MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 93

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The barbarian leader froze for a moment, then became furious.

His two bull's eyes stared out, and his face became even more ferocious in an instant, looking like a clay sculpture of angry King Kong in a temple. This rough, angry-eyed Vajra looked like the Meng Zhang Fei in the story, and would shout out a few words like "Wu Na boy", but the barbarian leader Cladin did not say a word, and moved his hand without warning .

A barbarian pulled out a mountain ax that was one person tall from under the table, and threw it over like a hat. Cladin raised his hand and grabbed it, and chopped it down suddenly. The falling of the ax was as fast as lightning, and it was hard to believe that the giant man holding the giant ax could reach such a speed. An Xu watched the sharp ax blade as big as a computer desk approach rapidly, approaching the door in an instant.

Then stopped in mid-air.

There was no loud crash or sparks, only the air vibrated and made a strange muffled sound. An Xu blinked, and saw that everything around her seemed to be coated with a layer of light blue light. The ax blade stopped at a distance of a finger away from her. Just a few inches forward, it could split her from the center of her eyebrows into pieces. two halves.

Cladin spat, and exerted force with both hands, blue tendons like earthworms emerged from the soaring muscle mass, which looked disgusting. It's just that the ax trembled, and it didn't move forward.

"My lord!" One of Duke Roland's guards cried out anxiously.

An Xu turned around, and saw a guard raising his hands, maintaining the lifting motion, while the other unrolled a roll of half-painted silk that could accommodate several people, and quickly painted on it Draw, the undetectable semi-finished product will become a formal teleportation array soon. The teleporter quickly reminded in the interval of painting: "It will be done soon, don't leave the range of the protective cover!"

There was no blue light on the two guards, Chris and Lydia, and then An Xu realized that it was not others who were covered with halos, but they were shrouded in a shield emitting faint blue light. The prime minister is a thoughtful person. The guards he provides cannot move mountains and seas, but one can raise the protective shield and the other can create a teleportation array. The safety factor of this two-person combination is stronger than any hidden guard.

Cradin let out a beastly roar, and swung his ax again with the same vigor as the first time, then the second time, and the third time. His huge ax almost made an afterimage, and when it fell on the protective cover, it didn't make much sound, but the wind of the ax when he swung it smashed a section of the solid wooden dining table that was not covered by the protective cover. The monks sitting on the other side had already left their seats. The head of the monastery Susanna watched this scene indifferently, and the priests behind her were still praying. Derek actually sat in his seat, looked at it with interest for a while, and laughed.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry?" He raised his voice and said triumphantly, "The banquet is not over yet, so please stay, Lord Earl!"

The teleporter wrote the last stroke on the silk cloth, his tense facial lines relaxed for a moment, and his expression suddenly changed. The supernatural being who made the teleportation array shook for a moment, his face turned pale, and the light blue protective cover flickered, like a dead light bulb, dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How, is it invalid?" Derek stood up with a smile, "I told you a long time ago not to underestimate the power of the Holy See. Earl Anna has tasted the taste of God's Retaliation Chains before, right? Experience it again, this feeling how?"

In the final analysis, the God's Chain of Retaliation still relies on the power of supernatural beings. Special ability users create special metals, and then they are blessed with abilities called punishers to become chains that seal abilities. This kind of thing costs a lot to make, requires a lot of supernatural powers, has a small range of effects, is complicated to operate, and takes a long time to activate. It is completely useless in battle—who would wait for you to finish chanting the spell with an iron chain on it? ? Therefore, until now, the punishers who made the God's Punishment Locks have always been non-combatants, and the God's Punishment Locks have always been considered to be only used as shackles for supernatural prisoners.

But what if there were enough Punishers, no matter the cost, and enough time to activate?

Dense layers of iron chains surrounded the tent, and what the priests behind Bishop Suzanne had been chanting in a low voice was not the pre-dinner prayer. Chris couldn't help but half-kneeled on the ground. The "blessed" wire mesh in the interlayer of the leather collar allowed him to bear double restraint, and the tightly strangled power circuit gave him the illusion of suffocation. From accepting the invitation and not leaving immediately, everything seems to be a foregone conclusion.

