MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 181 Want exclusive pre-broadcast qualifications?

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  Chapter 181 Want exclusive pre-broadcast qualification?

  The next day, 10:30 am.

  Meng Shu just arrived at the company, put down his coffee, and even before turning on the computer, Director Lian called V Xin.

   This means that she has news from her side.

  Listening to the rapid ringtone, Meng Shu pressed the answer button while turning on the phone.

  [Good morning Mr. Meng, there is news about the stage virtual technology you want. ]

  Director Lian's familiar voice came from the phone.

   Obviously, this so-called news should satisfy him.

  Meng Shu picked up the coffee, took a sip, and asked softly.

   "Really, tell me."

  Director Lian spoke immediately.

  [Mr. Meng, the special effects stage play you mentioned is a virtual character performance. We communicated with the company C at Dongying, and they expressed their willingness to provide on-site technical support to help you complete this stage effect! ]

   [But they have a condition. ]


   Of course.

  Meng Shu didn't feel surprised when he heard this.

  The other party is a Japanese capitalist who is in charge of nearly half of the virtual idols in his country. There are countless fans, frequent advertisements, and frequent activities.

  With the size of a company like this, if they were free of charge, Meng Shu would be a little worried.

   But since the request is made, it's easy to say.

  Equivalent exchange, or bargain purchase is no problem.

   After all, this is the deal.

   "Tell me, what are the conditions."

  Director Lian paused, and then spoke.

  [They hope that you can only give them the pre-broadcast qualification of the next game, so that...they are willing to provide technical services for free. ]

  Meng Shu smiled speechlessly after hearing this.

   "It means that Club C wants to monopolize the pre-broadcast qualification, then how did you respond?"

  Director Lian did not hesitate to answer quickly and report truthfully.

  [We can't decide this kind of thing, and Dongpu thinks that the game is developed by us. So we say we need to think about it, and call you right away for an opinion. ]

  Meng Shu nodded and thought for a while.

  C Agency wants to monopolize the pre-broadcast qualification of the next game, obviously tasted the sweetness from "Control Failure".

  But Dongying also has an H agency, and the two are considered competitors.

   For them, this is an unfair business competition.

  Once Club C gets the pre-broadcast qualification for the new game, but Club H does not.

  The situation, to say the least, would be one-sided.

   But that's not the main thing. Meng Shu doesn't care whoever the pre-broadcast qualification is for.

   What he cares about is the player group.

  C Club has the pre-broadcast qualification, so the fans of Club C are naturally very happy.

  But what should the fans of Club H do?

  Let them give up the virtual anchor they promoted and go to Club C to watch it.

   This is obviously not good.

  C Club’s approach directly affects the game players. Players have their own preferences, and both C Club and H Club have a lot of loyal fans of virtual idols. So for Meng Shu, since the main player group is the main player group, fans on both sides must be taken care of.

   Or just treat everyone equally.

  Either reject them together, no one.

  So Meng Shu took a sip of coffee and refused.

   "To monopolize this matter, there is nothing to talk about, I refuse."

"I don't have any feelings for the company H, but I don't want to give up the players and fans who like H. So there is no need to do such unflattering things for this benefit. Find a way to compromise, between the two companies communicate more.”

   "If it really doesn't work, I won't look for them. We also have virtual anchors in China, so there must be operating companies. You can look for them."

  Director Lian on the other end of the phone seemed to have expected to say that, so he just laughed dryly.

  But after pondering for a while, she still put forward her own opinion.

  [Mr. Meng, is it possible? We agreed to the conditions of Club C and gave them exclusive qualifications. Then for Club H, we can sell game pre-broadcast qualifications to them, what do you think? ]

  Meng Shu chuckled, put down the coffee, and wiped the coffee stains around his mouth.

  He didn't expect Director Lian to say such a thing, which really surprised him.

   It is naturally good if you can get some money from Company H.


   “Neither company is stupid.”

   Meng Shu responded.

  [Uh. Okay. ]

  Director Lian was a little embarrassed.

  [I see, I will communicate with them again. ]

   "Well, okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, Director Li. But if they still mention the monopoly, you can just refuse it, it's not negotiable."

   [Okay, I see, I will now continue with them. ]

   After a few polite words, the two hung up the phone.

  Meng Shu is very relieved that the supervisor is doing things.

  She will not make decisions without authorization, she is very obedient and easy to control, and her supervisor position also has a certain right to speak in the company.

  It is very convenient for him to take care of some of his work needs.

  It's a pity that she belongs to another company.

   But it doesn't matter, as long as it can help him.

  Shaking his head, Meng Shu walked out with the USB flash drive containing the "Dead Space" PPT, and asked Fang Yuancheng, Xia Nianzhen and a large number of new employees to the conference room for a meeting.


   After an hour, the meeting ends.

  Meng Shu returned to the office and took a sip of water.

  Just now, he gave a general account of the trial version of "Dead Space" and the E3 exhibition.

   And let the art director Fang Yuancheng arrange colleagues to complete this demo version.

  At the same time, I also briefly explained the art style and monster shape, so that they can understand clearly.

   also specifically told them that although this is not a key project, it must be given priority as a temporary E3 exhibition.

  The progress of the VR version of "Dark Forest" can be slowed down.

   Then, I returned to the office and started the next work.

  You don’t need to worry about the virtual special effects stage play, just leave it to those technology companies.

   But motion capture actors and directors of stage plays are still needed.

  He can provide the script, but not the actors.

  And stage plays are different from film and television plays, and the direction of the director is different.

  A shocking performance, the most important thing is the interpretation of the characters and the matching of the music.

  The most direct and shocking thing in "Dead Space" is the armor covering process of the protagonist Isaac. If it can be shown in front of the audience with a virtual image at the E3 exhibition, it will be a lore.

   It's just that the director hasn't been confirmed yet, and the special effects can only be done after the crew is finalized.

   Therefore, he had to find an experienced stage director.

   After thinking for a while, he tried to contact the Shadow Studio, which had filmed the pseudo-documentary W-FBC-0087 "Unusual Stairwell".

   As a result, after a few words, the other party expressed that he was powerless.

  Because Moying Studio mainly shoots commercials, the last time it made a pseudo-documentary was beyond the standard.

   In addition, I have no experience in directing stage plays at all, and I am worried that this order will not be enough. So I can only apologize tactfully and say that I can't do anything.

   This made Meng Shu sigh a little, saying that it doesn't matter.

   Then they found Blue Eagle Studios, which was responsible for the motion capture shooting of "Control Failure".

   But after thinking about it, he still didn't make a call considering the situation of the Shadow Studio.

   Until now, Boss Meng realized that he had few ways to go.

  Before, if there was any need, I would tell Director Lian, and then the other party would handle it.

   Now I have to do it myself, but I can't find the way, which is really embarrassing.

  Meng Shu rubbed his temples, took a sip of water, then picked up his phone and sent a V message to Director Lian.

  [Director Lian, help me introduce a director with experience in stage plays. It doesn't need to be very famous, second- and third-rate ones are fine. But you must communicate well and be willing to accept my ideas. ]

  [You can be younger, don’t have your own personal style, it’s best to get along as soon as possible. ]

  Meng Shu sent two consecutive messages and exhaled.

  At the same time, I also thought it was time to hire a secretary to take care of these chores.

  The reason why I continue to ask Director Lian is that the other party can use the name of Unlimited Online Entertainment to find almost first-class resources.

  It may take some time to cultivate one on your own. Although there are no resources, they are people from their own company.

   In short, take your time.

   As for the secretary

  Meng Shu once again recalled the secretary who helped him share chores in the world, that is, the 40-year-old sister Zhang.

  Although he is old, he is experienced and resolute, so he can be called his best helper.

  If you want to recruit a secretary, you must naturally recruit such a person.

   At work, he doesn't care whether he looks good or not, and whether he is young or not.

  He only cares about whether he can do it, whether it is suitable, and whether he has the ability.

   That's all.

   Soon, Director Lian sent a reply.

[OK. ]

  Looking at the simple reply, Meng Shu knew that finding a suitable director was very difficult, and she didn't expect her to find a suitable director within a day or two.

   Unexpectedly, the next day, Supervisor Lian called.

   This time, it brought two good news.

   This shows that both the stage director and Dongying are OK!

  [Mr. Meng, I have two pieces of good news. One is about virtual technology, and the other is about the director you asked me to find. ]

  Meng Shu beamed with joy when he heard this.

   Manager Lian's efficiency is a bit high.

