MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 148 ■-FBC-■■■■?

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  Chapter 148 ■-FBC-■■■■?

  Looking at the familiar gameplay of a hip-hop dance game in front of the screen, Mr. Zai couldn't help but recall his glorious aristocratic years.

  He still remembers that the girl with dyed yellow hair once called him 嚫爱布咾厷ゞ灬 in the game

  [I have to sing along]

   A word from the protagonist of the game made Mr. Zai shudder and wake up. Then he shook his head like a rattle, trying to forget this dark history.

   Then he smiled and began to sing along.

   Fortunately, there is a cross key handle on the rocker handle.


  【Perfect! 】

  Exception: Happy birthday to you.

  Protagonist: Happybirthdaytoyou

   After a period of time, Mr. Zai walked out of the Z-FBC-0983 control room gloriously and proudly amidst the thunderous applause of text in the live broadcast room.

  He looked back at the toy monkey inside the door, with an invincible and lonely expression on his face.

   "Huh! It's just a trick!"

   Afterwards, facing the gift brushed up in the live broadcast room, he walked away.

  After experiencing these episodes, Mr. Zai continued to rush to the location of 0970 on the electronic map.

   After avoiding several dangerous anomalies in a row, he finally found the 0970 anomaly in the corridor of the light control area.

   But here, he also met a familiar person.

  The cleaner—Ahti.

  He is just like the beginning of the game, with his back to the player.

  With a mop in his hand and a Walkman strapped to his waist, he mopped the floor while humming a tango in the aisle.

   It looked leisurely, out of tune with the dark and dangerous environment at the moment.

   "I knew this old thing is not simple, he should also be an anomaly? I think so, what do you think?"

   Chief Zai stood outside the mechanical door that had just been opened, looking warily at the cleaner in blue on the other side.

  Recalling his two relaxed postures in his mind, he directly made a definition of abnormality in his heart.

   And the people in the live broadcast room think so too.

   After all, in such a dangerous environment, everyone is too busy to take care of themselves, fleeing and dying.

  Even armed security personnel are hard to escape. Is it possible for him, a cleaner, to survive?

   Mr. Zai glanced at the electronic map in his hand, and it showed that the location of W-FBC-0970 was less than 20m away from him.

  In this passage, apart from the cleaner, there are only two mechanical metal doors beside him.

   So. This cleaner is 0970?

   Zai was not sure, so he saved a file on the spot and walked up.

  When it is about to approach, the game enters the dialogue of the plot.

  The cleaner in blue turned around, glanced at the protagonist with a flat expression, then lowered his head and started mopping the floor.

  [You are here, you went wrong, you should not come here. ]

   "Good guy, this cleaner really knows something!"

  At this moment, four options appeared in front of Mr. Zai.

  【1. Who are you? 】

  【2. I am looking for W-FBC-0970, do you know anything? 】

  【3. Do you know another world? 】

  【4. (No word)】

  These four options do not have a time limit, so they can let Mr. Zai fully think.

  The primary purpose now is to go to the parallel world.

  But the electronic map shows that 0970 is around here. It may be the cleaner in front of him, or it may be the mechanical doors marked with the lounge on both sides of the aisle.

  So the second option can actually be ignored, which seems a bit redundant.

   As for the third option, it is obviously not easy for the cleaner to mop the floor so leisurely in such a dangerous facility.

   Then he should know more or less about the parallel world.

  But compared to this, Zai is always more curious about his identity.

  Why is this cleaner showing up again, and what is he doing?

  So after thinking about it, he decided to choose 1.

  The protagonist of the game speaks immediately.

[who are you? ]

  The cleaner mopping the floor glanced at the protagonist, this time without even raising his head, and continued mopping the floor.

  [As I told you before, I am the cleaner here. My job is to clean. ]

   At this point, Ati's hand stopped. Then he straightened up and took a deep look at the protagonist.

  [Oh, I see, you are asking. ]

  This sentence has a lot of meaning.

  Let the protagonist of the game look more confused.

[What? ]

  The cleaner smiled, turned around, and cleaned the mop.

  [Your curiosity is heavy, it might just be fun for you. But for him, it was a disaster. ]

  [What? ]

   "What the hell?"

  The protagonist of the game is even more unknown, so even Mr. Zai felt a little strange.

  The cleaner bent down and began to drain the water.

  [You'll know, you'll know soon. That Taikoo House, where I do sanitation, you come to Taikoo House as a cleaner assistant. ]

   "The Oldest House again?"

   Mr. Zai frowned, ignoring the words of the assistant cleaner.

  He learned from the protagonist of the parallel world before that this so-called Taikoo House should be the headquarters of the Control Bureau.

  But why did he have to go to the Oldest House to find out the identity of the cleaner?

  What the **** does he have? Or what is he?

   This pass is a sell. The cub wants to hit someone!

   At this time, in front of Mr. Zai, the previous dialogue options popped up again.

  【1. I am looking for W-FBC-0970, do you know anything? 】

  【2. Do you know another world? 】

  【3. (without saying a word)】

  There is no new option this time, Mr. Zai looked at it, and finally chose No. 1.