Barbarians are not all physical strength enhancers, they are far stronger than ordinary people, such as Cladin, his ability is to find the direction in the blizzard, so being restrained by the effect of God's Chain of Retaliation does not prevent him from moving The person in front of him was chopped into pieces. The barbarian leader raised the ax with a smirk, and slowly adjusted the angle like a cat playing with a mouse, preparing to find a position where he could kill everyone with one ax before the protective cover disappeared.

And Earl Anna walked out before the protective cover went out.

The barbarians were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter, as if seeing a frightened prey throwing themselves into their arms. "Do you want a decent way to die?" The female alpha named by Count Anna shouted in common language, "This can't be..."

Something that exploded covered her face, and a hot fishy smell blocked her mouth. The barbarian wiped his face, his eyes were blood red, the laughter in his ears continued for a few times out of inertia, and he fell into a dead silence.

Cladin's headless body crashed to the ground.

"Ah." The instigator said, "It's really not decent."

It's not just "headless", apart from his tattooed head, his entire chest is also missing. anna. Sullivan stretched out her left hand flatly, her whole hand seemed to be taken out of the body of a slaughtered beast, her hair, face and clothes were covered with spattered blood spots. The delicate blood-stained face was unexpectedly dazed, as if the person in front of him had exploded by himself.

For a moment most of the onlookers could not help thinking so. Hasn't the enlarged version of God's Lock of Retaliation already been completed? Shouldn't abilities be used in this tent? How could Cladin turn into pieces of flesh and blood without supernatural powers? Couldn't it be this slender young man who pinched it with his bare hands?

Under the gaze of the pair of eyes, Count Anna's face tensed for a while, but she couldn't help twisting.

An Xu was so disgusted that he kept shaking his left hand (the hand that was pressing the barbarian leader's chest just now, which was now stained red with blood), wiped his face with his clean right hand, and spat out several mouthfuls of blood. This is the first time she has brushed humanoid monsters in such a discordant way at such a close distance. The degree of simulation is frighteningly high, but she has no interest in B-grade movies that pour blood and internal organs in large vats...

The spirit core is still the dead look that only eats but does not vomit, turning her from a long-range lightning mage into a melee touch system. When playing the game, she will turn on the blood splatter mode for the pursuit of visual effects, but the sticky feeling of being covered in minced meat in person makes her hair stand on end. But if you use the devouring mode, An Xu is not particularly hungry now, and he doesn't want to eat such an unattractive dirty man at all. Her mood suddenly became very irritable, and she wanted to go back and take a hot bath immediately.

"Who else?" she asked sullenly.

One of the barbarians reacted and rushed towards Anxu with a roar. The next second, blood rained again in the tent, and half of his body fell down. An Xu wiped his eyes with his cuffs, thinking that he had to take a bath in the cold weather anyway, so it would be better to have a painful fight.

I fight, I am happy, you are in pain.

No barbarians rushed up again.

Count Anna laughed softly. Her voice was quite clear and sweet, but it sounded in the flesh and blood, and the effect was like a nursery rhyme in a cemetery. "Isn't it impolite?" She smiled lowly, "It seems that if you educate yourself, you can still learn to be good."

Almost all the people watching this scene were stunned after being frightened, and the two well-trained guards of the prime minister's house were also stunned by the ups and downs. Lydia keeps her usual expression the whole time, and Chris wonders if the ascetic is not afraid of death at all, or if she has an unwavering faith in the people she's following. He looked at An's scarlet side face, that casual and disgusted expression, which overlapped with the smiling girl when they met for the first time.

There is only one Ann, and Chris is acutely aware of this. In other words, from that time on, there was only one Ann.

Even though her emotions are the same as those of ordinary people at first glance, for this Ann, life and death—whether it is an enemy, a relative or her own—may be as light as a game.

Noticing Chris' gaze, An Xu turned his head to look at him, and let out an "ah" as if thinking of something. She raised her foot towards the barbarian female alpha, stopped in front of her, turned her head and smiled at Chris shyly.

"Forget about the fork," she said sheepishly, "I just ate, and it's really disgusting to stick it in. Isn't it?"

As she spoke, she patted the barbarian on the shoulder.

Everyone in Bangalore knows that the people of ice and snow are very difficult opponents. These brave and ruthless barbarians who have lived in the North for a long time are extremely sensitive to murderous intent. As long as they feel the slightest killing intent, they can react immediately, preemptively strike or avoid. Because of this, the barbarian did not evade Count Anna's slow and flawless touch.

After all, when the player brushes the mobs that die at the touch of a touch, they will not bring any murderous aura.

