MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 184 Arriving in America

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  Chapter 184 Arriving in America

   "Little mischievous stars in the sky~ Nestled in the arms of the moon~"

   "Bright and shining ~ seems to be playing quietly ~"

   "Twinkle, twinkle, sparkle~Look up at the stars in the sky~"

   "I can't count down below ~ it's blinking above ~"

   "softly humming"


  In the studio, Meng Shu took off his earphones. Standing up, she nodded to a female dubbing teacher in the recording studio.

  The latter hurried out and asked about the result.

   "Excuse me, Mr. Meng, is this okay?"

"Thanks a lot."

  Meng Shu smiled and put down the score.

   "The song is not a big problem. We have tried several singing methods, and the one I want is already available. Thank you."

  When the female dubbing teacher heard it, she immediately beamed with joy.

"Really, can you let me hear which singing method is qualified? I have been thinking about it for more than an hour just now, and this nursery rhyme has sung flowers. If it doesn't work, then I can't bear it." gone."

  Meng Shu made a fool of himself and didn't tell her which one he chose.

   "You will know when the stage play is staged, don't worry, you have worked hard."

   Well, Mr. Meng has already talked about this, and the dubbing teacher can't force it, so he has to give up.

   Immediately afterwards, Meng Shu went to remind Mr. Li again. Tell him about tomorrow's flight, that you can end the rehearsal early tonight and go back to the hotel to get ready.

  After Mr. Li expressed his understanding, Meng Shu plunged into the office and started editing music.

  The nursery rhyme "The Stars Shine" is very similar to "Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle".

  And he also asked most people in the company if they knew the nursery rhyme "The Stars Shine", and the answer was Yes.

  Not only do they know, they all sing.

   There was even an employee who said that if he couldn't sing "The Stars Shine", then he was either an alien or someone from another world.

   Meng Shu was a little embarrassed.

  The matter of music copyright was also settled very well.

   The song "The Stars Shine" was purchased on a foreign music platform.

  The price is clearly marked, and there is an electronic contract as evidence.

  So Meng Shu paid the copyright fee directly, and then quickly asked the dubbing teacher of the stage team to sing.

   As a result, several dubbing teachers came down, but they were all unsatisfactory.

   Only the last one has the bleak effect of the original world "Dead Space".

   But it took more than an hour to get the results.

   It looks like we are leaving for America tomorrow, but the promotional video for the press conference has not been released yet.

  Looking at the time, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still an hour and a half before get off work.

   "It seems that I have to work overtime again tonight."

  Meng Shu sighed softly, stood up and poured himself a cup of coffee.

   I have to work overtime anyway, so what's the rush?

take it easy.

  So, Meng Shu added this to 2 o'clock in the morning.

   As a result, the next day he came to the company with a yawning face and sleepy eyes.

  As soon as I arrived downstairs at the company, I saw a long-distance bus.

   This is rented to go to the airport, because there are more than 20 people together, so of course a small car is not acceptable, and a bus is required.

   Now, the stage crew is standing on the side of the car.

   Some were eating breakfast, some were showing their salutes, and the bus driver was also helping to rectify.

  Meng Shu took out his phone and checked the time, it was 6:40. And the boarding time is 11 am sharp.

  It seems that Mr. Li came earlier than he expected.

  Meng Shu briefly greeted everyone, and then went to have breakfast.

   When I came back again, I counted the number of people together with Mr. Li, and then officially set off at 7:10.

   Soon, the bus drove onto the highway.

  Everyone in the car seemed a little excited when they were about to go to America, and chatted happily in the early stage of the journey.

  Meng Shu himself was also very energetic at the beginning. While chatting with Mr. Li, he learned about the situation of the E3 exhibition with Director Lian on the V letter.

  From her, I learned that Infinity Online Entertainment had arrived in America a week ago, and then began to arrange my own booth area.

   And said that when Meng Shu and the others arrived, they would send people to the same hotel to check in.

