MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 43

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"This is my friend, Qin Lan." Yu Qinghuan came out from behind Huo Qu, and introduced them to each other. "Hey, this is Huo Qu."

The two men looked at each other for a few seconds, or Qin Hao first nodded.

Huo Qu actually didn't know how to say hello to strangers, but when he saw it, he felt that he couldn't be compared with Qin, and he even nodded with a model.

"Do you want to go out to eat together?" Huo Qu turned to Yu Qinghuan, and his voice was a little low.

"Yes." Yu Qinghuan sighed and saw him immediately posing a grievance, and asked him with a smile: "How come you come now?"

"I miss you." Huo Qu thought that he didn't want to go back. He glanced at the opposite Qin Emperor, his voice was small. "But you have to go out to eat with others."

I paused and added a pitiful sentence. "I didn't even eat breakfast."

"Why don't you eat in the morning?" Yu Qinghuan immediately felt distressed. He ignored his first sentence and gave him a look. He blamed: "Is it a good appetite?"

"Qing Huan," Huo Qu pleaded with his wrist and shook. "Then take me for dinner, I want to eat too."

Huo Wei on the side: "???"

If he remembers correctly, his brother drank two bowls of pumpkin porridge this morning and ate a pork pie! So the question is, the brother he never lied, when did he learn to lie?

He looked at Huoqu in a complicated look, secretly sighed in his heart, and suddenly found that the younger white-filled brother was actually a slap in the face... It was really a subversion of his three views.

"If you don't say it will bring you." Yu Qinghuan touched his head and turned to Qin Hao. "Hey, don't you mind composing a table?"

"Of course I don't mind." Qin Xiao smiled and said: "Your friend is my friend, and I knew Huo Wei before."

Yu Qinghuan always felt that he was strange, but he did not figure out what was wrong with him for a while, so he nodded and unveiled the topic.

When they spoke, Huo Qu’s eyes had been spinning around Qin Qin, which was like assessing the weight of the enemy. And Qin Lan, when Yu Qinghuan’s sight left him, he immediately looked back.

Huo Chu’s peek was discovered, and he was not guilty. He did not show weakness with Qin Qin, and he was not willing to retreat.

The dark tide between the two people was not found in the sorrowful sorrowful sorrows. He was afraid that Huo Qu was hungry and had an appetite. He was rushing to find a suitable restaurant.

Fortunately, there is a private kitchen with a relatively good private property downstairs. Yu Qinghuan took a few people in the past and directly asked for a box.

When choosing a seat, Huo Qu will play the word "fast and accurate" to the extreme. When everyone did not respond, he rushed straight over and sat down next to Yu Qinghuan.

Qin Hao, who is raising his hand and wants to open the chair: "..."

Suddenly I feel that this screaming little devil is not good.

He rubbed his eyes and retreated to the opposite side of Yu Qinghuan.

Huo Qu has always glued him, Yu Qinghuan did not feel anything wrong. He placed the waiter on the menu at the corner of the table and handed him a copy of Qin Hao. "Hey, you like what you like, I am not picky."

"Okay," Qin Hao took the menu, his lips were slightly tilted, and he looked at Huo Qu with a smile.

Huo Quben was unhappy because Yu Qinghuan first gave the menu to Qin Yu. At this time, he was so provocative, and suddenly he felt a little uncomfortable.

Although I don't know why, Huo Qu is very certain that he did not like this person from the first sight of Qin Lan.

Even hate to hate to hold his eyes, so that he can never see Qing Huan!

"What happened to Huo Qu?" Yu Qinghuan put his menu in front of him and opened a page. He was planning to ask what he wanted to eat. He saw that he was stunned, and he touched him with his elbow. Road: "Hungry?"

"I..." Huo Qu was somewhat reluctant to open his mouth. He wanted to ask Yu Qinghuan why he had to give the menu to Qin Xiao, but suddenly his eyes lit up and he was happy in an instant.

Qin Hao looked at the menu alone, but Qing Huan saw the same book with himself!

Who is far away, at a glance!

