MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 55

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"You are going to bring the seedlings back from the village." The director pointed to a thin old man next to him and said: "This is Wang Shu, he will lead you."

Wen Yan, several people in Yu Qinghuan are relieved. It turned out that what they had to do was really just a seedling, but fortunately, although it took a little effort, the program group finally did not make any trouble.

I really don't blame them for their fears. This director is too tossing people. I don't know how his head grows. The whole person's ideas come out one by one.

Only staying in the village for two days, the original glamorous few people have become gray.

It is said that Wang Chengcheng also had a director protest in private, but he was fooled back by the director.

"Low back hurts me." Zhao Qingyuan clenched his fist into a fist and hammered it twice on his waist. He bitterly looked at Yu Qinghuan: "I want to take a shower now and have a good night's sleep."

Zhao Qingyuan has always been a night owl, only six o'clock at this time. If you change to normal, don't say sleep, his night life has just begun! Nowadays, they have all been forced to change their schedules. It is really cumbersome.

"The seedlings won't be too much," Yu Qinghuan cheered him up. "I saw it, pulling up to three cars."

Zhao Qingyuan’s doubts are too far away. “How do you know?”

"The only thing we have to transplant is a small piece of land. I asked the villagers today about the number of seedlings needed for an acre of land," Yu Qinghuan pointed to the cattle cart. The small voice: "Roughly calculate, up to three cars. The village is so small." With loading and unloading, two hours is enough."

Zhao Qingyuan’s stunned voice, after a few tens of seconds, said, “I’m not helping the old lady, I will serve you!”

"What are the two of you whispering there?" At this time, the director suddenly turned around and looked at him. He smiled. "Do you think this task is quite simple? Don't worry, I haven't finished yet! You are not limited. To transport the seedlings, you have to catch the cow car!"

He squinted. "Give you a chance to experience new transportation, don't thank me."

Yu Qinghuan & Zhao Qingyuan: "..."

This activity is obviously not suitable for girls. Yu Qinghuan is going to say something to Wang Chengcheng and Tong Yu, let them wait at the side, he and Zhao Qingyuan will do it, Wang Chengcheng will come up, "I will try."

There was a faint makeup on her face. Although she was slightly tired, her temperament was good and she was a goddess.

But the goddess now says that she is going to catch the oxcart! Not to mention other people, even the staff of the program group are somewhat unbearable.

The impression of Wang Chengcheng is getting better and better. Now, the girl star is not a little famous. She started to take Joe a little, so I can't touch it.

Look at the family Wang Chengcheng! It’s a male god, how good is this character.

When Wang Chengcheng entered the circle, he had already touched the rules in the circle. He felt that it was a brush. Zhao Qingyuan turned his eyes and looked at it. If he had a camera, he would have been with Yu Qinghuan. It is.

However, I don’t know if it’s a bad luck for Wang Chengcheng. I’m honestly a big yellow cow on weekdays. When she sat up, no matter how fast she went, she tried all the methods taught by the villagers.

Wang Chengcheng was helpless and could only jump from the oxcart. Unfortunately, he said to the camera: "I tried my best." After that, she reached out and made a friendly shot of the cow's ass.

In fact, she was disgusted in her heart, but in order to maintain her identity, she could only hold on to her teeth, but her strength was extremely small, which seemed to tickle the cow.

Tong Tong just wanted to hold her a sentence, and she saw that the old scalper that had been motionless suddenly picked up her tail and swept the place where Wang Chengcheng took the picture. Wang Chengcheng couldn't dodge, and was swept away by the tail of the cow dung.

The white back of the hand was suddenly stained with unknown objects.

"Hey!" Looking at Wang Chengcheng's appearance of vomiting, Zhao Qingyuan did not hold back, directly laughed out, and instantly turned the old ox into his own ally.

Not waiting for the director to speak, he rushed up and took the initiative to serve as the second driver of the oxcart.

It is a pity that his comrades will not give him face. Like Wang Chengcheng, Zhao Qingyuan finally failed.

This is a wicked door!

The director secretly wondered, this is obviously the most loved and obedient old ox in the village, how can it be like this now!

Although the nursery rhyme is only the leader of the Cheng Cheng Ma, but it is a clever girl. As soon as I saw this situation, I knew that my chances of performance came. I quickly went up and said, "I am coming too!"

However, it is disappointing that the nursery rhymes have not allowed the old ox to take a step. When Wang Shu almost couldn’t help himself, Yu Qinghuan suddenly said: "Let me try."

He grew up in the countryside and had a lot of dealings with the cows. I don't know if he could call this old ox.

It is strange to say that Yu Qinghuan just took the whip and did nothing. The old ox has opened his legs and walked straight ahead. The others watching were stunned.

"This... Qinghuan's luck is also very good. Even cattle like him?"

"This guy is good! Blessed good luck dolls!"

Because the old ox can't pull too many people at once, except for Yu Qinghuan and Wang Shu, everyone else follows the ox cart.

