MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 141 Strong D-9341

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  Chapter 141 Strong D-9341

  【Congratulations on unlocking the new achievement 'Shy Man'】

  【Congratulations on unlocking the new achievement 'Strange Space'】

  In the pitch black, two prompts for unlocking achievements popped up in the lower right corner of the game.

   Let the somewhat panting core calm down a little.

   "Am I dead?"

   "Not dead, right? Why hasn't the death file been fired yet?"

  At this moment, the black screen is a little longer.

   so that she felt a little impatient

  Just at the last moment, the slender and tall monster rushed in, scaring her and yelling "Damn it!"

  Just as she was about to accept the fate of reloading the file, a hand suddenly stretched out from the dark substance under her feet, and the moment the tall and thin monster was about to grab her, it dragged her into the black substance.

   This caused her perspective to sink suddenly, and the game screen went black for an instant.

  Until now, she was still in shock, her throat throbbing.

  The feeling of waiting for death after being targeted and chased thousands of miles away made Xinxin not want to experience it again.

   "Am I being dragged into the black mud now? Should I die?"

  Xinxin wiped the sweat from his forehead due to nervousness, muttered in his mouth, waiting for the game screen to appear.

   "Brothers, have you been scared just now? How do you feel about that monster and that scary mouth?"

  Xinxin asked casually, and immediately, the audience in the live broadcast room used the keyboard to express their thoughts.

   "I'm on a horse, this monster's mouth reaches directly to the chest, this is the first time I've been scared by a mouth!"

   "This monster is really awesome, rampant, guns are useless, and I don't know how to fight it."

   "Looking at the tall and thin one, I thought it was very weak. As a result, Nima slapped a security guard and killed me!"

   "Don't you look at the power of that monster, the thick metal door of the monitoring room was knocked over like a wooden board, awesome."

   "How did this monster locate Xinjiang? Just by looking at the monitor, the monster knew her location?"

   "I guess what the mechanism is, this monster is quite unique. Before attacking, howl, and see how painful it is holding its head. Is there any meaning to this action?"

   Following the discussion in the live broadcast room, Xinxin took a sip of water.

   At this time, the voice of speaking came from the Bluetooth headset that comes with VR.

   But this voice is not gentle.

  [Give me up! You this D grade! ]

   Immediately, there was a sound of kicking the flesh.

   Clearly, the speaker is kicking.

   And the kicked one is the protagonist!

  Because after kicking, the screen of the game opened slightly, just like opening eyes.

  Xinxin cried out excitedly.

   "I am stupid, I am not dead!? No way? I was obviously dragged into that black mud, how could I not die!?"

  As she uttered her surprise, the game screen became clearer.

   Soon, I saw two people standing in front of me, a man and a woman.

  The man was fully armed, about 30 years old, and he knew that he was a security guard when he was holding a gun.

  A woman in a white coat, about 20 years old, she must be a researcher without accident.

  At this moment, the two were looking down at him.

  The man even pointed the rifle in his hand at him, as if to shoot if he made a mistake.

  [You can’t get up, can you? Do you want to invite you with this thing? ]

  The muzzle of the gun was pressed against the protagonist's head.

  Xinxin from the first-person perspective couldn't help but sweat for the protagonist.

  It is said that surviving a catastrophe will bring blessings. As the protagonist, don’t you die if you don’t get lucky.

  From playing the game to the present, Xinjiang has been very clear that the so-called D-class personnel are just humanoid experiments with low status and no human rights.

   And the security personnel and researchers are basically the deadly enemies of the D-class personnel.

  But it happened to be encountered here. It can only be said that the protagonist is out of luck.

  While Xinxin was looking at the next development, the game turned into a first-person real-time calculation animation.

  The protagonist of the game made a move that made her eyes widen.

   He only heard him sneer with disdain, and slowly stood up.

  The security guard and the researcher in front of him looked at each other with confusion.

[why are you laughing? ]

  The security yelled, and the gun was pointed at the protagonist's head again.

  The protagonist of the game sneered again and again.

  In front of the security guards, he gently pinched the muzzle of the gun with his index finger and thumb, and slowly moved away.

  At the same time, the tone was calm and cold.

  [The heartbeat fluctuated violently, the breathing was rapid and turbulent, and the cheeks were sweating constantly. You should have experienced a very exciting thing, right? ]

  [Look here, there are nine passages, and there is only one way to go out. If you want to leave, just let go of your arrogance and cooperate with me. ]

   As soon as the voice fell, the perspective shifted, and the protagonist turned his head to look at the surrounding environment.

