MTL - I Made Beast-taming Widespread Across The Globe-Chapter 284 old black brakes

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Seeing Lin Ye appearing on the screen, Qin's mother had a kind expression on her face.


Seeing that Qin's mother seemed a bit uncomfortable in addressing herself, Lin Ye immediately said:

"Auntie, just call me Xiaolin."

Qin's mother nodded, and the expression on her face became more and more kind.

"Xiao Lin, when will you come to the house with Zhi Lan?"

Hearing this, Lin Ye was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Qin Zhilan beside him.

The future mother-in-law seems a little... a little anxious?

And Qin Zhilan gritted her teeth, looked at Lin Ye, blushed and nodded.

Then she looked at her mother on the screen, blushing a little and said:

"Mom, then... I'll be back in a while, okay?"

"Okay, why not, remember to bring Xiao Lin with you!"

Seeing her mother's smiling face, Qin Zhilan nodded shyly.

"Oh, I see."

"Okay, that's it, I'll get some food!"

After finishing speaking, before Qin Zhilan and Lin Ye could say anything else, Qin's mother on the other end of the phone hung up.

Looking at the screen, Lin Ye and Qin Zhilan couldn't help but look at each other.


Lin Ye scratched her head, "Is Auntie usually so vigorous?"

Qin Zhilan nodded.

"Well, my a little impatient."

Lin Ye couldn't help but smash her mouth.

Would it be a bit awkward if I went to see my mother-in-law today?

Do you want to get some decent clothes?

What gift should I buy?

Is it too early to call mom directly after meeting?

What if her daddy puts a gun in my mouth?

Qin Zhilan was shy for a while, then she saw Lin Ye standing beside her in a daze.

Such a scene made him shake his head and laugh.

"Don't worry~"

"My mother is very talkative."

"And...and just now, she is not dissatisfied with you."

Lin Ye was noncommittal upon hearing this.

"What about your dad?"

Qin Zhilan: ?(°?°)?

"Uh...hehehehe, he...he shouldn't have any objections."


Speaking of this, our doctor Qin seemed to stand up suddenly, with his hips crossed, chest straight, and said with contempt:

"You're the boyfriend I'm looking for, and it's okay if he doesn't agree!"

"Elbow! Come back to the house with me!"

Seeing Qin Zhilan suddenly domineering, Lin Ye couldn't help grinning.

"why are you laughing?"

Qin Zhilan looked at her boyfriend suspiciously.

Could it be that he was stimulated by something just now?

"You look so domineering that you can't poke a needle!"

"Doctor Qin, you have to protect me for a while~ I'm afraid!"

Qin Zhilan: (??v?v??)

"Hahaha, just kidding."

"let's go!"

"Go and see our parents~"

Hearing these words, Qin Zhilan couldn't help but patted Lin Ye's shoulder lightly.


"That's my parents!"

The two walked out of the infirmary just like that.

As soon as she came out, Qin Zhilan's communicator rang.

Looking at the word "Dean Su" on the caller ID, she was slightly taken aback, and then connected the call.

"Hey, Dean Su, what's the matter?"

"Doctor Qin, is Lin Ye with you?"

Qin Zhilan glanced at Lin Ye and nodded.

"Yes, do you have anything to do with him?"

"Lin Ye! Come to the gymnasium on the side of the academy, someone is calling!"

Lin Ye:? ? ?

"Okay, I'm in the infirmary, here I come."

"Well, hurry up, I'm trying to persuade them to calm down right now, and don't do anything after a while."

"Let's talk~"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Ye looked at Qin Zhilan and apologized slightly:

"Sorry, it might take a while."

Qin Zhilan smiled.

"It's okay, it's important~ let's go!"

Lin Ye curled her lips: "Hmph, big things are not as important as seeing our parents!"

Of course, that's what he said, but Lin Ye still walked towards the gymnasium.

Qin Zhilan didn't bother to correct him anymore, and followed her boyfriend step by step.

However, after taking two steps, Lin Ye suddenly slapped his forehead and turned to look at Lao Hei who had been following behind them.

"Come here quickly, come over with us."

"Ah? So tired!"

Hearing this, Lao Hei immediately collapsed his round buttocks to the ground and swung them on the spot.

"hurry up!"

"You are exploiting child labor! You will be hanged from the street lamp!"