"I want to eat this ~ and this!" Huo Qu was happy at once, and the beautiful dimples on his left face were revealed, and he clicked twice on the page. If he had a long tail behind him, I am afraid it has already shaken up.

"Good." Yu Qinghuan did not know why his emotions changed so fast, and he was too lazy to go deep into it. He looked at his fingers and suddenly stopped.

Huo Qu ordered a sweet and sour vinegar and a cashew shrimp, which he loved.

"Do you like to eat this too?" Yu Qinghuan turned down and asked casually.

"Well?" Huo Qu stunned and shook his head. "No." He has no preference for the use of food.

"I don't like what you want." Yu Qinghuan couldn't help but say that he just wanted the waiter to cancel the two dishes, and he heard the truth of Huo Qu: "But you like it."

At that moment, Yu Qinghuan couldn’t tell what he felt, and he seemed to have become light and fluttering. His nose was sour and sour, and he could hardly control the tears.

He lowered his head and concealed his gaffe. After a while, he started to flip the menu again.

Huo Wei was shocked again.

Has his brother become so understanding and considerate? Can you remember what people around you like to eat? !

The silly brother was very excited, and his heart smashed his hand and looked at Huo Qu’s face: "Three children, help the second brother also order a dish."

"Ah!" Huo Qu looked up suddenly, seemingly overwhelmed by his request. After a few seconds, he nodded. "Well, what are you going to eat?"

The heart of Huo Wei’s heart is a stalk. “Well? You don’t know what the second brother wants to eat?”

Huo can't change the color of the road: "I don't know!"

Huo Wei: "..."

Looking at his younger brother’s face without a sigh, the whisper of Huo Xin’s heart screamed, “I don’t know, you still know what!”

He thought that his voice was small enough, but he did not expect it to be heard by Huo Qu.

Huo Qu answered his question very honestly: "I know what Qing Huan likes to eat."

Huo Wei: "..."

younger brother! You can actually not answer! !

Several people waited for a while, and the order was cooked.

Four big men, the appetite is not small, a variety of dishes spread over the entire table. Unfortunately, Yu Qinghuan's favorite dishes are almost in front of Qin.

Big and big, eat the most. Yu Qinghuan was the most unruly at the time of eating, and directly put the chopsticks into the cashew nut shrimp. However, the ironwood chopsticks of this house are slippery, and he has not clipped it once.

Putting down the chopsticks, Yu Qinghuan rolled up his sleeves and was about to change into a spoon. Qin Hao put a spoonful of shrimp into his bowl.

"Thank you, my brother." Yu Qinghuan put a shrimp in his mouth and sighed in his heart. Whether it was the Qin dynasty in his youth or the Qin dynasty ten years later, he would take care of people.

When they were eating for the rest of their lives, Qin Hao was the same, always taking care of him as much as possible.

This private kitchen is still good, the shrimp is sweet and delicious. After eating one, Yu Qinghuan couldn’t help but put one in his mouth. Huoqu suddenly looked red.

I also learned how Qin Qin looked and wanted to give Yu Qinghuan a dish.

It is a pity that he used a bad spoon, and when he was worried about it, he couldn’t get up, and finally he had a thin sweat on his forehead.

"Give, eat." Just as Huo Qu was restless, Yu Qinghuan suddenly took a spoonful of shrimp into his bowl and asked softly: "What else do you want to eat?"

Huo Quyu looked at his smiling face, and the light bulb of his head slammed.

Use a good spoon = Qing Huan to personally give yourself a dish.

In other words -

Sometimes when the disadvantages are used, it will become an advantage? !

Huo Qu coveted, shallowly revealing the small dimples on his face, and when he was carrying it up, his face was full of innocence, "Qing Huan, I want to eat that, and that..."

After a pause, biting the chopsticks and trying to ask: "Do you all give me a clip?"

"Otherwise?" Yu Qinghuan glanced at him with a smile. "You can't catch it yourself."

Reorganizing the meal, relying on such a method, Huo Qu will attract Yu Qinghuan’s attention to himself. Two people, you sandwiched me, it was like the only two of them on the table.

The Qin dynasty was so heavy that I couldn’t hide the small smugness in the eyes of Huo Qu, and I felt a little depressed.

