MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 63

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The road show is the home of the actor, and it doesn't matter if the director attends. Because the movie was released before the show, spending money to buy tickets to participate in roadshows, is basically a fan of actors.

Therefore, the road show of Nancheng in "Life and Death Line" was quite smooth.

Although the heroine is missing, everyone seems to be very happy with this result. Not only did the singularity not cause any dissatisfaction, but it won a good voice.

Netizens thought that the crew finally listened to their opinions, suspended the activities of Wang Chengcheng, and wrote messages under the official blog.

"Emma, ​​this roadshow video is finally able to see the end from the beginning, no need to jump, applause!"

"Without Wang Chengcheng, I feel much better! She always feels that even the air is smashed."

"The director is beautiful! Just at this point, I have to buy a ticket to support the movie!"


After Yu Qinghuan's make-up, although she could not see birth, her condition was very poor. He is a virus, high fever, not to mention, but also sore, only stood on the stage for a while, then began to sweat outside.

Fortunately, he used to eat from snacks, although the body is very difficult to accept, can also support. Not only did the host’s stalking take care of it, but he even interacted with the fans for a while. Even Zhao Qingyuan, who was on the same stage with him, did not find his fault.

When the road show ended, as soon as he returned to the background, Yu Qinghuan fell into the chair like a force.

"Qing Huan, are you okay? Was it not good now?" Zhao Qingyuan saw it and quickly touched his forehead. I didn't expect this touch, and I almost jumped up because of the shackles. "There are hot beds in the trough! I have to go to the hospital quickly."

"Yeah." Yu Qinghuan knows that if his condition worsens, he will probably delay the next road show, and he will not be able to do anything. He nodded and dumbly said: "I will go."

Zhao Qingyuan sighed with concern: "I really served you."

Because he was spoiled by his family at an early age, Zhao Qingyuan is the kind of person who can't help the oil bottle. At this time, seeing Yu Qinghuan's uncomfortable appearance, he is anxious, but he doesn't know what he wants to do. Help him.

In the end, Yu Qinghuan was given a bottle of eye drops. "Drip a little, go to the red blood in your eyes."

He is kind, Yu Qinghuan is embarrassed to refuse, can only cry and laugh, can not take the eye drops, drop a drop into the eyes.

"Qing Huan!" Yu Qinghuan just wiped off the sweat on his face. Yu Xin came over with a cup of warm water. The tail sounded with waves, and at first glance it was a good thing.

"What's the matter?"

Yu Xin pulled a chair and sat down beside him. He said excitedly: "Jinn's head of the Asian region has contacted me! I would like to invite you to give Kenn's new passion series super-running endorsement!"

Kenn is a first-class sports car brand. Although it ranks in the top ten in the world, it is also the first choice for many rich people to buy a car.

Since Ada’s watch, Yu Qinghuan has never had any other endorsements. It's not that no brand is looking for it, nor is it that the other party's asking price is too low, that is not suitable.

Kenn's endorsement is like a timely rain. If you can really win it, it will be of great benefit to Yu Qinghuan's commercial endorsement.

Yu Xin was so excited that he did not notice the strangeness of Yu Qinghuan.

"The head of Kenn happened to be in Nancheng today, just told me that I want to talk to you first."

When his voice just fell, Zhao Qingyuan frowned: "No, the burning of Qinghuan has not returned, you have to go to the hospital first."

Yu Xinyi, stretched his hand on Yu Qinghuan’s forehead and felt it. As soon as he was on the verge of enemies, “I really have to go to the hospital quickly. I thought it would be better. Go and go now.”

"Brother, don't worry." Yu Qinghuan took him and said: "I will go to see the person in charge of Kenn and say."

Yu Qinghuan’s current status is not enough to let Kenn’s head, etc., even if he greets him in advance, saying that he has to go to the hospital first, Kenn will be dissatisfied.

They won't think that he is really sick. He only thinks that he is taking Joe. If this is the case, then this endorsement will probably be ruined.

"But how can your body hold?" Yu Xin worried.

Zhao Qingyuan also said: "Qing Huan, don't break the body for work, it's not worth it, you are not particularly short of money."

"I know." Yu Qinghuan poured a glass of water in one breath and stood up from the chair. "But I still have to fight for it, and I won't take long to see it. I didn't take antipyretics before the road show. What should I still be able to do for a while, I will not make fun of my body."

Seeing his idea has been fixed, Yu Xin and Zhao Qingyuan have no choice but to follow what he said.

Just on the way to meet, Yu Xin still did not worry, stopped the car halfway, bought a fever stickers and posted it on his forehead.