"If you talk nonsense, I'll beat you~"

Lin Ye directly grabbed the lazy dog's ears.

Qin Zhilan on the side looked at the man and the bear who were fighting there daily, and rubbed Lao Hei's round head distressedly.

"Let's go, give us a ride, and I'll give you something to eat later."

"It's a deal!"

Looking at Old Hei who got up when he heard the food, Lin Ye glared at it with hatred.

Then Lin Ye took Qin Zhilan and galloped towards the college gymnasium on Lao Hei.

Lao Hei, who is also 1.78 meters tall on all fours, is not small when he runs in the academy.

After coming out of the road from the infirmary, the movement of "Dongdongdong" shocked many students.

"Fuck! Is that Old Hei?"

"Otherwise? Besides curator Lin, who else can have a panda beast!"

"One thing to say, after growing up so big, she is not as cute as when she was a child."



Lao Hei, who was running wild just now, suddenly came to a screeching halt.

Sitting behind Lin Ye, with her arms around Lin Ye's waist, Qin Zhilan couldn't help sticking to Lin Ye's endorsement under the influence of inertia.

"Damn it, old black, you..."

Lin Yezheng, who was startled by the sudden brake, felt a "majestic" force in the middle of scolding.

"Nice job!"

Of course, he didn't say the latter words.

In order not to be mistaken by Qin Zhilan for colluding with Lao Hei.

"What did you just say?"

Hei, who slammed on the brakes, put his big bear face in front of the student who just said it was not cute anymore.

The few students who were chatting just now felt a little apprehensive when they saw such a huge Hei.

Fortunately, Lin Ye relieved them in time.

"Okay, let's go!"

"I'm in a hurry!"

After finishing speaking, he looked apologetically at the students who were about to be frightened to death and said:

"It's not malicious, don't be afraid~"

After finishing speaking, he scratched Lao Hei's nape twice, signaling the dog to leave quickly.

"Hurry up, the house will be demolished in a while!"

After Lao Hei bared his teeth at these students in displeasure, he turned around and continued to run towards the gymnasium.

Looking at Old Hei's back, those students just breathed a sigh of relief.


"It's so scary! It feels like Old Hei can bite off my head now!"

"Damn! My two-color deer was scared to pee!"

Hearing this, the rest of the people turned their heads to look.

I found that there was indeed a half-sized deer with white and yellow spots on its body trembling with trembling limbs, and there was a puddle of liquid on the ground...


"Old Black~"


When he ran to the passage in the open space of the gymnasium, Lao Hei suddenly heard Lin Ye's voice resounding in his head.

This is a unique way of communication between the beast master and the master of the beast master.

It's just that Lin Ye hasn't had this kind of "whispering" with it for a long time.

"You will suddenly slow down again in a while."


Hearing this, Yuanyuan's head was full of question marks.


"Don't ask too much, just do it."

"But after slowing down, remember to say it's a sprained ankle."

Lao Hei didn't reply to Lin Ye again, but the big head nodded lightly.

At the same time, Qin Zhilan was looking towards the gymnasium, and her body unconsciously "dribbled into someone" in front of her again.

"Oops! I sprained my ankle~"

Lin Ye squinted his eyes, nodded enjoying himself, and then verbally criticized Lao Hei.

Immediately afterwards, it said in its mind:

"Nice job!"

"I'll give you another meal in a while!"

Behind Lin Ye, Qin Zhilan who didn't have the slightest doubt about this matter slowly propped herself up from Lin Ye's rather broad back with a blushing face.

She always feels weird.

But no reason could be found.

But the scene just now made Qin Zhilan blush.

In the infirmary before, the bad guy Lin Ye had "sneak-attacked" that majestic mountain-peak.

Qin Zhilan, who was a little sensitive, recalled the previous feeling.

Fortunately, nothing came out of Lao Hei's back.

And they also saw those people who were confronting in front of the small forest in the gymnasium.

Those five, no, counting Ozawa, there are six people who look like they are dressed in Dong Dalu. When they heard the movement behind them, they couldn't help turning their heads to look over.

Lin Ye patted Lao Hei on the shoulder, indicating that it could stop.

After rubbing on the grass for a few meters, the forest leaf riding on the bear's back was less than ten meters away from the five people.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Ye didn't bother to get down from Lao Hei's body, and just looked down at the five people like this.

