MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 149 (one)

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It was a poorly made dress. The white cloth was yellowed and full of threads, and there were suspicious stains on the chest. Noah felt an uncomfortable wetness, which came from... He tried to lift his upper body, only to see a large puddle of yellow water stains on the fabric between his legs.

"Huh?" Seeing him struggling to get up, the holy man looked down and exclaimed, "Are you wetting the bed again?"

Noah's face froze suddenly, and he glanced at the holy man expressionlessly, but the other party did not separate his body and head as he wished. Instead, the idiot ran out yelling, "The patient in bed 402 wet his pants!"

"What? That 'god' wets the bed again?"

"Is it called Noah? Why is it so #inhibited..."

"Oh, will it affect the visit?"

"It's okay! Students need to lay the foundation for future internships, don't be afraid of getting dirty or tired, right?"


There were voices one after another outside, and Noah's face darkened with each sound. After a while, the doors of the room were opened, and dozens of people in white clothes poured in, crowding the room to the brim, and those who couldn't squeeze in still poked their heads through the window—Noah was standing next to him. On the bed by the window, dozens of pairs of eyes stared at him like searchlights, more serious than watching a monkey in a circus.

"Ridiculous!" Randolph III yelled angrily, "You untouchables, how dare you look directly at the Pope's face?!"

Those who looked at him snickered.

"Students, those who live in this ward are patients with delusional disorder." The leader said with a smile, "Delusional disorder is also called delusional disorder. Do you remember the specific symptoms?"

"Remember—yes—" the young students answered with a drawn out voice.

"The one on our left, um, Mr. Randolph III, is a typical megalomaniac. Patients exaggerate their status, abilities, rights, etc., etc. You have already seen this 'pope' Right?" The team leader blinked humorously, and the students laughed, "Exaggerated delusions can be seen in manic episodes of affective disorders, schizophrenia, and brain organic mental disorders, such as paralytic dementia. We were just in 401 Seeing that 'Richard II' was the same case."

The students nodded seriously, and the holy man from before came over again and began to take off Noah's pants. Noah glared at her, but she turned a blind eye to Noah's oppressive gaze, thinking about something absently.

"It's broken," she said to herself distressedly, "there's no change of clothes, why don't you let him dry?"

"How can this be?" cried a student. "It's too pitiful to wear wet pants!"

"Yes, yes," another student interjected, "If you haven't changed your pants, you should take off the wet pants first and let him be naked? It's not cold anyway."

"You rebellious son! How can you show your buttocks in public!" Randolph III said angrily.

"You don't have to be a holy ass!" Some students imitated Randolph III's tone and said solemnly. After he finished speaking, he laughed, everyone laughed, and the ward was filled with a happy air.

"Teacher! The patient's face is so red, does he have a fever?" someone shouted.

Noah's face was flushed and he was so angry. If you put a thermometer on his hot face, it might really detect a fever. He tore up the ward in his heart, but not even a single thread floated because of his anger, and the clothes tied around his body were extremely strong.

The team leader was still chattering: "This one is worse than the Pope. He has delusions of exaggeration and delusions of special meaning. The patient believes that the words and deeds and daily actions of the people around him are not only related to him, but also have a special meaning. Shown in this case, everything has religious significance."

"Teacher, in his eyes, do we come here just for him?" A student laughed.

"Well, they will probably regard us as the devil tormenting him." The leader said solemnly.

"The devil ha ha ha ha! We are the destined enemies of God!"

"Don't laugh, the patient is also very pitiful, and he doesn't want to regard himself as a god."

"That's right, when he is cured, thinking about the past, he must be extremely ashamed."

"Then what would you take this for?"

The chattering people stopped, the crowd parted a path, and the holy man with a needle came in. "Let's go, let's go," said the holy man, "I'll give him a shot!"

She was holding a huge syringe in her hand.

"It's time for an injection, please watch the nurse's operation clearly!" the team leader shouted.

The needle barrel is as thick as a forearm, and the needle tip is as thick as a little finger.