   And Xinxin also took advantage of this to see where he was currently, and immediately opened his mouth wide and froze.

   "My mother. What the **** is this place?"

  Here is a small circular stone space.

  The entrance is covered with lime walls.

  Underground, filled with dust.

  On the top, there is a faint light.

  The small and cold space gives people a feeling of suffocation and depression.

  At the same time, this circular space is evenly distributed with nine dark and dense passages leading to nowhere, surrounding people.

   And each road can only accommodate one person.

   Gives people a sense of hesitation that there are roads everywhere, but it is difficult to move.

  [Cooperate with you? ]

  The security looked disdainful.

  [You are right, you are indeed required to cooperate. You go ahead and find the way for us, and I will let you keep this life. ]

   While speaking, he aimed the gun at the protagonist's head again.

   His eyes were full of looking at garbage.

   For a while, Xinxin had to admire the professionalism of the face model actor.

  However, in the game, the protagonist remains calm about this.

  As if he was used to this kind of scene, he squeezed the muzzle of the gun again and slowly moved away.

  [I don’t want to repeat the meaningless words, you either shoot or cooperate with me, I don’t want to listen to time-wasting nonsense. The pocket space of A-FBC-0106 will affect our perception and time. If you stay here for a long time, there will be unexpected surprises. ]

  [Judging from your current state, it is estimated that you have already experienced it. How's it going, is it fun? ]

  After hearing this, the security personnel froze in place for a while.

  In Xinxin's eyes, he was holding the gun tightly and his expression was shaken.

   While looking at the protagonist of the game, he looked at the young female researcher beside him, wondering what he was thinking.

  [Why do you know it’s called ‘Pocket Space? ’ Also, why do you know that only one of the nine passages is the correct way out? Who told you that? ]

  At this time, the female researcher stood where she was, brushed her hair and frowned.

   But her words made the protagonist of the game answer coldly.

  [This is the third time I've come in. ]

What! ?

  Xinxin was taken aback.

  She knows that the protagonist has prescient insights, after all, she has experienced more than 1,000 deaths.

  So regarding this strange space, and the protagonist's evaluation when he witnessed the two security guards leaving, she can also guess that the protagonist has been here.

  But what she didn't expect was that she came here twice!

   And escaped twice! ?

  This means that the protagonist knows what this abnormality that produces black matter is! ?

  After hearing this, the female researcher twitched her eyes, as if she didn't believe what the protagonist said.

  [Why should we trust you? Before we have any basis, we will only confirm the results through experiments. ]

  The protagonist sneered again.

  [You are right, I respect your choice. However, once these passages are entered, no matter whether you are going forward or looking back, you will go to a new and repeated space. So let me get rid of the idea of ​​letting me explore the way as soon as possible. Since you don't cooperate, it's none of my business that you guys are rotten here. ]

  Xinxin's eyes widened at the words of the protagonist of the game.

   "My mother, so strong and handsome! I just like such a domineering protagonist!"

  After hearing Xinjiang's words, fans in the live broadcast room also commented.

   "Dare to say it! My protagonist is really not afraid of being shot down. Although you can load files, you are a D-rank after all. Your status determines your right to speak."

   "One thing to say, I rarely see such a strong character of the protagonist. No, it is almost impossible to see it in the current game."

   "Indeed, most of the protagonists are tool people, especially in FPS and RPG games. The protagonists in these two types of games are basically hard-working, hard-working model workers. They have never had any opinions."

"It's really rare to see such a strong protagonist in "Control Failure", but yes, the protagonist has resurrected more than 1,000 times in this riot, and his mentality and knowledge are far superior to others. Just a gun , maybe I really didn’t pay attention to it.”

   At this time, in the game.

  The female researcher was silent. She bit her lower lip, as if she was thinking about something.

   Soon, she raised her head and asked nervously.

  [In this case, how do you want to cooperate? ]

  The protagonist of the game smiled lightly.

  [It's very simple, I will lead the way, and you are responsible for eliminating threats. ]


  What threat?

   Are there monsters here too?

  Just as Xinjiang was frowning, two game prompts appeared in front of her in the next second.