   After Meng Shu thanked her, about halfway into the drive, she finally couldn't bear the eyelid fight caused by staying up late, and fell asleep in the car.

   Just like that, after 3 hours, everyone entered the airport, and Meng Shu slept in the waiting area.

  After more than 50 minutes, everyone boarded the plane, and Meng Shu continued to sleep.

  Wake up, eat, go to the toilet, etc. during the period.

   It was not until more than 10 hours later that I finally arrived in America.

  Everyone who got off the plane was full of fatigue, and some of them were unwell because of sitting for a long time.

  It is around 9:00 a.m. in America time. Meng Shu and others walked in the airport yawning.

   "It's as uncomfortable to sit on a long-distance plane as a long-distance bus."

   "Yeah, I don't feel like my **** is mine anymore."

   "It's boring and uncomfortable. My legs are curled up and I can't straighten them. No matter how I sit, I feel uncomfortable. I guess the only long distance that is not uncomfortable is the boat."

   "The main thing is that I can't play with my phone and wait. It's too uncomfortable. It really feels like time passes very slowly."

   "You're right, the main reason is that it's too boring to be on the plane for more than ten hours."

  Everyone was chatting, soothing their tiredness.

  Meng Shu, who was walking in front, listened to the actors' complaints, and more or less agreed in his heart.

  Long-distance transportation is really tiring, but fortunately, I got through it.

   Now the feeling of being on the ground is stronger than anything else.

   Wait until the hotel to sleep well and have a good night's rest.

   Soon, everyone left the airport. According to the prompt given by Director Lian, he got on the bus that came to receive him, and then rushed all the way to the hotel.

   During this period, more than 2 hours passed, which really tortured everyone, and none of them were as energetic as when they first set off.

   After finally arriving at the hotel, everyone got rid of the air-conditioning and really breathed the air.

   At this time, at the hotel gate, Director Lian is already waiting.

  Seeing the people getting out of the car, she stepped forward with a smile, took out her mobile phone and called Meng Shu.

  Although the two companies have been cooperating for a year, neither Director Lian nor Meng Shu have ever met each other.

  Looking at the people getting out of the car in front of them to salute, Director Lian couldn't directly ask where Meng Shu was, so he could only find someone by calling.

   And it worked, and the ringtone quickly found her.

  A young man in casual clothes smoking a cigarette in the front of the car.

   "Hello, is this Mr. Meng?"

  Meng Shu, who hadn't had time to pick up the phone yet, looked around and saw a 35-year-old woman standing behind him with a smile.

  The voice is very familiar, Meng Shu can't get it wrong, I think this is Director Lian.

   Putting away the phone, Meng Shu gave her a hasty look.

  Supervisor Lian looks a little ugly, but overall she looks capable. She looks like a woman who has been in the workplace for a long time.

  Meng Shu nodded, smiled, and extended his right hand at the same time.

   "It's me, Director Lian, right? You can tell by your voice, it's very recognizable."

  Director Lian was slightly taken aback after seeing the real person, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

  Although I have communicated with Mr. Meng on the phone many times before, I can hear that he is very young, very young.

  But when I saw it today, I was still a little surprised.

  The other party was younger than she imagined.

   Wearing ordinary casual clothes, Mr. Meng in front of him looks like a young man who just graduated from university. It is difficult to connect him with the boss Meng who seems to have everything under control.

   It has to be said that people should not be judged by their appearance.

  Boss Meng's age is at most an intern in Unlimited Online Entertainment.

  But in fact, it has become one of the key partners of Infinity Online Entertainment.

   This gap is really big.

  Director Lian stretched out his right hand and shook Meng Shu's hand politely.

   "Mr. Meng, too. We have been working together for more than a year. Today I finally met a real person. You are really younger than I thought."

   "You've worked hard all the way, Mr. Meng."