Noah's face turned from blue to black, and before the thing that was too big for a cow poked into his ass, he finally struggled to tear the illusion.

The noisy voices faded away from my ears, and the shadows dangling in front of my eyes disappeared, and they faded away without a clue. This hateful illusion dissipated under Noah's rage, but it didn't bloodily and brutally shatter into countless pieces together with all the offenders inside. This soft way of detachment made Noah feel as if he had punched the cotton, and he was so angry that for a moment, the principle of doing things according to religious rules was thrown out of the sky.

Leaving the illusion cannot be achieved overnight, just like the process of a person rising from the bottom of the water until he breaks out of the water. Noah took a deep breath, calmed down before completely getting rid of this illusion, and let the confident smile return to his face.

Noah opened his eyes.

He saw a white light.

It's not a strange lamp, nor is it moonlight. It's very bright all around, and the daylight shines in through the large windows. He was sitting in a seat surrounded by a group of teenagers, all staring at him.

"Noah," someone in front of him tapped on the blackboard and said with a bad expression, "Don't sleep in class, stand up and answer the questions!"

Noah didn't move at all, he looked at the blackboard with many circles and lines drawn on it. He didn't see a familiar face in the crowd, and when he lowered his head, he found that his body was only about ten years old.

"Noah!" The people on the podium raised their voices, "Stand up!"

Noah sneered.

After leaving the terrible environment that was at the mercy of others and the insult just now, Noah has regained his composure. He looked at the podium indifferently and said, "What kind of trick is this time?"

"Is that how you talk to the teacher?" The teacher frowned.

Noah didn't answer, he just smiled contemptuously. Is that all, Anna? He thought, do you think this kind of joke can shake my self-knowledge? If I don't cooperate, what can you do?

He stood there calmly, taking the yelling of the man on the podium as a deaf ear. The angry expression of the teacher and the adoring gazes of the students made him regain some of the feeling of being eloquent among fools and impassioned in front of the enemy. ...Well, although this scene is a bit small, who says it can't be changed. Noah was about to transform this pediatric scene into the familiar Stars and Moons, when he suddenly felt light on his body and his feet were off the ground.

No, he didn't float up. Floating in the sky is completely different from this feeling of arms rising and body sinking. The teacher on the podium walked down, and he could clearly feel the poor shape when he walked close to him: his arms were as thick as Noah's thighs, and he looked more like an athlete than the teacher, and it was easy to carry a teenager in his teens. The huge teacher twisted Noah's arm, snapped him up from his seat like a carrot, and walked through the corridor like a chicken.


When they got to the door, the get out of class bell had already rang, and the students in the classroom came out one after another, sticking their heads out in the corridor, pointing excitedly. Noah didn't struggle (too bad), and he didn't cooperate (cooperate with this kind of ants?), so his two feet hung on the ground, like a mop whose head was held. Noah felt bad when he was dragged two steps, but the person who dragged him didn't stop to wait for him to stand up, so he dragged him all the way through the corridor amidst the laughter of the children, looking like a strip. Dead snake caught by its tail.

Noah cursed 30 times in the corridor that the people who saw this scene died miserably, and the other 30 times were used to curse the ants that dragged him, which contained many tortures, so that the ants could not survive or die. After an extremely long drag, he was thrown into a room, and the damned, offending future **** barked at him for a moment, closed the door and left.

However this is not the end.

Noah did not complete his thirty-first curse, and the people in the room surrounded him. It was a group of dirty little kids, and some people stretched out their dirty hands (the nails were black and looked like they had been bitten), trying to touch Noah. Noah was in a bad mood at this time, and he didn't pretend to be approachable. He opened the hand reaching out to him, patted his clothes and stood up.

"You actually hit someone!" The person who was opened complained angrily, "I thought you were a companion, but in fact you were just an accomplice of a dirty adult!"

"He must be the teacher's running dog. He wants to pretend to be us and mix in with us." Another person said, leaning against a wall of the classroom with his arms folded, his body in an awkward posture, and his brows furrowed deeply. with.

"You?" Noah asked.

