MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 86

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When An Xu was finally willing to crawl out of the gentle village, the people waiting outside were going crazy. Caleb was walking back and forth outside the door, biting his nails, seeing An Xu coming out, he almost cried out of joy.

"Master Anna!" He hurried over, "His Majesty the King is going to marry Lord Eve! The wedding will be held in a few days! I will transfer you to the Bungalow defense line!"

"Ah?" An Xu said stupidly, wondering for a moment whether he was too talented or not, and it had been a few years since he came out.

These two news were nothing more than a thunderbolt to An Xu, who kept his ears off the outside world and only beeped the paladin, or to the most well-informed nobleman. The new commander of the Bungalow border is undoubtedly a more important position than a possible rising relative.

Remote Bungalow! There are elite soldiers who have lost their heads, the fiefdoms of the sky-high emperor, and the inheritance left by the former prince; there are armies that may not be subdued, borders where beast hordes come from time to time, and lingering masters who may return... The above advantages and disadvantages Let the nobles be in a dilemma, hesitating whether to fight for this thorny piece of meat. Unexpectedly, when they had just weighed the pros and cons and were secretly preparing to play against each other, the Vengalo line of defense had already fallen outside the game table, in the hands of someone they had never even thought about.

anna. Sullivan? !

Patriarch Sullivan, the polished commander, the one favored by the gods, the guy who ran away with the omega in the court the day before? !

Many nobles secretly gritted their teeth, pulled out a few strands of hair, and used all their connections to change this unreasonable choice. It's just that no matter how strong their backstage is and how good their agents are, they are all doomed to fail. Raise Anna. Sullivan chose none other than Richard II himself.

"Mr. Wellesley, do you also think my decision is inappropriate?" Richard II asked in his private palace.

"No, Earl Anna's appointment is very suitable." Prime Minister Roland replied.

Roland's full name is Roland. Wellesley, too, belonged to an aristocratic family with a long history. What he said was not flattering words, as the king's confidant, he understood what Richard II wanted from the new Bungalow commander.

Prince Ronald has the shadow of the Holy See behind him. After this battle, the king's patience with the Holy See and his disloyalty has finally reached its limit. Richard II wanted to hold the armies of the two lines of defense in his own hands. One of the ways was to marry the sister of the commander of the Tibes line of defense, and appointed Anna. Sullivan was another.

Earl Anna has no intention of fame, wealth and power, and the Sullivan family has not survived many years of hardships. It is impossible for her to send Abery's patrol team to fight. So she can only go to Wenjialuo as the airborne commander, and the only thing she can rely on is the power of the royal court.

Richard II didn't need an elite frontier army, just a loyal dog who could guard the gates.

"Mr. Wellesley still understands the righteousness!" The king laughed, "I heard that the favored ones can exorcise strange beasts, and sending her to the border will make the best use of everything. I only hope that she has one-tenth of the rumors. Use, don't die on the border."

Ford could not get involved in the secret discussions of the king and the prime minister, so there was no one here to support the king. Roland didn't speak, and didn't even smile much. Although he is very talented as a courtier, he is a taciturn and boring person, he has no interest in food and sex, and he doesn't even drink much wine. Richard II thought a little disappointedly, if he wanted to chat and joke, he had to find Ford.

"Your Majesty," said the disappointed minister, "the appointment of Count Anna is an admirable move, but regarding the issue of stopping the demand for holy water from the Holy See... there are many other ways to deter the Holy See, and I don't think this is a good move." idea."

Unlike the new queen and new commander, which can be heard by ordinary people, only a few people know about the measures Richard II has taken against the Holy See. But in a way, this is much more serious than the two big events mentioned above.

"Do I still have to ask for clean water from those who support the rebels every year?" Richard II frowned.

"It's 'request'." Roland said, "According to Richard's covenant, the Holy See must pay tribute to the royal court for holy water every year."

"After the 'ice and snow audience', it's begging!" The king waved his hand in disgust, "Since the nobles can appoint priests to baptize their children, why can't they even bring the holy water themselves? I'm tired of being read by those idiots The cursed Qingshui clamped down!"

"Your Majesty, that is not clean water. The second baptism with holy water can indeed turn many people who have not awakened their abilities into abilities..."

"That's because they are the alphas of the nobles!" Richard II interrupted, "They just awakened a little later and let the holy water be used up! The alphas of the nobles of the Toland Dynasty are only trash and have no abilities!"

He raised a hand to stop the prime minister from hesitating to speak, pinched the bridge of his nose, and said in a slow tone: "Mr. Wellesley, do you also think that God loves the Holy See more than the royal court?"

"I don't mean that." Roland considered his words carefully, "but the Holy See does have something magical, maybe they have inherited some of the lost heritage of the royal court."

