MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 190 crashed aircraft

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  Chapter 190 The Fallen Aircraft

   Not one left! ?

  When the audience saw this, they became more and more curious.

  Especially those who haven’t played the demo version want to know what will happen next.

  As for why the captain gave the execution order, it is actually not difficult to understand.

   On the planet below, something extremely vicious should have appeared and slaughtered human beings.

  In order to prevent those things from coming to the ship, the captain's ruthless approach can actually be understood by the audience.

   After all, as the most important person on the ship, he is responsible for the safety of the crew.

   Therefore, the simple and rude isolation and killing of the captain is the most effective.

  The audience also agreed.

  At this time, on the big screen that was as wide as the wall, the blonde woman Vincent appeared again.

   But this time, she didn't show any abnormal headache, but directly started to tell the story.

  [The captain ordered us to kill the survivors on those two ships, and I complied. Since I couldn't disobey the command of the commander, I took a team of 6 and set off for the hangar location. ]

  [But when we got there the person.or thing...was gone]

  As soon as the blond woman finished speaking, all the avatars on the stage disappeared in situ as the spotlights went out.

  The next second, the spotlights came back on, and a huge yellow-painted spaceship suddenly appeared on Nuoda's stage.

   Its body is worn out and scratched all over. At the gap junctions, sparks burst out from time to time.

  A large number of fractures caused by bumps appear hideously, and the lines are dense.

  The billowing thick smoke gushing out of the nozzle at the rear filled the stage with confusion.

   Apparently, the spacecraft 'crashed' in the hangar of the Ishimura.

   This made the audience stunned for a moment, and immediately applauded and cheered after they realized it.

   They were emotional and very happy.

  There has finally been a little change in the stage play up to now.

  The previous performances have always been standing dialogue + CG broadcast + video-style narration.

  Although it was a bit of a surprise to do this at the press conference at the beginning, but gradually, I felt that it was nothing more than that.

  When it comes to a big scene or a **** scene, the CG broadcast will be replaced, the dialogue will be replaced by two people standing there, and the narration will be replaced by the narration of the blonde woman.

   Just when everyone thought that there was also such a templated performance later, this "falling" spaceship really brought the stage play to another level.

   "My God, the metal texture of this spaceship, and the texture of the old, is simply amazing!"

   "You're right my friend, I wasn't expecting a ship this big to be on stage. The show actually had a modeled ship. I'm getting more and more curious about what's going to happen next."

   "Me too, my friend."

   Following the conversation between the two audience members, six people in tight yellow uniforms ran out on the stage in a dark place where the spotlights could not reach.

  After the audience saw it, they immediately understood that this was the six-member security team that the blonde woman had mentioned.

  Because the leader is her!

   And she also changed the tights to accentuate her figure.

  The appearance of the team made the audience applaud again, cheering for their appearance.

   At this time, the 6-person team came to the side of the spaceship with different firearms.

  In the venue, the huge yellow-painted spaceship formed a sharp contrast with the tiny 6 security guards.

   At the same time, it also made the audience marvel at the hugeness of the spaceship.

   "Be vigilant, everyone! Although we are not soldiers, our training content is similar to that of soldiers. Follow the standards of soldiers!"

  On the stage, the blonde woman loudly reminded her teammates behind her. Then he held a gun and another male team member stood close to both sides of the cabin door of the spaceship for vigilance.

   "This spaceship is Aircraft No. 1. It seems that the pilots inside are very skilled. This landing level is comparable to that of my cousin who just went to college."

  A tall male security guard next to the cabin door joked humorously, bringing some relief to the tense atmosphere.

  The blond girl Vincent shook her head and spoke seriously.

   "This spaceship did not follow the driving regulations to make a stable landing, but crashed here as if it had malfunctioned. Of course, it is also possible"

   Vincent paused, and opened his mouth cautiously.

  “.The driver has an accident.”

  Vincent nodded to the two security guards, and the latter two immediately understood, and immediately took out some kind of beam thermal energy equipment to cut the spaceship hatch.

   "Vincent, there is blood smell, I have a bad feeling."

   Another short-haired woman in the team said vigilantly, the gun in her hand was always aimed at the inside of the hatch.

   "Yes, a strong **** smell."

   Soon, in a few seconds, the hatch was cut open.

  The short-haired woman and the previous tall man looked at each other, nodded, and rolled into the spaceship one after the other.

