MTL - I Might Be A Fake Cultivator-Chapter 11 Anlin's peach robbery

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An Lin’s face was a little hot, and the whole person was stunned by Su’s words.

For a long time, he recovered from the words of Su Shaoyun, and asked with some surprise: "Hey? Is that the cockroach on the Guanghan Palace? Is she your sister?"

"Well, it’s not a sister, it’s a sister."

"She is good to me, my best friend."

As soon as he mentioned it, Su Xiaoyun’s face also had a smile.

Anlin also came to the interest. He did not expect the legendary shackles on the earth to exist in this world.

Anlin couldn't help but think about it. He then asked: "Is there still a rabbit that will take drugs, and a man who cuts trees every day."

"Ah, the rabbit you said is Xiaoyue, it is alchemy on the moon palace."

"Also, the Guanghan Palace is clearly stipulated, prohibiting all men from stepping on. You said that there are men cutting trees there, how is it possible!" Su Xiaoyun replied with a smile.

"This way." Annlin nodded.

It seems that the actual situation here, and the legends on the earth still have some discrepancies.

"After that, isn't it a husband and wife?" Anlin continued to be curious.

"How is it possible, my sister is the first beauty in heaven, and the person chasing her can go from heaven to Donghai Longting, how can she see a fairy who will only shoot the moon."

"Shooting the moon?" Anlin was even more embarrassed this time.

"Because there are too many people to chase her sister, she has set a rule, that is, who can shoot the bow and arrow on the moon, and is qualified to see her." Su said.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this," Anlin said. "Is he then shot the arrow on the moon palace?"

Su Xiaoyun shook his head: "No, I heard that he persisted for nine years. In the end, he seemed to have realized the bow and arrow avenue, broke through the celestial celestials, and then left happily."

An Lin: "..."

This is too different from the post-impression of his impression, which makes him really unable to vomit.

"So how did you become sisters with you?"

"This has to be said when I was five years old. At that time, my sister came to Zixingzhou to collect the cold water and pass the Aoki Royal Palace..."

Originally, Anlin just asked me casually. Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoyun was unprepared and told her about her kindness.

Su Xiaoyun said very seriously that she was seen by her as a child when she was a child. When she grew up, she and her little bit of things, regardless of size, said to An Lin.

The more Anlin listened, the more he became uneasy.

Hello, hello, you trust me too much?

Even when you go to the moon palace every time, when you meet each other, what do you kiss and tell me?

Wait, at the age of sixteen, I still hold you to sleep! ?

Anlin realized that he seemed to hear something unreasonable.

In order to avoid himself suffering from innocent disasters because he knew too much, he quickly stopped Su Shuyun to continue to speak.

Anlin was a bit shameful, and this Su Shiyun told him everything, too unscientific.

And what did he ask, what did Su Xiaoyun say, and did he have the consciousness of the first goddess?

At this moment, a guess could not help but rise in the heart of An Lin.

Is she a natural stay?

"Hey, hey, let's say we still have to hurry and learn." Anlin suggested with helplessness.

Suddenly interrupted by Anlin, Su Xiaoyun was not angry. Instead, he smacked "hmm", then put his hands on the table and waited quietly for the content that Anlin would teach next.

Seeing her appearance at this time, an idea suddenly appeared in the mind of An Lin.

After a struggle, he still wanted to give it a try.

"Let's try to say some simple short sentences below," Anlin said solemnly.

After that, he wrote two short sentences on the paper, and then said: "The following is the simplest structure of the subject and the guest, you follow me."

"Okay, I will definitely read it carefully." Su Xiaoyun concentrated on it.


"Iloveyou." The soft voice of the human heart rang again.

"I love you (Mandarin)."

"I love you (Mandarin)." Su Xiaoyun followed the words one word at a time.

Anlin only felt the blood rushing, and the whole person was about to get excited and fainted.

Oh, the goddess confessed to me...

Anlin smirked at the side.

"You smile so happy, am I reading very well?"

Su Xiaoyun saw Anlin’s face with a smile, and some asked happily.

Anlin returned to God and nodded again and again: "You read very well, but I think you can still read it a few times, familiar with familiarity..."

"Well, ok, what do you mean by this sentence?" Su Xiaoyun was curious.

When finished, how can I explain to her?

This time Anlin was dumbfounded and said that the impulse was the devil. He realized at this time how to explain the meaning of the word with Su Chaoyun is a big problem!

After a battle between heaven and earth, Anlin could only bet on Su Xiaoyun as a girl with a simple mind.

I just teach you a simple subject-speaking phrase, please be sure to believe!

"This is the meaning of 'I love you,'" Anlin said with a serious statement.

"Oh, it turned out that I love you." Su Xiaoyun nodded his head and nodded.

But then, she seemed to realize what was in I was most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, this silent atmosphere seems to be brewing something...

Anlin is very nervous. He just wants to make a joke. I hope she doesn't take it seriously.

Ok... Annlin admits that he chose this phrase as a sentence to teach Su Xiaoyun. There are indeed some thoughts about death.

Hey, who told his sister that the property suddenly awakened, and the block could not stop.

Anlin looked at Su Xiaoyun with some uneasiness. She saw the mist of her blue eyes, the red face of the blown bullets became red, and her lips were close to her lips.

Anlin began to regret it and quickly explained: "I am only teaching you grammar. Nothing else, don't misunderstand!"

Su Xiaoyun looked up and stared at An Lin, a grievance, but nowhere to complain.

She licked her small lips and shouted with a crying cry: "My sister is right, the man really doesn't have a good thing..."

What kind of feeling is it when a woman who is a prosperous woman is tearful to you?

My God, so cute! ! !

Anlin’s blood spurts, and is actually excited to lack oxygen, and then his eyes are black, fainting in the past...

Su Xiaoyun didn't know her expression, how much damage it caused to Anlin!

When she saw that An Lin suddenly fainted, her nose was still bleeding, and she could not help but be on the spot.

"An Lin, are you okay?"

"Wake up, don't scare me."

Seeing that Anlin still did not respond, Su Shaoyun panicked, thinking that she had said something before, it hurts too much, and Anlin is fainted.

So she was embarrassed, carrying Anlin and going to the infirmary...

Read The Duke's Passion