MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 110

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The battle for the Bungalow Fort has come to a stalemate.

After dozens of waves of arrows rained, the archers withdrew from the city wall, leaving behind countless corpses full of arrows. The beast horde moved irresistibly to the bottom of the city, facing the guarding soldiers in a group of five. The herd of beasts approaching the fort was far more exhausted than before, but for some reason, they were also more violent than before, and they were not as easy to collapse as before.

The herd of beasts rushed to attack the city wall one after another, and the desperate aura alone made people terrified. The first wave of beasts, which was supposed to end in half an hour, showed no signs of retreating an hour later. Such a long time was enough to make the generals turn pale, and the soldiers and civilians of Wenjialuo began to pack their bags and flee, if they had not been entangled by the beast tide that invaded the city. However, under this unprecedented long attack, the Bungalow Fortress is still impregnable today.

Most of the strange beasts in the beast tide have just given birth to crystal nuclei, and their abilities are so weak that they can be ignored; a small number of them are old guys who have lived for the past year or even a few years, and they have integrated their instincts by means of awakened abilities. A common way to counter the latter is to first consume the natural ability with a lot of common people, and then let the powersman or knight cut it down. This unwritten rule is accepted by the vast majority of people on the Wenjialuo defense line. Although it has noble selfishness, it also makes sense to a certain extent: supernatural beings and knights are very precious, and they are the only ones who can fight against powerful beasts.

Not so this year.

A group of five guards guards every gap, and each group has a clear role, with two defending, two attacking, and one responsible for investigation. The sentinels of the group will pull back the wounded or exhausted fighters who cannot fight in time, and blow their whistle when they find powerful beasts. The healers on the city wall rescued the seriously injured who could not move under the protection of soldiers, and the field nurses handed over the wounded after emergency treatment to the military doctors in the rear. Combat-type superhumans and experienced fighters named "Special Forces" by Earl Anna are in charge of different areas, and they lend a helping hand when there is a danger in the area they are in charge of.

The past war of attrition has turned into a protracted war, and the wounded and exhausted soldiers are replaced in batches with soldiers who are always ready to fill up. The people in the fortress are constantly busy, the lounge is full of exhausted soldiers lying here and there, and the field ward is full of wounded soldiers moaning in pain. Nurses, doctors and saints walk through it, full of vitality and tension.

In previous years, there were not so many wounded, and those who fell would be cleaned up by the beast tide soon.

The supernatural beings and members of the special forces on the city wall have also changed several times. There are only a few particularly powerful ones who have been fighting from the beginning to the present, and the chief knight Chris is one of them. His giant sword and crossbow arrows have saved soldiers who were almost killed by the beast's mouth more than once, and he still has strength left in the battle.

Chris glanced at the sky between the battles, following the trajectory of half a fire crow falling, he could see the boiling red cloud that twisted and twisted.

Ann was definitely still alive.

Of course An Xu was alive, but when the battle on the ground fell into a stalemate, the battlefield in the sky also fell into a stalemate.

Learning to use mental power allowed Anxu to get rid of the situation of being suppressed and beaten, but this is not a decryption game, and finding the key key will not directly enter the ending. The white firebird as dazzling as a sun disc pounced on Anxu, and Anxu dodged sideways at the critical moment; the invisible whip condensed by Anxu's spiritual force lashed at the firebird, scattering the firebirds along the way, but was caught by the fire The flames outside the bird kept it out. No matter how the fire bird flies, Anxu knows where it is going to attack. No matter how Anxu hides from the fire bird, she will not lose her track. One person and one bird come and go, and no one can hit anyone. Tango-like.

In the realm shrouded in spiritual power, the master of the soul should be the master of all laws and the absolute lord of space. However, there are two masters in this small space, each with its own rules, and no one will follow the other, creating an embarrassing situation where you can't kill me, and I can't kill you.

The Firebird, who was born as a strange beast, did not have so many ideas as An Xu, and most of its application of spiritual power was in the talent of fire. Just like a researcher who focuses on a profession, An Xu is willing to bow down to its flames, completely unable to break through. But it’s better than it’s a witty bird with a flashy mind, An Xu comforted himself, since the blood bar is thick and the defense is high, if it can restore blood to itself, I’d better go home, wash and sleep.

In theory, An Xu can also add blood to himself. But the experiment just now made her discover that there will be a certain percentage of loss in the process of converting mental power into supernatural powers. In this protracted battle that cannot be won for a while, An Xu has no luxury to waste, not to mention that she has played games for such a long time and never liked being a nanny herself.

An Xu is the kind of player who likes to form a chopper team when she is alone. She doesn't have the patience to fight every step of the way, only the courage to put everything in one basket. Win or die.

