MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 142

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An Xu's pupils shrank suddenly.

The potholes left in that place are very familiar. When Anxu brushed this world as a dungeon, he left countless traces of lightning strikes in every forest outside the two lines of defense of Tibes and Wenjialuo. The Thunder Queen's ability is very powerful, and she can directly supplement it with the crystal nucleus of the alien beast. The thunder and lightning that others regard as a big killer move is thrown by her casually. An Xu has seen such a mess after a natural disaster many times.

She is very clear about how powerful her own thunder is and what kind of traces it will leave behind.

From the depth of its depression, to the scorched smell of charred and disappearing trees around it, the smoke from the ground after a lightning strike, and even the shape of earth and rocks splashing around, all of them look very familiar to An Xu, who has an unforgettable memory. . Like a craftsman looking at his own work, there will never be any negligence. The ground with nothing left is undoubtedly the result of An Xu's own creation.

Her mental tentacles stretched out quickly, countless times more delicate than when exploring the way, and licked the ground bit by bit. An Xu saw the tragic situation on the ground, heard the loud noise of falling lightning, and smelled the metallic smell after the lightning struck. If all of the above may be illusions, what about mental detection? The terrain map scanned by the radar appeared in An Xu's mind, which was exactly the same as what she saw.

The blessed Anna was like a gambler who dropped the last coin into the sewer. Her spiritual tentacles dug almost three feet into the ground, plowing over and over again the ground where there was nothing left. After finally confirming that there was really no one alive within a hundred miles, she slowly turned her head.

She seemed fairly calm, not quite right. Her curly long hair was suspended in mid-air, and under the full moon, it looked the same color as the moonlight, exactly the opposite of another divinely favored person, and her expressionless face was as delicate as a statue. An Xu looked at Noah steadily, and Noah chuckled as expected, and he said, "It seems that you don't value them as much as you just said..."

The end of the sentence is drowned out in the new sound.

In an instant, countless light spots lit up in the night sky, as if there was a nebula in the sky. Countless stars in the nebula flickered for a moment, and then smashed towards Noah.

Like a summer thunderstorm, the rain fell horizontally, hitting Noah from An Xu's side, and in the blink of an eye, immeasurable "raindrops" hit the destination. Too fast, the naked eye can't capture the traces of "raindrops", they will only leave countless afterimages in the sky.

Compared with the massive bombing just now, the "rain curtain" this time sounds much smaller and gentler. There were no countless electric dragons roaring in the sky, no hail-like spherical lightning falling between the two of them non-stop, only some small light spots, and some subtle "swoosh" sounds. The gap between this piercing sound and the roar of the thunder just now is like the ditty sung in the water town and the battle roar of the soldiers. Now that little voice.

However, if this golden rainstorm does hit the ground, it will not make the gentle sound of rain hitting plantains.

Each point of light is a needle condensed by thunder, its power is one tenth of that of the electric dragon, but the number and speed of their formation are more than ten times that of the electric dragon. In the blink of an eye, electric needles covering half of the sky were formed. They were as numerous as raindrops, and as fast as missiles. The sharp sound of piercing the sky had exceeded the frequency that humans could hear. As the speed increased, the inaudible sound wave became more and more sharp, and instantly became a weapon that could make the blood of living beings boil.

An Xu's mental power was like a bag, shrinking from the surroundings, creating a vacuum layer, trapping the lethal sound wave in it, and smashing it towards Noah. It was like throwing a fragile water balloon and punctured it. The sound that was enough to make people crazy exploded around Noah and spread in mid-air. If there were still birds in the sky in this area before, then after this blow, there would be no living things.

This series of attacks was completed without even taking a breath, and at the beginning of the next breath, Noah raised the corners of his mouth. He slowly took a step forward in the air, braving the thunderstorm in front of him against the sound that could make people bleed, as if he was really just walking in the rain. Noah stopped after taking only two steps. He stretched out a hand and opened his fingers slightly.

"Thunder can judge the people of the world," he said, "but it is used to judge the people of the sky? It's too arrogant."

The hand raised in front of him was held in mid-air, and the wind and rain suddenly froze in mid-air as if the pause button had been pressed.

Then they start to back off.

Like a broken vase returning to its place one by one, the spilled water returns drop by drop, and every fragment walks the path they traveled when they were broken and scattered. The hand that had pressed the pause just now pressed the rewind now, and the lightning needle sent from Anxu abruptly reversed back to her body, and due to her powerful force, she was knocked back again and again. An Xu flew backwards together with the mental shield that wrapped her, and the impact force even broke through the outer shell, making her feel the blow that displaces her internal organs.

But Anshu didn't give up at all.