Without him, he can't learn this kind of trick, even if he learns, he can't use his old face to use it.

Every time I had a meal, I waited until the checkout, and I was out of the situation.

Yu Qinghuan is very accurate in his position. Even though Qin Hao has a good impression on him in this life, their relationship is not the same as that in his life. He can't take it for granted.

However, Qin Lan felt that he was a predecessor and had a good impression on Yu Qinghuan, insisting on paying.

Two people did not convince anyone, just when Yu Qinghuan thought about whether to take a step back, Huo Qu suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist. "Qing Huan, I have already paid for the money, let's go."

Huo Wei, who just took the bank card from the cashier’s sister: “...”

Is it good to pay for it? ! How did his brother become so unpopular now!

"Well?" Hearing the words of Huo Qu, Yu Qinghuan did not respond to it for a while. After a few seconds, he nodded and found that Huo Qu was dragging himself away.

"Wait," Yu Qinghuan gestured to stop him. He turned back and said to Qin Xiao: "Hey, where are you going next?"

"Go and solve my car first," Qin Xiao lowered his head and smiled at him. He said: "I have already contacted you. I will contact you in the future. I can come to me for help."

"Thank you, my brother." Yu Qinghuan also returned to him with a smile, and wanted to say something again. Huo Qu couldn’t wait to smash him to the door.

Yu Qinghuan had no choice but to cry and laughed at Qin Yu and kept up with Huo Qu’s footsteps.

He didn't see it. When he just caught up, Huo Qu suddenly slammed his head and looked at Qin Hao.

The cold eyes were provocative, and there was a thick warning, like a fierce and fierce wolf.

After the photo of Yu Qinghuan and Qin Lan was sent out by Ada's official blog, it suddenly caused a sensation.

No one expected that Ada’s spokesperson would be Qin Yu.

I sighed that Yu Qinghuan was lucky, but endorsed a low-end watch under the big name, and it was almost a joke to be able to climb up with Qin.

Qin Lan is not a small meat that eats youthful rice, but is not an idol with no acting skills.

He is thirty-three years old this year. Not only does he have no problems in acting, he is also selected as one of the world's 100 most **** men's charts every year. He is one of the top male stars in the entertainment industry. I don't know how many actors have broken their heads. I want to take a look at his heat.

Qin Qin has always been low-key, and outsiders simply cannot understand his whereabouts. Not only that, in order to avoid being tied up, Qin Hao almost never touched people too close, so close photo, for him, is still rare.

"Ah!!! It’s a slap in the face of a handsome guy! I believe that Yu Qinghuan is a true koi!"

"Hey, my brother, my marriage!"

"Hey, my two husbands took a group photo. Which one should I take home tonight, online, etc., very urgent."

"Wake upstairs, don't dream!"

"Qinghuan really lost a lot of weight, hey, I have a lot of effort to shoot "Orange", I really admire him."


However, the shocking thing is far more than this. Qin Hao has actually forwarded the photo of the two people, and also Ai Yu Yu Huan.

Qin Wei v: @郁清欢 cooperation is happy, have time and then dinner [handshake]

Let the people who are so eager to move, even more heated blood!

"I don't know what happened, I suddenly saw a little JQ..."

"Suddenly, I feel a little bit guilty. My brother should be able to get along with Qing Huan. I have been powdering him for five years. I saw him for the first time.

"I can't help but shed the tears of the old mother. My brother finally has friends in the circle. If you don't say anything, you will be directed at this. I want to spend a lifetime."


Because of Qin Wei’s Weibo, Yu Qinghuan’s fans have skyrocketed, and with the accumulated fans, they have broken thousands of dollars.

It stands to reason that star microblogging fans breaking 10 million, 20 million, will be a bit expressed. Or send a photo, or send a signature or something. However, Yu Qinghuan’s fans waited for a few days, and Yu Qinghuan’s Weibo was still calm and quiet.

At the end, the fans are desperate.

Although the low profile of my idol is a good thing, it can't be so low-key. Is it not possible to send a microblog occasionally? Can't send a photo? !