"In my opinion, it's just accumulating prestige." Richard II sneered, "Even priests from Alingu will still hook up with omega, bleed, and die, and you won't suffer anything if you kill them God **** it!"

"His Majesty?"

"Don't be nervous, Sir Wellesley." Richard II laughed, "I have no intention of killing a priest or two right away...I have already done so."

Roland looked at the king in surprise, but Richard II had already spoken.

"Before I ascended the throne, my sister Angela, a weak omega, had an affair with a priest from Alingu and became pregnant." The king curled his lips in disgust, "She said she would go to the monastery to pray, He actually gave birth to the child without telling everyone, and when I found out, that **** could walk and run! Ha! That stupid omega probably planned to elope with that priest, who knew that a Dalmatians in robes could run faster than rabbits quick!"

Richard II's face was distorted, completely immersed in this old secret, and Roland watched his nose, nose, and heart, competently in front of the set.

"I chased after him, and the priest was about to run towards Alingu with that little bastard. I cut off his head with a wind blade, and then hit the little **** on the chest. Their bodies fell into the river. I don't know. Feed the birds or the fish. When I go back and tell Angela that she is completely crazy, and that her lover is a bishop, a bishop!" Richard II sneered, "Omega you don't know! Curse that I will Damn God, where is there any God's punishment? Only idiots will be afraid!"

The prime minister didn't say a word about it, only sighed in his heart. There is only one thing he can be sure of, that is, the king will not change his mind.

"That's it." Richard II exhaled and said decisively. His chancellor nodded, but stood still. The king asked dispiritedly, "What else do you want?"

"The way Chris Field, the former branch leader of the Gale Knights, is probably not appropriate," Roland said.

Richard II was stunned for a few seconds before he remembered who the other party was referring to. "That omega?" He said disapprovingly, "Mr. Wellesley wants to say that there is no precedent? You didn't object when he was sent to the army."

"Your Majesty, military prostitutes will never recover, and they won't live long." Roland said, "But it may not be appropriate to reward a count who is unmarried and has no lover, and that count will go to the sinner's former residence. "

"Why isn't it suitable? It's just an omega."

"Moonlight Thorn Chris has a high reputation in the Vengalo defense line, especially among the civilians in the defense line." Roland reminded, "If Earl Anna loves him too much, it may cause bad consequences."

"Really? All I've heard is the notoriety of the Gale Knights." The king sneered, "The Omega Knights are simply inappropriate. No one with a little knowledge will take them seriously. Now I'm going to make things right. They should be glad. You are sometimes too cautious, Sir Wellesley."

Duke Roland has been too calm since he was young, and he can't see any alpha impulses—he is not married, and he cultivates his nephew as his heir; although he has several lovers like other nobles, he doesn't care about any of them, and never gets along with them. Other alphas are jealous, and never even confront people in person (although those who provoke him tend to be unlucky after a while). Roland is known as the sharp-eyed eagle, and some people secretly joke that he suffers from a hidden disease and is "the beta of alpha".

"The Gale Knights are composed of most betas and a small amount of omega," Roland said, "betas and omega are not useless, my mother is an omega."

"Mothers are worthy of respect." Richard II nodded and changed the topic, "Omegas are only worthy of respect as mothers. Well, Sir Wellesley, don't worry too much, go back and have a good rest. "

This is a clear order to evict guests. Roland could only bow down and salute, and left the palace.

The king became more stubborn every day, and he sighed inwardly, for underestimating the enemy is often the beginning of defeat.

Roland was a dull-looking child when he was a child, and he was still the second son who was not too young away from the eldest son. When he was sensible, the eldest sister had already become an alpha that the whole family devoted all their efforts to nurturing. So he grew up at home as a transparent person, watching his mother and father's lovers fight in various ways.

Those betas and omega, aristocrats and non-nobles, including Roland's mother, were not very remarkable people, and the little tricks they used soon seemed clumsy in the eyes of the growing Roland. They just taught Roland a truth: there is no inherently kind and weak gender and a humble and loyal background. Anyone may be ambitious, aggressive, or pose a threat.

This is really an important truth. It made Roland, who was born with a smart head, more cautious in his words and deeds. Si Li's family, and secured the position of prime minister among many enemies.

If you beat a snake, you won't die, but you will suffer from it instead. Roland thought.

Soon Anxu saw the carefulness of the prime minister.

An Xu had just returned from Eve when he received the gift from Duke Roland. There she met the Marquis Samuel for the first time, an uncle with a bad nose and a beer belly (it's surprising that his daughters are so beautiful); she saw Jane, and she spit out bitterness, and then the general wanted to talk and then went back to the hospital. After being awkward for a long time, she didn't say a word; after seeing Eve, Eve looked quite calm, and she still had the time to introduce the situation of the Wenjialuo defense line to her.

