MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 69

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At first, an omega had an emergency. He was a prostitute who was diagnosed as sick, and he started to have diarrhea at the stall where he was about to be sent out, using this as an excuse to roll around and refuse to leave. The law enforcement team had to temporarily settle him down and recruit some people to take care of him. Afterwards, as if following suit, the prostitutes who lived with that omega also started complaining.

For the first two days, the law enforcement team thought it was just another trick by guys who didn't want to move. The work of registration and identification was so cumbersome that the law enforcement team had to temporarily stay in the old city. They chose to leave these old fritters, which pretended to be so realistic, for final processing. On the third day, the first omega started to vomit violently, and the vomit sprayed everywhere, and it didn't stop even after he couldn't eat.

This omega didn't eat much anymore, his body seemed to be dissolving itself in the abdomen, digested into filth and flowed out of the body. Anyone would be horrified by what he looked like now: sunken eyes, skin wrinkled like a leather pocket, and a hole in the hollow of his belly. What's even more frightening is that he looked like a normal person a day ago.

A few hours later, the patient died.

A few hours later, more "fake sickness" omegas began to vomit.

Then, the healthy people caring for the sick, and even some members of the law enforcement team, started having diarrhea.

A ghostly disease swept through the old city, and people who were unwilling to leave before fled like a nest, but now they can't leave. Realizing that something was going wrong, David organized the manpower to maintain the overall situation, and at the same time asked the supernatural person to send a message to the outside. The border army who got the news quickly surrounded the old city, and even a mouse couldn't even think about getting out.

"The preparations for the plague have been completed." Charlotte said solemnly to the favored man, "The priests are also in place, please give orders before the plague spreads."

"Priest?" An Xu asked, "Is there anyone who can heal?"

"My lord, the disease cannot be cured." Charlotte sighed, "All the supernatural beings have been withdrawn."

"Then what's the use of letting the priests go? Isn't it possible to be infected?" An Xu hurriedly said, "People with supernatural powers will not be infected, so let them help! Isolate the patients!"

"The entire old city has been quarantined, and the priests are outside the quarantine area." Charlotte replied, "Please...don't hesitate any longer."

An Xu had a bad premonition, and she felt that the development of things seemed a little different from what she imagined. She asked, "What does plague preparedness mean?"

"The old city is quarantined, and the supernatural beings are evacuated. The pyre, oil, and fire-type supernatural beings are ready. The priests and exorcists are just outside the quarantine area, and they can start purification at any time." Charlotte said, "The general has brought The party to capture the wizard set off..."

"Wait a minute!" An Xu called to stop her, "What, what?"

"Yesterday, shortly after your explanation, the law enforcement captain David discovered the precursor of the plague. I immediately applied to the general and sent a border army that can surround Honghe Village. It must have arrived by now." Charlotte said with admiration , "You are really good at predicting things. Sure enough, there are wizards spreading the plague."

"This is the preparation?" An Xu was stunned, "So what? You plan to burn the infected area? Then burn the 'wizard' to death?"

"If it goes well, purifying the spreader and source of the plague will eliminate it." Charlotte said solemnly, "If unfortunately the plague spreads again, it can only purify more places, just like the 'black disaster', please God have mercy us."

An Xu looked at her motionlessly, realizing that she was serious.

The divinely favored person remembered the classics he had read, and the "black disaster" a hundred years ago was also a plague. It is like the Black Death in this world, and it ended faster than the Black Death, because the crowd was fortunate to have a supernatural person who can heal the disease by stroking the tumor, that is, the nearest saint, Saint Locke. With supernatural beings who are not easy to get sick and the golden fingers that can cure diseases, the black plague is not as serious as the black death.

But whether the consequences were good or bad is hard to tell.

The germ of modern medicine that should have been born in the Black Death never appeared, and the feudal and theocratic forces that should have been weakened experienced some chaos and revived and became more stable. These people who skipped the disaster like cheating sincerely believe that burning black cats, hunting wizards, and purifying patients are the most correct ways to deal with it. You see, God is not pleased by this, and sent down a savior? As for the fact that tens of thousands of people had already died when the savior appeared, it must be blamed that people's beliefs were not devout enough, and they did not purify enough.

Saint Roch is dead, and the remaining people have no antibodies in their bodies, and there is no effective way to fight the plague (except burning burning). If the black plague returns at this time, people will still be like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of it.

This world that relies on supernatural powers seems to be built on foam. People just waited for the next time the gods tossed the coin that said life on one side and death on the other.

"Burn the corpses, not the living." An Xu said every word. After speaking, she turned around and left, flying into the old city.

There are almost no people on the streets of the old city, only David and the law enforcement team who are not infected are patrolling the periphery, and anyone who wants to rush out will be killed. An Xu ignored him and flew directly into the infected area.

There was a stench coming from every door that could be pushed open, and the patient was left alone on the bed to die. They were all out of shape, twitching on the bed, covered in filth as thin as washing rice water. Most of the healthy people hid behind closed doors and prayed. A small number of gangsters who knew they were dying fell into the final madness and began to wander in the epidemic area, smashing doors and pulling out people who did not appear to be infected. A doomsday scene.

An Xu watched all this from the sky, unexpectedly calm.

She was in a strange state. On the one hand, she felt that this was just an insignificant dream, out of sight and out of mind. On the other hand, she couldn't help but be touched by what she saw and heard. After all, what happened in front of her was not in the game. There's a plague and you've lost XXX farmers" short note. It's too real, real and ugly, so "the ordinary Anxu in reality" and "Anxu who enjoys dreams" conflicted, and then doubts arose.