Kenn's head of Asia is Lu Feng, who is about forty years old. Although his appearance is average, his body is very strong. If it is a little unconfident, it will be completely suppressed by his gas field.

Yu Qinghuan has never seen any scenes in his life. He has been very powerful in his heart. Apart from Huo Qu, other people can't make him feel confused. Therefore, when talking to Lu Feng, his face was natural, his attitude was polite but unconstrained. He looked at Lu Feng and nodded secretly. He had only sixty-five wishes, and it became eighty-nine.

Kenn pays great attention to the maintenance of brand image, so she has always been very cautious in choosing spokespersons. The shape is not suitable, the body is not rumored, or even harsh, but also depends on the individual's academic qualifications and origin.

Although Yu Qinghuan is just red, there are many auras on his body.

After graduating from Hua University, the first film was bursting with red, and the next film was a famous and famous screenwriter...

Each of these conditions does not seem to be simple, let alone combined.

Lu Feng was only satisfied with these conditions, but he really saw Yu Qinghuan himself. He discovered that Yu Qinghuan’s body is not just the aura of these cold ice.

This young man has no self-willedness and childishness, but has a strange charm. Not only will it not be able to bring the brand because it is too young, but it will be very consistent with the feeling that the passion series wants.

This made Lu Feng very happy. I even decided that I would actively promote this after I went back. Yu Qinghuan suddenly said: "Lu, I know that Kenn attaches great importance to the spokesperson, so there is one thing I need to say in advance."

"You said."

Yu Qinghuan took a sip of tea and sipped his throat. This continued: "I am gay, and I will definitely come out."

Lu Feng is silent.

If everything in front of him can let him set the spokesperson of Yu Qinghuan, then this is enough for him to overthrow his decision.

He himself has no opinion on homosexuality, but it is a great blow to the artist, whether it is for artists or for its endorsement brands.

Although he is satisfied with Yu Qinghuan, this satisfaction is not enough for him to press Kenn's brand image to accompany him to take risks.

"I know." Lu Feng still appreciates his confession. "I will think carefully."

After the meeting, Yu Xin went to the hospital with Yu Qinghuan. On the way, he endured and endured, but he still couldn't resist it. He turned to the red light and asked. "Qing Huan, are you too honest? This kind of thing... no need to say it in advance?"

Just in the moment when Yu Qinghuan said his sexual orientation, Yu Xin knew that this endorsement must be yellow.

He really does not understand why Yu Qinghuan wants to do so. There are many entertainers who come out of the cabinet. They can take the initiative to confess to the brand, and this is a silly boy!

If you follow his thoughts, this endorsement will be mentioned first. As for what will happen in the future, of course, I will talk about it later.

"Brother," Yu Qinghuan coughed and waited for the itch in the scorpion to disappear. He said: "I have to be responsible for my own endorsement. I can hide it once, but I can't hide it for the second time. If things break out, Kenn is tired of me, then will the brand dare to talk to me later?"

"The words are like this, but..."

"Brother, don't worry, I am not stupid." Yu Qinghuan was very naughty and blinked at him. "You don't know if Kenn's CEO is gay? He has not only participated in **** parades, but also often appeals to homosexuals online. Be brave enough to talk about your own sexuality."

Yu Xin stunned, "I don't really know."

Yu Qinghuan sighed in his heart. He is a good friend of his family. He is considerate and thoughtful for the artist. It is... the resources and the amount of information in his hands are too little and too little.

"I have a lot of thoughts in my heart. Can you look at luck?"

He said this, Yu Xin laughed, stepping on the gas pedal, and said: "If you really want to look at luck, this endorsement is definitely yours."

Yu Qinghuan also smiled.

The two soon arrived at the hospital, because they were afraid of being recognized, Yu Qinghuan used his mask to slap his face. It’s strange to look outside, it’s very common in the hospital, so not many people deliberately pay attention to him.

The doctor gave him a temperature and blood test, and finally decided to be a virus.

"I will open two boxes of oseltamivir to you," the doctor squeaked the keyboard and did not lift his head. "According to the above instructions, it is enough to take the medicine. Fortunately, you must pay attention to rest and not stay up late. ""

"Do you have to hang a water? He is so serious." Yu Xin worriedly inserted a sentence.

"No need to use it," the doctor waved his hand and handed the printed list to him: "Don't think that hanging water is a good thing. If you take medicine, you can take medicine and pay for it."

The doctor said so, he did not insist on it, he had to take the medicine and carefully brought Yu Qinghuan back to the hotel.