"We, the Dark Fallen Angels Group." The person who stretched out his hand just now sniffed his nose, and probably wanted to wipe his nose handsomely, but the snot that flowed out was dragged on for a long time. The scene was very disgusting.

Noah took a step back calmly.

"I, Tom the fallen cherub!" said the snotty student holding his glasses.

"Me, Jerry the Fallen Seraph!" said a student with a tuft of red hair.

"I," the person leaning against the wall and looking out of the window in an uncomfortable posture, covered his eyes deeply, "Mike, the fallen god! This world is already rotten, and my evil eyes can see the future !"


Noah felt a chill. If there was another divinely favored person standing here, she would probably be able to accurately name the chill, and respond with a series of words pointing at the pain points. But because Noah himself is also a person who is good at... um, maintaining his image, he just sneered and said, "Stupid."

"Oh, what do you know! This is real wisdom!" The man covering his eyes retorted with his head held high, "I am different from others!"

"That's right!" Hongmao said proudly, "The whole world doesn't understand our pain. Only the Lord God of Darkness and the fallen angels under his leadership know the darkness of this world!"

"It's not our fault!" Snot shouted, "It's the world!"

The same **** repels each other, and the **** here does not refer to gender, but to nature. Horrors of the same nature are sensitive to each other's presence and are doubly obnoxious, and when an egotist meets another egocentric, it's like two worlds colliding and it's impossible to coexist.

Without saying a word, Noah turned his head to go out.

"Catch him!" cried the Dark God.

The two "fallen angels" didn't need him to order. The adolescence arrogance had already made them grab Noah with all their strength, and the force of the rush pushed him to the ground.

"You're not going to let your lackey get away!" they yelled.

"Traitors must be punished!"

"Let him taste the power of a fallen angel!"

"Purification! Purification!"


As soon as the last sentence came out, all voices stopped. The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, with malicious smiles that fit their age.

The "God of Darkness" grabbed Noah's back, the "Seraph" grabbed Noah's left leg, and the "Spiritual Angel" grabbed Noah's right leg. They pulled the two legs apart, fixed them, and grabbed them. towards the pillar.

Noah broke free of the illusion before his crotch made hot contact with the square pillar.

His anger can set a house on fire, and even the self-cultivation of silently chanting the gods (by Noah) can't solve the problem. Noah inhaled, exhaled, inhaled... His veins were still bulging, he could only tell himself that rage is also a part of God.

Isn’t the end of the day in Revelation just because of God’s wrath? The wrath of God filled the wine bowl, so there were seven plagues and judgment. Thinking about it this way, this is exactly what the apocalypse said. Anna is worthy of being his mortal enemy, Noah smiled again, only the enemy can arouse the wrath of God, this is the arrangement of fate.

Noah opened his eyes.

Swords, ice and fire, and all imaginable gorgeous attacks are coming.

Noah lay back the next second after waking up. He fell on his back and found a shining frame above his head. It reads in gold letters: Noah, the leader of the elite in the Yamenan area. There are small prints beside it: LV74, HP0/747474.

"The monsters in this area are really difficult to fight." A knight with the big characters [Today I will also work hard to save the world, LV60] on his head, put down his big sword, and casually leaned it on Noah's chest.

"It's all because your level is too low." The little girl standing next to her holding a staff said old-fashionedly. Level ten, 'Half False God Noah' is easy to brush alone. If it wasn't for you to brush the godhead fragments in advance, I wouldn't bring you this kind of boring book."

"Thank you." The knight thanked earnestly, and said apologetically, "It still hasn't been revealed, so I'll trouble you to come with me again."

"Small." The little girl touched her nose, and in order to hide her embarrassment, she flicked her staff casually and hit Noah's nose with one blow. "Shall we continue?"

Those two people disappeared out of thin air, and Noah found himself reappearing intact. Tens of seconds later, those two people reappeared.

"Pay attention to the card position!" The girl reminded, "Block him behind that stone, and he will be able to chain skills without thinking until he dies."

"Understood!" said the knight.