  Meng Shu nodded, took two puffs of cigarettes, looked at Supervisor Lian, and then at the hotel.

   "Did Mr. Liang come to this exhibition?"

  Director Lian shook his head after hearing the words.

   "Generally, Mr. Liang will not participate in this kind of game event, and the company has arranged for other people to promote the game at the exhibition."

   "Promoting the game?"

  Meng Shu became interested immediately after hearing this.

   "It's not my game, is it?"

   "Indeed, I heard you mention it before. It is said that you are developing an FPS game internally. Have you made it now?"

  Director Lian laughed dryly.

   "Not sure, this is a matter of their game development team, and I am not in the same department, I don't know much about it."

   "That's it."

  Meng Shu nodded to express his understanding.

   "So you are planning to hold a press conference this time at E3, right?"

  Director Lian shook his head again after hearing the words.

   "That's not true, we are just promoting in a venue given by the organizer, and we don't plan to do any press conference."

   "Their charges are too expensive, and our games are mainly for the domestic market. Although we will also go to the cyber platform for overseas translation, but the core users are not foreign, so the company's publicity department feels that it is not worth holding a game conference."


  Director Lian looked at the busy people on the bus behind him, and stroked his hair on his forehead.

   "...Mr. Meng, your big move is almost regardless of the cost. As a partner, it is natural to give up competition to give support."

  Meng Shu couldn't help grinning when he heard it, and waved his hands.

   "You're welcome, Director Lie. By the way, is the temporary venue for the E3 organizer ready?"

  Director Lian raised his eyebrows and spoke hastily.

"Is that the real-life game scene? Don't worry about it, I've been following up. Take a rest today, and we can go to the E3 venue to see it tomorrow. Anyway, there are still about four or five days before the official opening, so there is still time .”

  Hearing this, Meng Shu knew in his heart that this place is the same as the E3 exhibition in the original world.

  Game manufacturers who sign up for the exhibition can enter the venue anytime and anywhere without waiting for the open day.

  In this case, there are still four to five days before the official opening.

   This period can’t be wasted in vain. You have to contact the technical teams of H Agency and C Agency of Dongying as soon as possible, so that they can cooperate with the rehearsal with the actors of the stage play.

   After chatting with Supervisor Lian for a few more words, Meng Shu and the stage team entered the pre-arranged hotel.

  Although Unlimited Online Entertainment helped to book it, Meng Shu knew that the money was paid to him.

   After all, Unique Games and Unlimited Online Entertainment are two companies, and it is impossible for one company to pay for the settlement of another company.

  After the break, that night, I had a meal with the team of Unlimited Online Entertainment, and exchanged experiences on the game.

   On the second day, Meng Shu took the stage team and Infinity Online Entertainment to the E3 scene.

  Wait until the destination, and separate from the supervisor and the others.

   After all, Unlimited Online Entertainment also has its own venue to be responsible for. Director Lian helped out with this before he and others came, and Meng Shu is already very grateful, and he should take over the rest.

   Soon, Meng Shu brought everyone to the only game booth, and found that construction was underway here, and the game building was being built.

  Meng Shu went in and walked around by himself, maybe it was because the work hadn't been completed yet, so it wasn't very good. But in terms of scale, at least it is quite satisfactory.

   When the time is finished, arrange for two staff members to pretend to be monster characters in the game to wander inside, giving players a good realistic experience.

  In addition, Meng Shu also met the two technical team leaders of H Agency and C Agency here.

   When they met for the first time, the three of them communicated in English almost by coincidence.

  After a brief introduction, the two responsible persons brought Meng Shu and others to the independent meeting place where the game conference was going to be held.

  As soon as he entered, Meng Shu was pleasantly surprised.

   It’s not that the entire independent venue is beautifully decorated, but that the venue is very spacious, and it seems that it can easily accommodate thousands of people without any problem.

  Especially the stage, which basically spanned half of the venue. The performance of 3D virtual characters is definitely enough, but I don’t know if there is such a big space for the actors behind the scenes.

