MTL - I Just Want to Be in a Relationship-Chapter 2

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Seeing Yu Qinghuan’s eyes and looking at himself incredulously, the younger face seemed to be getting smaller. Liu Jia’an had a hint of a smile. “Well, let me go to the field and try it out. I have to figure it out. In your case, it is better to prescribe the right medicine."

"Liu Dao, this is not very good." Yu Qinghuan did not move in the same place, almost thought that he was auditory.

This is how lucky it is to be heard by the director when talking to the agent, and the director happens to appreciate him because of that, and generously gave him the role!

If you put it in your life, Yu Qinghuan can wake up and dream, but now it is different. He doesn't want a high starting point, and he doesn't want to be famous. He just wants to retire and fall in love!

But then again, his luck has not been good for the rest of his life.

With the crew to slap the national filming, as long as there is him on the car, there will be traffic jams; the actor who knows the wedding will get a candy, the candy that everyone gets is good, only his empty shell; even when eating, a table Among the people, only his bowl has bugs.

Some friends once joked with Yu Qinghuan. He is so lucky that he should buy a few lottery tickets. At the beginning, Yu Qinghuan was still eager to try. He could buy it several times. After even the first number was missing, he completely gave up the activity.

After I was born again, even luck was getting better?

Yu Qinghuan touched the back of his head, thoughtfully.

This look, in the eyes of Liu Jiaan is embarrassed, and his attitude towards him is more and more embarrassing, "It doesn't matter, I am the director, I have the final say. You call Qinghuan, come, let me go."

Like a wretched uncle who tricks Little Loli.

When Yu Qinghuan was thinking about how to refrain from sinning, Yu Xin finally reacted, and the mouth of this huge pie was too close. He couldn’t help but drag Yu Qinghuan to go inside, not forgetting to follow Liu Jia’an. "Liu Daohao, Liu Daohao, this character of our family is not this, you don't mind, he is not rejecting you, that is, the child just entered the entertainment circle, not confident."

Liu guided nod. "I know, this is fine."

The two chatted with each other and directly left Yu Qinghuan on the side.

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

He is not unconfident, he really does not want to play!

On the court, because Liu was gone, the other judges were not satisfied with the next audition. They hurriedly passed all the candidates and sighed in the chair.

Deputy Director Jiang Qi folded the script into a fan. There was a fan of it: "Today's work is done, and it's packed up. Now the actors are stunned."

The producer had a good relationship with him, and he gave him a glance: "Ginger you don't spread negative energy, maybe we can find the right one."

Jiang Qili ignored him and expressed his attitude in one word: "Oh-"

At this time, Liu Jiaan led Yu Qinghuan in. He raised his hand and took two shots, which led everyone to look at him. This will push Yu Qinghuan forward and introduce: "Come here, everyone knows, this is Yu Qinghuan, who plays Ye Sheng's actor."

Jiang Qi’s fan fell.

The producer squirted a cup of tea.

After a few seconds of silence, come and say hello, wipe the glasses and wipe the glasses, everyone wants to see, this actor who makes Liu Dao very satisfied.

At first glance, look good, so handsome!

Look carefully and be even more amazed.

There are not many actors who can stand up to scrutiny, and the eyesight of these people can be seen. This young man named Yu Qinghuan has no makeup at all!

This value is not enough, it is simply against the sky! Just don't know how acting.

I don't know where Liu Dao came from, and he couldn't find his information online.

"Well, Qing Huan." Liu Dao sat in his position, indicating that Yu Qinghuan sat opposite him. He slammed a few scripts and pointed to one of the dialogues. He said to Yu Qinghuan: "You come to this section." ""

This section is about the scene where Ye Sheng knows that he has to go to the battlefield and make a big noise on the plane.

It's not very difficult, but for newcomers, it's still not good.

Because if you are not careful, you will become a shrew.

Yu Qinghuan glanced at it and knew what he wanted to perform. After the defeat of "Life and Death First Line" in the last life, he has repeatedly smashed dozens of scripts, and the finished products of the film have been read over and over again. Nothing else is not reconciled.

It can be said that today's script, he eats more than other actors.

In this life, he really does not want this role. Deliberately deducted and then privately looking for Liu guide to withdraw?

This thought only flashed in my mind for a moment, and was denied by Yu Qinghuan.

He does not want to enter the entertainment circle again, but he does not want to fool others, and he does not want to leave a poorly acting and courageous image to the people he knows.

After Liu Dao’s speech, everyone waited to see Yu Qinghuan’s performance, but he was like a god, and he didn’t move for a long time.

Jiang Qi secretly sent a WeChat to the producer: This person can't.

Producer: What kind of gadgets did Liu guide find? What did you look at him? face?

Jiang Qi: It may be.

Producer: I didn’t expect Liu Dao to have a look at the face. [Sigh]

Unlike other people who watched the lively mentality, Yu Xin was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. He couldn't wait to take Yu Qihuan's neck and let him hurry.

With the silence of Yu Qinghuan, the atmosphere in the venue became more and more weird. It was because Xin couldn't help but remind him of his voice. Yu Qinghuan suddenly put down the script.

His pupils were instantly enlarged, his eyes were red, and he was full of fear and anger.

