MTL - I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly-Chapter 1875 woman's memory

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The Rubik's Cube screen was turned into a leaderboard, and the name of the ninth emperor appeared on the leaderboard, ranking at the bottom.

Now people have discovered that the ranking of the Rubik's Cube is basically arranged in the order of ascending the Destiny Platform, which has nothing to do with strength.

"With such a ranking, isn't the first person on the board taking a big advantage?"

"What's the matter? Whoever climbs up first is the first. Does this ranking make sense?"

"Don't worry, if something goes wrong, there will be monsters. I think this ranking will definitely have a follow-up, and it can't end like this."

People are talking about it, and they all feel that this ranking is too unfair.

Zhou Wen put on the battle uniform again, and the woman stood on the platform of destiny and did not escape again.

She already knew that in front of such two humans, she had no chance of escaping at all, and she could only hope that both of them would suffer and she would have a chance to survive.

Wang Mingyuan looked at Zhou Wen in the air. The ninth Heavenly Emperor stood above Zhou Wen and confronted Wang Mingyuan. One was the body of the transparent universe with hundreds of millions of stars, and the other was like pure light.

The terrifying power is constantly born out of thin air between the two, just like a cosmic storm, just the energy generated by the confrontation is enough to destroy the planet.

Wang Mingyuan stared at the ninth heavenly emperor for a moment, then turned his eyes to Zhou Wen and the woman, and after a long time sighed and said, "You have already entered the platform of destiny, and there is no room for you. You can take it away and wait until the day of destiny. I'll do it again."

After all, Wang Mingyuan took one step, and the dimensional airspace was directly torn apart by him, and he stepped into the space gap and disappeared.

Zhou Wen was slightly startled, and the woman's face changed greatly.

She originally wanted to wait for the chance for Zhou Wen and Wang Mingyuan to lose both, but she didn't expect Wang Mingyuan to retreat like this.

Zhou Wen looked at the woman and said coldly, "If you want to live, I'll ask and answer from now on, it's best not to disappoint me."

"What do you want to know?" the woman sighed.

"Where did you come from and why did you come here?" Zhou Wen asked the most fundamental question.

He knew that women came from another world, but he didn't know what world that world was. As for the reason why women came here, he was almost certain.

"I come from a world without God." The woman said directly without hesitation.

"A world without God? Is this the name of your world?" Zhou Wen frowned.

"Does the world you live in have a name?" the woman asked rhetorically.

Zhou Wenyi thought it right. Naming is relative. If there is no other world as a reference, who would name an infinite existence?

"What kind of world is that?" Zhou Wen asked again.

"There is no way to describe it, because it is completely different from your world, and it is a completely different system. I don't know what language to use to describe it so that you can understand. I can only say that it is a world without God." The woman said .

"Continue." Zhou Wen said coldly.

"Since you have already practiced the Sutra of Fascinating Immortals and activated the battle suit, you should be able to feel some of the differences in that world yourself." The woman pondered for a while and continued, "Can I ask you a question."

"You said." Zhou Wen probably guessed what she wanted to ask.

"Humans have evolved to this point, does the earth still exist intact?" The woman saw that Zhou Wen and Wang Mingyuan, two human beings, were so terrifying that they were almost able to reach the threshold of her world.

So she is still looking forward to her heart, whether her child has been born out of the world, and whether it is already as powerful as Zhou Wen and Wang Mingyuan, or even more powerful.

After all, her child has accepted the energy of the earth, and her achievements should be second only to the Great Demon King.

The Great Demon King was calculated by her, and she has not recovered her origin yet, so the strongest person in this world should be her daughter.

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed, the earth is still intact." Zhou Wen said lightly.

"The earth is still there? Has the earth companion pet been born yet?" The woman's face changed slightly, which was a little different from what she imagined. Humans have evolved to such a degree, how could the earth companion pet have not been born yet.

"You want to ask your daughter, right?" Zhou Wen stared at the woman and said.

" do you know..." The woman's face changed greatly, and she had a very bad premonition in her heart.

"Answer my question, and I will naturally tell you the answer." Zhou Wen looked at the woman and said, "You'd better think it through before answering my question. I don't have the patience to waste time with you here."

The woman's face was fluctuating, and looking at Zhou Wen's attitude, she knew that her daughter might really have an accident.

"What do you want to know?" the woman asked through gritted teeth.

"Do you need me to ask again?" Zhou Wen said with a cold face.

The woman stared at Zhou Wen for a while before slowly saying, "I'm just an ordinary mother in that world, because my child was born with congenital defects and can't live in my world. , I tried everything I could, just to let her live a little longer..."

The woman slowly told her story, most of which were similar to what Zhou Wen thought, but there were also some things that Zhou Wen had not thought of before.

The woman's husband is a member of a mysterious organization and a researcher. The woman accidentally saw her husband's research materials and discovered that they were studying another world.

The woman was only curious at the time. After reading their research materials, she was surprised to discover the possibility of keeping her daughter alive.

Her daughter was born with frailty, coupled with problems with her body organs, she couldn't survive in her world at all.

But if it was in the world her husband was studying, the physical requirements for survival in that world were very low, and in the research project, there were ways to strengthen oneself with the energy of that world.

The woman stole her husband's work card, secretly broke into the experimental base, stole the experimenter number that could enter another world, and also stole some things in the laboratory, such as the battle suit, mobile phone, and fairy tales.

When she took those things, the alarm in the laboratory had already been triggered. Originally, she would be blocked, but her husband appeared in time to stop the people in the laboratory, allowing her to activate the Experimenter at the last moment and enter another world. .

But before the Experimenter entered another world, she also watched her husband get killed because he tried desperately to stop those people.

So although the woman was ready to return home, she never went back.

What happened after the woman arrived here was similar to what Zhou Wen had guessed before. According to the experimental data, she first entered the earth, dug out the earth's companion eggs, and then put her daughter in, so that her daughter could absorb the energy of the earth. growing up.

But women feel that this is not enough, because the real master of this world is the Great Demon King. Only by obtaining the original energy of the Great Demon King can you become the strongest existence in this world.

However, the woman found that even if she used the stolen battle suit, she was not the opponent of the Great Demon King, but only deliberately approached the Great Demon King. Relying on the novel ideas and various things from another world, she won the Great Demon King's trust.

The Great Demon King was addicted to the study of the things she brought, and almost ignored other things. Only then did the woman have the opportunity to provoke secretly, so that the ten thousand clans would not want to be oppressed by the demon clan, and united to destroy the demon clan.

Both the Protoss and the Immortals were extremely powerful at that time, and they were also the most trusted right-hand men of the Great Demon King, but they never thought that the Protoss and the Immortals betrayed at the same time. In addition, the Immortal Emperor of the Immortals was born at that time, and he almost possessed no less than the great The power of the Demon King.

In that war, he was addicted to those mysterious things, the big devil, because studying those things was about to exhaust his own strength, and he could only drink and lose.

Even so, the Great Demon King still opened up a space channel, took himself and the nine demon pets away from the battlefield, and then disappeared.

The woman originally thought that she was reaping the benefits, but who knew that not only did the Great Demon King escape, but the strength of the Immortal Emperor was far beyond her expectations.

After the Great Demon King disappeared, she originally planned to conquer the world, turn all the strongest in the world into slaves, and give her daughter the best living environment.

But she underestimated the Immortal Emperor, the plan was almost destroyed, and even many important things were lost in that battle, and she almost lost her life.

That is to say, because the Immortal Emperor did not understand the technology of the other world, he barely won the bet and suppressed the Immortal Emperor.

But in fact, the Immortal Emperor was not injured at all, but she herself was seriously injured. The energy of the UU reading battle suit was also exhausted, and she had to return to the ship to sleep and recharge.

Fortunately, the Immortal Emperor abide by the gambling contract, trapped in Qizi Mountain, and helped the woman protect her child, which allowed the woman to sleep and recharge with confidence.

The more Zhou Wen listened to it, the more wrong he felt, because the woman said what she said, there were only two points.

One point is the experimental base, and the other point is the world where Zhou Wen lives. Besides, the woman seems to know nothing about the world she came from.

"Do you remember the world you are in, what color is the sky?" Zhou Wen looked at the woman and asked.

"Of course the sky is..." The woman originally said disdainfully, but before she finished speaking, when she recalled in her mind, she suddenly found that she didn't seem to have seen what the sky looked like, and her face gradually changed.

"Your home, shouldn't it be in that experimental base?" Zhou Wen looked at the woman and asked strangely.

(End of this chapter)