Before she could stabilize her body, the next wave of attacks had already struck Noah. The thunder turned into a raging flame, which suddenly ignited in mid-air. As one of the benefits of digesting the giant bird, its ability to control flames has been integrated into An Xu's heart. The fire clouds in the sky rolled fiercely, and An Xu simulated the group of fire crows that made her so embarrassed at the beginning with only one person.

The swarm of fire crows made of pure flames continued to expand, and when they reached the size of a small town, they shrank suddenly. The flames that were dark red just now turned bright red, orange red, blue, and finally turned platinum-gold like the sun. Only the head-sized flame has a terrifying temperature far higher than just now. A single spark falling from above can burn the entire forest of Alingu to nothingness. A plant grows.

The shrunken sun slowly drifted towards Noah, and when it was a few meters away from the opponent, it swelled and exploded in less than one thousandth of a second. There was a terrible loud noise between the sky and the earth, and the night was illuminated like day by the exploding sun, and people thousands of miles away would go blind in order to avoid being blind in time.

The blow was as powerful as a small atomic bomb, but that was not the end. Another innate ability of the giant bird was activated instantly, and the unmeltable ice layer appeared before the sun exploded. There was an extremely strange scene in the wilderness of Alingu. The temperature in mid-air could already melt steel, but a thick layer of ice spread on the ground, and its growth rate was faster than that of bamboo shoots after rain. Once the thick layer of ice on the ground solidified, it immediately grew upwards, and the moment the explosion started, the cold ice on the ground also began to press upwards.

Such a spectacle can only appear in an extraordinary world. Under the strong light that makes people unable to look directly, the ice wall on the ground rises to an astonishing height, and at the same time its shape becomes higher on both sides and lower in the middle. The taller sides get higher and higher, growing and growing and growing until they are joined together. A huge block of ice formed above the several acres of land. The inside of this block of ice was hollow, firmly pressing down on the flame that had just exploded.

The giant bird can switch between ice and fire, and its freezing and fiery powers are very powerful. When An Xu knew this, he was very full and had nothing to do. After joining the fire of the giant bird and meeting the ice of the giant bird, would it freeze to extinguish the fire, or would the fire melt the ice?

This answer, she tried before.

The terrifying ice layer that was so cold that it could freeze the flames tightly wrapped the bursting flames and Noah inside, and the dissipated energy that should have exploded was trapped inside without leaving a single drop, and the effect was like an open-air explosion. Barbecue has become steelmaking in the furnace. The high-temperature flames were not cooled by the ice, but instead seemed to be poured with oil, rising steadily in the confined space. Ice and fire can be switched freely in the giant bird's body, and now it can also be switched in An Xu's hands. The extreme cold and high temperature alternated irregularly, and the momentary effort has lasted for an unknown number of rounds.

Going through this temperature shift, even if it lasted only a few minutes, should have turned everything inside to scum.

The Ice and Fire Purgatory disintegrated after three minutes. Even at Anxu's current level, it would take a lot of effort to maintain this. She stared at the area where she was attacking, and when the fireworks and ice fog cleared, a figure appeared there.

Noah, who was wearing a priest's black skirt, didn't even have a hair messed up.

An Xu pursed his lips, and then a new round of storm was born. Invisible flames, lightning, hail, wind blades... But she used all the attacks she could think of, and then she no longer had to worry about aiming, and started attacking the entire area frantically. As if she was giving up on herself, trying to drain her last bit of strength, all the powerful power that could destroy half of Yamenan in a few minutes was used, and she smashed at Noah.

Noah waited patiently with a smile on his face until the intensity of the attack slowly decreased and finally subsided.

"Is it over?" At this moment Noah opened his mouth, he nodded at An Xu and said, "Then, it's me."

An Xu only had time to strengthen his protective shield.

As soon as Noah finished speaking, a storm was brewing in the sky that had just recovered a little calm. The first is a round of rising sun, and the miniature sun exactly the same as before suddenly appeared, and was ejected towards Anxu at a much faster speed than before. An Xu retreated quickly, but bumped into a thick wall of ice rising behind him at unknown time. Normally, no matter how cold, thick and strong the ice wall is, An Xu can destroy it in less than a second, but at this time, less than a second of blocking is enough.

The chasing fireball had already bullied her and exploded less than two meters in front of An Xu. The shock wave swept towards her suddenly, and there was no retreat behind her, so she was already trapped in the large refrigerator in such a short time. An Xu tasted her masterpiece from another perspective, and the powerful force of the explosion consumed most of her remaining strength.

An Xu attacked the ice wall as soon as she was able to stabilize her body. She used the force of the explosion inside to eject herself, flying crookedly for a long way like a plane with its wings destroyed. The next wave of attacks came immediately, flames, lightning, hail, blades... all the skills she used returned to her.

Anxu swayed in the sky together with her mental shield, and turned several times under the powerful blow. Only the first battle against the giant flame bird can be compared with this one. She dodged in embarrassment, but couldn't dodge it, and struggled in mid-air with difficulty.

"It's really hard work." Noah shook his head and said, "Let me give you a ride."

An Xu once again felt the breeze, inside her protective cover.

She felt a breeze on her cheeks, and then most of her face felt the splash of damp heat. She subconsciously raised her hand and wiped it, the back of her hand was bright red.

It was just a wind blade, the wind blade on the shoulder caused blood to spray on her own face, the injury was not serious, but her mental shield was not broken at all. Immediately, An Xu found that she couldn't lift her right hand, and the scars that had been eaten by lightning appeared on her right arm, and the bones could be seen deep.

"I am Alpha, I am Omega." Noah chanted, "I am the beginning and I am the end. I am space and I am time."

Anxu's protective shield is not damaged at all, it is just "disappearing". The attack that hit the shield suddenly passed through, like passing through the air. In just a few seconds, this attack that ignored defense left An Xu covered in bruises.

"Do you want to continue to struggle?" Noah said.

He looked at Anxu with sincere pity in his eyes. He regretted that his last compatriots were about to leave, and he also regretted that his mortal past was about to come to an end—of course, this regret was like the sigh of a taxidermy when digging out the internal organs of animals. , will not affect what he is going to do. Noah watched the blood stain Anna's clothes, watched her dodge in embarrassment, and finally fell to the ground.

it's over.


Chris ran with Lydia on his back.

There is a thundercloud gathering above their heads, and when the thundercloud is saturated to a certain extent, it will drip from the sky. The falling lightning is not as light as it is in the sky, but when it hits the ground, it will smash a deep pit with a diameter of several meters.

Lydia, who seldom showed any expression, showed a panicked expression on her face. She hugged Chris' neck tightly, her mouth pursed palely. Under such a sudden attack from the sky, the assassin is useless, thank God if they don't hold back.

Fortunately, Lydia is not too heavy, and Chris is an individual who can strengthen abilities. Holding Lydia on his back with a giant sword will not slow down his pace. He ran faster than the Gale Rabbit, running for his life all the way, followed by Thunder that kept coming down. Lydia couldn't help but glance back, her face getting paler.

Ascetic Monk Lydia has seen all kinds of horrific torture (penance), and has also experienced many, many scenes where the Queen of Thunder swept the defense line. This Thunderbolt was indeed stronger than the former Thunder Queen, but it wasn't the main culprit that frightened her. What made her turn pale, and perhaps what kept Chris from swinging his sword so far, was the person behind them controlling Thunder.

Light golden curly long hair, light golden eyes, and a calm face.

anna. Sullivan threw thunderbolts at them with no expression on his face.


Noah walked towards the person on the ground in a hurry, she was still breathing, and stared at him dying. Noah squatted down, took a last look at her, and said, "What a pity."

Anna's lips moved.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Noah asked.

"I idiot."

The first two words were spoken with difficulty and stickiness, much like the tone of a seriously injured person, but the last four words were pronounced very clearly. Before Noah had time to think, a slender hand pinched his arm like iron pliers, and then the other hand was as fast as thunder, and punched his face.

An Xu has never been good at hand-to-hand combat, but if he wraps his fist with mental power and then shoots it out is actually the same as attacking directly with mental power, but An Xu has wanted to punch him in the face for a long time.

Noah flew upside down like a cannonball. It seems that the mental shield was used up quickly. It's a pity that he didn't get his eyes crooked and his nose slanted. He rolled twice on the ground, stabilized his body, shook his head again, and said, "Why do you have to struggle to your death?"

"You're really putting on an air that's disgusting." An Xu curled his lips in disgust.

"It seems we have nothing to say." Noah said.

All kinds of frenzied waves of attacks lit up around An Xu again, and the ice, fire, thunder and wind swept in together, and the momentum was even greater than before. Anna, the God-blessed at the center of the attack, was out of ammunition and food, and she was swallowed without even putting up her protective shield.

Then reappear.

The scene that appeared on Noah just now appeared on An Xu. The blood-stained God's favored person was unscathed, and there was not a single tear in his clothes. What's even weirder is that the ground under her was obviously blasted out a big hole, but she didn't fall in. In other words, An Xu is now floating above that depression, lying in the air.

Flying in mid-air is not unusual for the two singers, but what is strange is that An Xu didn't use any strength at all.

She laughed and stood up with a grunt.

"Why, don't continue?" An Xu sneered, "As for me, in fact, I can also withstand a bunch of trick attacks you made just like you did just now, and then express that I can't hit you with a calm face. But my character Well, I don’t like to pretend, so let’s save this kind of time.”

Noah's eyes froze for a moment.

The **** mouth on An Xu's body has healed, no, it's better to say it has changed back to the way it was before it appeared. The clothes on her body were also changing, becoming as intact as before.

