MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 2339 ? Infinite Golden Glory Palm

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The dense demon in the sky heard this sound as if it had suffered some serious damage, and they fell like rain.

With a sound of Buddha, clean up everything!

The monks and buddhas in the western Buddhist country who are deeply in a hellish scene, when they hear the sound of the Buddha, are at first confused, and then instinctively feel peace of mind, no longer fear, no despair, as if the bliss and hope are near.

"What the **** happened? Why did this horrible sky suddenly turn golden?"

"The sound sounds so comfortable, and not only that, but also the words of thousands of demons. Does it contain the sound of the highest Buddha?"

"Look! The rising golden light on the ground is starting to change shape!"

The monks looked at the world that suddenly changed color, they were all excited and couldn't help it. Although they do not know where this powerful power comes from, they know that this power belongs to their Buddhism, which is the hope of the western Buddhist nation! !!

The old nest of the demon family, inside the black hollow.

Five headless slayers, seeing the huge golden characters on the ground, actually expanded with their old nest as the center, and suddenly felt bad.

"Destroy it!"

One of them peered out.

"Roar ... kill !!"

Dozens of giant demon and five peerless demon, the "" character rushing to the ground at the same time, the power of terror is like the ocean and the waves, unstoppable!

However, at this time, the infinite golden light rose from the golden characters, began to condense, and finally formed a huge golden palm that stretched for 30,000 miles.

As soon as the golden palms came out, everything in the heavens and the earth was shrouded in a strange rule of Buddhism. Countless golden lines spread and shrouded in the heavens and the earth, interspersed in multi-dimensional space, forming the sacred rule of heaven and earth.

The demons found in horror that their speed had slowed down, and some even seemed to have touched some restraints, their bodies turned into a pool of liquid naturally, and before the screams could be issued, they fell.

"Drop the butcher knife ..."

The reproduction of the Buddha's voice is still unhurried and soaked in everything.

Bang bang ...

Except for the Peerless Demon, all the weapons in the Demon's hands, as well as the claw fangs, have been broken by unknown forces!

"Return to heaven ..."

The sound of the Buddha sounded again.

Immediately after that, the huge golden palm of thirty thousand miles began to shoot towards the sky. After it moved, before the palm reached, the power of terror had distorted the space, and the demons could not bear the coercion in the palm like a firework burst out.

In this palm, the demons did not feel any intention of killing. It contains immense power of light and infinite compassion. It just wants to tell the demons that wherever you come from, you go back. This is not where they stay!

In fact, it can be summarized into one word, that is:


This is the Palm of Compassion in Golden Light!

One demon exploded in situ.

The mighty giant demons wanted to tear this palm and release powerful attacks one after another, but those attacks did not touch the palm of their hands, they were broken down into strange light by the strange Buddha light, and they did not know where to go.

Immediately afterwards, the giant demon was pierced by the Buddha's light and fell on the spot.

"Kill! Let's break it together!" The five-faced Peerless Demon's face in the black hollow has changed dramatically, and he has teamed up to release the extinct purple flame.

The extinct purple flames converge into one, and in one foot you can set foot on the giant purple flame demon head of this Buddhist super city in front of you, and slam it down on that palm!

The hugeness of the Ziyan Devil has exceeded the imagination of all monks and Buddhas. But the immense amount of compassion is even bigger, 30,000 miles!

Facing the fist of Ziyan Demon's head, Jinguang's palm didn't react at all, and continued to shoot towards the sky, then the collision of fist and palm, Jinguang and Ziyan fought wildly!

Just one second later, Ziyan was pierced by golden light, and the tens of thousands of miles of Ziyan Demon were smashed in screams without any chance of turning over.

"Our joint attack was broken? How is this possible ?!"

Peerless demons were shocked.

"How could there be such a level of existence in the western Buddhist nation?"

No one can answer their words, the only one who can answer them is the palm of compassion!


The Peerless Demon, who was forced to die forever, was torn into the ink by the palm strength, and had no time to resist, and was shot back with a slap.

Even the three Peerless Demon who once let the Maitreya fall and fall out of the old nest, were lost to the thumb of the golden palm of compassion.

The huge golden palms did not disappear after crushing all the demons, and they were invincible all the way, and continued to shoot down the black hollow of that demon's nest!

Bang! !!

Under an indescribable burst, the palms of the palms fell, the sky trembled, and the golden shock swung 100,000 miles! Under the golden compassion of immeasurable golden light, the black void quickly shrinks, ruptures, and finally turns into nothingness and returns to heaven!

This palm can exterminate hundreds of millions of monsters and save the heavens!

All monks and buddhas in the western Buddhist countries can see the golden light of the sky, the light full of hope and compassion, the horrible and scary heavenly demon, and all of them disappear in the golden light.

At the time when all the demons were in power, the "" symbol on the earth seemed to be exhausted ~ ~ disappeared with the giant palm in the sky.

Everything in the world is quiet.

Without the roar of the demon, without the scream of the monk and Buddha.

There is only a city with thick smoke and clear night sky.

The monks and buddhas who are fighting with the demon, the demon beside him has long been wiped out. They looked at the clean night sky and were completely cleared of the demons. They couldn't help tears in their eyes, and even though they played down their passions, they still couldn't stop leaving tears.

"It's over, it's over ... I thought our bliss world would be turned into dust. I didn't expect that we could live ..."

"Did all the enemies be solved with a single palm? This ... Which true Buddha is this? How could there be such a powerful Buddha?"

"Amitabha Buddha in the south ... from **** to bliss, it was just a moment, a word of universal sentiment, a palm to turn the sky, only he can do it ..."

The vast majority of monks and buddhas are just trembling and shaking.

However, some Buddhas have turned their attention to the core of the western Buddhist nation, and worshipped in that direction respectfully and reverently.

Bursts of Buddha sounds began to echo the world.

The gods of the heavens began to recite scriptures at the same time. Numerous golden Sanskrit texts were set on the top of the sky, which illuminated the whole night land, sacred and peaceful.

Disasters all over the western bliss began to fade away, and it seemed to be surpassing those dead monks. A ray of golden light rose from the ground and hovered in the sky ...

Unconsciously, when looking at the sky, the billions of beings in the Elysium seem to see an endless true shadow of the true Buddha. It sits on the top of the sky, boundless in height, endlessly golden, and infinitely meritorious!

"Namo Amitabha……"

"He is our Buddha ..."

"Sakyamuni Buddha!"

Read The Duke's Passion