MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 124

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The jabuse vaccine extracted from Anxu's flesh and blood was quickly produced and spread in Spring City. Alva also couldn't explain the mechanism of its effect. He could only say that the [Unanalyzable Substance] in Count Anna's blood could eliminate the [Unanalyzable Substance] in the body of the Junkrat patient, canceling each other out.

Earl Anna felt refreshed as if she had guessed the super-difficult multiple-choice question correctly, and she didn't bother to worry about the steps to solve the problem.

After the battery, An Xu is now acting as the mother of the vaccine. She feels that she is really a piece of green and pollution-free Tang monk meat. Fortunately, the vaccine does not directly use her flesh and blood, but extracts certain unknown components from her blood, and dilutes it many times before applying it. Therefore, it is only necessary to go to the hospital to draw blood once a week, and it does not need to be used as a blood bag for a long time. Although An Xu didn't feel any pain, the atmosphere in the hospital really made her a little terrified. The mouse monster with teeth and claws has been tossed to the brink of death by Alva, and every time An Xu comes to the hospital, the chief medical officer will stare at her with the eyes of looking at the experimental materials, and it seems that he really wants to cut her up to have a look .

"A slightly higher dose can make the infected Gale Rabbit explode and die, but when it is sufficiently diluted, it will become a life-saving panacea, reversing the infection process." Alva said in amazement, "Your blood composition is obviously the same as that of other normal people, But it has an activity far superior to that of ordinary people, is it because the existing equipment cannot detect it?"

"Don't worry about the details." An Xu laughed, "Anyway, it's good to be able to cure the disease."

"It's not as simple as you think." Alva shook his head, "The experimental product used on Jay was too large, and his metabolic rate accelerated hundreds of times in a few hours after receiving the drug , it is thanks to his good luck that he was safe and sound. And..."

Alva said softly, "He has awakened a supernatural power."

An Xu was stunned.

"The side effects are not small. His body is at least ten years older than his actual age, and the abilities he produces are not strong, and he doesn't know if there will be mutations in the future. In theory, you can create an instant army." Alva said .

"No." An Xu replied without hesitation. She felt that this method of taking #drugs to create a berserker was very unreliable at first glance. If you want to sacrifice service life in exchange for attack power, it is better to build a few more cannons, the gain outweighs the gain.

Alva nodded as expected. He would tell An Xu about this because the other party is not someone who can kill chickens and eggs. If it were another lord who was eager for quick success, Alva would directly replace the potion.

"The improved and diluted vaccine has no side effects and can only be used to treat diseases," the doctor said. After speaking, he paused and sighed.

"The ability is only awakened in the year of gender differentiation, and the second baptism has a certain chance of awakening the ability again, but it is still unknown what the decisive factor is." Alva murmured, "What is the ability? What is it? What is the principle of the beast tide? Where does the power of the alien beast come from? Where did the crystal nucleus come from? Everything related to this is a mystery, which is incompatible with the laws of the world I know. There is no theory worth referring to, and I myself Can't find a reason, can't explain it with alchemy... This is the only moment that makes me doubt the reality of the gods. Is there such a thing as omniscient and illogical? Why did it create humans? Or is this world just an accident , that's why it's so bad?"

Alva had never said such a long speech to Anshu, the brilliant and sharp scientist had never said that to anyone. This question has been held in his mind for too long, and the genius who is far ahead of everyone has to endure the loneliness of being too cold at the height. As the pioneer of this world, Alva walks alone on the vast wilderness that only he can touch, and no one can answer his questions.

An Xu suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Alva, and she also felt regretful. If she is a well-informed scholar who can transfer many modern scientific theories, she should be able to provide some valuable reference for Mr. Scientist.

In the end Alva himself gave up dwelling on the problem. He had so much to study and never enough time. "If possible, give me the holy water for my second baptism, the kind from the Holy See," he said.

Compared with the time when nobles had quotas, it is now much more difficult to obtain holy water from the Holy See. The people sent out did not bring back the holy water, but only the news of Alingu's blockade. Alingu's city gates have been closed since a few days ago, and all entry and exit are prohibited.

The spies of Nightingale's Throat sent back information almost at the same time, and the plague spread in Yamenan.

Ronald's backhands have become tasteless in the hearts of those in the know. However, once they turned their goal of making a comeback into annihilation together, this unscrupulous remnant caused an unexpected disaster. There is no leader, not enough armed forces, and there are no more than a hundred people available, but they still have secret teleportation arrays leading to various places.

The rest of the broken jars, with the sick mice, were sent to all parts of Yamenan.

The plague on the Bengalo line of defense was blocked too well, and people in Spring City shut their doors under the plague warning, and there are express delivery (yes, the express delivery industry that was born in the plague on the border of Tibes has developed ) delivered to your door, panic did not spread. Although the Pope made public about the plague and divine censure, it is not without precedent that the Holy See used the name of divine censure to burn opponents to death. The royal court and nobles in Urburg didn't care about this, but the ordinary people felt that the Pope had spoken, and the Land of God's Scourge would be purified soon, and it had nothing to do with themselves who were separated by hundreds of miles.

Like a pyre in the open air, they catch sparks falling from the sky without knowing it.

Outside the territory of Ansyria, people dump garbage and fetch water in the same river, and civilians, livestock and their excrement mix together. There is no doctor in those places, and there is no such thing as washing hands before meals and after using the toilet, and taking frequent baths. With such an excellent breeding ground, it is difficult for the plague not to develop rapidly in the thrown countryside.

The first people to suffer are always civilians, and people who are busy making a living will not rest for headaches. They go to work when they are sick, squeeze and squeeze in the crowd, eat and drink together as a family, and neighbors use the same well. The disease was fermenting under the water, and by the time the local nobles got angry because the leaders didn't work hard, it was too late.

The civilians fell down one by one like harvested rice, and some people got up soon after, and moved their mouths at the distinguished adults who came to collect the rent. The rent-collecting adults went back cursing, with bleeding wounds.

And so began the little nobles who were forced to discover what had happened.

Quarantine areas appeared in many places, and panicked people spontaneously threw torches into the quarantine area. Such purges often slip through the cracks, and before long those who throw the torches find their streets blocked and torches lowered from high walls. Those infected cities became a **** on earth. Some nobles guarded their manors, while others packed their bags and fled.

The nobles of Urburg were dismayed to discover that the plague they remembered as far away was actually just around the corner. In a small city less than a hundred miles away from Urburg, the plague also broke out.

Prime Minister Roland reported the situation in the birthplace of the plague to Richard II. He proposed to go to Bangalore immediately for help. Reliable news showed that the plague there had been brought under control. The king at first agreed with the suggestion, but frowned when reinforcements from Bungala arrived.

"Are you a holy man?" Richard II looked critically at the team in white in front of him.

"We are doctors, Your Majesty," replied the man in the white mask. "The mask is to prevent infection."

"Okay, an omega. You are the one who can cure the disease? What are the omega and beta behind you doing?"

"I don't have supernatural powers, I'm just a doctor." The omega said without saying a word, "We have brought medicine that can treat sick patients, and we need your order to improve the environment and cooperate."

"'Medicine'." The king repeated suspiciously, "what is that? Show me."

The doctor opened the box containing the injections and explained to the king how the injections should be injected into the blood vessels with a needle. She was interrupted by the king before she finished speaking.

"Do you think I'm a fool!" Richard II yelled, "Poke something like this into a blood vessel with a needle? What I need is a supernatural being who can cure diseases, not a wizard!"

He yelled at the guards to drive the group of wizards out, cursed Count Anna, who had prevaricated him, and ordered her to hand over the real "savior". If the prime minister and the queen hadn't tried their best to dissuade them, the king almost ordered the heads of the wizards to be cut off in response to Anna's fooling.

The Duke of Roland took the doctors away from the palace, but did not drive them out as Richard II said. He treated the doctors as honored guests, brought a group of clever children, and was willing to pay more than Earl Anna, asking them to teach apprentices who could cure the plague.

"It is our wish to save lives and impart medical skills," said the doctor, "but the potion was made by our teacher, and we don't know its formula."

Roland began to think about the benefits he could exchange with Count Anna, when Queen Eve sent a message. "I have a slight friendship with Count Anna," she said. "It is not difficult to get a share of the potion used on my father and your private territory."

In other words, Her Majesty the Queen only guaranteed the security of the territory of the Stewart family and the Roland family, but avoided talking about it with the royal court and other nobles of Urburg. She only offered help and didn't say what Roland needed.

The favor of a prime minister is much more important than asking for any wealth.

Roland pondered for a moment, then nodded.


When the lord of Wenjialuo knew the king's reaction, he only said hehe.