"As expected of my compatriots." Noah said with emotion, "I touched the edge of God so quickly."

"Please." An Xu rolled his huge eyes, "Still trying to fool me? It wasn't true from the very beginning."

"I know you can't accept reality." Noah looked at her with pity, as if she was just talking nonsense.

An Xu sighed, and said, "Some people really don't give up if they don't get slapped in the face."

"I would like to hear more about it." Noah smiled.

"The giant bird has its natural abilities. Flying, ice and fire are easy to use. My starting point is thunder and lightning, and the starting point of sheep is liking. You want me to think that your best ability is space And time? Hey, I really believed it at the beginning. But with so many abilities in the future, are you going to play it off?"

"I just transferred your power." Noah stood up and patted the dust that didn't exist on his body.

"No, 'you want me' to feel that you are shifting." An Xu said, "It was just a guess at first, but after I finished a set of combined punches with my mind empty, I smacked it in retrospect. It was completely wrong. So many conflicts Are the physical rules of this world taught by the physical education teacher? No, I’m afraid it’s just because when I did this, I only wanted to beat you with maximum efficiency.”

"Don't speculate on the power of God with mortal thinking." Noah shook his head.

"God? Even if there is a **** in the world, it won't be you." An Xu sneered, "You are just a magic stick who pretends to be a ghost and uses words to help me into the illusion."

The surrounding scene changed.

The potholes all over the ground were filled in, and the woods destroyed by patterns grew up. Everything returned to the time when nothing happened, just like tearing off a layer of stickers on the space. The full moon that had just moved westward during their fight had returned to directly above their heads, and at the edge of a small town not far away, stood Chris and Lydia.

"Wonderful." Noah clapped his hands repeatedly, "But will your luck be so good next time? Maybe this is also an illusion, maybe not. Maybe next time, you thought you attacked me, but it was actually someone else .”

"You and I have been talking nonsense for so long just to set up an illusion." An Xu said.

Noah smiled noncommittally.

"You also used this trick to delay the time last time." An Xu grinned suddenly, "So why do you think I got into the routine this time..."

She didn't wait for an answer, and the mental hammer gathered in midair fiercely hit the moon not far away, hundreds of meters away from them, knocking a person out of the void. It was a black-robed priest with black hair and black eyes, who looked exactly like Noah, and for the first time real surprise appeared on his face. An Xu didn't wait for him to react, she didn't even look at Noah next to her, a flash appeared in the distance, and the right hand wrapped in spiritual power hit that Noah's face with a strong momentum. Jun's punch.

home run.

Noah in the sky flew out suddenly and hit the ground. He covered his face in amazement, and blood gushed out of his sunken nose like a brake.

"Of course it's because I also need time to find things." An Xu laughed murderously.


Chris drew the dagger from the corpse.

The giant sword landed a few steps away from that person, following in the footsteps of the last giant sword that attacked the Firebird, twisted into broken copper by lightning. However, at the same time as this huge and conspicuous sword was thrown out, another small and exquisite dagger was also thrown out. It was wrapped in Chris's mental power, more secretive than a gust of wind, and quickly cut the throat of the lightning controller.

The lightning manipulator died with unsatisfactory eyes, and there was still confusion in her wide-open eyes, and she didn't understand how she died. She never imagined that a paladin would have such power, let alone that he would swing a sword against her alpha.

Lydia jumped off Chris' back and staggered towards the body. Her hands were shaking and she wanted to heal her, but bringing the dead back to life was not within the purview of the healer. Chris grabbed Lydia, avoiding her struggling limbs, and said, "Lydia! That's not Ann!"

"She is!" Lydia glared at the knight, "she may be controlled..."

"Wake up!" Chris said, "Look clearly! You are the one controlled by the illusion! If Ann really died, wouldn't you be like those ascetic monks?"

Lydia was taken aback and blinked hard.

The corpse on the ground has changed.

It was a woman dressed as an ascetic monk, her figure and appearance had no resemblance to An Xu's. Lydia stared blankly at the corpse, while Chris, who looked up in the sky, had already seen two figures confronting each other. Chris was relieved when he really saw An Xu.

It wasn't just Lydia who was controlled by the illusion. In Chris's eyes, the person with lightning abilities just now also looked like An Xu. Not long after sharing the meteorite from the giant bird, however, Chris and Ansu found a way to sense each other.

When Chris was hunted down by an enemy in Anxu's appearance, he discovered that the other party was not Anxu.

An Shuneng knew that Chris was still alive when Noah's vision tried to tell her that Chris was dead.

Eyes can lie, ears can lie, and even mental power can be blinded, but as long as another anchor point is reality, or just another illusion, they can also judge their current situation.

Noah, who was trying to play with people's hearts, undoubtedly kicked the iron plate when he was looking for an entry point.

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