MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 104

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The gentle, patient, and knowledgeable saints silently infiltrated the land of the Bungalow defense line like rain. People desperately want to get close to them, like shriveled seeds wanting to be close to the sun and rain.

It took only a few weeks for Esther and his party to arrive on Lent, and the people on the Vengalo defense line regarded them as their own. People who claimed that there was no labor force in their families to stay behind closed doors suddenly popped up one by one, patting their chests and recommending themselves or recommending young and middle-aged people in the family, wanting to build a residence for the holy adults.

In the past, the wandering priests would express what they wanted within a few days of their arrival, collecting money, erecting statues, or getting the treatment that everyone praised. But these holy people don't ask for anything, instead they give advice to others from time to time. The more this is the case, the more anxious people are, for fear that adults who have no desires and desires will leave silently one day. They sent charcoal, dried meat and candied fruit to these delicate adults, volunteered to build a confession room and shelter for the holy man, and took out all the purple cypress wood that had been secretly hidden in the past. If the holy man didn't stop them, they would still want to Build a chapel here.

"Please don't rush for us." The leading holy man, a woman with a petite figure and a delicate voice (more can not be seen through the white gauze), said, "This is not where we stay after all."

The people she faced lamented, but everyone knew that the priests of Jingui would not stay in this cold and dangerous land, so no one could speak to persuade them to stay.

"But your sincerity is touching. God's love will never leave Bungalow." The holy man said again, "We will not stay here, but we will not leave Bungalow either. After this place is over , a new monastery will be erected less than a day's journey from here. Only brothers and sisters can join us in building a new city of God and making the roads accessible, so that there will be no distance between the pious and our guides .”

The believers were very excited by the good news of this turnaround. They nodded and told each other, vowing to participate in the construction of the new city at that time.

At this time, most people thought that "building a new city" and "passing a road" were just metaphors to describe piety.

The enthusiasm of the believers was so high that the preparations for Lent were completed faster than expected, including the most troublesome part of the ritual preparation. The ceremonial utensils are all in the Bangalore Monastery, and asking the monastery to ask for it will obviously involve the question of "where is our bishop?" Charlotte and the others were ready to steal it, but Esther said not to worry, and the result was as she expected.

The saints built a unique confession room with their own hands. There is no partition inside, there are small lights (it can barely illuminate the ground, and it is difficult to see the faces under the lights), there are tables, and the floor is covered with cushions. . This confession room was built in a remote place with few people, and sheds were built around it. Once it was dark, it was difficult to see who walked in and out. No holy person will go to this confessional room. It is named "Silent Confession Room" and it is opened every night. Those who are ashamed to dictate their confession to the holy one can put their confession in this hut.

Within a few days after the Silent Confession Room was built, they harvested a whole set of ritual utensils for Lent.

The sacrificial ritual utensils in various places are seriously worn out. Either they were stolen or the presiding officer stole them himself. The one who appeared in the silent confession room was naturally the former. What makes people laugh and cry is that the people in Bangalore don't steal out of poverty and greed, but out of piety. They think that taking away the utensils blessed by God after worship can also get God's blessing.

Now the authentic priests from Alingu have come and taught them that stealing is not good, and that it is not too late to change their past mistakes, and they can use their actions to ask God for forgiveness. "God is all-knowing and omnipotent, so man's good and evil are recorded in His heart." The holy ones said, "Brothers and sisters, you don't need to let others do it for you. Only you can pay for your sins."

So they made the simplest act of atonement and returned the stolen goods.

The gift utensils that were taken away after the Lent in the past can already be assembled into a complete set, and there are still a few spare parts that can be spared. Fragments of things can appear in the silent confession room every day, and the saints have accepted the parts belonging to the Holy See and displayed the other parts publicly. If you can prove that something was originally yours, you can take it back. What goes unclaimed for a month goes to the Holy See, and it is spent on public affairs that serve everyone.