  【Game Freedom】

  【In this game, you don't have to stick to the rules. Lots of random events and lots of ways for you to complete them. You can choose to help them out of danger, or use them to achieve your goals. You can choose to be selfless, or you can choose to murder others. These choices will not make you a good person or a bad person, everything is for survival! 】


  【Use your abilities flexibly】

  【Facing some multiple choices, your ability to read files allows you to have unlimited trial and error costs. Try to use your abilities to find the right path]

   After reading the game prompts, Xinjiang learned that if you want to leave here, you need to use the protagonist's save file reading ability?

  Is your personal ability not enough?

  She pressed the confirm button, the prompt faded, and the control of the game returned to her hands again.

   Now, she can move again.

  The security guard and the female researcher also took a step forward at this time, indicating that they have followed.

  Xinxin tried to step back to create a distance, and the two immediately followed without saying a word.

   It looks like a follower in an RPG game.

   "OK, so I want to escape from here now, right? The game clearly told me that saving files and reading files is also a method of decryption. That's fine, then save a file here and try one by one."

   As she spoke, she saved the file on the spot, and then walked straight into the dark passage in front of her.

  The two behind him immediately followed and walked in.

  In the tunnel, you can't see your fingers.

  At the same time, it was extremely narrow and silent.

  Although only one person can pass, there is still room for extra activities.

   Now, apart from the footsteps and breathing of the three, there is no other sound.

  The flashlight of the security guard is responsible for illuminating the road ahead, but the sight distance is limited, so they cannot see far.

  Xinxin is trembling here.

  Because she walked in the first place, there was an unknown deep darkness ahead.

   Such a blind exploration in the dark is shocking every step of the way!

   It made her extremely tense now, and she had a tendency to pee at the slightest sign of trouble.

  She is sure that in this situation, once something pops out, she is afraid that her whole body will be frightened and fly!

  But she could only hold back Juyi, and slowly went deeper.

  Perhaps because of the tense atmosphere, the female researcher introduced herself.

  [My name is Rose Emily, a research assistant, and this is Agent Deve. Fortunately, I met him here, otherwise I would have collapsed by myself. ]

[what's your name? Even though you're a D-class, they probably won't erase your memory of your own name. ]

  Xinxin listened to the female researcher's introduction, and the panic in her heart calmed down a little.

  For her, the current atmosphere needs a living person to chat and dilute it.

   Otherwise, the whole process would be too depressing, and people would feel uncomfortable.

  But the protagonist of the game doesn't seem to understand.

  For the self-introduction of the female researcher, he just responded coldly.

  [What is your name means nothing to me, we just met by chance, and we just cooperated temporarily. I don't have to remember your name, and I don't have to tell you mine. ]

  Core core: .

   I really don’t know whether to call you straightforward or elm-headed

  The protagonist's answer made the female researcher dumbfounded, not knowing what to say for a long time.

  I can only keep silent and don't speak anymore.

  For a while, as a player, Xinxin could feel the embarrassment of the atmosphere.

   Fortunately, the three of them came to the end of the passage. The light also penetrates here.

   This awkward atmosphere faded away along with the excitement.

  3 people walked out quickly.

  But when it entered the eyes, it made Xinxin dumbfounded.

  Because in front of you is still the previous circular platform!

  What's going on?

   Come back around?

   Is this a maze? Or a honeycomb structure?


  The "new space for repetition" mentioned by the protagonist just now refers to this! ?

   While Xinxin was scratching her head, a female researcher's voice came from behind her.

  [Sure enough, the space here repeats unchanged. Every road seems to be walking in the same place, but walking back along the passageway from when it came is a new repeating space. Are we completely lost in this space...? ]

  After hearing this, the security personnel immediately questioned the protagonist in a bad tone.

  [Hey, Grade D, didn't you say follow you? Isn't this the same as before? ]

   As soon as the voice fell, the game suddenly paused, and a new system prompt appeared in front of Xinxin.

  【The pocket space of A-FBC-0106 is full of mysteries and unknowns. Here, it is very difficult for you to escape with your own strength】

  【The circular space you are in is one of the areas of the pocket space. It is boundless here, and every passage leads to a new circular space. You can save in place and re-select the path. You can also read the file and go back to the previous circular space, choose another path]

  【You can leave this space by luck without using your ability】

  After reading the prompt, Xinxin's expression suddenly dawned on him, and he understood how weird this space is.

   And in her live broadcast room, the audience also expressed amazement.

   "Is this a different-dimensional world? No, this place keeps repeating and repeating. It's not called a world at all."

