MTL - I Make Games To Scare Crying Players-Chapter 136 Two levels of exception

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  Chapter 136 Two levels of abnormality


  What about the big guy just now?

   Huanhuan swallowed her saliva, turned around, and the person disappeared.

   Now it is 100% sure that the cleaner is not human!

   In other words, it is no longer an ordinary human being!

   At this moment, Huan Huan felt a little flustered.

  The sudden disappearance of a living person made her a little scared and wanted to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

  So she took two steps back, turned around and ran, and quickly came to the end of the aisle, pressed the button next to the door, opened the mechanical door, and stepped into a new aisle.

   President Zai, on the other hand, tried hard to recall what the protagonist said just now, 'Use his abilities well'.

  But due to the long interval, he couldn't remember what the last sentence the cleaner said was.

   It seems that we can only wait for the recording and broadcasting of fans tomorrow to review.

  At this time, the aisle that Huanhuan entered was the same as the one behind her, which was a straight-line distance.

  The only difference is that this aisle is not long.

  And on the left and right walls, there are two huge mechanical doors.

   Among them, the one on the left has already been opened.

   Someone must have gone in, right?

  Huanhuan didn't know, she was about to step forward.

  Suddenly, in the dead silence, voices came from the mechanical door on the left.

[No! You can't take any more pictures! You have become very strange! ]

   This is a female voice.

[roll! Bitch! I was shot by that bastard, how can I take revenge on that **** if the injury is not healed? ]

   This is a male voice.

  [Please be sober.! Ni's wound is now very strange.! This thing is definitely not an injury treatment! ]

  The female voice begged, with fear and panic revealed in her tone.

[shut up! This thing is obviously healing my wounds! What do you mean you won't let me use it? Do you want me to die! ? ]

  The male voice was very annoyed, it sounded like he was getting angry.

  [But but you have changed. You have changed now.]

[roll! I haven't changed! Wait for me, I, uh, ah. I, uh, ah. I]

  The man's voice changed.

  From the normal human voice at the beginning, it turned into a strange timbre that lowered the voice, and finally became a little hoarse.




   There was a beast roar, accompanied by a woman's high-pitched scream.

   Followed by the sound of falling down and a female voice crying for help.


  The sound of skin and flesh being torn suddenly came out, followed by the sound of swallowing and chewing, as well as the sound of breathing weakly.

   Huanhuan, who had just arrived on this road, turned green with fright!

   Damn it!

   What's going on here! ?

  What happened to that woman? What happened to that man! ?

  At this moment, Huanhuan's heart was beating violently.

  The sound of animal-like biting and swallowing constantly impacted her senses.

   Inside the door ahead, it is absolutely dangerous!

   "Cousin, let's go back the same way, shall we? This is obviously wrong."

   "If you're afraid, take off the VR, I'll do it!"

   Huanhuan gritted her silver teeth, looked at the open door on the left in front of her eyes, held the remote sensor tightly in her hand, and finally turned her head, and stepped forward tremblingly.

   On the contrary, Mr. Zai looked at her with admiration, thinking that this girl is quite courageous. But based on his understanding of her, nine out of ten he was slapping her face to pretend to be fat.

   Sure enough, Huanhuan walked very slowly.

   Still leaning on the wall carefully.

   In this scene, the cubs couldn't help but hide their faces.

   "Brothers, I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

  After hearing this, Huanhuan groaned and quickened her pace a little.

   Soon, in her field of vision, she saw a blood-stained path in front of the open door, extending all the way to the mechanical door on the opposite side of the passage.

  In addition to the 'taken a shot' mentioned in the conversation just now.

   Obviously, the man in this room dripped blood all the way to this passage after being injured, and then treated the wound inside.

   But why did the man behind attack the woman?

   What is "that thing"?

   I'm afraid it's better to have a look.

   Huanhuan saved a file here in case she died accidentally.

   Then squat down and walk forward slowly.

  The sound of chewing inside the door became louder and louder.

  The weak and heavy breathing has completely disappeared.

   This shows that the woman died of exhaustion!

  Huanhuan took a deep breath, bolstered her courage, and came to the door.

  When she was about to look inside, a document on the ground attracted her attention.

