the giant monster in the back, his eyes were red: "Xiao Xie, Xiao Na, Brother Lan, sister Shangguan ... Thank you ..."

The goddess of life exploded: "Damn Anlin, don't eat soft rice if you can!"

Wu Anlin: "?????"

"I can eat soft rice is my ability, what lemon do you eat?" An Lin immediately sneered and went back, bright and honest, with a clear conscience, pride in words.

The goddess of life was silent.

The pretty faces of Lan Xiaoni and Shangguanyi were slightly red.

But remembering An Lin's injury, they did not say much after all.

At this time, above Bai Qionghai.

Ji Tianyi looked at Moral Celestial with curiosity: "Aren't you going to help them?"

The moral gods smiled and said with a smile: "It's almost OK, and if I fight the goddess of life again, I will be bitten by the heavens ..."

He's not the reckless husband of the candlestick ancestor, the fight is all instinct. Before he shot, he knew where he was fighting against heaven, and how he could avoid the backfire of heaven.

If you hit the goddess of life again, then the backwash of heaven he suffered will be more terrible than the backwash of heaven God suffered by the ancestor of Candle Yin! Moral Tianzun wants to help An Lin and the rest of the souls of the Taichu Continent, but has not yet reached the point of permanently damaging his genesis in order to help the Taichu Continent.

This calamity, this catastrophe, after all, is not a battlefield dominated by him.

"The Lord Goddess is calling me, I will go first." Tianyi said goodbye to the moral deity, and then fluttered his tail toward the land of creation.

At this time, the land of creation.

With dozens of wild monsters in the wild, under the bombardment of successive spells, they finally showed signs of breaking through the mask and the sea wall released by Lan Xiaoni.

Xiao Lan Ni bit her teeth tightly, and wanted to push the water ring of the limit again.

"Lan Alliance Lord, I'll wait to help you!" Liu Jin released the red ink source gas, condensed into a sky-sharp sword, severely fell on one of the rock demon, and the rock demon who wanted to force the wall The arm was cut off.

The black stone held a silver gun, like a galaxy that fell in nine days, and split it on a red feather Jinwu, which split the Jinwu directly from the sky onto the earth.

The three living creatures appeared around a jellyfish covering the jellyfish. They were intrigued. They constantly used current to disturb the jellyfish, and even playfully cut off the jellyfish's tentacles, like a bear child with three heads.

三个 The three of them are creation gods who have been fighting to exhaustion, but it ’s no problem for one person to hold one or two flood monsters. Before, I felt that one person was facing a group of flood monsters, so I did n’t dare to intervene.

But now it ’s different. They are a group. This kind of strength and weight is different, not to mention the two thighs of Mo Yu and Tian Yi! !!

Xiao Lan Ni, who had faced more than a dozen flood monsters, was under a lot of pressure. Now that there are so many creators to help, she is finally relieved.

"Ha ha ... An Lin Daoyou can have such friends to help, I can rest assured ..." The candlelight ancestor who was lying on the ground by nearly a hundred flood beasts, seeing this scene, pleased and relieved to reveal Smiled.

At this time, Xiaoxie once again completed the anti-celestial feat, purifying the power of death and the power of annihilation in Anlin's body and pulling Anlin back from the death line.

The majestic magic power of the vastness began to quickly repair his injury.

"Thank you, Xiaoxie." An Lin pulled out the sword of victory, showing gratitude.

"Da silly, you are really a man who doesn't bother you. If you are hurt so badly, I won't save you anything ..." Xiaoxie's voice came to ~ ~ looks very angry, But the voice was getting weaker, obviously tired ...

Lu Anlin looked at the distressed, golden light came out of his hand, and pressed against the sword, and the magical energy of the soldiers was poured into the sword of victory.

嗯 "Hmm ... Dad ... you ..."

"Don't talk, pay attention to feelings!"

Lu Anlin interrupted by speaking, and it was another source of magic soldiers against Shengxie Sword.

"Don't do this! I don't want this thing!" Xiao Xiejiao hummed.

"You have run out of power to save me, let me do something for you, too." Anlin said he gave Xiaoxie another source of magic.

嗯 "Hmm ... no ... don't ..." Shengxie's blade trembled slightly.

An Anlin paused.

"Don't stop ..." The small evil voice was like a mosquito.