Zhao Qingyuan looked around and really didn't want to be side by side with Wang Chengcheng. He then took the opportunity to slip to the virginity, and the virginity was flattered, and almost walked with the same feet.

Next, as expected by Yu Qinghuan, the seedlings only installed two cars and a half. Because no one can let the old ox go ahead, so Yu Qinghuan is occupying the position of the oxcart driver until the seedlings are completely transported.

I was afraid that the old cow would stay in the yard and ruin the vegetables. The program group left Yu Qinghuan to look at the cows and let the remaining three people enter the house to pick up the seedlings.

"Qing Huan," Just as he was going to ask for a broom and sweeping the oxcart, Wang Chengcheng suddenly smiled and walked over to him, looking up at him. He said, "How is your luck so good?"

Her voice is gentle and watery, and her eyes are full of affection, and she is particularly charming under the light.

"Unfortunately, I have never been like this. Have you been since childhood? It’s amazing."

A complete portrait of a little girl worshipping idols.

"Fortunately," Yu Qinghuan did not take a step back and traced her distance.

In the small courtyard, there is no one else except them. If they are photographed, the space they can play is big. This woman is not as weak and innocent as the performance, he did not forget the last scene in the crew, Wang Chengcheng warned him.

"Qing Huan," Wang Chengcheng did not seem to see his alienation. He walked two steps forward and just stood on his side. His face changed: "Have you considered buying a lottery ticket?"

"No, what luck is good, it is a coincidence." Yu Qinghuan smiled helplessly, looked up and looked at the room: "Cheng Chengjie, you help me look at the cows, I went to see if they finished counting."

Finished, nodded to her, turned and left.

As soon as he left, the smile on Wang Chengcheng’s face disappeared immediately. She glanced at the corner and said coldly: “Is the photo taken?”

"Paid." Her assistant took the phone out of the corner and held the screen carefully: "That is... the weather is too dark, it may be a bit unclear."

Wang Chengcheng’s eyebrows, just want to open his mouth and reprimand, suddenly like what he remembered, hooking his lips: “I don’t know well, I don’t know if it’s more real.”

She thought about it and said: "Let Xiao Liu stand outside my door to take a photo this evening, and let it go out together."

Xiao Liu is her other male assistant, who is similar in shape to Yu Qinghuan.

Wang Chengcheng speculated that "the geeks" people have been set up for many years, afraid that netizens are looking at fatigue, this time they are thinking about adding a little bit of material.

In the past few days, they were wearing uniforms from the program group. When Xiao Liu put it on, he deliberately left far away and said that he was Yu Qihuan and no one could refute.

When the red meat is not in love, in the middle of the night to buy a drunk knock on the door, and then with a fuzzy photo, this pot Yu Qing Huan back also has to back, not back also have to back!

Wang Chengcheng has already thought about it. He retired 10,000 steps and said that even if Zhao Qingyuan was busy with his affairs, he stood up and helped Yu Qinghuan to clarify. When he bought the water army, he took a rhythm and deliberately directed the netizens to Zhao Qingyuan’s lie for the buddy. It is.

When she filmed "The Line of Life and Death," she was relieved of Yu Qinghuan.

When the movie was first turned on, she was a star-studded actress who was robbed by a small newcomer. How can this be tolerated!

The reason why there was no action before, it is because Yu Qinghuan is not worth it at all, an obscure little newcomer, if she is whole, he will help him to get hot.

But he is now red, so just be her stepping stone!

Yu Qinghuan did not know that someone had already planned to harm him. After pulling the seedlings, he and Zhao Qingyuan held each other's waist. When they just wanted to go back to take a bath and sleep, they were stopped by Wang Shu.

When the program was recorded, it was the old man with a dead face. At this time, he stared at him with a burning gaze, until he looked at Yu Qinghuan’s body, and then he walked forward and said: "I will see Good luck, the baby is pleasing to the eye! Take a walk and go with me to a mahjong!"

There is a small shop in the village. Every night, the farmers are willing to go to the small gambling.

"Uncle," Yu Qinghuan said a little embarrassed: "A tired day, I want to go back to sleep."

"When you sleep, sleep, young, how can you be so spirited!" Wang Shu kept his feet and looked back at him. "Uncle takes you to play well!"

Yu Qinghuan: "..." said that he did not marry mahjong!

However, the old man was too enthusiastic, Yu Qinghuan could not bear to refuse again and again, had to let Zhao Qingyuan go back first, and he followed him.

However, after he arrived, Wang Shu did not let him go to the table, only moved a small bench to let him sit next to him, acting as a ... mascot.

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Yu Qinghuan didn't like to play mahjong. He began to watch it for a few minutes. Later, he took out his mobile phone and began to import the lines of "How to Love You" that was introduced into the mobile phone until a burst of sound was heard in the ear. Humming.

"I have played mahjong for so many years and finally won a hahahahaha."

Uncle Wang’s excited face was red. He vigorously patted Yu Qinghuan’s shoulders and spit on the stars. “Sure enough, it’s a lucky doll.”

