MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 50

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Promoting a movie is not only an individual effort, but also a costly activity for an actor.

To wear different clothes for different occasions, there must be corresponding accessories to match. Although Yu Qinghuan was red, many big names handed out an olive branch to him, hoping to establish a brand partnership, but he could not always borrow clothes, and he had to prepare several sets of private clothes.

"I tell you Yu Qinghuan! You can spend money and donate money. I really can't do it!" Yu Xin screamed on the floor and looked up at him. "You laughed! I didn't hear what I said!" ”

The child of this defeated family, a watch emptied the account, but fortunately, one-third of the "How to Love You" was paid in time, otherwise he really did not know where to get money to buy clothes for him.

After the other people’s artists are red, they buy a house to buy a car to do business, and earn money to make a living. As far as their home is concerned, a little money can be smashed at once!

"Know, brother." Yu Qinghuan sat down beside him and assured him, "This time, I will definitely say hello to you before I have a large expenditure."

Yu Xin snorted, accepted his explanation, stopped for a while, and asked: "Where do you buy a watch? I would like to see what kind of watch is so expensive!"

When Yu Qinghuan went to pick up the watch, he was on the anger, didn't look at the store and didn't look at it. When I remembered it, my heart was suddenly curious.

Yu Qinghuan is faint in everything, and there are not many things that he can enjoy.

Yu Qinghuan coughed, and some embarrassment was broken. "Cough, give away."

"What?!" Yu Xin suddenly stood up and yelled at Yu Qinghuan, as if he had done something healed. "So expensive things, you just give it away?"

Yu Xin was beaten by his arrogant chest. He just wanted to swear, and suddenly his mind flashed in his head. "Wait! Do you take the watch to please the little girl?"

Yu Qinghuan’s support: “Brother, I am gay...”

"Oh, I forgot," Yu Xin slammed his head. "So, are you going to please the boys?"

After that, the eyes were carefully and carefully, and Yu Qinghuan looked up from top to bottom. The surprised road said: "Frankly wide, are you fascinated by the turbulent waves outside?"

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Huoqu liked what the watch liked, and even refused to take it off. Yu Xin knew it was morning and evening, not to mention that he didn't want to stare at him from the beginning.

"Brother, don't think about it, watch me send Huo Qu."

He heard that Yu Xin was relieved, but at the same time, he felt that something was wrong. Why did Qing Huan suddenly send Huo Qu’s expensive watch? If it’s just a gift between friends, it’s too grand.

An impossible thought slammed into my mind, and suddenly I was scared by Xin’s scalp. He opened his mouth and just wanted to say something. He heard Yu Qinghuan’s faint voice ringing in his ear. “It’s what you think, I like it. he."

Yu Xin’s brain slammed and scared his **** to sit on the ground.

After a full five minutes, he only slowed down. He hated the iron and fell on the shoulders of Yu Qinghuan. He said, "Are you crazy? Don't say Huo can people respond to you, you also Don't think about it, he is the brother of your boss."

If Huo Wei knows that Yu Qinghuan has such an idea for Huo Qu, it is light to block him.

"You calm down." Yu Qinghuan was dizzy by his shaking, so it was easy to get rid of his hand, while holding his shoulders, smiled and said: "But he likes me too."

Yu Xin was stunned. He knew Yu Qinghuan for so long, and for the first time he saw him showing such a childish expression.

The sweetness is so small that it seems to have received the most precious gift from all over the world.

When I arrived at the teachings of my mouth, I suddenly couldn’t bear to vomit out. Qing Huan’s life was too bitter and bitter. Even if his performance is light and windy, Yu Xin can detect his loneliness.

Forget it, he likes to let him like it, anyway, the sexuality is born, sooner or later, looking for a man, are brought with them, no one is bad.

Yu Xin thought about it, and suddenly I thought that Huo Qu was also good. Regardless of the factor of the Huo family, he is the best candidate for the other half of Yu Qinghuan.

A sticky person who can't lie, except Yu Qinghuan, sees everyone else is air.

Such a person is the best to give Yu Qinghuan a sense of security.

"You are already together?"

“No,” Yu Qinghuan shook his head and unconsciously touched the small pendant of his chest. “Before that, I must at least show my sexuality to the public first.”

Yu Xin heard the words, suddenly took a breath of cold.

Yu Qinghuan still wants to openly fall in love? They are still not so good, they have to bear all the nicknames and sewage, is it really worth it?

However, he knew that since Yu Qinghuan had told him, he had already made up his mind that he would not change his mind no matter how he persuaded him.