   And behind the stage is an electronic display that is as high and as wide as the wall.

  Anyone who has watched live stage performances knows that the function of this super large electronic screen is to focus on and zoom in on the performance on the stage. Because only in this way, people who are far away from the auditorium can see the performance on the stage clearly through the electronic screen.

  For those who are close, you can just look directly at the stage, which is convenient for the audience.

   "This venue is very good, we need to set it up as soon as possible, leaving time for follow-up rehearsals."

  Meng Shu, who saw the venue, was very satisfied, and spoke to the leaders of the two clubs in English.

   "Of course, we will arrange it as soon as possible. The projection equipment has been installed, you see."

  Two persons in charge brought Meng Shu and others to the stage, and pointed to the projection equipment on the top. The appearance was obviously different from the other lamps in the venue, and it seemed that they were installed additionally.

  About this, Meng Shu already knew something about it before he came, so he just nodded his head to show that he did a good job.

   For the rest, the two persons in charge indicated that they would place a dedicated transparent screen on the stage that is difficult to see with the naked eye. Then the device is projected onto it to achieve a 360° virtual 3D stereoscopic effect.

   This point is similar to what Meng Shu himself understands.

   But after all, before the official opening of E3, stage plays still need to continue to practice. Especially now that the equipment is available, rehearsals must be carried out to avoid performance accidents.

  Meng Shu had a simple communication with the two technical leaders of Dongying, and then explained to Mr. Li.

  In the end, both parties were working independently.

   Dongying’s technical team installed tools and equipment, and Mr. Li strengthened the rehearsal behind the stage.

   Then, after a full day of testing, the projection equipment and screens used for the performance are all normal, and the leather rehearsal can begin.

  Early the next morning, Meng Shu and others came to the E3 exhibition again,

   This time, let the actors wear professional motion capture suits with facial capture.

  The Dongying technical team imported and adapted the already designed monster models and character models, and projected them on the stage screen in real time through the joint tracking devices on the motion capture suit and the facial expressions of the actors.

  Because the technical team used the entire stage as a virtual background in advance, when the projection equipment projects images onto the screen, the real stage does not look changed.

  But when the 3D characters appear in the background of the real stage, the three-dimensional sense of the second dimension comes to the third dimension.

  During the test, Meng Shu himself ran up to the booth to watch the real stage background and 3D virtual characters on the screen up close.

  He is sure that the people sitting in the auditorium will definitely think that some black technology makes the 3D characters appear in reality.

   As everyone knows, it is a screen, and the pictures of the real stage are used as the background.

  The virtual animation special effects are also ready, according to the script, only need to 'play' these special effects in a specific plot.

   After several tests, the technical support responsible for the special effects has been able to seamlessly connect with the people on the stage.

   After a rehearsal, Meng Shu only felt that the money was well spent.

  Then, the rest will be left to Mr. Li and the actors.

  So, in the new round of rehearsal, all the work is going on in an orderly manner.

  Meng Shu sat far away in the auditorium, watching everyone's performance.

  He looked at the stage for a while, and the electronic screen behind the stage for a while, feeling satisfied.

   But for the actors, it is still a bit difficult.

  After all, everyone usually wears their own daily clothes in rehearsals. Now that they are rehearsing in such restrained motion capture suits, it is inevitable that they can't let go.

  But with rehearsals over and over again, the actors' condition gradually recovered and became more proficient.

  Meng Shu watched from a distance, and couldn't help but feel relieved.

  Mr. Li and these actors are very dedicated, after such a long run-in, I can completely trust them

  So, under such intense rehearsal, time passed day by day.

  When the last near-perfect practice was over, Meng Shu, who had watched several rounds in a row, couldn't help standing up and applauding loudly.

   Now, everything is proceeding steadily as he planned.

   And the E3 exhibition officially started as scheduled!

  (end of this chapter)

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