Su Hongcheng and the others stood guard in front of the forest, their faces full of solemnity.

After seeing Lin Ye coming, he explained loudly:

"These are from Aizawa's family in Dongying."

"They... said they were coming to meet the bones of their ancestors."

Lin Ye:? ? ?

Is it really fun?

The Dongying man who was called Wutiaowolves or Wutiaogou told him about this before. Lin Ye thought it was just talking, but Tu Yile put it behind him.

In the end, I didn't expect that the "righteous master" actually came to the door.

This is somewhat unreasonable.

It can't be that Jiuying can come here to create some offspring in the beast world, right?

From the great spectrum of the world!

After learning that this was the case, Lin Ye's face was very impatient.

"Get out! Where did you come from? Where do you go? I'm so busy that I don't have time to make trouble with you!"

Labor and management are rushing to see the mother-in-law!

It's not good if the hairy son-in-law is too late for the first time.

Aizawa looked at the man riding on a giant bear, and said awkwardly in the Eastern Continent language:

"Are you... Lin widow?"

Lin Ye looked at the middle-aged man who spoke.

He was just over 1.7 meters tall. Among these five people, he belonged to the existence of "giant", obviously a lot taller.

There is a classic Taijun mustache on his mouth, full of big left taste.

And the strength is not bad, there are seven levels in full.

The other four people who followed him also had the aura of the seventh level, only slightly weaker.

In other words, this person from the Aizawa family, five people from the seventh rank came at once.

There is indeed something to be said for this strength.

The number of people with high-end combat power is comparable to that of Jiangzhou City, if you don't count the imperial beasts.

But obviously, these people came to the wrong place.

Lin Ye didn't even bother to pay attention to this person, so he threw the Great Sage's Beast Familiar Card to the front, and said:

"Give you a minute to get out of here."

"That's my booty, not your ancestors."

Hearing this, Aizawa frowned immediately.

As for the four people behind him who couldn't understand Lin Ye's words and needed an interpreter, after a little delay, they yelled at Lin Ye.


"How can it be repaired!"

"私はあなたを杀す (I'm going to kill you!

"Despicable eastern mainlanders!"

Listening to these birdsong, Lin Ye dug his ears, then waved his hand towards the Great Sage.

"Strength, don't hold back."

As soon as Lin Ye finished speaking, the Great Sage turned into a stream of golden light and rushed towards the five people.

At the same time, Lin Ye also called Huofeng in his mind.

"Come out to work!"

Aizawa looked at the monkey who was rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed and was still wearing a golden armor. He raised his hand and made a few handprints quickly.

"Chuhu! Get up!"

"Giant shield ghost! Get up!"

Accompanied by Aizawa's handprints, two "ghosts" all in black appeared in front of him.

One is a huge black tiger, but it has a human head in front of its chest, and its facial features are very hideous.

The other giant shield ghost is a "soldier" who is nearly two meters tall and holds a heavy shield that is also two meters high and resembles a door panel.


After a muffled sound, the Flame Dragon Stick swung by the Great Sage was blocked by the door-like shield.

But Mihu waited for the opportunity and rushed towards the Great Sage.

The great sage who took back the Yanlong stick turned his head and drew it out, directly pressed the top of the stick against the tiger's abdomen, and picked it away with a blow of the stick.

Lin Ye, who was sitting on Lao Hei's back, was amazed when he saw the supernatural power of this little day.

I didn't expect to meet a person with summoning abilities.

This thing has similarities with the Beast Familiar.

However, the shortcomings are obvious.

These two ghosts look like Yazi who is not very smart at first glance. UU reading

The attack method is also very simple.

Although the strength has the fifth and sixth ranks, but it is just a silver-like pewter spear head.

After a few fights, the Great Sage figured out the routines of these two ghosts, and it seemed extremely easy to fight against two.

Seeing this, the four people behind Aizawa immediately started forming seals as well.

Immediately, eight black "ghosts" with various weapons appeared on the field.

After the appearance of these eight ghosts, Aizawa formed another more complicated handprint.

"Hundred ghosts at night!"

In the next second, the ten ghosts rushed towards the Great Sage at the same time as if someone had commanded them suddenly.


"Burning in flames!"

Read The Duke's Passion