An Xu asked Eve if she needed help, if she didn't want to marry that old alpha cancer. Eve asked her what alpha cancer meant, laughed for a long time after listening to the explanation, and finally shook her head.

"If I marry that old 'alpha cancer'," Eve imitated her words, "will you still help me?"

"help you with what?"

"I want to turn the entire Yamenan into a huge Thunder Fort." Eve said.

An Xu looked at her in amazement, thinking that it was as if the role of a minister had been upgraded to a lord by himself, taking a huge advantage for nothing. Build your own AI! She is in charge of building and I am in charge of playing! An Xu seemed to have returned to the time when he opened the modifier to fix the court and then devoted himself to cleaning the harem. He immediately nodded happily and said, "Okay!"

In short, she came back happily like this, and planned to go back to Tibes to get things and people before going to the Bungalow defense line. At this moment, Anxu received a package from Duke Roland.

The first thing that fell out was a collar. Duke Roland stated in the instruction manual that it could replace the God's Punishment Lock to seal the ability-on this point, the prime minister guessed Anxu's mentality very accurately, because she had worn it for a long time. The locks, which are quite annoying, probably won't be long before the two interfering chains will be removed. It is really gratifying to have a substitute, An Xu is overjoyed, and his favorability for Duke Roland has risen.

Then there are several letters, one writes the precautions for going to the Bungalow defense line, even including the weather. Anxu's favorability degree +3. One wrote about Chris' experience, from his fiancé to his injury and infertility, to his experience in the Storm Knights.

Put it in any alpha, this is a shocking letter. An omega who once had a fiancé can still be active in high society as a courtesan, but being unable to have children means that omega cannot even be someone's regular lover, and her status is similar to that of a high-end prostitute. In addition, eating and sleeping with soldiers, and doing rough work on the battlefield? My God, just hearing this can make people think of an ugly and vulgar monster, and I can't whet my appetite at all.

It's a pity that Anxu is not any alpha.

Oh oh oh Chris's character set is in hand! She happily thought that the details could match the last Chris, and made fine-tuning to become an omega. With such a detailed experience, I always feel that he is even more delicious! Sure enough, the meat stems with background settings are delicious. (?﹃?)

Duke Roland is really a good man. Anxu Favorability +5

An Xu hummed a song and returned to the foothold, and walked into his room. Chris was wearing a robe, standing by the window, looking out in a daze.

Papa papa won't make you unable to get out of bed, what's more, Anxu's DPS physical strength is not the same as that of a fighter who has been debuffed by the God's Retribution Chain (maybe even weaker), it really wants to be absurd. , I really don't know who can't get up first. An Xu opened the door, and the sound of the door opening made Chris look back at her. The knight didn't show any expression, but just like that, An Xu smirked inexplicably.

She walked over quickly, hugged Chris' waist, and tried to put her head on his shoulders, only to realize that she had overestimated her height. An Xu turned Chris over, buried his face in his chest, and rubbed it a few times like a cat rubbing against a sofa cushion. The servants only put on the same easy-to-take-off robe for Chris as yesterday, and the front flap opened after being rubbed a few times. An Xu leaned there, feeling the smell of the forest.

After the successful tagging, Chris smelled totally "her." Miraculously, Anxu felt the pheromone clearly, not like a crazy sexual #desire catalyst, more like a very comfortable...atmosphere? It’s like the atmosphere where you’ve been on a business trip for half a month, experienced a terrible flight, stumbled back to your kennel at three o’clock in the morning, didn’t even want to turn on the lights, and fell headfirst on the bed. How can this be smelled? What a strange thing, An Xu didn't bother to pursue it, she just wanted to fall into Chris's arms.

After maybe ten minutes, Count Anna finally remembered what he was doing here.

She took out the collar, gestured around Chris's neck, and fastened it in the right place. The brown leather collar clicked lightly, and Chris swayed dizzily and slid down against the ledge.

An Xu failed to support him, and was slid to the ground by the knight. She hastily unlocked the God's Retaliation Locks on her hands and feet, and Chris closed his eyes for a long time before he recovered.

This thing is so powerful. An Xu thought, his mind slipped, and he slipped to Chris's setting book. She thought of the scar on Chris's lower abdomen, and felt that the injury that would make a person with physical enhancement abilities infertile must have been very serious at the time. In addition to infertility, are there any other sequelae?

"Will it hurt?" An Xu pressed his hand on the knight's scar and asked.

Chris shook his head slightly.

After doing this to the knight that day, An Xu never heard him take the initiative to speak again, and the answer was very brief. Let's talk about non-violence and non-cooperation. Chris didn't look like he could get along with An Xu, he was just as silent as a tree.

Shaking his head means it doesn't hurt, or is he too lazy to talk to him? An Xu looked at him, still a little uneasy, and decided to take him with him when he returned to Thunder Fort. There is the most advanced hospital in the world there.

Read The Duke's Passion