The "Holy See" here refers to these holy people. Since Alingu is a bit far away, the priests of the local monastery are too busy to talk to the common people.

Lent passed without a hitch.

People who attended the Lent service left behind many gifts. The saints made repeated orders, and they were not allowed to directly give gifts of more than three copper coins to the clergy. Voluntary offerings were put into the donation box, and the accounts of the donation box would be made public. Therefore, the gifts given to the holy ones are not expensive, and many of them are made by believers themselves.

Small wooden statues carved by carpenters, warm scarves made by hunters from scraps of sable fur, homemade snacks made by farmers...Although they are not expensive, they are full of sincere hearts, making saints smile for this.

"It's like a different group of people." An Xu looked at the gifts that were about to be taken away in baskets, and said with gusto, "Why do you treat us like you're so stubborn?"

"This is faith." Esther laughed. "It can make people create heaven, and it can also create hell."

The changes made by the saints to the Bungalow defense line are visible to the naked eye, and the atmosphere is like ice melting as the temperature rises. When the frozen roads began to thaw and Count Anna's literacy school opened, the stubborn Bungalows were loosened.

Under the persuasion of the holy man, people mustered up their courage and walked into the classroom of foreigners. The absurd and vicious Lord Earl in the rumors did not show up, and what was taught in class was not blasphemy, it was just words. People who have never left Bungalow all their lives learn it ignorantly, while those with a little knowledge have doubts about the numbers they have never seen elsewhere, worrying that they are words to summon the devil—if it is not to deal with the devil, how can the lord teach them at his own expense? So many things?

The holy ones praised their piety and vigilance, and said that it was not a trick of the devil, but wisdom given by God. Why, you don't know Anna. Is Sullivan a divinely favored one? In terms of the distance from the gods, I am afraid that few people can compare with those favored by the gods.

Stubborn believers reported to the Holy One, and the soldiers who received Earl Anna's salary reported those believers to inform, but Chris calmed down and didn't mention it. It's as if consumers thought they had the right to choose store A and store B, but they didn't expect that the two stores belonged to the same company, and Anxu's dealers took all, and they made money no matter what.

The teachers who have been suffocated for a winter can finally show their strengths, but they are not completely idle this winter. The former nobles headed by Mars accomplished a major event in this idle winter: they compiled a small half of a dictionary of commonly used words. Mars and others had this idea when they were writing the textbook, but they were always too busy to finish it. This forced unemployment gave them the opportunity to work hard to create the prototype of this reference book.

Charlotte presented the small half of the dictionary to Anxu, and was full of praise for it. Only then did Anxu realize that writing a dictionary is still an unprecedented feat in this world. Completing the dictionary requires a lot of literate manpower, and those few teachers are too busy, which is why they resolutely put down the dictionary in their hands and teach a new batch of clumsy students. Only by sowing seeds can we harvest pillars in the future.

A holy man named Nathan was shocked by the appearance of the dictionary. He went to Esther and asked if they could also learn from these teachers and write a dictionary of interpretation of scriptures. Esther pondered for a moment, persuading him to dismiss the idea.

"The characters used to write scriptures are not as simple as ordinary characters. Even if you ignore the workload and complete the scripture dictionary, most people probably don't even know how to look it up." Esther shook her head, "Now we can only make us work harder Some, to interpret the Bible for believers."

What she said has another meaning. "Scripture interpretation" has always been one of the important powers of priests. It is awe-inspiring, and very easy to fool, the priest is what he says. Once someone tries to bypass the Holy See and directly reveal the mysteries of the Bible to believers, that person will undoubtedly incur the wrath of the Holy See.

From a selfish point of view, since there are many contents in the Bible that are not conducive to Esther's future plans, she will not give the majority of believers the opportunity to point fingers at her with the Bible before gaining a firm foothold.