"Brother, I am fine," Yu Qinghuan took the medicine. Seeing Xin Xin or worried about him, he comforted him: "It is a cold..."

After a sentence has not been finished, the phone suddenly rang, and he looked down and saw Huo Qu.

Fearing that Huoqu heard that his voice was wrong, Yu Qinghuan did not dare to answer the phone. Or Yu Xin handed over the phone, he hesitated a moment, press the answer button, try to control his voice, called, "Huo Qu."

Unexpectedly, the first sentence of Huo Qu was; "Qing Huan, you are sick."

The media did not see that he was ill. The fans did not see that he was ill. Even Yu Xin was deceived by his performance. Only Huo Qu, even though he was separated by thousands of miles, could see that his status was wrong. .

Yu Qinghuan’s chest was warm, but he still lied: “No, don’t say, I’m fine.”

"I see it," Huo Qu insisted. "You are different from usual. You are sick." He paused, worried and worried: "Qing Huan, where are you uncomfortable?"

After denying it, Huo Qu will only be more worried. Yu Qinghuan has no choice but to admit it: "It’s just a cold, I have a fever, I have been to the hospital, now nothing, rest assured."

After that, he waited for the reaction of Huo Qu as he was worried, while thinking in his heart to comfort his wording.

According to the past, when Huo Chu heard that he was ill, he would be very upset and even clamoring to come to him. However, Yu Qinghuan did not expect that this time, Huo Qu did not do so.

Although he still could hear the fear, he was very calm. After asking him in detail, let him take good care of his illness and hang up the phone, so that Yu Qinghuan was somewhat uncomfortable.

He didn't know. When he put down the phone, Huo Qu was anxiously assigned to the driver. "Troublely sent me to the hospital."

The driver was shocked, thinking that he was ill, and when he figured out the cause of the incident, he suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

Yu Qinghuan is sick, what is the use of his young master to go to the hospital?

But Huo Qu insisted that no one can sing against him.

Finally, the driver not only sent him to the hospital, but even helped him hang up.

In the clinic, the elderly doctor pushed the reading glasses on the bridge of the nose, took a look at the opposite side of the canal, took out a small flashlight, and said to him: "I have a cold? The mouth opened me to see if the scorpion is inflamed. ”

Huo Qu shook his head. "Not me," he paused, shy and worried: "It’s my boyfriend who is sick."


and many more? boyfriend? Is this amount of information a bit large? ! wrong! I can't be biased by him!

Since his boyfriend is ill, why does his boyfriend not come by himself and ask him to come? ! This group of young and young, how can it change the way to make tricks!

The doctor coughed and tried to keep himself professional and rational. "What about others?"

"He can't come in other cities." Huo Qu was worried about his fist and looked at the doctor earnestly. He added another sentence. "But I know all the symptoms! You ask me just fine! I will help." He is seeing a doctor."


He has been in the hospital for so many years! It was the first time I saw such a medical treatment! This young man is coming to trouble.

He stunned his eyebrows. He wanted to swear a few words from Huo Qu, but he didn’t know what happened to the serious eyes, but he couldn’t bear it.

Forget it, there are so many flus recently, this silly boy is so easy to put on the number, he will say a few more words with him.

"Let him drink more hot water, eat more light things, don't touch the peppers." Seeing that Huo Qu was seriously listening, the doctor continued: "If it is indeed a recent popular cold, then don't drag it, let him go to the place as soon as possible." Hospital for medical treatment..."

The doctor said a bunch of spills, but Huo Qu was still dissatisfied and asked: "What medicine should I take?"

"People are not taking any medicine!" The doctor glanced at him, and the patience was finally exhausted. "Okay, go back quickly. I have a lot of patients behind me."

Huo Qu was rushed out of the clinic, and the driver just wanted to take him home. Huo Qu had already pulled out his cell phone and told Yu Qinghuan to go.

Repeated the words that the doctor just said, and at the end, added a special sentence: "Qinghuan, you must do it."

Yu Qinghuan did not expect that he would make such a thing for himself, and his heart would be touched by him. The throat was awkward, and the dumb whispered back: "I know, I will do it."

When a person is sick, he is already vulnerable, and there is still a person who misses him in such a meticulous way.

Yu Qinghuan's face was unconsciously smashed on the quilt, and the whispered approximation said: "It will be a stupid thing."

Huo Qu was awkward and didn't quite understand what he meant. In his cognition, it is a matter of course to go to the hospital to get sick. How can it be stupid?

But from the day of knowing Yu Qinghuan, the three views of Huo Qu became "Qing Huan is everything." He did not refute him, but held the microphone and said seriously: "For you, I can do anything."

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