MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 137

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Putting the general productivity level of this era into the world where Anxu is located, the time point is probably a little better than that of the Dark Middle Ages. Before the first steam engine came out, electric heating appeared in this world unreasonably. When the natural plug-in of superpowers meets a mind carrying future civilization, coupled with a piece of suitable soil, it should have taken countless twists and turns and hundreds of years of spiraling up to see the dawn of the electric age. The time of my life has come.

Anxu’s cheating brought leap forward knowledge, and the alchemists worked hard to analyze and perfect the missing parts of the skill tree. Although the lights have been turned on, it is bound to take a long time to complete the physics theory. It's a generational thing.

The physics branch of alchemists has matured, and the "first physicist" Gavin is their leader, and every member of the physics team is also indispensable. This year, the number of applicants for the Physics Division of the College of Higher Education has increased many times at once, and the physicists were so happy that they looked at the students who signed up, just like people in the agricultural team watching the crops on the experimental field New crops grow.

Knowledge is passed on from generation to generation.

The Propaganda Department hyped up this achievement. In fact, they didn't need to waste their time talking. The electric lights lit up everywhere were the best publicity boards. Wind power and animal power plants have been built, water power in some places, biogas, geothermal or coal in some places, electric heat can drive away the cold, electric lights can drive away the night, death within reach is gradually becoming more and more distant. People who come home late don’t need to carry their lamps. The street lamps have already lit the road. People can also change their routine of falling asleep soon after dark, and use the sleepless time at night for more meaningful things. Human settlements are full of light, just like the heavenly city of God in the Gospel.

They really built the city of gods on the ground.

Chris couldn't help laughing while looking at the lights. If it wasn't for his resilience, his eyesight would have plummeted. When electric lights were first popularized in Spring City, the little goblin light bulb almost took away almost 10% of Chris's attention, making An Xu a little jealous. She flicked off the light and clapped her hands over Chris' eyes. The knight laughed, and the vibration of the laughter came through An Xu's palm.

"That light really looks like your world." Chris said, "Looking at it is like watching the trajectory of Yamenan moving forward, as if you can see the future of Yamenan."

Telephone poles were erected one by one, long wire networks were pulled up, and the rubber and rubber tree farming and processing industries that wrapped the wires also rose. The emergence of every new thing will promote the birth of a series of emerging industries, like dominoes, and Anxu, the initial promoter, no longer needs to do more.

Oh, she still went to participate in the ribbon-cutting and naming activities for the completion of the new college.

The new college wasn't in Spring City, Thunder Castle, or Abery City, it wasn't even in the Bungaloo Line, Thebes Frontier, or Abery County. The new college stands on the Lisibi Plain, just outside the commercial capital of Twen, and is located in the hinterland of the entire Yamenan. That location originally belonged to the noble Pulan family. After the unfortunate Pulan family was killed by the previous generation of kings, it was taken back into the territory of the Tolan royal family. Although some nobles coveted this, when John IV of Urburg and Count Anna—after the agreement was reached, it was "Duke Anna"—signed a peace agreement, it was to express "the innocence of Duke Anna" Sorry" was cut to her.

The peace treaty that came to be known as the "Agreement of the Pardon of Santa Ana" was discussed for a long time, the embassy sent by Queen Eve and the officials of Duke Anna (interestingly and unknown, half of them were Is Eve's vassal) You come and go, conducted a rather wonderful show-off negotiation, and brought back an agreement that satisfied both parties. The nobles do not need to cede land for compensation, but they must open up their territories and allocate funds to build hospitals and schools on their own territories. They must allow supernatural beings to build roads and teleportation arrays. They must not persecute the citizens of Duke Anna, and must not obstruct the mission of the Evangelical Church, etc. .

The nobles who wanted to end this mess quickly accepted the agreement without much effort. In their view, these compensations were nothing more than ways for the old church to consecrate and build a church. Prince Anna wanted to do this, and they took what was given to the old church to build schools, hospitals, and roads. Anyway, the duke is standing up for it, let her and the old church pinch it!

Aristocrats think they are pretty smart.

The relative distance between the new college and the various parts of Yamenan is the shortest, and the distance between the two borders is almost the same. In addition, the roads extend in all directions (those nobles who evade the king's orders, please their powerful neighbors to avoid wars) , the action is surprisingly fast), the site selection on the edge of Tevin City is undoubtedly quite suitable. There are literacy schools everywhere, and students who have passed basic education and are interested in alchemy can pass the assessment and enter this new school.