Those who followed Esther were all saints with firm hearts, but some of them could vaguely foresee what she wanted to do and what they were doing, while the other part had no clear concept of this, and only followed here out of the belief in goodness in their hearts . Nathan is a somewhat dull person. When he heard Esther say this, he only remembered the two points of "unmanned" and "inconvenient". He accepted the rhetoric, nodded and left, still thinking about the possibility of the dictionary in his mind.

No, not necessarily a dictionary! Nathan suddenly thought, as long as the Bible is translated into a common language that is easy to read, wouldn't ordinary church members be able to read it?

This stubborn and holy man, who had no support from the leader, began to carry out this huge project silently in his spare time.

With the first dictionary still years away, Nathan's flash of inspiration took even longer to materialize. In the present moment, what Karina, the other saint, did, was much more immediate.

Karina bumped into Aaron who ran out of the room in shock and began to help take care of him. The son of a craftsman who became somewhat autistic after seeing his mother killed was getting better day by day under Karina's care, and now at first glance he looked like an ordinary shy boy.

People say that this is because God saved the soulless and unfortunate through the hands of the Holy One, or that Karina and Aaron's dead mother Mary are both female omega. An Xu naturally didn't think there was any kind of divine favor here. She paid attention to Karina's way of dealing with people and things, and found that she was almost like a doctor.

Not the kind of doctor who treats the scars of physical ailments, but the kind that treats the sickness of the heart. Karina is not only gentle and patient, but also has the skills to read words and react correctly. This skill is not an unconscious gift, it is evidently learned and used consciously by the Holy One. It is quite normal to think about the psychiatrists and magic sticks among the holy people who listen to confession every day.

"How can we help people if we don't know them?" Karina admitted frankly. She saluted An Xu graciously and asked if someone could catch a pet for Aaron. "Caring for an animal is good for its recovery," she said.

An Xu agreed and asked them to go to the ground squirrel farm to catch one.

Anxu was not the only one who discovered the skill book of the Holy One. When she noticed, Jay had been studying and stealing from the Holy One for a long time. He was already acquainted with all the holy ones, and thanks to him he could tell who was who from the high and low white robes. Jay's popularity is also extremely good today, especially among Omega—when he becomes a teacher from these saints, it will probably become even better. An Xu smacked his lips and watched him come and go in and out of the flowers with a sincere face, feeling that he was watching a future **** rising.

The last thing worth mentioning before the roads are completely cleared in early spring is that the people of ice and snow are finally in chaos.

Thawing means the beginning of spring, and the beginning of spring means that life will be easier, and there will be new food, so we can put aside our scruples and make a big deal. The accidental death of the leader made the candidates all evenly matched and unable to convince the crowd. Therefore, it is said that the barbarian civil strife this time was very shameful and almost brought disaster to Chi Yu. I said "supposedly" and "almost" because when An Xu heard about it, the dust had already settled.

Chris led a small team to maintain order, and I heard that the main force was still the first knight himself. He walked into the tent with a sword in his hand, and ghosts and wolves howled in the tent for a while. Mr. Knight took two seriously injured people who were dying and went straight to the medical team. Then the Ice and Snow People stopped fighting.

"I didn't do those two people." Chris said, "It's mainly a trampling incident."

He had just returned to their room and was putting the collar on himself when he said this. With the enlightenment of the saints, many local soldiers have recently changed their guards. Chris is very busy and often encounters occasions where he has to take off his collar. An Xu was wandering around by herself. After rushing back several times to understand the collar, for convenience, she simply gave Chris the key and asked him to untie it by himself. Earl Anna doesn't care what Chris wears when he can't see it, as long as she wears it for her to see when she is around.

An Xu still remembers how dumbfounded the knight was when he got the key.

Chris fastened his collar like a belt, and there were still blood splatters on his cheeks, and with the knight's sincere tone, it sounded very black. An Xu wondered if it would be too idiotic to walk over and lick it off, and finally made a gesture and felt that he couldn't reach it, so he reached out and wiped off the blood.

"Didn't you do it all the time?" she asked.

"There was no disability," Chris said solemnly.

An Xu laughed out loud.

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