  The protagonist of the game speaks immediately.

  [I'm looking for W-FBC-0970, do you know anything? ]

  When the cleaner heard this, she turned around and nodded.

   Then, he pointed to the mechanical doors marked with lounges on the left and right, and said.

  [Of course, these two doors are. ]

   "I boiled? So refreshing?"

   Mr. Zai looked at the two opposing doors on the left and right, and there was no number on it with a door plate like other control rooms.

   So it looks a little special.

   Moreover, the answer was obtained so quickly, which surprised him for a while.

   This cleaner, is he not a riddler?

   Instead, tell him directly?

  The cleaner continued to mop the floor, opening his mouth while mopping.

  [Open whichever door you want, then walk, keep walking until you feel right. ]

   Mr. Cub:?

   Soon, in front of him, the remaining dialogue options popped up again.

  【1. Do you know another world? 】

  【2. (without saying a word)】

  It is obvious this time, only choose 1.

  The protagonist of the game speaks directly.

  [Do you know another world? ]

  The cleaner paused, he raised his head slightly, glanced at the protagonist, then lowered his head and continued mopping the floor.

  [You are wrong, there is no other in the world, you cannot use the number 'one', you have to use 'other'. ]

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai was startled.

   "I get it, shit, I get it."

   "You can't use the number one, you can only use others. That means, there is more than one parallel world? There are many more?"

   "We went this time, just one of them!?"

   "So that's it, I understand!"

  At this point, the protagonist of the game wanted to ask questions, but was interrupted by the cleaner.

  He looked at the protagonist, but there was no protagonist in his eyes.

  His eyes are somewhat deep, as if looking at the person behind the protagonist.

  Zai Zong couldn't help feeling a little chilly and frowning.

  [There are me in many places, but the place you are going to does not have me, so you have to be careful. But you have a lot of time, so you'd better get dressed before you go. ]

   As he spoke, he pointed to the mechanical door at the end of the aisle.

  [Pass through this door and go straight for 100m, there is a security station there. You put on the clothes worn by the security inside, and then go to the place you want to go. ]

  [Yes I see]

  The protagonist replied, the cleaner nodded, and the plot dialogue ended abruptly.

   At the same time, the game missions are updated.

  【Go to the security station mentioned by the cleaner Atti, find the dress and put it on】

   "Ah, the conversation is over?"

  Zai never expected that this meeting would be so brief.

  It looks like the cleaners are here to tell me to get those clothes.

   Zai always tried to stand up, trying to say something more. But no matter how he stood, the cleaner in front of him did not have the option to talk.

   Helpless, he took out the electronic map and was about to go to the mission location to see what kind of clothes it was, but he even specifically stated that it was on the body of the security guard.

   And the location is not far away, only 109m, the distance of one or two aisles.

   "Okay, let's go. Look at what clothes, mysterious, body armor?"

   Mr. Zai immediately manipulated the protagonist to bypass the cleaner and walk to the end of the aisle.

   Then swipe the card to open the door.

   And the moment he closed the door casually, the voice of the cleaner came faintly.

  [I really want to take a vacation.]

   Mr. Cub:?

   "Vacation? What the hell? This cleaner has said it many times. Is there any special meaning?"

   Zai always listened in a daze, then he shrugged and ignored it.

   Start walking to the mission location marked on the map.

  There is no danger and no entity in this short distance.

   Let him go quite comfortably.

   And when he turned a corner, he saw a security station not far ahead.

   "It's finally here guys!"

   Mr. Zai immediately pressed the handle and walked forward, but here, there was blood.

   Corpses are scattered everywhere, some in orange clothes, some in white clothes, and some armed with bulletproof vests.

   Obviously, a rather violent tragedy should have happened here, so there was blood splattered everywhere.

   President Zai pursed his lips, walked carefully to the entrance of the security station, and opened the door.

  Suddenly, his eyes widened!

  Because there was a headless corpse inside.

   And the body was wearing a suit of armor that looked like something in a sci-fi movie?

   President Zai swallowed, he noticed a **** document on the messy and blood-stained ground.

  He stepped forward to pick it up, above, was an abnormal introduction.

  【Item Number: ■-FBC-■■■■】

  【Object Level: ■■■】

  【Project warning: No one can wear this set of mechanical equipment! Can't activate any of the functions inside! It must be kept inactive! If anyone wants to try to challenge my warning, he better not be executed before wearing this equipment! 】

  A brief overview of the exception:

  This set of mechanical equipment is called Absolute ■■■ Protector, it can filter ■■■■, allowing people to conceptually ■■■■.

  Original in ■■■■ (The writing on the back is stained with blood and cannot be read clearly)

  After reading the document, Mr. Zai looked at the headless security guard in the corner of the security station with a bewildered expression, and the sci-fi-style armor on his body!

   "Could it be this 'clothes' that the cleaner was talking about?"

   "Should I strip? Is it really okay to strip clothes from dead people"

   As he spoke, Mr. Zai looked at the battle armor helmet next to the corpse.

   Inside, there is also a head.

  (end of this chapter)

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