You will pay for your arrogance and stupidity, Noah wanted to say. But when he opened his mouth, he said involuntarily, "Hahahahahahaha!"

Is language controlled? It doesn't matter, I don't use words to drive power, and it's more than enough to deal with you bastards. Noah thought. Let's get rid of the person who puts the cold arrow in the back first. Stone? Don't be stupid!

Then Noah rushed towards the knight involuntarily, running in place behind the stone until he was bit by bit killed by the fireball and the iron sword.

What a shame.

Next time, next time, next time...all the same. Those two people attacked in exactly the same way meticulously, and he was rounded to death in exactly the same way, and the girl who was swinging the staff in the back unexpectedly had time to yawn. Until the end, Noah felt that something fell out of his body, the girl ran over to pick it up, and cheered on Noah's body: "Finally it fell! No need to touch this unlucky priest again!"

Noah got rid of this illusion several times after being maxed out, with his full anger gauge.

For the fourth time, Noah was eating the flesh of the sheep, but found that what was chewed in his mouth was a strange substance that could not be swallowed. The underground church, which was supposed to be deserted, suddenly ran into many people and strange machines, and the corpses on the ground stood up after dusting off the ashes, lamenting that Noah was so desperate that he even ate plastic props.

For the fifth time, Noah sealed the gods without any hindrance. As soon as he ascended to the clouds, he was pinched by the giant with **** and put into a glass jar, starting the "research on the ascension of creatures from the lower world".

The sixth time, Noah was about to hand it over to Anna. Suddenly, the door of the confessional room was kicked open for Sullivan's bag of bone powder, and people in strange uniforms rushed in, and sentenced him to life imprisonment #in the name of Noah selling fans. Many people in the prison forced him to pick up soap.

For the seventh time, Noah was working on his conspiracy when a meteorite suddenly fell from the sky and the world was destroyed.

Finally, the illusion really shattered, revealing the night sky and the full moon in the night sky.

Noah, who has experienced seven rounds of bad environment, quietly looked at the silver-haired and silver-eyed god-favored man opposite him, like a volcano on the verge of erupting under an iceberg. His power vibrated and swept across thousands of miles, and there was nothing to hide in the plowed place.

The real An Xu shook, and fell out not far from the image just now.

A smile appeared on Noah's frost-covered face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all. Even though he thought he was well-trained, he didn't have the energy to pretend at this moment. "It's really stupid." He bent his lips without a smile, "You actually used your last strength to vent your anger."

Anxu's power is running out, and he has no ability to create another illusion.

After being plundered by Noah, the difference in strength between them has already become quite disparate. It is impossible for Anxu to break through the defense in reality, so he can only do his best. During the gaps between Noah's big moves, Integrating one's spiritual power into the opponent's illusion, turning the guest into the main, and pulling the opponent into one's own home field - only in terms of mental strength, they can still play evenly.

However, this is very short lived.

Anxu needs full mental power to maintain the illusion of Noah's spirit, but Noah has enough power to continue, he can wait for Anxu to be powerless, and then he will be able to be without much effort. Risk them out. Noah did exactly that. Although he was irritated, he still chose to avoid the edge, and only then did he break through the illusion.

"It's my turn." He said coldly, "After killing you, I will take your souls out and put them forever in the **** I will create."

"It's a pity you can't do it." An Xu grinned, "The time I procrastinated is enough."

It was getting dark.

It's night, how can the sky get dark? Naturally, because the bright full moon was obscured. Noah raised his head, his pupils contracted suddenly.

There were no clouds in the sky, nothing in front of the moon, it was just darkened. On one side of the round full moon, as if a small half of the arc had been cut off, the dark color was covering the full moon. This shadow is spreading on the full moon at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"If you focus on God, you don't bother to calculate astronomy and calendar, but the people under my command calculate every day. After all, planting depends on the sky for food." An Xu said, "Strictly speaking, tonight is not all under the light of the full moon. Do you like lunar eclipses?"

