MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 114

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Whether it is a major national event or a long-term love between children, it will not slow down the flow of time. In the blink of an eye, the tail of summer has slipped from people's hands, and the weather has turned cool again.

The Tibes border has also experienced a bumper harvest this year, and the debts owed by military training and the construction of new territories have been successfully offset, and there is still a surplus. Under the advice of his staff, Anxu only left seeds and one-year rations, and sold the rest at a high price. After all, with so much output, sooner or later, food prices will get lower.

The management personnel brought by Earl Anna implemented the same policy transparency as in the south, writing and posting every official measure and reason for implementation that will be implemented next. The literacy class went fairly well, and most Bengalese could at least recognize numbers and their own names, but reading bulletins was still beyond the reach of many. Adding illustrations next to the announcement is too child's play, and people still have to be responsible for reading it to the audience.

The lord's official manpower is always in short supply, and no one can explain on the roadside all day long; the status of the priests in the Northland is even higher, and it is impossible for monks to act as commentators, so they are responsible for the new profession of widely disseminating the announcement to the illiterate people , "Broadcaster", came into being.

There is a ready-made candidate: the troubadour who came here to try his luck.

There are all kinds of performing groups attracted by the gradually prosperous Bungalow, juggling tricks and plays are the most popular, clowns and entertainers earn a lot of money; troubadours have a bad nose, because people from the Northland I don't think the poems and rhymes are so interesting. These wandering poets who came to pan for gold failed to return, and in embarrassment, they accumulated travel expenses to go back in the cold reception. Coincidentally, they noticed the official recruitment letter for recruiting articulate people to read the notice.

People like troubadours, most of them come from neither high nor low background, they can read some words but they have no money, no power, and not enough cunning. They did not find a large number of commoners who were willing to give generously to the educated people in Bungalow, nor did they meet lords who were willing to raise them as amuse- It was well received.

When they plucked the harp, played the flute, shook the tambourine, mixed dry official documents with witty words, and weaved them into catchy ballads, people gathered around, listened with great interest, and clapped from time to time. It is interesting to say that the singing and performance of troubadours are not as good as that of the orchestra, and the stories they tell are not as attractive as the puppet shows and plays in the theater. Compared with serious and jerky things for common people, they become very interesting.

More and more troubadours and gifted jerks joined the ranks of announcers, pulling out all the stops to be noticed, like their counterparts at other bulletin points. Today you made up a rhyming jingle, and tomorrow I will add a bit of a borderline joke; in the morning you satirize the greedy, and in the afternoon I tell a parable about God punishing the arrogant. The form of performances is changing with each passing day. An Xu has been among the crowd and heard it several times. He thinks that there are a few smart people who will figure it out and perform stand-up comedy and talk shows sooner or later.

Charlotte had come to Anshu and asked how to deal with some daring guys. These broadcasters who compared each other were so hot-headed that they crossed the line as soon as their brains twitched. One rhymed the Sullivans (it can be seen that poets and singers can do anything to rhyme), saying that the Sullivans were useless. Crying for Mama too, and another telling a dirty joke featuring a lord and chief knight. These two really caught the eye during their performance, and when they calmed down after the end, they immediately felt bad. They unanimously packed their bags and prepared to run away, but before they could leave the city, they were caught.

"It's just for dinner, so don't check the water meter." An Xu said with a smile.

"Water meter?"

"That's not the point, anyway, let's let it go after oral education!" An Xu waved his hand, "I think these people are quite useful."

The Throat of the Nightingale is actually the Ear of the Nightingale is more aptly called the Ear of the Nightingale. The method of mixing in the crowd and releasing rumors to guide public opinion is too trivial. If you want to say "mouthpiece", An Xu thinks these troubadours can be better.

"We need to set up an organization to review the content of their performances, and eliminate those that are particularly **** and anti-human... The specific criteria can be discussed in detail in the future. This organization," she thought for a while, with a narrow smile, "let's call it Radio and Television."

"'Guang' means radio, does electricity mean your power?" Charlotte asked honestly.

"Electricity, there will be electricity." An Xu replied.

She went to the "Institute of Electric Power Analysis and Its Practical Applications", which is the section in charge of the physicist Gavin, and gave them a general introduction to the principles of loudspeakers and radio stations. Gavin and the others' eyes lit up when they heard this, and they moved their pens like flying, but after finishing writing, they hesitated about An Xu's order to step up research on this piece.

