MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 81

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Yu Qinghuan almost eaten, put down the chopsticks, and stared at the chin with his hand on his chin.

He knows that Huo Qu has no concept of money, so his move today really surprised him.

Moreover, he is also very curious, where did Huo Qu earned so much money, not that the people who do research are very poor?

When he thought about it, he walked away, but his eyes fixed on the face of Huo Qu. As a result, Huo Qu’s face was more and more red, and he could hardly hold the chopsticks.

“Huo Qu,” Yu Qinghuan asked him: “Why do you suddenly transfer money to me?”

Huo Qu looked up at him and licked his lips. "They said that you are poor."

they? Yu Qinghuan thought about it, and suddenly realized that it was Huo Qu and went online to see something, and did not care, taking advantage of his red-eared ears, deliberately said: "You gave me your money?"

Huo Qutou nodded: "Well."

Yu Qinghuan smiled and said: "Have you heard a word? Yours is all mine, and mine is mine."

Huo Qu thought for a while and reluctantly understood what he meant. He did not hesitate: "Well, you are all yours, and mine is yours." A serious and clever appearance makes people want to bully.

Yu Qinghuan: "Then you are not afraid that I will run with your money?"

Huo Qu’s eyes widened in horror: “Will you?”

Yu Qinghuan was just making a joke. I didn't expect him to be a real person. Hurry up: "Of course not, I am telling a joke." After a pause, he teased him: "Do you care about money, or is it for me?" ”

"Of course it is you." Huo Qu grabbed his hand, shy and serious: "Nothing is more important than you."

Yu Qinghuan was successfully picked up by him again. After eating the meal, he took a break with him to read a professional book for a while until he was dizzy by the pile of professional terms. This was an excuse to run and fled to the living room.

He turned on the treadmill, adjusted the speed, and plugged in the headset to call Zhao Qingyuan.

His new house was refurbished as early as June, and everything in the furniture was fully installed. He had been ventilated before, and he was too busy to film and had no time to move.

Just during this time, I was idle, and I talked with Xin about it, and set the time for moving to tomorrow. Because there are too many things, I specially called Zhao Rui and Zhao Qingyuan to help.

Zhao Ruiren is very reliable, no need to worry again, but Zhao Qingyuan is different.

"Qing Yuan, remember to come over at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, set off early, and maybe the traffic jam on the road."

"I know," Zhao Qingyuan’s impatient voice came from the phone. "Qing Huan, how are you getting more and more embarrassed? You have told me no more than three times, my mother is not like you. of."

Yu Qinghuan is not anxious or slow: "For a person like you, how many times can you do it?"

Zhao Qingyuan was mad at him. "What is this kind of person?! I tell you Yu Qinghuan, you will lose me!"

"Oh," Yu Qinghuan calmly adjusted the speed of the treadmill. "If you lose, you will lose."

Zhao Qingyuan: "..."

Zhao Qingyuan: "Hey, Dad is very disappointed with you..."

Yu Qinghuan sneered: "It doesn't matter, I am not disappointed with you, I remember the heaviest things tomorrow."

Zhao Qingyuan: "..."

He said that Yu Qinghuan, but he always has to look for abuse on the pole, this time it was smashed by the individual, and barely left a sentence, "See how you ask me tomorrow."

This is the phone call.

Yu Qinghuan threw the phone aside and concentrated on running. Until Huo Qu came over to remind him that an hour had arrived, he only came down from the treadmill and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After filming "How to Love You", Yu Qinghuan's body is like entering a dormant period, and it is particularly fast. He originally wanted to sit on the bed and wait for the Huoqu, but then he couldn't hold it anymore and arched into the quilt.

When Huo was showered and wiped his body out, he saw him lying in bed and slept soundly. Subconsciously slowed down, clumsily covered him with a quilt, did not go to bed, but quietly sat aside waiting for the hair to dry.

After more than half an hour, I felt almost all of my hair, and I climbed into the bed lightly.

Yu Qinghuan lies on the side of the soft and fluffy quilt, revealing the slightly reddish side of his face. The warm yellow bedside lamp hit his face, making him look a little softer and more fragile than usual, and it was very painful.

Huo Qu couldn't help but lean over and bowed his head to kiss him.

He really...he loves this person.

"Huoqu..." Yu Qinghuan closed his eyes and muttered unconsciously. He automatically turned himself up and fell into his arms and continued to sleep.

The heart of Huo Qu, as if it was shrouded in the sun, became warm and soft and almost melted.

He carefully reached out and smothered the bedside lamp, and Yu Yuhuan, who was satisfied with it, slept.

The moving day of Yu Qinghuan’s election is exactly Saturday, and Huo Qu is also at home. The task he assigned to Huo Qu was to organize and pack.

This is what Hu Qu is best at, and finally the package is packed up to make others amazed. Zhao Qingyuan even took out a few photos from his mobile phone.

"There is a big trough in the trough." He looked at the perfectly symmetrical, stacked, neat clothes in the suitcase and sighed, "How did this happen?"

"What do you do with so much?" Zhao Rui glanced at him with a cigarette, bent over and leaned against the bag next to him, faintly said: "You can't learn anyway."