  Then, immediately put on the posture of holding the gun and squatting, and scanned the surrounding environment very quickly.

  Of course, the audience at the scene cannot see the interior of the spacecraft, and can only judge the situation inside through the lines.

   "Safe left!"

   "Right. Also safe. My **** what the **** is going on here."

   Two security guards reported the situation.

   And these words obviously showed that something happened inside.

  Some of the audience who heard this line raised their necks, as if they wanted to take a look inside the spacecraft.

  Because judging from the dialogue, something bad definitely happened in this ship.

  Combined with the tragic death of the previous excavation leader, it shows that some kind of monster has already started hunting, plus the 'falling' of this spaceship. It is not difficult to guess that there is definitely something wrong with this spaceship.

   Sure enough, following the guesses of some audience members, the blonde woman Vincent walked into the ship immediately after hearing the team members' report.

  The large screen that is as wide as the wall also presents the internal situation from her first-person perspective.

  The audience was stunned when they saw it.

  As the first-person perspective is substituted, the inside of the boat is dripping with blood and full of gore.

   The interior of the spaceship, whether it is the walls, the ground, or even the top, is covered with large amounts of blood, which is terrifying.

  Especially when Vincent looked down from the first-person perspective, that foot that had stepped on blood. At the moment it was lifted up, thick blood streaks were drawn out.

   This scene is really uncomfortable.

   "Vincent, the blood is still very fresh, and it shouldn't have happened more than an hour ago. And this ship made an emergency landing 30 minutes ago, and 14 minutes of it was when we assembled and rushed over. That is to say."

  A man in a hat in the team stepped forward to soak the blood in the cabin, and spoke in a deep voice.

  “.The reason for the driver’s forced landing has been found.”

  After hearing this, the short-haired female team member Landa frowned and asked, and she squatted on the ground to check the blood.

   "You mean, before entering the Ishimura, the pilot was attacked? Then the spaceship was forced to land?"

   "In this case, what about the corpse?"

  The man in the hat shrugged.

"I don't know, but judging by the degree of bleeding, at least it is two to three people. Since there are no corpses in the spaceship, it means that they are still alive. And it should be that something dangerous happened that made them prefer to hold the serious injury His body doesn’t want to stay here either. Captain Vincent, can you explain the situation.”

   From the first-person perspective, Vincent paused and nodded silently.

   Then explained to the team members.

"At that time, in the captain's command room, there were two spaceships returning from the mining planet. One should be a couple, and the other should be 4 survivors. Judging from the amount of bleeding, this ship should be Those 4."


  A strong male player suddenly interrupted in surprise.

   "Wait, Vincent, what do you mean by 'survivor'? Did something happen to the planet down there?"

  As soon as these words came out, all the team members seemed to have noticed something and fell silent.

   "Vincent, what happened? The spaceship that made an emergency landing, the blood on the scene, and the missing pilot. You know something, right?"

  The blond woman from the first-person perspective was silent for a while, then nodded.

   Then she sighed and was about to continue explaining when the radio rang.

  [Captain Vincent, this is Daan, and this is Hangar 21. We have managed to capture 4 survivors, but they appear to be in shock and all are injured. ]

  [We have sent the injured to the medical room, because Medical Officer Nicole said that they can be examined and treated for them. One of the wounded also said that there is important news to report, so we did not kill them, but temporarily confine them and wait for the communication.]

[Hey! Hey! let me go! let me go! You don't understand what's going on below, I want to see the captain! He must understand how dangerous the situation is now! ]

  [Did you hear that you guys! ? Let me go! let go]

  [This is the situation Captain Vincent, the report is over. ]

  The audience frowned when they saw this.

  This spaceship is full of blood. Isn't it the 4 people's?

   Now those 4 people have been caught, so the remaining blood-stained spaceship belongs to that couple?


  There is so much blood here, if it was the blood of the couple, where would they go?

  At this moment, the male player wearing the hat suddenly spoke.

   "I think. I should know where the driver went."

  From the first-person perspective, the blond woman Vincent followed the reputation and found that the man in the hat was looking up at the crack that appeared on the spaceship due to the collision.

   Above it is a ventilation duct.

  There, the closed iron gate has disappeared.

  The surrounding area is covered with blood, and sticky dirty blood drips down the edge

  (end of this chapter)