"It's like this, my lord," Gavin explained, "Mr. Aaron and the Holy One went to the animal pen to pick a ground squirrel to raise. It is said that it can improve Mr. Aaron's spirit. I happened to be in the animal pen to realize The operation of the power grid and the mobility of animals can have an impact on the operation of electricity, so we ran into each other, and we hit it off..."

An Xu raised a hand and said, "Skip this paragraph."

"Oh, good! Later we went to the iron and steel factory where the steel is made. It was very hot there. We obviously didn't wear much, except for the sweat. After the iron ore was burned at high temperature, it turned into a golden red dazzling liquid..."

"Tell me the result directly," An Xu said while holding his forehead, "Tell me the result clearly and quickly, immediately."

"So we are researching lighting fixtures that heat certain materials through electricity to make them glow." Gavin finished speaking in one breath, blinking and looking at An Xu.

An Xu was speechless for a long time, looking at Gavin with the eyes of seeing Edison alive, until he began to rub his hands nervously. The lord, who was shocked by the natives again, pressed his shoulder and said, "Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

And the biggest thing after autumn is that the saints are leaving.

Esther and An Shu went, and circled a small dot somewhere between the Bungalow line of defense and Alingu on the map. That location was some distance from the Bungalow line, but once the road between the two was built, it was only a day or two away.

Not close, so these approachable saints will not completely become the same as ordinary people, and the aura of religion still hangs over them; not far, so these saints will not fade away from people's hearts, compared with the more distant Ah Ling Gu, these holy people will gradually become the spokespersons of the Guangming Cult that the people of Wenjialuo immediately think of.

When Esther and other saints left, the Bungalow defense line held a grand farewell celebration. When the celebration was held, the streets were empty, and people from all over the frontier flocked to see off these extraordinary wandering priests. I am afraid that only those saints in the legend can accumulate such popularity in less than a year.

Most of the people here have directly or indirectly received the blessings of these holy ones. Their existence not only makes people reflect on themselves repeatedly, but also makes people feel peaceful and joyful. The confessional will not be dismantled, and a few holy ones will remain to continue the work of consolation. The holy ones don't allow gifts, don't make offerings, devoutly praying and seeing off is the only thing they can do.

Many people who wanted to convert came to see the Holy Ones, but were persuaded to go back, telling them that they could wait until next spring when the Holy Ones settled down and came back. The criteria for accepting converts is neither status nor wealth, but whether they are pious or not and how good they are. These holy ones do not accept the most popular "cherubs" elsewhere, children between the ages of three and seven who are consecrated by devout parents to the priesthood of the Holy See. They also accept minors, but they must be over eight years old, able to write their own names, and volunteer to be the Lord's shepherds.

Many able-bodied people have asked for leave from their superiors, packed their bags, and will **** the holy ones to that wilderness. There are many supernatural beings and skilled craftsmen among them. They will remove obstacles on the road, level the land that cannot pass, and finally build a new city belonging to these holy ones at the end, on the field that is still covered with thorns. No one thinks that this is enough to support them. They follow behind the holy ones, just like the ancestors followed the saints who could lead them to the promised land.

There is a sense of mission that makes people feel hot in their hearts, and this road that is not destined to be easy has become a pilgrimage that makes them more determined.

All border troops participated in the farewell ceremony, whether they were on duty or not, and there were also wounded soldiers who were inconvenient to move. They stretched their necks and looked at the angel in white who was about to leave from afar, each with sadness on their faces. Some young recruits looked at those white backs, and their eyes became hot. For many people, the relief from the Holy One after going to the battlefield for the first time is as important as the physical healing. Many people have emotions similar to the baby bird plot towards the Holy One, and some young people even have final feelings. The first love that will die young.

There is a small group of frontier soldiers who will **** the Holy One through the field where strange beasts appear from time to time. For this position, the soldiers beat their heads and blood.

The celebration of sending off the saints is not a feast of eating, drinking, and performances, nor is it a particularly solemn religious ceremony. It is like a mass with a larger scale but with much simplified steps. All the participants were given wine and wafers, and then read the scriptures with the holy ones. What they recite is not the most common penitential sutra, but the Sutra of Light, the only one among the scriptures commonly used in various rituals that does not condemn people's crimes and warns of God's punishment.

