MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 97

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After the third snowfall stopped, the temperature rose slightly.

It was still shiveringly cold outside, but without the blizzard, it was not impossible to walk outside. The sky was as clear as it had been scrubbed, the sun shone on the fresh snow, and everything was bright, which made people feel relaxed after the disaster. The snowfall came to an end temporarily, and some locals began to go out for activities, while people from Fort Thunder came out in a file, hurrying up to do important things that could not be done due to the snowstorm.

The agricultural team circled the land on the sunny side of the house, supported by a heating wall, and began to build a greenhouse there to select the most suitable crops to grow on the Bungalow defense line. With temperature and earth-type supernatural powers, the result can be found in about a month. Mineral prospectors have set out in groups, trying to find enough coal before the next snowfall. Many of the remaining activities could not be carried out due to staff shortages.

Even if they come out of the house, the locals still refuse to accept the job offer. Most of the people ran away in a hurry, and some village chiefs, corporal chiefs and others who had the right to speak shirked Count Anna's summoning request. "Winter is the season for all things to rest. Except for the preparations for the Lent Day, the people of Bungala do not work. This is the will of the gods. Unless there is an order from the bishop, you cannot violate it." They said, "My order Can I violate it? Do I seem to be easy to talk to?" Hearing this kind of feedback, An Xu asked strangely, "Do you want to hang up the corpses that were packed up before?"

"It's not that they're not afraid of you." Chris, a local, explained, "They're just more afraid of God's punishment."

These people have bitten the will of God to death and are unwilling to follow the call of the world. What is worse than stealing and cheating is that most people sincerely think so. People need some spiritual sustenance to survive the monotonous and long winter here. In places where such entertainment is quite scarce, the Guangming Cult has become the only choice. Alinggu, also located in the north, is like a signal station, sending signals every day. Over the past few hundred years, belief in the God of Light (or the Holy See) has permeated this land.

This is not the Tibes Mountain Forest that will turn to the Queen of Thunder every minute.

"It's A Linggu." An Xu muttered.

"No." Lydia retorted earnestly, "They haven't tried to burn you yet."


Thinking of Alingu who was a fanatic everywhere, Earl Anna, who was burdened with the rumor of killing/imprisoning the bishop (if others have no conclusive evidence, it is a rumor), was speechless.

Their bishops couldn't pull themselves out of the ground to issue orders, so the manpower problem had to be put aside for the time being. An Xu fully charged the battery, and finally he can get away to play happily, ah no, it's time to work.

An Xu took Chris with his left hand and Lydia with his right hand, and happily went to the place where he had scouted prey before. Even though I have done enough to rush out to catch prey during charging breaks before, is it the same thing to brush materials for others and group T and milk leisurely to brush books?

Anna the Goddess. Sullivan, a high-output lightning mage, can be used as a turret from a distance (although it seems that the power of the skill points has been accidentally scattered at present), and he can be a monster in melee. Ascetic monk Lydia, a caring nanny, with long legs to keep up with, agile and high endurance, good at dodging. Knight Chris, knight, hey, even if he didn't get shiny equipment for him, his modeling appearance is still there! An Xu looked at the [Nurse Output Tank] classic Iron Triangle team that he had finally assembled, and his heart was bubbling with beauty.

"Can you cook?" An Xu asked.

"Yes?" Chris replied, looking at the other party inexplicably and laughing again. Before he could react, Count Anna had already stepped forward and fiddled with his collar.


Chris swayed a bit, ringing in his ears. The whole world rushed at him suddenly, knocking him dizzy, as if he had been pressed under the water for a long time, and finally rushed to the surface. Everything around me became lighter, brightened, and seemed to have jumped out from behind a frosted glass cover. His fingers trembled, and then he clenched his fist subconsciously, as if feeling this world and his body for the first time—of course it was an illusion, he just hadn't felt it for too long.

Chris's hand goes to his neck, and there's nothing there. His hands were no longer trembling, no longer limp, and something that had been imprisoned for a long time flowed in his blood again, and he felt strength.

Ann used the key to open the collar.

"Okay, the seal is lifted!" She put the collar in her pocket, patted the non-existent ashes on her hands, "Let's go fight monsters!"

The knight looked at her in disbelief, completely unaware that he would be let go suddenly. Earl Anna looked relaxed, as if he hadn't released a prisoner with enhanced physical fitness just now, but the ascetic reflexively assumed a vigilant posture. That posture made Chris, who is also a soldier, realize that the opponent might be weak in melee combat and surprise attacks. A certain level of skill—in other words, this kind of guard is normal!

"Are you going to let me go?" Chris asked his alpha.

"How is it possible!" Ann looked at him, as if he was the one who was puzzling, "Let's go hunting, you can't hunt with that on, right?"

"Aren't you afraid that I'll run away?" Chris asked again.

"Chris is a knight." Earl Anna said naturally, "Can you run?"

[I like this kind of honest paladin setting the most. ] Chris read in her mind.

I'm going to lie, and I'm not an aboveboard paladin. Chris thought, but...

"I won't run," he replied.

An Xu took her milk and T to brush the dungeon happily, and the trophy was a fat shadow deer. They encountered a herd of shadow deer, and outflanked one that looked particularly delicious. Chris resisted the deer, and the stag, which was bigger than him, was easily carried by him, as if he was hugging a little rabbit.

In addition, there was an episode where An Xu was playing with the ground for nothing, and a nest of angry ground squirrels came out. A pile of these gray things buzzed out from the gap, at first glance the denseness was a bit scary, but with a shake of An Xu's hand, most of them were chopped off. The rest of the ground squirrels turned around and ran, and one daringly jumped on Lydia's body, and its neck was broken, leaving a whole body.