In the history of this world, there have been precedents in which the ability to shake the faith has been weakened, and the Holy See used this to promote that the ability comes from divine grace. In fact, things related to supernatural powers, spirits, and souls are not so much beliefs as beliefs.

Even if ordinary people's beliefs are shaken, it will not be serious enough to shake the fundamentals. But all of An Xu's understanding of this world is based on a certain misunderstanding, which makes her belief extra firm, but at the same time, once that cognition is overturned...

The subconscious mind sounded the alarm, and the two conflicting minds compromised and combined to deceive their masters. An Xu faintly felt something was wrong, but he didn't need to care about it. The desire to burst out, which was so enthusiastic, was controlled by the indifferent and rational superficial thinking, and turned into an unprecedented, powerful and precise supernatural manipulation.

Small arcs invisible to the naked eye spread from An Xu's feet. She closed her eyes, and everything in front of her disappeared, leaving only the big web woven by the arcs. The dense network of diffusion touched many small dots, some were dying, faint like candles in the wind; some were bright and moving violently, like entangled flying insects. An Xu is the spider who controls everything in the center of the web. She weaves the web and makes them her eyes, eyes, hands and feet.

She couldn't tell how she did it, but Arc could smell fear or rage or excitement in their skin. The invisible electric snake aimed at the excited perpetrator, and then rushed in.

The perpetrators fell down at the same time, their internal organs were electrified into charcoal, but the victims who were close to their skin were no different, at most they felt a numbness like static electricity. As the victims ran in terror from the silent bandits, rapists and murderers, a voice rang out in the sky.

"I can't guarantee that everyone will survive," said the favored one, "but as long as you obey my orders, I can guarantee that everyone will not die."

Healthy people in the epidemic area were organized, and the corpses and dirty clothes were gathered together and burned; the sick patients were moved to the sun to wash and wash, and the gods ordered the people with supernatural powers who were not easy to be infected to come from afar. Bring water with salt and sugar everywhere, and pour it down between the sick's vomiting. Strange to say, those patients who should have died immediately struggled to survive because of these ordinary water.

"Is this your strength?" David muttered to himself, and said with some worry: "It's just that if you detain someone who is destined to be taken away..."

"Why, are you afraid that you won't get God's mercy?" An Xu calculated the proportion of normal saline, and glanced at him, "Don't be stupid, instead of begging for mercy from it who doesn't know where, it's better to think about how to **** people from it. "

There are no basic medical measures here, and the time to try to make up for medical shortcomings is too short, and the plague comes too fast. But there is her here, there are people with supernatural abilities who have opened the golden finger, there are people who want to survive, and there is the hidden NPC doctor who hasn't got it yet. An Xu doesn't believe that they will be defeated by a disease.

An Xu wasn't sure what the source of the plague was, so she took precautions against all the possibilities she knew.

Residents near the affected area moved out, water from nearby wells was not allowed to be used, and everyone in the affected area had to cover their noses with veils smoked with spices. Everyone who has been to the epidemic area must be cleaned by an exorcist. The whole city takes a bath every day, washes their hands frequently, and boils water and food except fruits before eating. Fort Thunder has temporarily entered a semi-closed state. Entry and exit must be reviewed for three days, and only if there is no disease can it be released. The daily crowded market was temporarily suspended, and the frontier army was responsible for accepting purchase requests door-to-door and helping to purchase on behalf of others-the express delivery business started many years later, let’s not mention this for the time being. People choose to believe her, as they always have.

There were also discordant voices. The foreign priests who came to travel and preach under the reputation of Thunder Fort jointly signed a letter, and even went to the streets to shout loudly, demanding that the god-fated ones complete the purification according to the teachings.

"If you don't repent to God, the end will be near!" The leading priest, wearing the holy emblem representing Alingu's origin, yelled angrily at the burning platform they set up, "You are greedy for pleasure and have **** with the unclean omega!" #口,This is the wrath of God! Omega! These devils are born to cause people to fall! They have corrupted morality and made us lose the grace of God! Repent! Only throw the devil into the fire, your soul to be saved!"

Their intimidation is especially terrifying at this moment of panic, people whisper and look at the favored one frequently. The girl waited expressionlessly for him to finish, then nodded and said, "That's right, this world is very dirty. Since I love cleanliness so much, I respect you too."

With a wave of her hand, she gagged the priest and threw him into the fire.

The echoing voices just now stopped abruptly, and the foreign priests were like chickens being strangled by their necks. Abbot Dennis, who had been silent in the crowd, curled his lips in his heart and laughed secretly, these stupid birds, why do you think I don't jump out?

The remaining priests suddenly realized that burning things was a very environmentally unfriendly idea. God's instruction to them was not to purify anything, but to purify the soul for the favored ones. The favored man gave a short speech, saying that it was not wizards and black cats that spread evil spirits, but fleas, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, and rats, and purifying them was worth a sincere prayer. The people of Thunder Castle piously get rid of the five evils, the flames of the burning platform are never extinguished all day long, and the smell of rat meat always makes people passing by salivate—this burning platform has never been burned except its builder since it was built.

The orderly command calmed the atmosphere of panic, and within a few days people got used to being with the plague. It's not very accurate to say that, most people don't even know what the plague looks like, they can only see people with their faces coming in and out. They don't know what the busy gods are doing, but one thing is indisputable: the gods who do not burn the living and the dead with flames really keep the plague within the high wall.

More than a dozen people in the epidemic area fell ill, but there were only three new dead, and the disease was not as aggressive as before. People who came into contact with the epidemic area also began to optimistically expect that the epidemic would be cured without medicine, just like the many miracles created by the Thunder Queen.

And An Xu, who knows well that everything he has done will only cure the symptoms but not the root cause, has set off again and arrived at Honghe Village, which he left not long ago.

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