A Linggu, who closed the gate of the city, is 99% suspicious. Let's say there is no hatred in Urburg, and Anxu doesn't mind using humanitarianism to save him. But since the king doesn't want it, let's save it. Mr. Chief Medical Officer said quite directly, why stop him if a fool wants to court death.

Doctors from the border of Tibes came again, and the courses for medical students were in full swing. Earl Anna's territory popularized the methods of preventing and treating Junkrat disease, and also prepared special medicines against the plague. Doctors and medical students were learning plague lessons in actual combat. After securing the Bungalow defense line, they began to expand to the border between Bungalow and other counties.

These doctors, along with their escorting troops and troops of troubadours who popularize health knowledge, operate around Bungalow, publicizing the way to deal with the plague and treating the patients who come to seek medical treatment. This treatment is not free, but IOUs are allowed. They treat dying people who are sick, and those who are revived cannot just walk away and need to pay a consultation fee. Can't pay? Stay here and work. The Bungalow defense is always short of men.

This is not a general sense of selling one’s body to pay off debts. Chuncheng will provide jobs according to the ability of the comer, with a labor contract, including board and lodging, even if it is a hard job that the residents of Chuncheng do not like. I don't know how many times better than their daily life. They were rescued from the border of death, and the price of living was a job and a better life. Almost every rescued person stayed in Chuncheng in the end.

Then, comes the coldest time of the year.

There are many troubles in winter, but there are also many unexpected benefits. Most of the animals fell into hibernation, most of the snakes, insects, rats and ants were frozen to death, and the plague that was about to spread on the land of Yamenan suddenly stopped.

There were no sudden reports of nightmare rats. Nine out of ten people who had been sick died, and there was nothing left in the area that should have been burned. Junkrat disease disappeared from the ears of the nobles again. The nobles who were frightened by the plague (although most of them died were civilians, it still sounds terrible) started the winter carnival, and the banquets in Urburg continued day by day, and Duke Roland, who was always a disappointment, still declined the banquet Invitation, but at least he didn't come out to be annoying. The king and nobles were very happy.

What is the name of the celebration? "God bless" of course. You see, the raging plague finally stopped in front of Urburg, which is enough to show that the Tolan Dynasty was blessed by the gods. As for the dead, some civilians are fine. Richard II was very happy, and even magnanimously exempted Earl Anna from being held accountable for disobeying orders.

The nobles of Urburg were busy with banquets, the priests of Alingu stayed behind closed doors, and Earl Anna's fief was busy with studying, giving birth and arranging patients. This winter passed in a busy way.

The temperature unknowingly warmed up.

The spring rain falls in Wenjialuo, and the north of Yamenan also feels the warmth of spring. The winter of this year was very cold, but it went very fast. The cold spring didn't last long, and the ground was already full of greenery.

Almost every year, it is a good thing for the people of Yamenan to survive the winter. It's a pity that when the earth revives in warm weather, so does something else.

Junkrat came back on this warm spring day, and like a resurgent wildfire, it swept through Yamenan in less than a month.

Dead people, a large number of dead people, in some places, no human habitation can be seen within a hundred miles, and seeing people's shadows makes people extremely frightened. Travelers are not afraid of ghosts, but half-dead people who can touch and bite you, and seeing rats on the road is more terrifying than seeing giant beasts. Some villages turned into ghost villages within a few days, and villages with no infected people were facing enemies and refused to accept any passers-by.

The first case appeared in Urburg.

A poor hunter developed a high fever one day after returning from a trip. He had no friends or relatives, lived in a slum, and his stinking body was found days later covered in black spots. Terrified neighbors, fearing to be implicated, secretly burned the body. From the third day, new patients appeared on this street.

They still couldn't escape the fate of being burned, but at that time their brains were no longer clear. The long-range supernatural powers were transferred to deal with the living dead, and the half-dead were burned together with those who escaped.

At the moment when Urborg, the secular system of Yamenan, also fell, it seemed that only Alingu, the capital of religion, was the only clean and safe place on this land. However, it did not become the land of people's dreams.

Quite simply, Alingu's way of keeping "clean" so far is a blockade, a strict blockade.

All the believers who were expecting to be "forgiven" were stopped outside the city. Outside Alingu, a man-made isolation zone was created by supernatural beings, and no living things could pass through, ranging from mice to humans. People surrounded this holy city, hoping to impress God's servants with their piety. What they waited for was not forgiveness, but massacre.

Oh no, it should be called purification.