"No, what do you mean by Zhao Rui?" Zhao Qingyuan caught up with his pocket and angered: "I am urging you to provoke you? You have the ability to learn."

"Oh, I can't learn." Zhao Rui ignored his provocation and said with a blank expression, speeding up his footsteps.

Zhao Qingyuan punched the cotton and almost took out an old blood. After a while, he calmed down the chest and continued to work.

Several men are very energetic and work fast. Even if Yu Qinghuan and Huo Qu have more things, they all moved before the evening.

"You can exhaust me." Zhao Qingyuan sat in the living room and looked up at Yu Qinghuan: "Qing Huan, throw me a bottle of water!"

Yu Qinghuan ripped open the packaging of mineral water, threw a bottle for him, and opened a bottle of himself.

At this time, Zhao Rui had already circled in the room, parked on the large balcony of the living room docking, feeling the wind blowing the wind and turning back to Yu Qinghuan: "Qing Huan, your house is really good."

When Yu Qinghuan communicated with the design plan, it took a lot of effort, so the effect of the decoration was very good.

The master bedroom and the living room all adopt bright floor-to-ceiling windows. From the window, you can see the panoramic view along the river bay. The decoration style is not European, but the new Chinese style is chosen. The color is warm and the design is unique. It is very comfortable to watch.

"You can buy a set here too." Yu Qinghuan laughed and said: "Just let us be a neighbor."

Zhao Rui thought a little and nodded. "This proposal is good. I will go to see the room next day."

Zhao Qingyuan is not willing to show weakness: "Then I also buy a set, with you, it is not interesting to live alone."

Zhao Rui heard the words and snorted. "That is going to go to the Husky every morning."

When Zhao Qingyuan didn’t understand what it meant at first, the reaction suddenly came over. “How can you go with me today? You have to die!”

Yu Qinghuan did not participate in the civil war between the two men. After four observations, he did not see Huo Qu, and then pushed the door into the master bedroom. As it turned out, Huo Qu was like a bee, and was busy packing up his luggage.

"Stay for a while," Yu Qinghuan handed him a bottle of water and watched him drink a few mouthfuls before he continued: "Not busy, we have a whole weekend."

"No." Huo Qu was very determined to reject his proposal, wiped the wet mouth and continued to hang his clothes according to his rules. "It looks very difficult."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Well, his boyfriend’s obsessive-compulsive disorder has been committed.

What can I do if I have such a person? Of course, choose to help him clean up!

However, Yu Qinghuan never imagined that he was suspected of being abandoned by Huo.

He folded the clothes he had folded again, Huo channel: "Qing Huan, you are not right, or I will come by myself."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

He really doesn't know, Huo Qu, a person with zero life skills, why do you fold clothes like this! Yu Qinghuan feels that even if he has been practicing for a lifetime, he will not reach the level of Huo Qu.

"Then I don't care about you," Yu Qinghuan leaned on the cupboard and pointed to a bag and a bag on the ground. He deliberately said: "These are all done by yourself."

Unexpectedly, Huo Qu even nodded when he thought about it. "Well, anyway, if you put it well, I will put it aside."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Yu Qinghuan was too angry with him. He didn't care about him. He ran to the living room and talked to Zhao Qingyuan.

Yu Qinghuan didn't go to Weibo for a few days. When I was idle, I wanted to see what happened recently. Zhao Qingyuan’s eyes were on the screen of his mobile phone, and he was worried.

Yu Qinghuan did not know that he had been hacked because of the donation. Although the keyboard man was finally run away by the slap, he couldn’t look down on any storms. But after all, those swear words are still there. Today is a good day to move. He doesn't want Yu Qinghuan because of this bad mood.

With Zhao Rui in the blink of an eye, he reached out to Yu Qinghuan: "Qing Huan, your mobile phone borrowed me to use, I have something."

If Zhao Rui is borrowed from the mobile phone, Yu Qinghuan will ensure that he will pass it without saying anything, but... Given Zhao Qingyuan’s IQ, he really dare not hand over the mobile phone directly.

However, Zhao Qingyuan, who had not waited for him to ask the reason, could not wait for it. Yu Qinghuan certainly won't let him grab it, and the side will flash.

Two people were hiding, one grabbed, and no one noticed. Yu Qinghuan’s finger accidentally pressed an officially posted Weibo, and also forwarded it, but the input was a bunch of symbols and garbled characters. At first glance, it was wrong. .

Because moving is really too tired, this day, even Zhao Qingyuan, who always loves to go online, has never been able to brush Weibo. After Yu Qinghuan’s dinner, he went back to sleep.

So many people did not see, Yu Qinghuan forwarded Weibo.

Unfortunately, that Weibo is the official sweepstakes of famous condom manufacturers. A special prize, send a copy of all the **** toys of this brand, and a new version of the platinum ice-smelling experience condoms!

Plus countless other small prizes.

Yu Qinghuan, relying on his coquettish luck, defeated other users in one fell swoop and monopolized the special prize!

So, when the official Aite came out of Yuqing, and a very serious congratulations to the lucky friend Yu, who got a full set of **** toys and a box of condoms, and let him inform the family address private letter, the whole microblogging first fell into a dead, immediately ——

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"