Like a tipping point, some guards ran out screaming amidst the fresh blood. The monks started to move their mouths again, this time it was not a power, but a serious exorcism prayer. An Xu also stayed in a seminary for many years, she listened for a while, and was amused to laugh.

"Devil? I'm your god-favored person." She said, "Isn't it too slow for you to spread the information? I don't know how I went to the border of Tibes in the first place?"

anna. Sullivan went to the Tibes line because of Lance. Sullivan died, leaving her alone in the family.

Lance. Sullivan died because of an accident while asking for advice.

As for the specifics of the accident, given that there are many factions in the Holy See, under the cover-up of people with serious intentions, amid increasingly exaggerated rumors, the truth has gone with the wind.

How could a god-favored person who could break the God's Punishment Lock on himself be trapped by a loose emergency pseudo-God's Punishment Lock?

"Please calm down, Lord Earl!" Derek forced himself to be calm, "I think everyone has misunderstood..."

"Misunderstanding." An Xu repeated.

She looked at the food that was no longer edible on the table, and simply supported the edge of the table, turned over on the table, stepped on the table and walked to the other side.

"Yes, a misunderstanding!" Derek stood up and persuaded: "I think the people of Ice and Snow have realized their impoliteness, and they will definitely apologize tomorrow! Words come first, my lord! My subordinates..."

Derek spoke faster and faster, because Count Anna was already stepping on the table and walking towards him. Derek's voice stopped abruptly, because the Earl walked in front of him, squatted down, tilted his head and looked at him.

"You've got your helmet on," she stated. "When did you wear it?"

"You, when you had a skirmish with the people of ice and snow." Derek said with a smile, "just for safety."

He put on the helmet immediately after Cladin fell, and this set of armor blessed by the supernatural being started to work after all the equipment, forming a close-fitting protective cover, preventing him from being cut by knives and swords, flooded and burned. This is Derek's life-saving talisman at the bottom of the suitcase. Although it is so bulky that he can only walk slowly after wearing it, it has protected him several times in various life-threatening situations.

It must be the same this time, he thought comfortingly. Derek could see clearly just now that the killing star in front of him was all exposed, this group of shirtless stupid barbarians! Putting on the helmet now, every inch of Derek's skin is protected, and the heat in the armor feels very safe, making him very glad that he wore this armor for safety. Thinking of this, he calmed down, weighed the power ratio between the enemy and himself, and felt that the victory was in his hands.

"Respected Earl Anna." Derek replied with hypocritical politeness, "Please be careful, you must know that my subordinates are 'feasting' the people you brought, I am afraid that dozens of civil servants and omega are not suitable for fighting Right? When they invite your people over and let them see such a scene, it will be a bit ugly."

"Are you threatening me?" An Xu asked, resting his cheek, "You are in my hands now?"

"How can it be called a threat?" Derek said in a tone, "This is a polite discussion. My subordinates are all ordering and prohibiting, and there are others. Even if you tie me to the front of the battle and force me to stop them, I'm afraid It's useless. And the armor on me is a precious armor bestowed by His Royal Highness, once it is activated, it will be invulnerable. After all, you are a new commander, please think carefully and cooperate obediently."

An Xu reached out to touch the opponent's breastplate, tapped again, thought for a moment, and sighed deeply. Derek's smile widened, and just as he was about to continue speaking, his whole body shook suddenly, and he lowered his head in disbelief.

A white, tender, slender, completely harmless-looking hand penetrated the armor and reached into his chest.

A handprint appeared in the middle of the ornate metal breastplate, like an urchin slapping a fresh snowdrift. The power of the ability with a smaller range increases, whether it is a flesh and blood body or a steel shell, it is just a touch.

"You... you are not afraid...!"

Derek said tremblingly, with blood gushing from his mouth, unable to speak in full. An Xu thought for a while, and asked empathetically, "Are you asking if I'm worried about the people I brought?"

The dying branch leader nodded stiffly.

"It's you who said that you are useless if you are tied, then you are useless. Alas, it's a pity that such a beautiful armor." An Xu said naturally, "As for the people I brought, don't worry at all. The master of science Bless them."

Not far from the camp there were rumbles one after another, and soil #bombs made of alcohol, black #火#powder and glass bottles showed their fangs for the first time on the Bungalow defense line.

Read The Duke's Passion