Thinking of this, Yu Xin sighed and looked at Yu Qinghuan with pity.

What kind of people are Huo's family, you don't have to think about it, they will certainly not allow Huo Qu to be tagged with homosexuality. If the two men want to be together, the road is much more difficult than other homosexuals.

If Yu Qinghuan is not good, he will even provoke Huo’s family and lose everything from nothing to nothing.

However, since it is a matter of two people, then the consequences must be borne by one person! Even if it is a Huo family, it can't be so overbearing.

As long as he is in a day, he will try his best to protect Yu Qinghuan. Although they have no family members, they do not want to bully and bully.

It’s a big deal to get out of the job. Anyway, he’s been in the circle for more than 20 years and he’s not mixed up. It’s a good time to change jobs!

Yu Xin smashed his swelled temples and said to Yu Qinghua: "Do it, you have an idea. Anything to come to me to discuss, don't make decisions on your own."

"I know," Yu Qinghuan lowered his head and his eyes were hot.

When someone else’s agent encounters such a thing, the first reaction is definitely to let the artist hold his own sexual orientation to prevent the work from affecting.

But Yu Xin is thinking about him every move.

"Brother, thank you."

"Don't, the meat is dead." Yu Xin wrinkled his face and tried to find his own painful tail vertebrae in a pile of fat. "You are the best thank you for making money."

After a pause, I added another sentence, "Since you and Huo Qu have not yet decided, then pay attention to it outside. You are now red, and many paparazzi are waiting to catch your little tail."

"I know."

After the two people finished talking, they did not mention this matter again. Yu Qinghuan has nothing to do these days, just at the back of the house, "How to Love You", the result is just two pages back, Yu Xin came knocking on the door, "Qing Huan, your hometown person sent a bunch of canned peaches, you Do you want to try it first?"

Yu Qinghuan put down the script and went out. He watched the canned yellow peaches with a large sack. He suddenly stopped. Did these uncles send all his cans?

"Brother, you take it yourself, I will not be with you." Yu Qinghuan said to Xin: "I will call the old family first."

"Used you to say." Yu Xin Lehe picked up a can, and skillfully opened it, and went into the kitchen to find a spoon to start eating.

Yu Qinghuan found the phone number of the old village chief from the address book, dialed the past, waited for a long time, and then it was connected.

"Qing Huan! Can the cans be received?" the old village chief asked.

"Received." Yu Qinghuan raised the volume and yelled at the phone: "Aber, don't send me so much, I can't finish it alone."

When the old village chief worked in the mine when he was young, he was damaged by the eardrum. The older he was, the more his hearing loss was. Therefore, Yu Qinghuan had to use his voice when talking to him.

"Ah? Can't finish?" In the microphone, the old village chief's voice was full of anger. "You can't finish a little bit of something? You can't compare with me! Are you polite with us? Hey, you Say your child, why are you so comfortable?"

Yu Qinghuan: "Aber, I don't have a guest, I really can't finish it."

"If you can't finish it, you can send a friend!" said the old village chief. "The cans in our village are the best! You can have a face!"

Suddenly, I suddenly remembered a thing. "Where is this child making so much money to donate to the village? Still glaring at us! If the last time the head of the township said that it was leaking, I still don't know!"

He worried: "I often listen to those young people who say that they sell kidneys and sell kidneys. Are you also ruining your own body? I tell you, if this is not the case, Aber is not going to pay a penny! Return the money to you!"

"Aber," Yu Qinghuan can't help but explain to him, "I didn't sell the kidneys, I won the lottery! A lot of money! Don't worry about me."

"Winning the prize!" The old village chief heard it and immediately let it go. He grew up watching Yu Qinghuan, knowing the child's character, even if he felt that Yu Qinghuan could not make so much money, he never doubted that he would do bad things.

Therefore, Yu Qinghuan said that he immediately believed, his own child filter 100 meters thick old village chief of the United States and the United States said: "We are very happy! Not only the first year of the exam, the lottery can also win the prize!"

Stopped, and said: "Qinghuan, you are now a big star. Your uncle went to see your movie yesterday! I came back and said that you played very well! After a few days, my old man also entered the cinema. look!"

"Aber, don't go!" Yu Qinghuan's nose is sour, he never thought that the old-fashioned uncles would go to the county's cinema for him, knowing that in their village, if there are young people all day long I spend money to go to the movies, but I have to be embarrassed by the older generation.

And now it is the time when the farming is busy, the home is definitely a lot of work, they must be in the past day to fight for the progress, only to get a little free time.

"I buy a computer for you, you can watch it at home at home."