Noah moved suddenly, his figure was as fast as a ray of light, and he rushed to An Xu in an instant. An Xu flew out under his impact. Even with the shield protecting her body, several ribs were dented under the impact—as Noah said, she had run out of ammunition and food.

Chris's spear had been shattered, he didn't draw his sword again, and punched Noah directly. He blocked the heavy blow to An Xu's head, and returned the color with the other hand, and knocked back Noah who was pounced on him with a heavy punch without fancy tricks. Chris's speed is very fast, but his strength is enough to crack rocks and mountains. His body itself is a powerful weapon.

But Noah is not a person who focuses on hand-to-hand combat.

There was a distortion in the air, just like the so-called spatial ability that Noah used in their last confrontation. What took effect this time was not the illusion that Noah could create with a snap of his fingers, but the real power of space. Chris hugged An Xu, who was coughing up blood, kicked his feet in the air, bent his body at an incredible angle, and swam out of the crack like a fish. This kind of attack did not have a huge momentum, only the broken hair and pieces of clothes left in mid-air showed how dangerous the moment was just now.

Half of the full moon has been eaten.

The sky is like a layer of ice that has been hit by a heavy object. With a certain point as the core, a large piece is shattered. A darker area appeared in the dark sky, and just looking at it made people palpitate, as if their eyes were sucked in by it. The hair and clothes that were shattered in the air just now disappeared without a trace, and all disappeared in the gaps of each space.

Chris held Anxu in his arms, fell to the ground like a meteor, abruptly changed direction a second before falling to the ground, and rushed forward. He ran less than half a meter, and the ground behind him turned into powder, and then fell down inch by inch like a collapse.

Noah knows more than just illusions, he just keeps using illusions that can be repeated even if he fails out of caution. Now that there is no time to persuade the other party to believe, he began to fight with his back and use his real strength to crush him.

It was a disaster for Ansy and Chris.

Chris runs on the ground, and his speed far exceeds the limit that humans can achieve, and even exceeds the limit of creatures. The invisible force that fell on the ground also became faster and faster as he accelerated, devouring everything and chasing after him. When it reached a certain level, Chris could no longer accelerate. His physical strength could overcome natural disasters, but Anxu in his arms could not. Even in the protective cover, Anxu's carrying capacity has its limit.

The full moon is half gone.

Seen from above, Chris looked like a bulldozer. The path he ran on sank deeply into a long abyss. Then the land on both sides collapsed towards the middle, and the crack continued to spread, turning into a huge filling pit with a width of several meters or even tens of meters, which continued to extend forward. Noah was motionless in the sky, he didn't chase and didn't need to chase.

Noah, who is almost in a complete state, is powerful enough to cover the entire Yamenan. Now that Chris and Anxu jumped out by themselves, they had no way out. As long as Noah is willing, no matter where they flee to the ends of the earth, he can shoot from the air and know their whereabouts.

Most of the full moon disappeared, and then only a ray of light remained. Chris and Noah were driven out hundreds of miles, even when the full moon disappeared completely, it was impossible to come back and make Noah bleed. This is fate, even if you are a little clever, what's the use? Noah said to himself. The heart that he raised because of the special situation slowly let go a little, but when the last ray of moonlight disappeared from the sky, he still couldn't help but look back at the original position of the moon, feeling a little uneasy.

It's just a momentary thing.

A strange sense of shock hit Noah, first a shock, then a pain that was neither long nor short, and then everything stopped. The most distinctive thing, on the contrary, is the crisp sound. There was a click, it didn't sound like it sounded in the ear, but it seemed... from the bones.

Noah saw Chris in front of him, standing behind him.

Why does the person in front stand behind? Ah, it turns out that my head is behind me. Noah's eyes turned downwards, and then his eyes were dark.

Chris stood in the sky, holding Noah's head and body. The knight snapped Noah's neck without letting the other party shed a drop of blood.

Behind them hung a bright full moon.

How can there be such a coincidental total lunar eclipse? This day is just an ordinary full moon. Noah did reach reality after the seven illusions. The sky and ground where he is located are real, and Anxu and Chris on the opposite side are also real, but the moon is fake.