Ye Sheng thought that he was being concealed, so he went to the plane in the battlefield. The arrogant and self-willed young master is very angry. When he arrives, he screams: "I want to get off the plane! Immediately! Immediately! Who loves to go to the ghost place! Anyway, I will not go! I tell you, my parents are still waiting. I am going home, do you know who my parents are..."

The reason why he fry immediately is not only anger, but more fear.

What is the battlefield? If you don't pay attention, you will die. His life is still so long. There are so beautiful things waiting for him. How can he go to such a place where birds don't pull the waste?

Yu Qinghuan’s emotional excitement, as if Ye Sheng in the script came alive, was desperately fighting and screaming, and would rather delay the plane’s takeoff and never go to battle.

Some complicated emotions were thoroughly interpreted by him, until the end of the performance, the people in the field have not returned.

The deputy director and the producer looked at each other and found the horror in each other's eyes.

Is this a newcomer? is that a lie? How can a newcomer be so powerful!

This performance is smooth and natural, and it is even better than the shadow of the audition before the audition! Such acting, such emotions control, Liu Dao actually said to be a newcomer? God **** newcomer!

In the face of other people or surprised or inquiring eyes, Liu Dao has been completely indifferent, and he now has an idea in his heart: he has come to treasure!

After Yu Qinghuan audition, other people’s attitude towards him immediately warmed up. Some even heard that he did not have an assistant and wanted to introduce him. Yu Xin sleekly coped with the people who came up to talk, and the beautiful tails were tilted when they left.

In fact, when the company first put Yu Qinghuan on him, he was not happy. How about the graduates of domestic top1? How about even jumping a few levels? This is the entertainment circle, not the examination room!

After learning about Yu Qinghuan's life experience, Yu Xin couldn't help but start to sympathize with him. Although he is an old fritter, his heart has always had a goodwill.

Orphans without fathers and mothers, grew up eating hundreds of meals, high school can not afford to pay tuition, can only jump two levels. Fortunately, my brain was smart, I got a provincial champion, and finally went to the best university in China.

Because the drama company can make money, during the university, he participated in many performances. In the end, he signed the company and was assigned to him.

At this time, Yu Xin couldn't help but start to rejoice. Fortunately, he still had a little sympathy and gave this opportunity to Yu Qinghuan, otherwise he almost missed this good seedling.

"Brother, go back first, I will go shopping." Yu Xinzheng thought, Yu Qinghuan suddenly said.

Yu Xinyi, immediately thought of Yu Qinghuan's famous name, there are not many opportunities to go shopping. Then he paid attention to safety and drove his second-hand Audi away.

Yu Xinyi left, Yu Qinghuan did not go to other places, but directly transferred to the roadside lottery station, the machine selected a ten-note two-color ball.

Although luck is not good, but things like rebirth have been met by him, just in case!

Put the lottery in his pocket, Yu Qinghuan does not call the car, and walks on the side of the road without hesitation. He had been too hasty in his life, and thought about it carefully. Although the money earned a lot, he was not happy.

In this life, he will never regard himself as a money-making machine. He wants to go to the best place, see the most beautiful scenery, eat the best food, and then find the most suitable person to spend a lifetime.

As for the money, it is enough. Famous? More is not needed!

Yu Qinghuan’s lips were slightly upturned, and a zebra crossing was found. He waited for the green light to cross the road, and suddenly there was a riot on the other side of the road.

A tall and thin man, standing in the middle of the road with no expression on his face, regardless of the frequent honking of the team behind him, did not move, has caused serious traffic congestion.

Many car owners are looking for their heads, and the words are getting more and more difficult to hear, but men don’t know whether they are deliberate or not, just don’t move.

The pedestrians next to them were watching the excitement, and no one came forward to pull the man away.

Seeing that the road is getting blocked, Yu Qinghuan can't stand it anymore. When he walks over and pulls the man's wrist, he drags him to the side of the road.

"The red light stops at the green light. I don't know this? Didn't graduate in elementary school?" Yu Qinghuan said with a sigh of relief, looked up at the man, did not expect this to see, suddenly stopped.

The man is extremely handsome, with a deep sense of facial features and a heroic outline. He is wearing a black long trench coat outside, wearing a white shirt inside, and the button is tied to the top. It looks not old-fashioned, but has a cool and handsome desire.

It is a pity that a good face is no quality.

Yu Qinghuan regretted for a while in his heart, and said coldly: "Because your traffic is going to be paralyzed, the next time you cross the road, you must obey the traffic rules. Do you know?"

The man looked at him fixedly and did not speak.

Yu Qinghuan’s heart was suddenly annoyed. Is this feeling still unrepentant?

He has no patience with this kind of person who looks at the human form and is actually a person who does not do anything. After the lesson, I will leave, but the footsteps just stepped out. Suddenly, a piece of clothing was caught by the man behind him.

Yu Qinghuan turned his head and said faintly: "How?"

Is it because you are not happy about yourself? Want to do one with yourself?

The man was slightly coveted, and the black and thick eyelashes trembled. Seriously, "I graduated from elementary school."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Yu Qinghuan: "Let's go, you graduated, I know, can you let me go?"

The man did not let go, just looked at him, his eyes were dark and deep, and he did not know why, Yu Qinghuan saw a little grievance.

Yu Qinghuan: "Is there something else?"

Man: "I have to obey the traffic rules, but I will not cross the road."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

Read The Duke's Passion