After the king's great purge, Alva, who had said that he would no longer teach students, was shaken by the large number of apprentices who had been reduced. He finally agreed to teach at the New Academy, bringing with him a group of alchemists who were willing to teach. The alchemists who teach are not as hard-working as the teachers who teach literacy. They are divided into four majors. The teachers of each major take turns to teach. At other times, they can still conduct their own research, and they can also let their own students become assistants. It can be said to be a win-win situation.

The four majors are: the Department of Medicine with Alva as the dean, the Department of Physics with Gavin as the dean, and Rosa (the omega alchemist who developed the inhibitor with Alva) as the dean The Department of Chemistry, the Department of Biology with Peko (the alchemist who promoted the utilization of biogas) as the dean.

The names of the latter two majors were also named by An Xu. She explained these two terms in this way: the science of all things change and the science of life.

The deans of the Department of Chemistry and Biology are very satisfied with this, and An Xu is also very satisfied with his ability to make nonsense.

The new college will carry out higher education in different categories. Students will take classes with different teachers according to their own choice, go to school, and after four years of study, go to the post or strive to follow the teacher they want to study. This new situation breaks the inheritance method of an alchemist teacher leading four or five apprentices, which will lower the threshold for learning alchemy and make the spread of alchemy more widespread.

Of course, this is the result the alchemists expected after confirming the new teaching method. There will definitely be many difficulties in actual implementation, and the specifics will not be known until the practice begins.

They presented the plan to An Xu and asked the Duke to decide on the name of the new college. "University!" An Xu blurted out, and the alchemist who presented the proposal for the new college was speechless, his lips trembling for a long time, but he couldn't say "this name is very suitable". Researchers are just that stupid.

"Add your name?" Chris asked.

"Alright." An Xu nodded, "'Anna Alchemist Academy'?"

The new college was designated as "Santa Ana Alchemist's College", which was in contrast to Alingu's "St. Andrew's Seminary". Adding "Holy" in front of a certain building is a common naming rule in Yamenan, but this time Duke Anna is neither a member of the royal family nor a saint recognized by the Holy See. The stiff-headed elders couldn't help shouting a few words.

They think that Duke Anna puts too much gold on his face, Santa Ana? scare! How dare she post the name of the seminary? This is really a big irregularity! The nobles far away in Urburg are afraid of Duke Anna, who is said to be strong and a bit crazy, but people near her territory are not afraid of her, because this Duke is really a lord who doesn't care about reputation. Bards, singers, painters, writers, etc. in this area know that jokes against the lord himself and satire on the king and the Holy See will not lead to prison, let alone death. This makes the culture and art under the duke's territory unprecedentedly rich, flexible and colorful, and inevitably invites some ugly remarks.

Duke Anna's officials are busy every day, and they don't have the slightest time to take care of these flies that can only move their mouths. Anyway, they can only move their mouths. The busy and noble staff said that they like to see you but the lord can't do anything with her, ha ha. The Patriarch of the Evangelical Church was the first to act. Esther did not refute the rumors or appease the people. She directly picked a good and auspicious date for Anna. Sullivan canonized.

Is it compliant now? :)

Ansu and Chris were once again adjusting to their newfound powers that day, in the form of holding hands and trying to walk on air. In view of the fact that they are in the honeymoon period when they are connected, even if they don’t hug each other, they will blind the single dog’s eyes when they look at each other with a smile. half the city. Charlotte, who was busy and tired, asked them to go to a farther place to practice. Although Anxu was full of "I have today" proud, they still wandered a little farther out of humanitarian considerations.

From Spring City, stroll all the way to the City of Gospel.

Couples in love are scary.

They walked all the way to the vicinity of the City of Gospel, and found that the people below were bustling with people. Chris and An Xu thought for a long time but couldn't figure out what day it was, so they simply descended to a place with vacant seats. They didn't know what to do, they were startled, and as soon as the two of them landed, the people next to them exclaimed, and the crowd turned around, bowing their heads and saluting—the kind of salute that is done to a statue of a **** rather than a nobleman.