An Xu, who no longer "dreams", is not a person who does things for the moment. The seven illusions she created are essentially for the eighth real world adulterated with fakes. The injury of Anxu being beaten to vomit blood is real, and the scene where Chris and Anxu were driven around is real, but at the moment when Noah looked at the moon that had completely disappeared, the world Noah lived in, Not real anymore.

As mentioned earlier, compared to absolute power, Anxu can't compare with Noah at all, only in the spiritual realm they are evenly matched. In this idealistic world, when they are at the same level, what really determines the outcome is no longer pure strength, but will.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

Is Anxi brave? In terms of being fearless, she couldn't compare with herself who once dreamed. However, can a person who walks across the single-plank bridge blindfolded and ignorant be called a brave man? No, that's just ignorance. A newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers is not a warrior. Only when he knows what fear is, can he be called "fearless". An Xu woke up, she learned to be afraid, and she was so afraid that she wanted to escape, but in the end, she chose to stand up.

Is Noah brave? In his life, he was afraid only once when he was almost killed by the king. After escaping from the dead this time, his luck changed from time to time, and under the blessing of divine power, he went further and further away, gradually ignoring anyone and things. But it may be the sequelae of his escape from the dead. Noah actually cherishes life very much. He is extremely cautious and is willing to spend 20 to 30 years on the layout. He is only willing to be the mastermind behind the scenes. Fighting to make it cheaper for An Xu—even if he knew the result, he would still choose this way. He would rather spend a lot of twists and turns than fighting the giant bird to the death.

If Noah hadn't been careful, he wouldn't have chosen both times on the night of the full moon when it was prophesied that he wouldn't bleed, even if he had an absolute advantage, even if he once thought that An Xu was dead. If Noah wasn't unwilling to take any risks, he wouldn't have just chased them away, he should have gone directly to kill Chris and Anxu instead of losing his position during the eclipse and just trying to drive them away, Wait for the lunar eclipse to pass before weeding out the roots.

If he hadn't been so strong in the outside world, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, he wouldn't have been so shaken in such a good situation, just because he couldn't see the full moon, that An Xu would have taken advantage of it.

An Xu, who was ashamed and brave, and carried the whole of Yamenan to fight against the wall, faced Noah, who thought he was full of advantages and didn't need to take risks, and he spared his life in his bones. The result was clear at a glance.

Chris put down Anxu the moment Noah was hit, rushed to Noah's side, broke his neck, and didn't let him bleed a drop to avoid any moths. It can be seen that it is blinding the eyes to equate "no one can make you bleed" with "no one can hurt you".

But the war wasn't quite over.

Chris quickly rushed to Anxu's side, the eyes of the silver-haired god-favored man were closed, his brows were wrinkled, and his body twitched slightly. The knight's heart sank as he realized that one of the terrible possibilities they had spoken of had come true.

Noah's spiritual tentacles can touch Anxu at such a long distance, so Anxu can go upstream and pull Noah into his illusion at the moment when Noah falters. But if Chris kills Noah's body at this time, there is a great possibility that Noah's soul will completely enter Anxu's spiritual body.

what happens then? They have made many conjectures, which one, only An Xu himself knows.

Anshu was confused.

While Noah lost his body, his soul fled to Anxu's spiritual realm, and was crushed to pieces by Anxu without hesitation. But without that soul as a carrier, Noah's huge power was given to Anxu.

Wuzhu's huge power impacted Anxu's soul, making her not understand who, what, and where she was for a moment. She is probably the person who has encountered this problem the most times in this world. She quickly woke up from this loss and gathered this power.

Extremely, extremely powerful.

All the power that Noah gained from various schemes was used to make wedding dresses for others. These forces are finally fused in Anxu's body, from quantitative change to qualitative change.

How should I say it? Words can't describe it, and ordinary people can't understand this feeling, because Anxu at this moment is truly above all existences in this dimension. She can perceive everything in this world, from Urburg to Alingu, to the land where these people are located, as well as the sky and universe. She felt every breath, all living and dead, being and change and phenomenon, everything ineffable, everything.