When the flames burned, the healthy and sick people outside the city were purified together, and the infected animals, rats, and lice were all swept away. It was really a convenient and quick way. The plant powers and water powers inside Alingu are enough to make the residents in it self-sufficient. The residents of Alingu prayed to the flames, thanking God for protecting them.

What the evangelical church is doing at this time is completely opposite to the old church.

After a winter of emergency training, there are enough doctors, nurses, medical students and vaccines. Physicians stayed on the border between Count Anna's territory and the lands of other lords, treating all who came to them. And the vaccinated evangelical priests took the risk to carry the doctor's news to all parts of Yamenan.

Go to the south, go to Spring City, there is no disease, no hunger, as long as you work hard, you can survive. Alingu, whose door is closed, cannot represent God. Listen to us, God has not abandoned us.

The missionaries of the evangelical church are like real shepherds, leading groups of hopeful people to the place where the doctor is. After all, it is impossible for Alingu’s deeds to be silent. In their comparison, the new church is more representative of God in this way.

In other words, it represents the expectation of people to survive.

Richard II was finally persuaded by the queen after the triple-digit number of dead bodies appeared in Urburg. He sent a letter to An Xu again, asking her to send someone to treat the illness, "Even a wizard is fine" in a slightly lowered tone. Anxu didn't want to talk to the king, but this time Alva was the first to persuade her.

"Why?" An Xu said strangely, "I thought you would be happy."

"The plague is not a verdict," said Alva curtly. "It is indiscriminate."

People have been coming to the border to seek medical treatment. They dragged their families and put all their eggs in one basket. Their numb faces had been soaked in despair for a long time. They had all sorts of lives, and all sorts of people were lost, and all sorts of human life were destroyed before the plague without discrimination, like a storm in a garden.

Today, almost every doctor hopes to save more lives.

The doctors focused on saving lives, while Anxu's other staff had more to consider. What kind of configuration should the starting team have, how to get the most benefit from this trip, and so on. The team that set out last included medical staff, soldiers who protected the former, people who were in charge of negotiating with the locals, priests from the Evangelical Church, and troubadours who were in charge of propaganda.

Among the troubadours, the branch spy "Mynah" of the Throat of the Nightingale was mixed in.

An Xu was not interested in going to places other than his own territory. After living in the transformed territory for a long time, going to other places was as painful as being thrown into a virgin forest. She only looked at the daily status report, the accompanying troubadour wrote what she saw on the surface, and mynah wrote some hidden parts. An Xu felt like he was reading a report from a war reporter ahead.

With a ding dong, a light bulb lit up in Count Anna's mind.

Because of the plague, many playwrights were summoned and hired by the lord to write news reports based on the reports sent back from afar. The reports required readability, authenticity, and easy-to-understand. These articles were published on large foldable sheets of paper, which were sold in major bookstores in Spring City, Thunder Castle, and Abery, and there were newsboys walking around the streets to promote them.

In Earl Anna's territory, literacy has achieved preliminary results. Half of the residents can read simple characters, and even those who can't understand can find someone who can read to them. The first issue of the newspaper was free, under the name of "Anna's Weekly", and all the newspapers distributed were quickly taken away. People read about things thousands of miles away in the newspapers, and discussed them with surprise.

The plague is rampant in Yamenan - my God, has the situation outside gotten this bad? How could so many people die? Omg God bless... how could they not wash their hands? The water has to be boiled before you can drink it! Children, do you see clearly? You must not eat indiscriminately in the future.

Infected people appear in Urburg—could not even the king's residence be spared? It's terrible, and it seems that the nobles and ladies are not so great. Thanks to Earl Anna. Yes, yes, living in Chuncheng is really great. I heard that there are no people outside who want to move to Chuncheng every day!

The Alingu Massacre—What? How could such a thing happen? ! Aren’t the most merciful and just people living in the holy city? No! They are liars! Pastors of evangelical churches are good people! Alas, I also thought that the people of Alingu must be more pious, how could pious people be so cruel to brothers and sisters...

The newspaper became the topic of everyone, and the influence of the first issue alone made Mayor Charlotte realize its great role. However, Earl Anna's territory is definitely a special case. How can there be so many literate people in other places in Yamenan?

In the second month of Anna's Weekly, the newspaper got a big news.

In order to restore the large population lost in Yamenan as soon as possible, the king encouraged all people to have children. The way of encouragement is: heavy taxation for single alphas, compulsory marriage for unmarried and widowed omega.

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