   Seeing this, Mr. Zai immediately said loudly that this should be a new anomaly introduction document, and asked her to pick it up quickly.

   In view of the previous W-FBC-0173 document, Huanhuan didn't dare to miss it, and quickly reached out to pick up the document on the ground.

  Because she knew that there must be some important clues in this document.

  Now, she has to take a good look!

  As she checked, a picture of the document suddenly appeared on the game screen.

   Above, it really is a new exception introduction!

   It's just this. It's kind of weird.

  【Item No.: Z/A-FBC-0427】

  【Object Class: Zayin/Aleph】

  【Project Warning: Note that this exception is rather special. Essentially a benign healing item, but has the negative effect of mutating creatures, and is extremely dangerous and aggressive! Except for researchers and medical staff of Class B medical professions, other personnel are forbidden to touch it! 】

   Below is a detailed description of this abnormal item.

  After a brief overview, roughly:

  Z/A-FBC-0427 is a gorgeous silver polished locket no larger than 4cm.

  It was born after Z-FBC-0914 refined the tablets of Z-FBC-0500.

  After opening the box cover, there is a small ball of light in the center of the box. The organic tissue irradiated by the photosphere can quickly heal cell damage and purify the compounds and diseases in the organism to a certain extent.

  But the effect is very little. It takes 3-10 days to cure a common cold. This is combined with the body's own immune system.

  If the healer is irradiated by the light ball for 10 minutes, the body's various resistances, such as disease and poisoning resistance, will increase by 500%

   After being irradiated for 15 minutes, all resistances will increase by 1000%

  Continue to irradiate after 15 minutes, and the healer's muscular system will automatically evolve, increasing body strength and pain tolerance by 200%-300%.

  After 30 minutes of irradiation, the cells and tissues of the healer's whole body will mutate, becoming a "flesh and blood beast" that can resist most heat weapons and has an intelligence of over 400.

  Because the mutant is completely non-human and will attack humans. The agents lost a considerable number of manpower during the control operation, which was extremely difficult. Therefore, its mutants are classified as Aleph (dangerous).

  After reading the document, Zai finally understood what was going on in the room just now.

   is an injured person who wants to use this abnormal item to heal himself.

   But the healing effect of this item is not great. It takes several days to treat even a cold, let alone a gunshot wound.

   And if the treatment lasts for more than 30 minutes, it will turn into a very aggressive high-intelligence 'Superman of the Beast'!


   In that case, this room cannot be entered at all!

  But for the effect of the live broadcast, Mr. Zai decided to let Huanhuan take a peek at the door.

  Otherwise, as a player, if you don’t even dare to take a look, you are still called a player?

   Anyway, it’s a game, just load the file after death.

  Thinking of this, Mr. Zai was about to ask Huanhuan to peek at the door when he heard her trembling voice.

   "The sound of Gona monster eating is gone"

What! ?

   Mr. Zai immediately turned his head to look at the screen.

   Sure enough! The previous chewing sound is gone!

   Instead, there was a heavy panting sound from the speakers.

   And. Close at hand!

  At this time, Huanhuan's side is different.

  Different from Mr. Zai who is across the screen, she who is 'in the place' can hear very clearly.

  It seems to be surrounded by ears, extremely depressing!


   A piece of a foot missing, and a shattered calf fell in front of her.

  The fuzzy scarlet on it is faintly visible even in a dim environment.

   This sudden scene made her feel cold all over, as if she was in an ice cellar.

  Then, her teeth chattered, her hands and feet were numb, and she trembled and raised her head against the extremely heavy snorting.


  In an instant, her pupils constricted sharply, and she gasped.

  I could only see a pair of scarlet pupils staring at her in the darkness of the opened mechanical door!

  At the same time, there are bursts of white mist breathing out!

   But what frightened her even more was that there was a dark red **** mouth full of jagged teeth under the eyes in the darkness!

  As if seeing more delicious and fresher food, he showed a terrifying smile that made his whole body explode!

   "Cousin me. I don't want to play"

  The next second, before Huanhuan finished speaking, in the darkness inside the door, she suddenly stretched out two thick tendon arms and dragged her into the door.


   At 9:44 p.m., earth-shattering screams broke out again on the third floor of a community.

   Frightened the dogs outside and whined and ran away.

  (end of this chapter)

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