They praised the sun for making all things grow, and praised God's gift for making their hearts no longer dusty. They sang about the beautiful present world, and also sang about the paradise on the other side. In that paradise, there is light that never goes out all night, and there is endless bread and honey, so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment without being harassed by alien beasts. In the paradise mentioned in the scriptures, there is actually some omega that can redeem sins. Pious people can become alphas, enjoying young and beautiful virgin omega, etc., but the scriptures are so long, it is understandable that the host deleted a lot of content.

Most of the believers can't memorize long scriptures. They sang the Sutra of Light selected by the holy ones. As they sang, they suddenly found that Bungalow, where they lived, sounded somewhat similar to Paradise. Since the arrival of the new lords, since the arrival of these holy ones, the world that used to suffer and suffer like in the Penitence has been moving towards the paradise of heaven day by day, no wonder the holy ones say that the mission of man is to create a kingdom on earth for God ! Excited by this discovery, they couldn't help but look forward to seeing the unearthed paradise become a reality in the future.

After the singing is over, the ceremony is declared over, and the saints are about to leave. The crowd consciously parted ways, without the soldiers who served as a human wall busy among them. The saints came down from the high platform in the middle of the square one by one, and people saluted them from a distance of several meters.

A belated young man staggered through the crowd, begging the people around him for mercy, saying that he had come so late to take his sister who was in a hurry to the hospital, and wanted to take a last look at the angels in white no matter what. The weather has turned cold, but he is wearing thin old clothes. He is not tall and his face is dirty. He is probably a miner with poor conditions and heavy burdens who have to work non-stop. The harder and more confused the person is, the more he is blessed by the holy ones, and the people around him sympathetically give him a little space so that he can squeeze into the front row.

Unfortunately, the young man rushed too fast and accidentally squeezed out of the crowd. He was not tall and hunched over, stumbled, rolled out from between the soldiers' legs, and hit the high platform with his head, making a loud bang, people snickered kindly, and the border army also found it funny Instead of arresting him, he just shouted at him to get back.

The holy man who walked last did not step down from the stage. She paused, turned back to the stage, walked to the young man's place, squatted down, and helped the dizzy man. The snickering died down, and the square returned to silence, only to hear the holy man say, "Aren't you cold?"

The young man who got out seemed frightened by the situation, and remained silent. So the holy man took off the heavy white veil covering his head and put it on the young man.

There was no sound.

Everyone was too scared to speak by this scene. The white gauze means chastity, and it means becoming the bride of God. The holy one should wear it from separation to burial. Take off the white gauze in full view? Give the white yarn to an outsider, or an alpha? ! Let the people of Aling Ancient See see, they must be burned to death. The believers here didn't want to burn them to death, they didn't react at all, they were just stunned.

The Holy One raised his head to everyone.

She is not beautiful, with brown hair, round face and round eyes, looking gentle and amiable. This holy man glanced at the crowd, without a trace of fear, solemnly said: "I treat you as brothers and sisters, and I believe that you treat me as brothers and sisters, don't you take off your veil, my brothers and sisters Will you look at me with sinister eyes?"

This almost scolding voice made the frozen people move again, and those who subconsciously wanted to jump up were speechless. People don't know her face, but many people know her voice. In these people's hearts, this voice is amiable and credible.

All the saints moved at this moment. They took off their headscarves and put them on the thinly clothed people around them, revealing faces that were no different from ordinary people. The frontier army came back to their senses, and they stood vigilantly beside the holy men, guarding against stones that might be thrown from the crowd.

No stones flew out of the crowd, trust in these holy ones had taken hold, they looked at each other, their stunned dissolving into something else.

"I only hope that there will be no more poverty, cold, and hunger in God's kingdom on earth." The holy man on the stage showed a look of compassion, and she concluded each word, "Those who have evil thoughts in their hearts should feel ashamed."

With a plop, the young man in white gauze knelt down at first.

As if some switch was turned on, gratitude and shame revived on the faces of people with blank faces. Someone in the crowd clasped their palms together first, and then the gesture spread like an infection. The send-off people clasped their hands one by one, and bowed deeply to the holy ones.

Read The Duke's Passion