MTL - I Just Want to Play the Game Quietly-Chapter 1847 Climb the platform of destiny

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"Wait...wait a minute..." Ayong held Zhou Wen, his face flushed.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Wen looked at Ayong. Ever since he said he would take Ayong to see An Sheng, Ayong suddenly changed a lot.

I need to drink water for a while, go to the toilet for a while, and then say that my legs are a little numb and I need to rest.

Zhou Wen thought to himself: "You are an apocalyptic creature. Your body is pure and free of impurities. It is a pure energy body. Do you still need to go to the toilet? Are your legs numb? Even if the earth is numb, you won't be numb."

"I still want to drink some water..." Ayong's eyes flickered, as if he didn't dare to meet Zhou Wen's eyes.

"Don't be nervous, that person just looks like your father, but he's not really your father, so what's so nervous. Let's go, take a look and we'll come back and play." Zhou Wen took A Yong's hand, and then teleported directly To a pavilion on the outskirts of Luoyang.

An Sheng was already standing in the pavilion, and seeing Zhou Wen appearing with A Yong, An Sheng's eyes fell on A Yong.

A Yong, the doomsday-level boss, is obviously many times stronger than the little rookie An Sheng, but An Sheng's eyes fell on her, which made A Yong look very uncomfortable.

A Yong subconsciously grabbed the corner of Zhou Wen's clothes, saw Zhou Wen nod to him, felt a little more at ease, and looked at An Sheng again.

An Sheng's appearance is indeed very similar to that drawn by Di Xin. Ayong feels that if he really has such a father, he doesn't seem to reject him very much, and he has an inexplicable intimacy.

"Asheng, you are talking, don't be dumb there." Zhou Wen felt a bit like an immature matchmaker and didn't know how to get the two introverted young people to chat.

"Hello Ayong, I'm your father." An Sheng spoke, but Zhou Wen almost suffocated with his first sentence.

"She...she...she's really your daughter...are you sure..." Zhou Wen stared at the two people back and forth, completely in disbelief.

Although he had had one or two thoughts before, suspecting that An Sheng might be A Yong's father, he never thought that it was true.

"I think she is." An Sheng said nonsense with a serious face.

Zhou Wen is now beginning to wonder if An Sheng sees A Yong as a liar and wants to fool A Yong, an apocalyptic bigwig, by his side as his free thug.

"You said you were her father, and you are her father? I also said that I am her father, Lord Di, can she recognize me?" Zhou Wen secretly slandered in his heart.


When Zhou Wen was still scolding An Sheng for being unreliable, he didn't expect that A Yong was already in tears, so he jumped up and hugged An Sheng and called him Dad.

"I'm going, who are these people, so you can recognize them? Do you have the dignity of an apocalyptic boss? You need to find out the situation before you recognize them. If they say it's your father, do you really recognize your father? If I had known how good it would be for you to recognize me as a father, I also lacked an apocalyptic boss on my side!" Zhou Wen's eyes were about to pop out.

Zhou Wen coughed lightly and wanted to say something, but the father and daughter chatted as if they hadn't heard at all.

One kiss here, Ayong baby, one kiss, one dad over there, and the one called it was an intimacy, which made Zhou Wen bewildered.

"Can you still recognize relatives like this?" Zhou Wen has begun to doubt his life now.

"Master Wen, I'll take baby A Yong out to play, you go back first." An Sheng got up and greeted Zhou Wen, and then left with A Yong chatting and laughing.

"Hey, you just left? Your daughter was brought over from another dimension by me. I didn't even say thank you? Are you polite? Ah Sheng, you have changed..." Zhou Wen wanted to be depressed. vomiting blood.

But the two family members ignored him at all, and they were all gone.

"Is Ah Yong really An Sheng's daughter?" Zhou Wen pondered while looking at the backs of the two moving away.

An Sheng is not an honest person. He can deceive people, and he can deceive people very well, but he is not a person without principles. Zhou Wen believes that An Sheng should not talk nonsense in this kind of thing.

Although Ayong is naive, he is not stupid, and the power of the apocalypse is also there, and she can't really recognize a father casually.

If An Sheng is really A Yong's father, Zhou Wen feels that his previous guesses may really become reality.

"It's a pity that Alai doesn't know anything, otherwise you can ask him again." Zhou Wen thought regretfully.

The situation of Alai and An Sheng is a little different. An Sheng has real amnesia. A certain part of his memory may be hidden somewhere in his brain and may be remembered in the future.

Strictly speaking, Alai may not have amnesia. He may have been in a coma for a period of time, which means that the memory in the middle of him is likely to be absent, and naturally it is impossible for him to remember anything.

"What a mess!" Zhou Wen felt a bit of a headache. He felt that the most complicated thing in this world was people, more complicated than his mother's fascination with immortals.

The phone vibrated for a while, a reminder that the copy was downloaded.

Zhou Wen quickly took out his mobile phone, and sure enough, he saw a game icon of Destiny Platform on the desktop.

"What's the matter with love, UU reading I don't care, or playing games is more suitable for me." Zhou Wen turned around with his mobile phone and disappeared.

Lying on his bed, Zhou Wen clicked on the copy of the Destiny Platform.

The blood-colored villain appeared on the ladder, but Zhou Wen didn't feel any discomfort in his body. He raised his legs and walked to the second stone stairs, still feeling nothing.

"It seems that the power of the Destiny Platform is of no use to me." Zhou Wen stepped onto the Destiny Platform in one breath, and found that the Destiny Platform was completely silent, and there was no baptism of life like Jing Daoxian and the others.

Zhou Wen thought for a while and already understood what was going on.

He walked back directly, came to the first stone step of the ladder again, and then forcibly closed all his abilities to himself.

He has too much ability to break the rules and taboos, and Tianmingtai directly excluded him, and did not treat him as a human being at all. He was not within the rules, and naturally he could not enjoy the benefits within the rules.

After forcibly blocking his own ability, Zhou Wen suddenly felt that his body was sucked on the stone steps by a force.

Zhou Wen only used the power of his body, took steps to fight against the suction, and walked towards the Destiny Platform step by step.

As he walked up, the suction became stronger. Fortunately, Zhou Wen's physique was really strong, so he carried the suction and came to the Destiny Platform again.

The body seemed to be pulled by countless pairs of **** hands, preventing Zhou Wen from taking that last step.

Zhou Wen's muscles, bones, and even blue veins were exerting force, and with a roar, he finally broke through the heavy resistance and set foot on the platform of destiny.

After he stepped on the Destiny Platform, the force pulling his body disappeared without a trace, and a strange force enveloped the entire Destiny Platform from all directions.


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