MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 211 I am already dead

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  Chapter 211 I am already dead

  The content of this document is a bit inexplicable, and it makes people confused.

   And players are 100% sure that this is something that the original didn't have.

   So... is this what's new in VR?


   Todd Pearson?

   Is it a pure passerby or an NPC with a plot?

   It looks like it is dead, does that mean there is no follow-up?

   And you can't name it, what does it mean that you can't call it by name?

   Didn't say it twice on purpose and what does it mean? Is there something that dies if said twice?

   What's even weirder is, why did he repeatedly emphasize his name?

   And while talking, the name is still wrong? And the more mistakes the more outrageous!

  The sealed log cabin...

   Speaking of which, the players in front of the screen noticed that the male NPC in the room said the word more than once.

   Could it be that there is some meaning in it?

  Seeing this, the players were a little confused.

   But they didn't think too deeply.

  Because it is a real machine demonstration, these things do not require too much attention.

  It’s just a video, what can you find?

   It’s better to wait for the game to be released and explore the plot by yourself, maybe it will be understood naturally by then.

  Thinking of this, the players once again turned their attention to the video.

   After all, this is an emergency situation!

  The main perspective in the game was put down after reading the document.

  At this moment, time can also flow and return to its original state.

  The voice of the man in the room sounded again, and he seemed to have forced himself to calm down.

  [I know what that is...]

  [Because of you, it knows that there is prey in the sealed wooden house...]

  [We can't escape anymore]

   As soon as the man finished speaking, the sharp scream came again.

  The ear-piercing sound was unbearable, and the accompanying movement became more and more intense.

  The next second, two bangs, the bulb shattered, and the light went out.

  The entire wooden house, both inside and outside, was plunged into darkness, with only a little bit of light to vaguely see things.

   Immediately afterwards, the wooden house trembled suddenly as if an earthquake had occurred, making the protagonist unable to stand still, so he had to cling to the wall to prevent falling.

   [lights off. it wants to come in bastard]

  [I've sealed the whole house and now we're canned meat.Damn it.]

  [I want to live. I want to go back to the village...I want to go home...]


  Following the soft sound of a gun, the man's voice seemed a bit deathly.

[Hey! inside! What’s wrong with you! ]

  The main perspective suddenly opened, and quickly stepped forward to approach the wooden door.

  The game also has a button reminder at this moment, indicating that pressing this button can push the door.

  The protagonist obeyed without saying anything, and immediately grabbed the doorknob with his hand, wanting to enter the room to meet the man.

   But he found that the door couldn't be pushed open at all.

   It seems to be blocked by something inside, or...sealed.

  And...the sound of pushing the door, directly made the man in the room feel like a frightened bird... fired a shot...


  In an instant, a huge gunshot pierced through the wooden door in front of the protagonist, sending debris flying.

   This also symbolizes that the weapons of the men in the house are absolutely powerful.

  Simply, this did not hurt the protagonist.

[Hey! calm down! it's me! People just outside! ]

  The protagonist roared, and the game seamlessly entered the real-time calculation animation at this moment.

  When the players in front of the screen saw this, they knew that the game had started a storyline.

   Next, it is to witness a pre-arranged story development.

   But on the other hand, the players also felt a little emotional.

  The protagonist can speak, and the protagonist can finally shout from the air.

  In the original version of "Dark Forest", the protagonist only has evaluation lines for environmental things and specific lines for talking to NPCs.

   It will never be like this, suddenly speaking in a loud and colorful way.

   This makes players feel that the original protagonist is a little taciturn, not good at expressing, and is a walking dead.

   Now, look at this plot performance, look at this real-time calculation, look at the image performance of this NPC and the spoken lines of the protagonist himself.

   Finally, the players felt that the protagonist was alive, as if he had flesh and blood.

  This remake is getting more and more exciting and anticipating!

  Especially in this huge night event, God knows how dangerous it would be without weapons!

  If it weren't for the presence of an NPC in the room, the scene of the earthquake alone would probably scare people into incontinence!


   There was another gunshot, and with it, the sound of planks cracking.

   But not in front of the protagonist, because the bullet holes are still there.

  No accident, the man in the room fired his gun outward.

   Moreover, I am afraid that he also broke the wooden board he used to seal the window!

  [You are still alive, very good, the outside is left to you, and it must be prevented from coming in! ]


[listen! Once it gets in, we'll die terribly! It will pull our spines out... Our flesh will be eaten clean by its parasitic larvae...]


[damn it! I shouldn't have come out to Pearson...I shouldn't have come out to him...God...God...! ]


   One after another gunshots came from the room.

  The man's voice also seemed a little hasty and hysterical, and his sanity seemed to be slowly fading away.

  The players in front of the screen were a little surprised.

  What did this NPC just say?

   Shouldn't he be out looking for Pearson?


   After a long time, the man in the room came out to find Pearson on the note!

   I just didn't expect to fall into this danger.

   Banshee, this monster is difficult to say, but easy to say, the difference lies in whether the player is a veteran or a novice.

  In the original game, the Banshee’s appearance is similar to that in the VR demo, and she quietly enters the shelter with the scalp-numbing footsteps.

   But when it appears, there will be crows circling and screaming in the sky, and it is easy to know that the banshee is coming.

   And once it finds the player in the shelter and meets the player's eyes, it will suddenly open its arms and howl with a chilling and terrifying scream.