"There's a lot of meat in this thing?" An Xu pinched the whole corpse, and unexpectedly found that the meat under the fur was quite firm, "Do they eat meat?"

"Ground squirrels are omnivores, they will eat anything," Chris said. "They reproduce very quickly, they can have a litter a year, and when food is not enough, they cannibalize their own species."

An Xu felt that some inspiration flashed in his mind, but it was a pity that it passed away and he failed to catch it.

Before each hunt, Anshu would open Chris's collar and put it back on after the hunt. She really likes the look of the collar. She doesn't know who designed it, but it has an avant-garde fashion sense. After going back this time, remember to ask the Duke who its designer is, An Xu thought, and ask the designer to make a matching set for her. Of course, for pure decoration, the effect is not needed.

Fortunately, the survey team discovered the deposit a few days later. At the same time, there are two pieces of news: the good news is that the deposit is very close to the ground, which is very convenient to collect; the bad news is that it is not a coal mine, but an iron mine.

In this harsh winter with a shortage of manpower, the ability users who specialize in mining cannot use the most important ability to mine iron ore. Metal superhuman Jim and a medical student went to the iron mine to find out whether there is an associated metal ore that can be used to make batteries. The survey team continued to search around, but they seemed to have run out of luck, and they searched a long way without finding the coal mine.

But those who went to the iron mines made new discoveries.

There are also many assignments among medical students. In fact, it is not reasonable to collectively refer to these people as "medical students". It is better to call them apprentices of alchemists. According to the world in which An Xu was born, some of this group of people are good at medicine, some are good at chemistry, and some are good at physics. The one who went to iron ore research with Jim was also the medical student who persisted until the end when An Xu was making batteries, and he was interested in batteries.

This medical student has been studying how batteries work and trying to simplify a large battery with two large metal plates and a large tank of solution. Instead of a metal plate, he used small copper coins and small pieces of tin foil, and tried filling paper with the solution between the coins and tin foil, feeling a slight electric current in his fingers as he did so. A small battery that can generate its own current without charging! He was very excited by this discovery, but even with all the copper coins on his body, the small batteries stacked could not warm the resistance wire.

The above is what the medical student said when he talked to An Xu about the reason for going to the iron mine. I was worried that Earl Anna would be so annoying that he would be kicked out without finishing listening. An Xu looked at him blankly and asked, "What's your name?"

"Gavin." The medical student replied blankly, and continued to chatter: "I think I must have made a mistake, maybe it's a material problem, so Jim and I went to the new iron mine..."

An Xu thought, so the voltaic pile in this world will be called the Gavin pile?

An Xu thought, I'm sorry physics teacher, my grasp of knowledge points is actually not as good as a student from another world who watched the experiment and made guesses and deduced the results. OTZ "...ores can attract iron..."

"Wait!" An Xu woke up from the apology to the physics teacher, "What did you just say? Are you saying it again?"

"Associated mines?" Gavin said carefully, "A large number of non-iron stones can attract iron?"

There is more than just iron ore in that premium iron mine.

It is also associated with a large amount of magnetite.

An Xu, who was confessing to the physics teacher and subconsciously recalling the next knowledge point, a light bulb lit up in his mind.

Magnet + electricity =?

Electromagnetic induction!

A part of the conductor in the closed circuit cuts the magnetic wire, which can generate current in the circuit! Convert mechanical energy to electrical energy! A new era where everyone can generate electricity! No need to be a 24-hour mobile power bank anymore!

An Xu jumped up, a bright future flashed in her mind. She pressed Gavin's shoulder and said deeply: "Gavin, do you want to be the master of electricity?"

Gavin's mouth was opened wide in a daze, and the Lord of Thunder and Lightning in their hearts was staring at him, asking if he would share his authority. It's like some kind of adventure in a dream, or the kind that wakes up from a dream and feels ashamed of one's own arrogant ambition. His lips trembled for a long time, countless words were held in his throat, and he could only fumble out one word: "Me?"

"Who else?" The Thunder Queen laughed.

The blood boiled in Gavin's body, he nodded vigorously, and couldn't help but press his empty chest, where there was a place for the steel holy emblem.

Anshu nodded in satisfaction.

It is good to have a master.

At present, the medical students who have nothing to do have found their research direction, and the people who mined magnetite started to work. It doesn't matter if they can't find coal mines for the time being. Leaving the knowledge points to Xueba, An Xu waited with great anticipation for the birth of the generator.

It wasn't long before Nancy's discovery came to fruition, but it wasn't very optimistic. Among the fruits and vegetables, there are still varieties suitable for the Bungalow defense line, but the staple food is not suitable for growing here.

"Potatoes and wheat are not growing well." Nancy shook her head. "Cabbage, radish and clover are growing well, but they can't be eaten as staple food."

"Five-leaf clover? Can you eat it?" An Xu asked.

"A vegetable, you see."

Nancy pointed to a small experimental field ahead, where the green clover grew lushly. This thing looks like clover, which is alfalfa. When it comes to alfalfa, An Xu's first reaction is for livestock to eat.

"Can we feed livestock with clover?" An Xu asked.

"Five-leaf clover is very easy to feed, and it should be feasible to feed cattle and sheep." Nancy thought for a while, then spread her hands helplessly, "But at this time, where can I find someone who sells live cattle and sheep?"

"We don't need to buy it!" An Xu exclaimed excitedly, grabbing Nancy's hand and shaking it vigorously. The earlier epiphany popped up accurately, and she said, "We can catch it!"

Many years later, the breeding industry of ground squirrel and shadow deer, which became famous in Yamenan, kicked off in this year.