This feeling is extremely pleasant, but in this state, even "pleasure" becomes extremely small. An Xu seems to be integrated into all things, all things belong to her, and she also belongs to all things. She knows that just one thought can change the voice of others, just one thought can shift mountains and seas, and change time and space. The world becomes flat and abstract, while three-dimensional and concrete. She seems to be standing on top of everything, as if she is standing outside the "screen" of this world, and the world is like her sand table.

And that's not even the end.

Countless forces rushed towards her, as if at the critical point, she became a star, a black hole. The scattered power after the meteor shower is being stripped away from everything and attracted to her. As a matter of course, every time her total power increases, the proportion of the part belonging to "Anxu" becomes smaller.

She is swallowing everything, and everything is swallowing her.

Become a god, a thought tempted An Xu. Perhaps the temptation is not clear, it feels like a foretaste, as if you take a leg and know that your foot is about to hit the ground. It is not terrible for an apple to fall to the ground, just like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, it blooms in spring and bears fruit in autumn. How can it be scary to be a god? Everything is in one thought, the world is just a dream of you, there is no joy in life, and no pain in death.

An Xu's thoughts turned with difficulty, divinity and humanity intertwined in her mind. Her soul was a shadowy figure whose lips slowly opened and closed, saying: no-to-

I don't want to be a god.

I want to be human.

Anxu struggled to resist the force rushing towards her, this effort was like resisting the tide. She was ups and downs in the realm beyond time and space, matter and spirit, and suddenly blessed her soul, gathering these forces in one place.

She gathered the power she rejected into a world.

Countless points of light merged into a light curtain, and the light curtain superimposed into a brilliant, translucent, another world floating above this world. Anxu created the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon in an instant, and most of the creation of the world was completed in the blink of an eye. She is really a creative #世界神 without sentimentality. Naturally, the world carved in the power frenzy can't be too fine. It basically just copied this world, but there are no strange beasts, no people, no man-made things, only a weakened version of nature, And with more resources and fewer threats.

Then, An Xu began to gather the scattered souls of the world here.

In a world with soul power, of course there are souls, but the souls of ordinary people are very weak and dissipate quickly after the death of the body. In the "God" state, Anxi can see every soul on the timeline. She gathered, reshaped, and washed away the thoughts about the church, harming others, and destroying nature within fifty years, and sent them into the newly created world.

This project is very huge, and the creation of the world and the solidification of the soul have consumed all the power that is still coming to Anxu. Then Anxu exported the power that had stuck to her, and began to create a passage between the two worlds.

The two worlds seem to be in two dimensions. Once the created soul world breaks away from Anxu's spiritual tentacles, it will never meet with the material world. An Xu fixed the two worlds to prevent the soul world from flying to nowhere, and then began to create a passage, so that souls with a little bit of willpower can pass this way to a world where souls will not dissipate.

At the moment the road was built, countless souls flew there as if they were summoned.

An Xu saw a lot of people she had seen before, those who died in the hunting doctor movement, and those who died in the plague. Her "vision" became smaller and smaller with the transmission of the soul, and the power she gained was about to be exhausted, and An Xu was about to break away from the "god"'s vision.

Finally, she saw a golden soul.

It was a young girl, and her emerald green eyes were full of confusion. Before leaving, she looked around, as if looking for something. The soul turned its head and saw An Xu.

An Xu smiled and waved to her.

The girl laughed too, she was happier than ever before, her emerald green eyes were like sprouts after the rain, without any haze. They waved vigorously across the air and said goodbye to each other until they could no longer see each other.

Farewell, Lydia, thought Ansu, and have a good time in heaven.

The last bit of strength was exhausted, and An Xu returned to his previous state. It was a coincidence, no more and no less. She was a little out of strength, and felt that she was suspended outside her body, and her heart was full of abnormal inertia. She suddenly felt that this appearance was pretty good, and it was okay if she didn't go back.

The impact of all things is still too strong for a soul.

Anxu heard