MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 175 The nine-tailed foxes who were wiped out by one person

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  Chapter 175 The nine-tailed foxes who were wiped out by one person

   At this time, Mr. Zai's live broadcast room quickly rushed to the number one game channel, overwhelming all kinds of bosses UP.

   Originally, Xinxin was broadcasting "Control Invalidation" for 2 weeks. After being reminded by fans in the live broadcast room, I was shocked to realize that the game has a PVP mode!

  So he quickly exited the game, turned on the cyber platform, and let the game update automatically.

   With such a little effort, she, who dominated the game channel, was overtaken by Mr. Zai on a curve and became the second.

   But Xinxin didn't care.

   Compared with the ranking of the channel, she cares more about the PVP mode of "Control Failure".

  So, when the game is updated, in order to let myself know something. She went directly to President Zai's live broadcast room, wanting to see the gameplay of this mode in advance.

  So, the second-ranked Xinxin live broadcasted the live broadcast of Mr. Zai.

  【Governor Xinxin has entered the live broadcast room】

   In Mr. Zai's live broadcast room, such a reminder appeared.

   Her presence, as the title informs. Immediately, the audience and fans of Mr. Zai gave a big shout of welcome.

   And Mr. Zai himself noticed it too. While playing games, he smiled and called out rare customers!

   Without further ado, Xinxin posted a striking message worth 200 yuan, which read: Hurry up! Let me see how this mode works!

   Mr. Zai naturally agreed.

  Under the face of money and beautiful women, naturally he will not be stingy with his heroic appearance.

   While manipulating his character, he laughed and spoke Cantonese.

   "There is no problem (maomentei), but I have only played one game, and I am still a rookie. Express."

   Before he finished speaking, Mr. Zai just opened a door in the game, when he was suddenly popped up from the corner, and a D-class personnel with a gun in a strange mask gave him a sudden.

   The sudden death also shocked Mr. Zai.

  【You are dead】

  【The person who killed you is ‘Rice Fried Rice’, and the character used is A-FBC-0035 ‘Occupation Mask’]

   "Damn it!"

   The cub yelled.

   Did you make a mistake, a friend came to watch me in the live broadcast room, but I was so picky about my food!

  Where does this make me lose face!

   "Strategic death, brothers, strategic death. Good you rice fried rice, don't let me take the opportunity!"

   At this time, a countdown to resurrection appeared on the game interface.

   As for Mr. Cub’s death, ah, the horse stumbled, I understand.

  So, Xinxin spent another 100 yuan and sent a striking message.

   It reads: Brother Zai, do you want to play black?

  Xinxin's words immediately made the audience and fans in the two live broadcast rooms happy.

  Yao wanted to remember that the last time the two teamed up was in the game "Sky Mountain".

  That should be a commercial post.

   This time it was Xinxin who took the initiative to invite!

   It can be seen that she doesn't want to play this kind of online confrontation game that requires the cooperation of teammates by herself.

  I want to find someone I know to play with, even if he is very good.

   After Mr. Zai saw it, he agreed immediately.

   After confirming the progress of Xinxin's download, he proposed to wait for her after finishing this game.

  So, under Xinxin's gratitude and expectation, Mr. Zai was resurrected.

  In the live broadcast room, a new line of game prompts slowly appeared.

  【In this game, you became a Nine-Tailed Fox 'recruit'】

  【You need to help 'researchers' escape from site facilities, manage and control 'abnormalities' that are out of control, and obey the orders of superiors】

  At this moment, Mr. Zai found himself holding a gun in a helicopter that was slowly landing.

  In the earphones, the whistling propellers are deafening, raising dust and sand all over the sky.

  At the same time, as it landed, an announcement sounded from below.

  【Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 'Nine-Tailed Fox' has successfully arrived at Panopticon-19】

  【There are 4 'abnormal' items that need to be controlled】

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai understood that he was resurrected with a brand new identity.

  Looking at his teammates around him, and the gun in his hand shining brightly due to the hazy moonlight, he felt his blood boil.

  9 people!

   9 fully armed men on board the helicopter!

  They were holding guns, all of them looked serious, and they were not chaotic in the face of danger. A strong sense of discipline and security emerged spontaneously, and Mr. Zai immediately let go of the previous sense of panic of being chased by 'abnormal' all over the map.


   Fuck him!

  Just as Mr. Zai was feeling overwhelmed, the teammates in the helicopter turned on the mic.