If Yu Qinghuan had sent two or three Weibo before, they almost thought it was an empty number.

In desperation, the fans even surpassed Yu Xin's Weibo, and urged him to get there.

Yu Xin, who was watching, couldn’t smile. He handed the screen of the mobile phone to Yu Qinghuan and said, “You will pity your fans. If you don’t see it, you will come to my Weibo to ask for your photo.”

Yu Qinghuan just finished a filming, and the gas has not yet breathed, and he said: "You didn't take a lot of my photo forwarding koi, just send one."

The "Orange" crew did not delay the work for a long time. After the popularity was hit, many investors took the initiative to find Zhao Rui and talked with him about cooperation. Even the venues they use now are freely borrowed by the responsible person.

"Orange" is now only the finishing touch, the shooting cycle is no more than a week. Moreover, looking at the current attention of netizens to this film, it will certainly not be too bad. No need to spend much money, but also sell Zhao Rui a good, why not do it.

"The fans want to see you," Yu Xin was helpless to him.

He is very skeptical now that what he said at the beginning of the cold route is simply planned by Yu Qinghuan. He is obviously lazy and does not want to run his own Weibo.

"And I see you, Qin Hao Aite, you are also going to forward it, or someone will say you are arrogant."

Yu Qinghuan sneaked out and quickly took out the mobile phone, and she saw the Weibo of Qin.

He squinted at the eyebrows, while forwarding, while wondering, he always felt that Qin Hao was a bit wrong, as if it was... a little more violent and impulsive than the previous life?

If it is placed in the past, with the character of Qin Yu, it is absolutely impossible to say the words about dinner on Weibo.

However, if you think about it, Yu Qinghuan will be relieved. What he had known in his life was the 40-year-old Qin Yu, certainly not the same as the 30-year-old Qin.

"Qing Huan! Come and prepare!" Yu Qinghuan just put down his mobile phone, Zhao Rui has already started shouting reminders.

"Come." Yu Qinghuan sorted out the costumes and hurried to the studio.

It’s like to make up the weight of the days of the stoppage. In the past few days, Zhao Rui has become more and more embarrassed, and even the intermission time has been shortened to ten minutes.

Fortunately, after the big bang, everyone was filled with the joy of the rest of the life. For his workaholic behavior, not only did he not vomit, but he still worked hard.

In this high-intensity work, "Orange" took only three days, and all the shots were completed. Then I waited for the clip to be released and sent it to the screening.

Because the post-propaganda can save a lot of money, Zhao Rui has a lot of money, and the editors have also picked the top people in the industry. Overtime is added, but in just one month, the editing work is completed.

I don't know if it is because of the increase in attention. The orange orange was sent to the trial very smoothly. On the day of the results, Zhao Rui was so excited that he lost his tears. He also made Yu Qinghuan drink Erguotou and set the release time in April. Eighteenth.

Because "Orange" is the first film released by Yu Qinghuan, Zhao Qingyuan and Qin Hao both greeted him in advance, saying that they would attend the premiere of the film.

"Hey brother," Chen Ming asked him before he left. "Why are you so good for a little star?"

"Well?" Qin Hao’s tie was slightly stunned, and his look was faint.

"Isn't that good?" Chen Ming glared at the number of fingers. "Help him pull the fans on Weibo. Now you have to go to the premiere of his little broken movie."

You know, how many actors and directors have spent the big price and can't get their family.

“What is a small broken movie?” Qin Yu’s sharp and deep dawn is fixed on Chen Ming’s body. “Any film is the heart of the director and the actor...”

Before he finished, Chen Ming picked it up. "Look at you! I just said something like this, you will protect it."

Qin Hao stunned, and some doubts frowned.

It stands to reason that he and Yu Qinghuan only met twice, although he is a little bit sympathetic to him, but it is not so maintained him?

"Probably owe him to him for the rest of his life." Qin Hao joked and said, opened the door and went out.

The premiere of "Orange" was very successful. Zhao Rui did not say the scene, and ended the opening speech, and began to put the film directly.