When the voice just fell, I was immediately trained by the old village chief. "Which computer to buy a computer! What is the use of expensive things to give me an old man! You can't have money, you can't make money, it's not easy to make money, you are not coming back." Tell me, your little face is a thin one! If you buy it, I will never accept it, you know?"

"Know it." Yu Qinghuan sniffed his nose and listened to the old man who had been stunned for a long time. This year, there was little rain and the weather was dry. I am afraid that the autumn harvest would be a bad thing.

As soon as I turned around, I saw Xin’s frontal complex look at myself. Yu Qinghuan wiped a corner of her eye and asked, “What happened, brother?”

Yu Xin: "I finally know how your three views are so positive."

There are many things that can be used to raise rice and fight against rice. There are also many people who are dependent on poor relatives. The person who can be in Taoxiang, after knowing that Yu Qinghuan has money, is the first reaction, but he is afraid that he will ruin his body, and then tell him where his hometown is, no need to worry about him, so that he must take care of his body. .

Yu Qinghuan’s 20 million, it’s really worth it.

At this time, the research institute, Huo Qu, is sharing his experience of this stage of the experiment on the stage.

In the past few days, he was wearing a long black coat, and the whole person looked slender and straight. He looked indifferent, and the complicated experimental data came hand-in-hand. The people below listened to the eyes and even opened the recording, lest he missed every word.

Xu is talking hot, just opened his head, Huo Qu will pull the left hand sleeves up, revealing the elegant watch on the wrist.

The institutes are all scientific madmen. No one has noticed this detail. They don’t look at it and continue to record their data.

Huo Qu smashed his lips, picked up the whiteboard pen with his left hand, and carefully and slowly wrote the data and calculation method just mentioned.

The people underneath were so excited that they picked up the data on the whiteboard and smashed the whiteboard. This is the first time that Professor Huo wrote the words while sharing! In the past, he only talked about himself, never knowing what they don't understand!

Professor Huo has become better and better, moved!

Just... When did Professor Huo become a left-hander?

But genius, there is nothing strange about the normal use of both right and left hands. The people underneath are so pondered, they are calm. Continue to concentrate on the record.

Huo Qu: "..."

Can these people not see that he has a watch on his wrist? Why not ask him?

He remembers that when the father of the last time shared it, not only did he wear his pants, but also someone asked if Cheng Ya had found the object!

Isn't it enough to give me the hint?

Thinking of this, Huo Qu said after the sharing, "You have questions to ask questions."

His facial features are profound and handsome, and his figure is very good. At this time, the faint glimpse of the audience, there is a sudden momentum.

The man who was swept by his sight shocked and immediately remembered the fear that his IQ had been crushed by him. He shut his mouth and shook his head violently.

"No, no, Professor Huo has worked hard!"

"Professor Huo, you are very good, we can understand!"

"Yes, right, it won't bother you."


On the stage, Huo Qu’s brow gradually began to smash.

The scientists who were scared did not dare to breathe. They bowed their heads and shrank their shoulders. It was like a pupil who was afraid of being called by a teacher to answer questions.

"What happened to you?" A scientist who had just entered the institute looked at others inexplicably. "Professor Huo is not so scary. Do you really understand everything? I think I have not understood some places, I want Ask questions."

"Don't!" When he was about to raise his hand, the person next to him quickly stopped him. "Do you know where the last person who asked Professor Huo's question is now?"

That person: "Where?"

"He feels that his knowledge reserves are not enough. He is not worthy of staying at the institute. He has resigned to be a university physics teacher."

That person: "!!!"

"So... still don't go to the pole to find abuse."

The man's body trembled and immediately put the right hand that was ready to move.

However, Huo Quben was paying close attention to the stage. He discovered his little movement at a glance and suddenly turned to hope. "Do you have any questions?"

He deliberately raised his left hand and shook it, and the words were full of hints.

Who knows that the person heard the words, it is like a flood of beasts, shaking his head quickly: "Nothing! No problems."

Huo Qu went a step forward. "You can ask, really."

That person: "I don't really have any problems!"

Huo Qu: "..."

He licked his lips and looked at the person sitting under the stage from the left and left from the right. Suddenly put the whiteboard pen on the table and strode out.

The newcomer screamed: "Isn't Professor Huo angry? How do you feel a little wrong?"

"You are stupid and not stupid, Professor Huo never gets angry! In her eyes, we are a group of white radishes. Are you angry with white radish? We are all fine, of course he has to leave."

"It turned out to be like this, I understand."

The author has something to say:

Show off no door, really angry, Professor Huo: QVQ