MTL - I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly-Chapter 1887 goodbye

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As soon as the sword came out, it seemed that only the sword and Lord Emperor were left between the heavens and the earth.

There is nowhere to hide, nothing to stop, it seems that all other options are gone, and this is the only way left in the whole world.

"No Chaos, I didn't expect you to have mastered the most initial rules, and you are indeed qualified to become a chess player." Lord Emperor nodded slightly, as if in appreciation.

Looking at the sword that seemed to occupy the world, the Rubik's Cube at the fingertips of Lord Di flew out and met the immortal sword.

The picture on the Rubik's cube belongs to Wang Mingyuan, facing the tip of the fairy sword.

If this sword is stabbed, it is equivalent to Wang Mingyuan using his own power to obliterate himself. If it is not stabbed, then the rules of Wuzhi Chaos will be broken, and Wang Mingyuan's momentum will be broken, and he will immediately fall into a disadvantage.

Wang Mingyuan's eyes were firm, and he didn't want to back down. The immortal sword hit the Rubik's Cube without a pause, and the tip of the sword stabbed on the picture of his own Rubik's Cube.

The tip of the immortal sword pierced into the Rubik's Cube screen inch by inch, causing the Rubik's Cube screen to flicker and flicker, as if it would black out at any time.

The surrounding space also became dark and bright, as if day and night were constantly alternating.

"As I said, I don't want to be a chess player, what I want is to redefine the rules... I want to destroy the person who defines the rules..." Wang Mingyuan looked indifferent, and the power on the immortal sword became stronger and stronger.


The picture of the Rubik's Cube was directly pierced by the immortal sword, and the entire Rubik's Cube disintegrated, divided into pieces and scattered, but Wang Mingyuan was not obliterated, and he still stood on the platform of destiny with his leisure time.

After the immortal sword pierced the Rubik's Cube, it still stabbed the Emperor unstoppably.

It's just that the immortal sword arrived in front of Lord Emperor, but it was still caught by an invisible big hand, and it was fixed in front of Lord Emperor like that. No matter how the immortal sword trembled, it could not advance even an inch.

Lord Emperor looked at the immortal sword in front of him and sighed: "If you redefine the rules, you need to destroy the original rules first. Do you know what this means?"

"It's just killing." Wang Mingyuan's eyes were calm, and he seemed to say it casually, but he had an unimaginable determination.

"It's just killing, it seems that you really understand." Lord Di laughed: "Unfortunately, only one can go there in the end, otherwise I really want to see if you can get there. Which step."

"It's really a pity, there's no way for you to live to see that day." Wang Mingyuan nodded slightly, as if agreeing with Lord Di's point of view, but it's just a pity that the two said, but it's not the same thing.

The smile on Lord Emperor's face became even stronger: "Besides the Great Demon King of the past, you are the second guy who makes me feel interesting."

Speaking of this, Lord Emperor suddenly said seriously: "In order to show respect for you, I will fight you seriously."

Saying that, Lord Di grabbed his finger, and the immortal sword turned its direction, and the hilt fell into her hand.

Lord Emperor held the immortal sword and said slowly: "The world only knows that the four swords of Zhuxian can restrain the immortal sword, but I don't know why it can restrain the immortal race, that is because this sword is originally my companion sword, the sword of the immortal emperor. You wanted to kill me with it, but you were wrong."

Saying that, Lord Emperor smeared his finger on the sword, and blood like Xianxia and spiritual liquid smeared on the blade.

Ruxia Ruliquid's blood soaked into the blade, causing the sword light to bloom on the immortal sword, and the blade trembled.

Just when people were wondering what Lord Emperor was doing, they saw Lord Emperor throw his sword at Wang Mingyuan.

There was no power on the sword, Wang Mingyuan grabbed it and held the sword again.

"The sword has a soul, it does not drink the blood of the Lord. Now that it drinks my blood, it is no longer my sword. It belongs to you now. Hold it tightly and let me see how far you have reached." Lord Di finally Get serious.

Wang Mingyuan glanced at the immortal sword in his hand, but suddenly threw the immortal sword out of the Tianmingtai, letting the immortal sword fall into the bottomless abyss.

"Now, it's time to start." Wang Mingyuan said calmly looking at Lord Di.

"I really appreciate you more and more." The corner of Lord Emperor's mouth was slightly raised, and the fairy light on his body continued to rise, and the entire dimensional airspace was dyed by that fairy light.

"You and I are the same kind of people and have the same goals. If there is an afterlife, I hope to be friends with you." Wang Mingyuan looked solemn, the breath on his body became more and more restrained, the momentum became more and more solid, and the whole body became more and more More and more crystal clear, the transparent is about to disappear.

"Then see you in the next life." Lord Di folded his fingers together, turned them into fists, and slammed into Wang Mingyuan with a punch.

One punch, the world follows.

The energy in the entire space seemed to be evacuated by this punch. The fist was continuously enlarged and enlarged in the eyes of everyone. It seemed that the whole world could no longer contain the power of this punch and would be shattered by this punch.

Wang Mingyuan took a punch in his eyes, stepped out, and threw out the same punch.

He didn't have any power when he first swung this punch, but as his fist faced the punch that destroyed the world, his power became stronger and stronger, and he became more and more domineering.

Going against the light, it shines more and more, even more than the light.

Facing the sky and the earth, but swallowing the sky and eating the earth, it is more majestic than the heaven and the earth.

That fist broke through all the shackles, but it contained the power of all things, shattered many rules, and met the fist of Lord Emperor.

When the two fists collided, his fists were no longer under Lord Emperor, and the two forces that were enough to destroy the world collided.


The dimensional airspace was directly shattered by the terrifying energy impact, and the terrifying energy burst out, sweeping the entire different dimension.

Mountain peaks collapsed, rivers evaporated instantly, and mysterious restricted areas were swept away.

The earth cracked and the temple collapsed.

The whole different dimension seems to be swept by natural disasters, and there is a mess everywhere.

Different-dimensional races trembled in the center of the ruins, only a few places were sheltered by the power of the apocalyptic powerhouse, UU reading www.uukanshu. com was able to avoid disaster and retain the complete racial land.

Many of the contestants in the dimensional airspace were blown away by this terrifying force, and they rolled out of the distorted and collapsed space for unknown distances, and even suffered serious injuries.

Zhou Wen and the Holy Spirit looked in the direction of the Destiny Platform. The dimensional airspace was destroyed, and they no longer had the ability to distort the space. They saw the Destiny Platform in the distance and the two figures standing on the Destiny Platform at a glance.

Wang Mingyuan and Lord Di stood face to face on the Destiny Platform. It seemed that both of them were at their leisure and seemed to be uninjured.

"Have you tried your best?" Wang Mingyuan looked at Lord Di and asked.

"I'm serious." Lord Emperor said.

Wang Mingyuan nodded slightly and said calmly, "Goodbye."

After that, Wang Mingyuan turned around and flew towards Zhou Wen's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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