  [Is there a boss? I am Mengxin. ]

  [What a coincidence, I'm also a newbie! ]

  [Hey, me too, hahaha. ]

  [How did I resurrect as a nine-tailed fox? I was a D-rank just now. ]

  [I was also a D-rank just now, and I was shot to death by a tall, thin, white-skinned monster called a shy person. ]

  [Bosses, how do you play later? This is the first time I have become a Nine-Tails, am I going to rush in and kill random people? ]

  [We were killed by Quack, right? I followed a security guard last time, his gun is useless at all! ]

  [Then what are you doing? ]

[I do not know. ]

   Mr. Cub:


   It has not been a day since the new model came out, everyone is a rookie, and everyone is equal.

   At least you won't be scolded for being too good.

  This is going to be put in the MOBA game, it will be sprayed

  The helicopter hovered and stopped after a certain distance on the ground, and the players jumped off one after another, including Mr. Zai.

   He only looked around after he was really down-to-earth.

   Here, a high wall is erected, and a tower stands guard.

  The snow-covered mountains are endless, stretching as far as the eye can see.

  At the foot, there is an open road that runs through the facility site, and it goes straight to the end.

   "It turns out that this is the surface of the earth. I just tried my best to escape. Now that I have changed my identity, I have to go back again. It's interesting."

   "Have humans really done anomalies?"

   Mr. Zai was thinking about it, glanced at it, and found a mechanical door in a small corner.

   Judging from the red light above and the green light of the gate, it can be opened.

   Soon, other players also discovered this place.

  [There's a door here! See if you can open it. ]

  A player trotted over with a gun in his pocket, and under his operation, the mechanical door opened in response.

  [This door is a safe passage! ]

   Soon, this door attracted all the nine-tailed fox players present.

  They completely forgot what they were supposed to do, and ran into the safe passage one after another, all the way to the end.

   Then found nothing

  [Okay, okay, I don’t know how to play anyway, so let’s go to the site and empty the magazine first. Also, I think there should be no need to kill D-Class. There is a strap in our backpack, which is said to be used to strap D-class. ]

   Upon hearing this, Chief Zai quickly opened his backpack.

   Sure enough, in the 8-digit turntable backpack interface, a new tool appeared—the bundler.

  The introduction above is said to be used to imprison and bind D-class personnel who escaped in the chaos and were armed.

   It seems that there is really no need to kill D-class.

   In addition, in addition to a submachine gun, the backpack actually comes with a medical kit and a level 3 key card!

   This is dozens of times better than the D-level start with nothing!

  So, after checking your equipment.

  The rookie Nine-Tailed Fox team walked east and west, and finally successfully found the facility elevator!

  However, I don’t know which idiot it was, only 7 people came in, and the elevator was closed.

  The two recruits outside were so anxious that they jumped.

  [I am super! I am super! I'm not in the car yet! I haven't got in the car yet! ]

  [Wait a minute, shit! ]

  As the elevator door slowly closed, the voices of the two were also isolated from the outside.


   The radio of the Nine-Tailed Fox Team rang.

  [Slow down, I’m super, we haven’t come in yet! ]

[That's right! It's all about death anyway, don't leave us behind! At least let me empty the clip to refresh ah! ]

  [Brother, are you awake.]

   Various voices rang out on the radio, and the quick-handed Hanpi apologized angrily.

  Zai always felt that this kind of atmosphere dilutes the imminent moment of death, making him feel that this game is really interesting.

  So, in such an atmosphere, the elevator successfully reached the office area.

  [Okay everyone, our mission is mainly to rescue researchers, bind D-class personnel, and kill anomalous entities. ]

  [There are 7 of us here, and I still have a grenade in my backpack. Although I don't know if we can throw away the ashes of the 'abnormal', but at least it can give us the pleasure of shooting ourselves. Make up for us who were scared into grandchildren in the game itself. ]

  Everyone: Alright!

  [OK, open the door, open the door. ]

   Several people came to the mechanical gate as high as a wall and opened it with a key card.

   Unexpectedly, as soon as the mechanical door opened, a researcher and D-class personnel rushed out of the front passage.

   The Nine-Tails were taken aback, and they quickly turned on the mic to speak.

  [Awesome, he actually ran out by himself! ]

  [Can play, brother, what game is it? Take it with you. ]

   At this time, the researchers who ran out first also turned on their microphones.