   "So fast? It's been hard work. What's the result?"

  Director Lian hummed lightly, and spoke quickly.

  [After you rejected the request from Club C yesterday, the person in charge of overseas promotion of Infinity Online Entertainment personally went for further communication, and invited the heads of Club C and Club H to hold a video conference. ]

  [It took about an hour to communicate with the two of them, and it finally succeeded. Company C and Company H decided to cooperate to provide on-site virtual technical support for this exhibition. ]

  Supervisor Lian spoke quickly, finishing such a long sentence in one breath.

  But his words were clear and orderly, and Meng Shu didn't miss anything.

  This is professional.

  However, there must be requirements for the two companies to cooperate together.

   Director Lian must know this.

  But she still said that this is good news, which means that this request should not be too outrageous.

   "What is their request over there?"

   After hearing this, Supervisor Lian didn't answer immediately.

   Instead, he picked up something, made the sound of paper, and then spoke.

  [The two of them hope that your next game can follow the standards of other companies, and pay a certain promotion fee for them to help promote it. ]

  [They don't want to pay for it themselves like "Control Failure". ]

  [They also said that it was a pity that they misread "Sky Mountain" at the time, and hoped to make friends through this incident and enjoy the normal cooperation with other companies. ]

  Hearing this, even Meng Shu couldn't help laughing.

  Supervisor Lian was also smiling.

  Obviously, Japan's C and H clubs also know their own situation.

  Eligibility for pre-broadcasting, whether it is on or on other platforms. Even the middle and low-level anchors at home and abroad do not do this kind of thing for free.

   But Unlimited Online Entertainment paid a large amount of money for them to broadcast, so there is a pre-broadcast promotion.

  Back when Unlimited Online Entertainment paid for C and H to pre-broadcast "Sky Mountain". The two companies were proud and arrogant, and the price was raised on the ground, and the lion opened his mouth.

  The person in charge of promotion of Infinity Online Entertainment is not an idiot either, so he flicked his hand on the spot, no matter how many virtual girls you have under your banner, I will directly choose the casual virtual anchor.

  So, this move made the middle and low-level casual people Vtuber in Japan very happy. Not only can you get money, but you can also take advantage of the wind direction of VR games to absorb waves, which kills two birds with one stone!

In particular, some female anchors, on the day of the pre-broadcast, took advantage of the unprecedented VR game "Sky Mountain" to increase the popularity and number of fans in their live broadcast room. Hundreds of peers and large SCs who dare to imagine come one after another.

   Make these two companies extremely envious.

  In order to make up for it, Club C and Club H rushed to the release of "Control Invalidation" and obtained the pre-broadcast qualification at their own expense.

  But this kind of self-financed behavior cannot be done every time.

  So now, Club C and Club H also want to use this time to provide technical support for the stage play to resume normal cooperative promotion.

   That is, you pay for it, and we promote it live.

   There is nothing wrong with this, and Meng Shu can understand it.

   So he smiled back.

   "This is no problem, I can accept it, as long as they guarantee that there will be no problems throughout the exhibition, and at the same time, they must ensure that safety comes first."

  [We followed up, and the two of them have also guaranteed it. After all, they have done so many virtual concerts, there should be no problem. ]

   "That's good, thank you, Director Lian."

   "By the way, what's the other good news, have you found a suitable director?"

[Yes. ]

  Director Lian replied very positively this time.

  【I asked, and there is indeed an experienced stage director who meets your requirements. I'll send you his phone number later, I wanted to talk to him about the situation on your behalf. But the relevant details have to be communicated by you personally. 】

   "Okay, thank you for helping me a lot."

  [You're welcome Mr. Meng, this is what I should do. ]

  Director Lian smiled.

  After hanging up the phone, Meng Shu received the director's contact information and a business card photo from Director Lian.

  The director's surname is Li, and Meng Shu checked the resume of this director on the Internet based on his business card.

It was discovered that he was a legal person of a certain media company, who had directed the famous children's stage play "Gypsophila" and the youth open-air stage play "Future Dream Team", and even "Discipline", which has been performed on foreign stages. Musical plays are all from his hands.

   From this point of view, this stage director is indeed very capable, although he has never seen any of these stage plays.

  Meng Shu smiled, picked up the script, and immediately dialed the number.

   This transition is over soon



  (end of this chapter)