  If there are electric lights around, they will be extinguished instantly, leaving the room in total darkness.

   At the same time, it will make the game screen shake, making people unable to tell the difference between east, west, north and south, and to find the direction.

   If the player goes up to kill the banshee at this time, several larvae will explode from its body and attack in groups.

   Even if it doesn't attack, the banshee will explode and die after screaming, crawling out of the larva.

  This timing demonstration, the banshee screamed three times, indicating that it and the man in the room looked at each other at least three times.

  But it hasn’t exploded until now, so it must have been strengthened by the production team.

  This demonstration not only shows the banshee mechanism of the new night event, but also reveals a small storyline.

   That is to let the players in front of the screen know the identity of the man in the house and why he is in this wooden house!

  The village he mentioned is known to the players of the original version.

  Because there are only two villages in the game, one is in the Silent Forest area in the first chapter. Another, in the swampy area of ​​Chapter 2.

  But the village in the second chapter has been flooded and has become a ruined ruin.

   Therefore, the players already know which village the NPC refers to.

   Now what should the protagonist do when the banshee blocks the door?

   The players didn't think about how to defend themselves if they were themselves. They just stared at the screen expectantly, wanting to see how the real machine plot that was not in the original game would develop.

   Soon, a scream sounded again.

   This is the fourth tone!

  The terrifying howl stimulated the eardrums, and the groaning roar shocked the senses.

  The few furnishings in the wooden house shook again like an earthquake, leaving them in a mess.

  In the real-time calculation, the protagonist punched the wooden door fiercely in the dark environment, and spoke loudly.

[Hey! dude! open the door! I can't do anything outside, we have to fight that monster together! ]

   There was a bang, and the man in the room fired again.

  At the same time, he also opened his mouth nervously.

  [Impossible thing. We can’t fight against the three of us. Now they are all dead.]


   There was another gunshot, and the man's tone became more irritable and restless.

   It seems that calmness is gradually leaving him.

[Sure enough... I can't hit it. I can't hit it. Same as before. It killed them in front of me. I can still remember the pain and screams when they asked me for help. But I can't save it. I can't hit it at all Middle.]

  The players in front of the screen were slightly startled.

   What the hell?

  The VR version of Banshee is so strong?

   This NPC fired so many shots and missed a single shot?

   Is it the setting sun red marksmanship, or is it outrageously strong?

  If it is the latter.


   It's so cool!

  The players of the original version are gearing up one after another, and some can't wait.

  As they have played "Dark Forest" thoroughly, facing the new version of the enhanced banshee, they can't wait to enter the game for a while.

   After all, for their group, the original Banshee is no longer enough for them to fight.

   They need stimulation, freshness, and challenges!

  Now, the banshee in this live video has never shown her face at all, and only a few lines from the NPC describe her horror and power.

   The players of the original version really want to feel whether it is so awesome.

   So much so that some people clamored in the barrage that I would throw away its ashes.

  However, in the face of this siege, the protagonist is not as eager as the player.

   On the contrary, he was more restless and panicked.

  But facing the man in the room's gaffe, he didn't wait any longer.

  In the real-time calculation, the main perspective took out a shovel from somewhere.

   Then he hit the previous wooden door bullet hole hard.

[calm down! Aren't you still alive! Do you want to die too! ]

   Bang—(Shovel sound)

  [We have to stay together and keep it out! ]

   Bang—(Shovel sound)

[Did you hear it? inside! Did you hear that! ]

   Bang Dang—(crushing sound)

  The wooden door in front of him was finally broken by a shovel.

  And the main perspective is also panting and not breathing well at this moment.

  The man in the room seemed to have calmed down again after being shocked by the protagonist's movement.

   Facing the question from the protagonist outside the room, he was a little dazed and self-defeating.

  [It can’t be stopped. The three of us have exhausted all methods without success. You don’t know the horror of it. You don’t know]

  The protagonist gasped, and spoke loudly again.

  [Others died, but you survived, didn’t you! Are you ready to give up! ? ]

   As he spoke, he raised the shovel again, ready to smash it down.

  But what the man in the room said made him stop abruptly.

  [What are you talking about. I'm dead too.]

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

what's the situation?

  After the man in the room said that sentence, he suddenly fell silent.

  Then the tone seemed to recall something, and he spoke suddenly.

  [Yeah...I'm this this position...with the others...]

  [It came grabbed my head...and...omg...that was a did I did I...]

  The players in front of the screen were stunned, and a chill from the bottom of their hearts went up from the tailbone and went straight to Tianling!

  At that moment, they seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar, eroded by the cold.

  The NPC in the room is talking about his own death in the tone of talking about others. That feeling, indifferent, as if he is not talking about himself, makes the scalp tingle.

How is this going…

  The NPC who was still beating life and death just now

already dead?


   This is true...

  Then from the beginning to the end, the protagonist is the only living person in the room?

  Also...if the man in the room is dead...

  The one who just kept talking, what is it...?


  The protagonist was also a little shocked at this moment, he hurriedly bent over and looked in through the breach just opened.

  The players outside the screen also stared in horror and looked along the line of sight, but saw.

  Beside the dimly lit window, a shotgun that was originally suspended suddenly fell to the ground and made a crisp collision.

  It seems that before. There is something. Holding it.

   And the next second.

  In the opening, a dead fish eye with upturned pupils and bloodshot eyes suddenly appeared, staring coldly at everyone outside the screen

  (end of this chapter)

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