Mental power is not unlimited, rather than adding it to the short board of the body to mend it, it is better to add it to the strongest place in one breath and fight. An Xu gave up all the fancy and useless tricks, gave up healing the body, gathered the spiritual power into a thin as a thread of spiritual blade, and stabbed the fire bird in the head when it rushed towards her again.

It felt like trying to slice an apple with a butter knife, no matter how hard it was. The firebird veered to the left just before it hit her, and the psychic blade sliced ​​into its body—flame feathers to be exact, **** stuffed animal, this bird is definitely the type that will shrink a lot in water— There is no other way in half an inch. An Xu took an annoyed breath and suddenly felt dizzy.

Her hands were shaking all the time, her tongue was numb like frozen jelly, and her chest was heavy and stuffy. An Xu didn't know if it was because she lost blood and was on the brink of death, or because there was not enough oxygen in the burned air. She seemed to see the countdown, and the time left for her was running out.

The Firebird stopped a few meters away, but stopped approaching. Under the white flame, it stared at An Xu with a gaze that looked like a man and a beast. An Xu shivered for no reason in this hot and sweaty environment, she always felt that the bird could see the countdown in her mind.

It's the gaze of a vulture looking at a dying animal; it's the look of a careerist as an heir to an inheritance, looking at his distant relatives who are dying, with only a smile in his eyes.

As a coveted dish, An Xu felt that it deserved a beating.

So she punched.

Anxu's mental power gushed out like money, and countless condensed blades rushed towards the Firebird like a torrential rain, as dense as throwing a meat grinder on its head. The flat-haired animal flapped its wings, and the raised wall of fire blocked the spiritual blade from the outside. An Xu was not discouraged, he narrowed the range of the blade attack, increased the intensity of the attack, and stabbed at the belly of the fire bird.

This time the firebird didn't raise any flames, and the mental blade only cut a shallow cut on the feathers and then made no further progress. Flaming its wings, the firebird jumped up, watching the dying struggle of its prey proudly.

An Xu's expression became strange.

Her attacks became scattered and irregular, like a girl angrily throwing things at people, resisting only out of unwillingness. Firebird only occasionally scatter her attacks, but most of the time it stays still at all, as if mocking An Xu's powerlessness with his tyrannical body. The favored man beat around for a while, his speed getting slower and slower, and panic appeared on his face.

The prey bluffed a final blow and fell sharply downward. She seemed to have reached the end of her strength, and there was no other way but to run for her life. The mental power used for the attack just now turned into a paddle that could move quickly in the sky, allowing her to shoot down like an arrow from the string, piercing through the red cloud, and the fire crows couldn't keep up.

But for the huge Firebird, it's just a comical death struggle.

It was born with wings, and it belongs to the sky, and it can fly hundreds of miles with a single flap of its wings. It has been flying in the sky of Yamenan for hundreds of years, using its huge body to measure hundreds of times a territory much wider than that of human Yamenan. A little chick who has just learned to fly, what can it compare to? Why escape from its claws?

If anyone kept staring at the sky, they would find a small black speck falling from the cloud of fire that rose so high that their outlines could not be seen clearly. Immediately afterwards, the fire cloud split into a small white flame, and the white flame rushed towards the small black spot, swallowing it in sight.

In the eyes of other creatures, it is not easy to see this scene clearly. Probably only Firebird and An Xu who are in the game know what is going on. An Xu "sees" the firebirds attacking her from the full perspective of her mind, their size difference is like a giant eagle catching a mouse. The distance between a person and a bird shortened, and then shortened, she was already enveloped by this giant bird, but what fell on her was not a shadow, but a terribly brilliant firelight.

Hundreds of meters, tens of meters, tens of meters, several meters. She "sees" the hot white fire feathers on the firebird, the sharp claws and beak that are harder than steel, a pair of powerful wings... and an imperceptible "weakness" somewhere on the left wing .

Hidden in the "oar" that helped Anxu fall, the mental blade pretending to be harmless, left the body just before the bird's claw hit her.

Airplanes are afraid of bird collisions, not because birds fly fast, but because they are very fast and collide with other things to generate enormous force. Especially in such a deadly position as the engine, the consequences of bird strikes are very dire. So what Anxu had to do was to make sure that the thing that collided with this high-speed firebird was hard enough.

The spiritual blade that condensed all the remaining power turned into a spear, and all the attacks were concentrated on one point. The spear pierced the giant bird's flame feathers and literally wounded its body.

Anxu, who was indeed at the end of his crossbow, didn't have much strength left. The spear was sharp and hard but not huge enough, just like an extremely sharp sword the size of a toothpick. If you have to worry about it, the result of this successful attack can be said to be insignificant, it is only the first time since the start of the war that the firebird was injured, and it cannot be compared with the serious injury on An Xu that would make her lose consciousness at any time. But even a sword as big as a toothpick can seriously injure or even kill a person as long as it is placed in the right position.