An Xu probed and identified, only to find that it was actually Anna. Sullivan canonization ceremony. She was dumbfounded for a long time, with a strange look on her face, thinking that this was the same as finding out that her memorial service was ahead of her while joining in the fun.

The canonization ceremony does not need to be attended by the saint himself, it is used to announce the gods rather than honor the individual. Not to mention, to a certain extent, wind awareness is indeed not much different from a memorial service. Except for the first Pope Urban I, almost all saints were posthumously canonized. It is better to say that more than half of the saints were posthumously because of They died in various ways. For example, I have been kneeling and praying to kill myself without eating or drinking (An Xu has never understood why suicide is a felony, and it is a virtue to kill myself in this way), such as letting others eat my body, alas, I really don’t understand your religion people.

By the way, the other half of the people who canonize are because they killed others, such as the so-and-so witch hunter and the so-and-so burner of heresy. In the same era, probably not many people can laugh.

The crowd parted, and Patriarch Esther stepped down from the high platform. She saluted them with a smile, holding in her hand a crown of thorns intertwined with silver threads representing purity and gold threads representing light.

This kind of crown of thorns is usually placed on the remains of saints, on the coffin or in front of the idol, and now Esther is holding it and wants to wear it for Ansu. Although An Xu was a little baffled, she wasn't going to demolish the primary school girl. She bowed her head to let Esther put on the crown of thorns, which symbolizes the saint, and heard cheers from all directions.

The news of the canonization came out in the morning of this day, and in just half a day, people who came to watch the ceremony from nearby had already filled the Gospel Church. Every citizen in the Dukedom of Anna sincerely believes that the Duke who brought them a new life is more worthy of the title of "Saint" than anyone else.

"Oh!" An Xu thought of something, and hurriedly whispered to Esther, "The saint wants to 'dedicate his life to the Lord'? I have a lover! I want to get married!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the thoughts that had been put aside for a long time jumped out suddenly, and intensified, swiping the screen in bold and red letters in her mind. Yes, get married! In the end, I was busy preparing for the final boss of the Holy See and forgot about the honeymoon? ! An Xu spurned his memory, and wanted to punch himself in the head a few times. She hurriedly turned to look for Chris, and the chief knight retreated into the crowd, looked at her with a smile, and cheered with the crowd. An Xu met his proud eyes and felt his heart warmed up. He was happier than being praised by a country.

"Knot," said Esther, with a holy face, without moving her lips.

"I'm really married?" An Xu, who was already ready to move, said.

"It just so happens that this is a church," Esther replied.

So An Xu grabbed Chris's hand and pulled him out of the crowd.

Chris looked taken aback, but followed her out anyway. When they all walked to the open space, An Xu suddenly remembered that she didn't have a ring, which made her want to beat her chest again. Chris looked at her questioningly. She was so angry that she snapped the crown of thorns on her head in half and took one half off.

"Will you marry me?" she said to Chris, holding half of the flower crown.

They weren't standing on stage, and it would be a while before the jaw-dropping spread spread. The audience in the front row gasped in unison, but it had nothing to do with the two parties involved. An Xu only saw Chris smile, and he said, "Yes."

This is the only thing An Xu cares about at the moment.

"Today we gather here, before God, to witness the birth of Saint Anna, and the sacred union of Anna Sullivan and Chris Field." Esther walked onto the high platform at some point and announced in a solemn voice . The sudden words caused a little commotion in the crowd, many people looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering why the canonization ceremony suddenly had more weddings.

"This is a precious treasure left by God from the beginning of #creation. At this sacred moment, the two can be united," Esther raised her voice, "If anyone has any objections to this, please speak up, or forever Keep silent!"

Her voice was not harsh, but something in her tone and her slightly depressed gesture made the church silent again. An Xu let out a "wow" in his heart, feeling that he had seen the aura of the leader up close.

"Before I start, I have to ask my brothers and sisters one thing." The patriarch of the Evangelical Church slowed down and said sermonically, "Why do we praise St. Anna? St. Anna, what is worthy of our confession to God? ?”

She paused for a moment, letting people think for themselves.

"Like St. Margaret, she prayed continuously for three whole days, and finally got the favor of God. Was she called by the Lord? Like St. Sullivan, she abandoned her mortal body and sacrificed herself in exchange for the opening of the gate of heaven Is it? Or, like Saint Nathaniel, she drenched the church with the blood mirror of the witch? Or, like Saint Alex, she fought the demon possessed to the death on the battlefield?" Esther in After a series of questions, she slowly shook her head, "No, Santa Anna didn't do that, she didn't dedicate herself to God, and as a divinely favored one, she didn't enter the gate of paradise as soon as possible, but stayed in this world. "

"She didn't abandon us."

The person who was still wondering about Anxu breaking the saint's corolla just now changed his expression after Esther told her.

"Are we to blame her for this? To blame her for not coming back to God's Paradise sooner rather than to stay here with us? Shall we not consider her less holy because she stepped down from the altar to walk with us? "

"No!" someone in the crowd yelled.

"Haven't we received the grace of this earthly saint? Hasn't she erected a barrier for us from the plague and death from the butcher's knife? Brothers and sisters, have we not received enough food to eat and wear clothes? Warm clothes, a warm room that can shelter from the wind and rain, and work that can bring a bright future and prove our value, but we have to dislike the people who brought all these things, have desires like us, and hope to be wrapped in a beautiful life like us live?"

"No!" Almost everyone shouted.

An Xu looked at Esther with great respect, and felt that she was going to be convinced, that she really should be canonized.

"The Lord of heaven will see all." Esther spread her arms, "and all we can do is witness. Come, lovers under God's watch."

Chris and Anxu held hands and walked up together.

The patriarch said to An Xu: "Are you willing to accept Paladin Chris as your husband in this holy wedding, your only omega, and love him, respect him, and be loyal to him from now on until death?"

"I would." An Xu said.

The patriarch said to Chris: "Are you willing to accept Santa Ana as your wife in this holy wedding, your only alpha, and love her, respect her, and be loyal to her from now on until death?"

"I would." Chris said.

This sudden wedding simplifies many, many processes. Yamenan's wedding customs are also very lengthy, especially for nobles. Even when it comes to the vows of union, there are long scriptures interspersed, and the choir sings endlessly. The choir was also preparing for the canonization of St. Anna, but Esther didn't go through the wedding process, knowing that the couple didn't need that.

They should say, rich or poor, healthy or sick, I will love you, respect you and cherish you till death do us part. They should beg the Lord, ask me not to leave you, if you don't leave me, I will go wherever you go, I stay because you stay, your kingdom is my kingdom, your **** is my god... But they don't need this. An Xu has an arrogant self-confidence. She believes that she can guarantee that they will not be poor, will not have disease, and will not be separated by death. They are together voluntarily and spontaneously, without begging anyone to bind them rigidly. They are two independent individuals and a pair of lovers who have chosen each other.

Chris, who has always been cautious, couldn't help but believe this from the bottom of his heart.

Anna became Santa Ana, and her title was "Human Traveler". Among so many saints with half-hearted nicknames in history, only her title has nothing to do with gods and massacres. An Xu unexpectedly liked this, she felt that her secondary illness had eased a bit.

"Actually I wanted to call you 'Lightstealer,'" Esther told her privately afterward, "Remember the story you told me before? Prometheus the Firestealer...I think you're doing the same thing , thank goodness there is no eagle that can peck you."

"It's not impossible, that bird is huge, and it pecks people very hard." An Xuwei laughed as he recalled, "But after it finished pecking my internal organs, I pecked back. It was still worse."

The shadow brought by the fire bird has gone, but the benefits it brought have not been digested yet. The spiritual nucleus in An Xu's heart grows together with a small piece of flesh, and it's quite ugly when he looks inside himself. She studied it for a while, and found that she didn't know if she had reached a certain limit. Although she could feel that her mental power had become stronger and her sensing range had expanded a little, other than that, there was no qualitative change.

It's really strange, An Xu felt that his enhancement should be more than that.

She couldn't sense the situation of A Linggu's generation, as if something blocked her out. She couldn't fly directly to Alingu. During this time, both Anxu and Chris had to digest the energy they got with all their strength. The battle could easily cause it to make a comeback and get **** everywhere. The practice of combing and using energy can be said to be quite successful, however, there is always a bad feeling lingering in An Xu's heart, but he can't find a clue.

In the end, she gave up, and the Xin Dao soldiers came to cover up the water and the soil, just upgrade well, and the boss will always jump out by itself in the end.

But the boss didn't jump out in front of her.

It was Lydia who had the mutation.