   "The invisible black monster before dragged people into this pocket space?"

   "Have Xiaoxin and these two NPCs been exiled? Drag them in here. Is this space a decryption or something? Can you really get out?"

   "The production team is really awesome. The game map is already too big, but it can also create these extra different spaces and stuff events into it."

   "Is Xinjiang missing any documents? Is the introduction of that black monster missing?"

   "Made, fortunately this is a game. If this is the real world, you can choose one of the nine paths. If you choose the wrong one, you have to choose one of the nine paths again. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out forever!"

   "No wonder the production team wants to put a reminder here. Isn't it obvious that you can only use the protagonist's file reading ability to pass the level?"

  Xinxin looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and then glanced at the circular space in front of him.

  After thinking about it, she decided to explore this area.

   If you read the file directly, it will be boring to play.

   After all, there are more than 3 million people watching the live broadcast room. If everything goes well, some people will soon find it boring.


   "Well, let's explore here first. Anyway, every space here is a new space. If you really can't find a way to go out, let's read the file. Anyway, you can go out after reading the file up to 8 times."

  Xinxin's decision was supported by the audience in the live broadcast room.

  So, she pressed the confirmation button on the remote sensing handle, the prompt faded, and the game continued.

  The protagonist speaks immediately after hearing the security guard's questioning.

  [If you have any opinions, you can leave by yourself, or don’t follow me, you don’t need to pretend in front of me. ]

   When the security guard heard this, he was furious.

[asshole! You are just a useless experiment! How dare you talk to me like that! ]

   As he said that, the security guard was about to come forward and shoot the **** of his gun.

   But then, under the real-time calculation animation, the protagonist once again made a move that shocked everyone in the live broadcast room.

  I just saw him step forward, dodge the **** of the gun, and punched the security guard's exposed Adam's apple, causing the security guard to squat on the ground coughing violently and having difficulty breathing.

  At the same time, he grabbed the gun again, kicked it on the ground and stepped on his neck, and held the gun against his head with one hand.

   This set of movements was smooth and smooth, and the heavily armed agent was cleaned up in the blink of an eye.

  The audience in front of the screen were dumbfounded.

   "This horse is the protagonist? The protagonist is so hanging in the game!?"

   "I'm stupid! No wonder the protagonist spoke so confidently before. I thought he was so powerful just because of his ability to read files. It turns out that his boxing skills are not bad!"

   "I think this is quite normal. With so many monsters coming out, it is difficult for ordinary people to protect themselves. The protagonist has experienced more than 1,000 times here. I am sorry for his ability if he is not strong."

   "It seems that in the first 1000 times of experience, the protagonist should have dealt with people a lot, and he didn't do this kind of thing less, and he hit the throat with one punch."

"It should be at a relatively short distance. Only the protagonist has such skills at close range. I guess it won't work if the distance is slightly widened. The security personnel are agents, so they can't be so useless. The protagonist is underestimated + close range + surprise attack Get it cheap."

  Looking at the plot demonstration in front of him, Xinxin was also shocked.

She knows that the protagonist has the ability to foresight, which has been very clear in the previous experience. The protagonist knows something about most things, and there will be one or two comments instead of a confused look and a question. Three do not know.

  So, then he should also have a certain force value in these more than 1,000 times of tempering.

   It's just that most of the games she's been playing haven't shown up in the instant calculus.

  In many games, the protagonist is invincible and invincible under the player's control.

  However, in the real-time calculation or CG animation plot performance, the protagonist becomes like a tool man, obedient to orders, without arrogance, and without the attitude of the player controlling the sky.

   This gives players a strong sense of contrast.

   But now, in the game "Control Failure", the production team actually did it the other way around!

   When the player is allowed to control it, he is very cowardly.

  When the protagonist’s own plot was performed, a group of them hung up.

   This doesn't follow the routine, brother!

  Xinxin pursed her lips, but to be honest, she enjoyed that her protagonist is not a complete tool person, and she is also tough and powerful, which is a bit beyond her expectations.

   There is a kind of, how should I put it, a relatively novel experience?

   In short, she played very comfortably.

   The main reason why it hasn’t been updated in the past two days is because the writing has collapsed, and now after the modification, it can continue to write normally. This game is about to end. It is impossible to write all the 18 anomalies in the original game, but I just picked a few to write. It was revealed in advance that the next game is a modern horror game related to God (not Cthulhu).



  (end of this chapter)

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