His mahjong friends have just begun to immerse themselves in the shock of winning the home for thousands of years. Now he heard him say that he was silent for a moment, then -

"Come here, boy! Sitting next to me! I won half of the money I won!"

"Wu Lao San, give me a shut up! Qing Huan is what I brought!"

"Hey, this is really a golden doll. Come, sit next to the uncle. I heard that you are making a movie. Uncle is going to watch your movie and give you a name, how?"

Golden Doll Yu Qinghuan: "..."

He originally wanted to accompany Wang Shu to play a few rounds. After all, Wang Shu helped them a lot when they were playing the seedlings today, but who knows, this is how they can't go. Finally, I simply fell asleep on the single bed of the small shop!

And Wang Shu had a sweet taste, and even after shooting the show every night, he secretly went to find Yu Qinghuan. Even the big cotton quilt made by his wife was taken to the small shop, and Yu Qinghuan was covered at night.

Yu Qinghuan is really not able to resist his soft and hard foam, plus a small sticky cat in the small shop, the cat slave Yu Qing Huan has no compromise.

So, in the next two days, his sleeping place at night was changed to a small shop.

Afraid of the director's disappointment, Yu Qinghuan deliberately avoided everyone when he left at night, and Zhao Qingyuan was not allowed to go out.

So until the shooting of the program, everyone at the moment of boarding the airport, in addition to Zhao Qingyuan, no one else knows that in order to lick the cat, he not only regarded himself as a mascot, but also fell asleep at the small shop. A few days.

Just like the calculations, their planes just took off, and the online scandals about Wang Chengcheng and Yu Qinghuan are just like springing up.

As early as the first day of their filming, the official blog of "Young is High" announced the list of guests in this issue, and also put a few interesting little tidbits, so netizens know that Wang Chengcheng and Yu Qinghuan The days are really together.

The gossip of the people who eat melons is very strong, plus the water army has a rhythm. Soon, Yu Qinghuan’s news about Wang Chengcheng was on the headlines of major portals.

While Wang Chengcheng’s fans are complacent, they are still lingering and cheering –

"Our goddess is a person who loves people! But what is Yu Qinghuan's stuff? I really want to eat swan meat!"

"Fortunately, we are in a room with our family, otherwise we don't know what this Yu Qinghuan can do, disgusting."

"Mom, Yu Qinghuan looks at people and touches people, how can I do something trivial!"

Of course, Yu Qinghuan’s fans are not willing to show off -

"What the hell? Is Wang Chengcheng crazy to send the manuscript?! That man is not a happy one at first glance!"

"Tell the truth, say that our small koi harassed Wang Chengcheng, I am one hundred unbelievers. Qinghuan is so gentle, if I really like someone, would it be like this?"

"Would the fans of Wang Chengcheng stunned? If the person is Qinghua, I will poke my eyes!"

The fans on both sides are so angry that they will make things bigger and bigger.

The reporters are eager to get the latest news, but at this time the parties are on the plane, they can't be connected at all. They can only keep their eyes on the airport and look forward to interviewing them.

However, compared with the anxiety of other peers, Haicheng TV reporters are very happy, this happened in their local area, even if the village is partial, they will not be long before they rush.

The village can't hide things, especially the peach-colored news, the villagers are more or less, will definitely know a little!

So, when the reporters drove into the village, they just happened to be in touch with the men who wanted to go to the small shop.

The reporters quickly got out of the car and took out the microphone and greeted them. "Excuse me, Yu Qinghuan, do you know?"

Because the program group stayed in the village for a few days, the villagers did not react unnaturally to the camera.

Hearing words, a few men, look at me, I look at you, suddenly revealing a tacit smile. "I know."

That is a golden doll, forget who can't forget him!

The reporters were very good at seeing the words, and when they saw the expressions of the villagers, they were immediately excited! These people definitely know what to do inside!

One of the reporters was the courageous. In order to attract the people who were eating melons, they even opened the live broadcast directly. They rushed to the front and eagerly asked: "Do you know that Yu Qinghuan went to knock on the door of the same group of female stars the night before?"

“Hey? Knocking on the door?” Several men looked at each other and asked in unison: “Of course there is no knock!”

The reporters are shaking with excitement!

Oh my god! It turned out that it was not a knock! Is there a bigger scale?

The microphone is for you! Hurry up!

Just as they planned to guide these villagers well, one of them said: "Don't say anything! Qing Huan has never knocked on any door! He has slept in a small shop for a few days, and accompanied us to play mahjong! ”

Thinking of Yu Qinghuan’s good fortune, this person’s intention is still sighing. “Hey, that’s a good luck guy, whoever sits next to win!”

The reporters are stupid.

Their pants are off, let them see this? !

A good little red meat, they can understand the knocking on the female star at night, but they can't understand the uncles who are unshaven! !

What a special hobby this special!

The audience before the live broadcast was also stupid, and the messages that kept scrolling were strangely still for a minute, and then immediately replaced with -


"Scratch your face! Hahahahahaha"