  [Bring a hair, run! Thousands of anomalies followed! ]

  [Fuck! ? ]

   The Nine-Tails were startled, and quickly looked inside the gate.

   The first thing I see is another D-class personnel in orange clothes, he is desperately running towards the door.

   And behind him

   It is a huge, smooth, flesh-red reptile covered with barbs.

   It was chasing after the D-class personnel, yelling at the player in fright.

  [Damn, why are you only chasing me! Don't chase that security guard! ]

  Hearing this, the anomaly also turned on the microphone.

  [I only have eyes for you, brother. ]

  The voice came from far to near, making Mr. Zai and the Nine Tails dumbfounded.

   Damn it, the anomaly can actually talk to people! ?

   Is it also possible to cooperate?

  Just as Mr. Zai was in a daze, the player beside him spoke hastily.

  [Shoot! Save that D-Class! shot! ]

   Nine-Tails: Good!

   da da da da da da da da —

  Class D burst.

   Mr. Cub:

  [I'm going, I forgot that D-Class can be killed too. Forget about it, withdraw and withdraw! Back to the elevator, back to the elevator! ]

  The mechanical gate as high as a wall was hastily closed.

  Afterwards, under the command, Mr. Zai and others quickly ran into the elevator and pressed the switch in time.

  The flesh-colored thorny crawling anomaly suddenly opened the microphone inside the door and said something inexplicable like 'good luck'.

   Then, with a soft sound, the elevator door slowly closed and left upward.

  At this time, the rescued researcher and security personnel were also among the Nine Tails, enjoying the luck of the rest of their lives.

  [Didn’t you say you want to kidnap someone? Why is there no one tied to this D-level. ]

  [Yes, who will tie it up? ]

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai immediately opened his mouth and recommended himself.

"I come!"

   As he spoke, he took out the binder from his backpack. Go forward and try to operate on the D-class.

  The next second, the D-Class, whose hands were hanging down naturally, was suddenly tied behind his back.

  At the same time, two medical kits, a medical needle, a bottle of painkillers, a level 5 key card, and a gun that looks awesome fell from the D-class body.

  So many things fell from this D-class body, it directly stunned everyone present.

  [Damn it! This D-class hides its secrets! ]

  [What kind of gun is this? It looks so strong. There is something about this D-class. ]

  [This must be a big boss player. He started with nothing, and in ten minutes he was dressed in a magic outfit. Isn’t this a big boss! ]

  [Level 5 key card, ah! ]

  [Boss, take me! I am Mengxin! ]

  [Take me too, I’m also a newbie! ]

  [Boss, I can turn on the voice changer! take me! take me! ]

   At this moment, Class D spoke.

  [Okay, okay, let’s go together, kill me now. ]

  These words made all the Nine Tails, including Mr. Zai, stunned for a moment, not understanding why.

  [What’s wrong, why, big brother. ]

  Class D spoke again.

  [I was scratched by a monster, and it reminded me of a virus. If you don't kill me, I'll turn into a monster later. ]

   The Nine-Tails players were speechless for a moment, wondering whether they should believe it or not.

[Really…? ]

  [I lie to you, do you have food to eat? I rely on it! ]

  As soon as the words came out, many people believed them instantly.

  But Mr. Zai always felt that something was wrong, and he always felt that something was abnormal.

   At this time, another Nine-Tails player spoke.

  [OK, big guy, I shot. ]

[hurry up. ]

  The Nine-Tails player immediately raised the gun in his hand and aimed at the D-Class head.

   Seeing this, the others leaned against the elevator one after another, keeping a distance as much as possible.

   And Mr. Zai felt more and more that there was a problem.

  Why is this D-class so eager to die... Is it really because he doesn't want to harm people...


[Wait! ]

  In an instant, Mr. Zai, who sensed something was wrong, hastily called out to stop him.

   But it was too late, with a gunshot. Immediately, the people in the entire elevator became...

  A human monster with festering skin and pus!


  The elevator reaches the surface.

   Outside, there was a voice of speaking.

  [Why is the radio disconnected. ]

  [I don’t know, I only heard them yelling ‘Nest’ and then there was no movement. ]

  [Forget it, they took the elevator up anyway. ]

  [I don’t know if they met down there… Worse! Fuck! What is this stuff! ]

  [Shoot! shot! ]

  In the live broadcast room, the audience fans only saw Mr. Zai laughing and rushing out, attacking the two 'former teammates' frantically.

  (end of this chapter)