Most of the people present at the meeting thought that "Orange" would be a heavy film that could not bear to watch carefully, but when they gradually entered the state, they found themselves wrong.

Although the theme of "Orange" is very heavy, its focus is not here, but on healing.

Zhao Qing'an, who suffered from double physical injuries, was able to face himself and walk out of the shadows of the past with the comfort and encouragement of his brother Zhao Qingping.

In this film, it is not only Zhao Qingping's maintenance of his sister, but also the warm neighborhood of Zhao, as well as the love of Zhao Qing'an in the school, and even from doctors and judges. Concerned with appeasement.

In a movie of just one hour and four minutes, through various details, the good feelings between people are expressed all the time.

It is sour and sweet, sweet and fragrant, touching and deep.

Yu Qinghuan’s performance is natural and smooth, and all kinds of emotions are carved into three points, so it is easy to bring the audience into the play. The performance of Wang Ruirui's children is also remarkable, especially the interaction with Yu Qinghuan, which makes people see their eyes unconsciously.

After the movie was finished, no one spoke. After a few minutes, the applause of the audience was heard in the auditorium.

After more than three months of hard work, I finally got a stop. Whether it is Zhao Rui or Yu Qinghuan, they are relieved.

Now, after waiting for the line, the audience reacted.

Just as Yu Qinghuan planned to get up and turn on the lights, his voice suddenly came to Zhao Qingyuan’s sobbing voice: “Qing, Qing Huan... Do you have a paper towel?”

Yu Qinghuan turned his head in a sudden, just right on the eyes of Zhao Qingyuan red and swollen like walnuts.

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Ok, he really doesn't know if it's time to be happy or to be disgusted.

"Do you think I will pick up paper towels?" Yu Qinghuan raised his eyebrows and reached out and pulled his head down. He scared: "You have to adjust the state quickly, or you will be photographed by the media to see what you do."

"I don't want to!" Zhao Qingyuan is still choked. "I knew that I wouldn't come, really..."

Yu Qinghuan intended to help him out of the emotions influenced by the film, deliberately jokingly said: "It is not good, you use your sleeves to wipe your tears."

"You thought I didn't want to!" Zhao Qingyuan yelled at him. "But my clothes are borrowed from the brand. I have to go back later, hehe."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Feelings, this person really wants to do this? !

In the end, the media still photographed Zhao Qingyuan’s crying when he watched a movie. He suddenly caught the explosion. After returning to report it, he added a little bit of gimmick to Orange.

After receiving interviews from the media, I also thanked Qin Hao for his congratulations. After all the premier guests left, Yu Qinghuan exhausted his chair and took a long sigh of relief.

After a short break, he was just asking Zhao Rui what other arrangements would be there. He suddenly sat alone. He glanced inadvertently and suddenly his back was straight. "Huo Qu, how are you here?" ?"

He suspected that he was watching a movie and even blinking his eyes.

Huo Qu is not sleeping on time at nine o'clock? It is already more than two in the morning! What is he doing here?

"I am going to see your movie." Huo Qu held his cold hand in his palm and gave him a warm hand for his body temperature.

Yu Qinghuan wondered: "How have I never seen you?"

Huo Quyu smiled. "I am behind, this is your important time, I can't bother you." Suddenly, seriously looking at Yu Qinghuan's eyes, said: "Qing Huan, congratulations, I really Happy for you."

Yu Qinghuan stunned and immediately smiled: "Who is this who taught you? Your second brother?"

Huo Quan shook his head, "No."

"So how do you say such a thing?" Yu Qinghuan does not believe, and, "You can understand what the film is talking about?"

"I don't understand." Huo Qu turned his head honestly. When Yu Qinghuan laughed again, he said one word: "But this does not prevent me from being proud of you."

He said: "It's very simple! Just like I published a paper on the stage, you may not understand it, but it doesn't matter, because I know that you will be happy for me too. Right? Qinghuan?"

Yu Qinghuan was silent for a while, only to suppress the feelings of rolling in my heart, "I will."

"That... if I stand on the stage next time, can you wait for me at the stage? I want you to look at me."


"Because... when I am important, I want to have you there."

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