The Firebird uttered a cry of pain that resounded through the sky.

The entire Wenjialuo defense line heard the sound, and many people who subconsciously looked up at the sky were almost severely injured by the alien beast. An Xu, who was close to the fire bird, vomited blood amidst the terrifying loud noise. She almost choked on her own blood, but broke out into fits of fitful laughter.

Firebird deflects to the left under her head-on attack; Firebird raises her fire shield under her full-body blade; Firebird occasionally defends with flames, most of the time resists... if it's really like it wants to behave It is so powerful and has no flaws, why should it hide and defend?

That must be because it has weaknesses, and Anxu can pose a threat to it. It was precisely Firebird's bravado and posturing that allowed Anxu to find its weakness.

Animals are animals.

The sharp spiritual spear pierced into the invisible weak point of the left wing root, and the instigator did not expect the effect to be so immediate: the left wing of the firebird suddenly drooped, and the huge bird body could no longer maintain balance, and turned over fall. There is no doubt that there are old wounds that have not healed. Anxu's attack almost broke its left wing.

The Firebird stopped after falling tens of meters. After all, it was not an ordinary bird. It seemed to be flying by flapping its wings. In essence, it could float in the air with mental power just like Anxu. The re-rising Firebird was not as badly injured as An Xu, but it has undoubtedly become a frightened bird. It looked at the god's favored man with fear, An Xu was floating swayingly, his breath was weak, his eyes were dull, but there was a strange smile on his face.

Firebird hesitated for less than a second, then quickly turned around and left.

The fire cloud scattered and gathered, and hurriedly flew towards the fire bird, but because the speed could not keep up, the team was dragged behind by it scatteredly, just like the track cloud behind the rear of the plane. Compared with the arrival of the atmosphere that is so vigorous that it can be matched with the background music of natural disasters, the disappearance of Hongyun is quite anticlimactic, full of the meaning of fleeing.

An Xu stared blankly at the other party, almost swearing.

After brushing for so long, you told me that there are no drops? What about equipment? What about the crystal nucleus? In the end, is this a plot kill that will automatically cut through after a few rounds? !

An Xu was so angry that he couldn't catch his breath, and finally his vision went dark, and he fell limply.

The tide of beasts in the Vengalo fortress finally receded.

Not long after the giant bird twittered, the herd of beasts seemed to wake up from a frenzy, and each one had no intention of fighting, and all escaped in a short time. The frontier army, who had already prepared to fight the opponent to the end, was confused and couldn't recover from the tragic state of mind for a while.

It was the sentinel who called first.

The sharp-eyed sentinel on the watchtower blew the horn of "emergency situation", and the frontier soldiers were shocked and looked around quickly, looking for where the sudden crisis was. The tide of beasts all around the fortress is retreating, and the few remaining strange beasts can no longer become a "tide" of beasts, and will be wiped out in a few minutes. The last group of supernatural beings who still had enough strength had already started to clean the battlefield, and escorted the field nurses to pick up the wounded and go back.

"Above!" The sentry opened the locked window and shouted hoarsely, "Your Earl!"

When people looked up together, the small black dot falling from the sky had enlarged into a human figure. A water-type supernatural being who reacted the fastest began to make water polo, Chris immediately reacted, counted the position where the figure landed like evaluating the bow and arrow's landing point, and shouted: "Earth-type water-type supernatural power! 16.3 position!"

During the practice of defending against the enemy, the open space in front of the Wenjialuo Fortress was divided into dozens of areas, which is easy to manage by division like a war chess. And every batch of combat-type supernatural beings who changed shifts also honed their joint skills in the drill. Now that the chief knight shouted, all the supernatural beings on the fortress took action.

The stretched water film opened dozens of times in mid-air, slowing down the falling speed of the falling person. A towering mound of soil rises from the ground, loose and soft, like a giant air bag. The figure fell into the mound with a bang, and was immediately sunk too deep to be seen.

Chris picked up Lydia, who happened to be on the city wall after a shift change, and jumped down the Vengalo fortress. He ran towards the mound scattered by the falling objects, and quickly and carefully dug out the people inside.

Earl Anna's eyes were closed tightly, and the dirt mixed with the scalp-numbing wounds on her body wrapped her like an unearthed cultural relic. Chris regretted not bringing down an exorcist, his hand tugging at Ann's shoulders cautiously, not knowing how to move her.

Lydia followed Ann's pulse, pressed her chest with one hand, and unfolded the tool bag at her waist with the other. At this moment, the expression of this young doctor is a hundred times calmer than that of a soldier who has experienced many battles. Chris opened his mouth, not daring to risk disturbing the other party. Lydia kept her subordinates, and she cherished words like gold and said, "Alive."

She's going to get through it, and survive it, like every time before.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy