MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 72 Reach for the stars

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Not long after chatting that day, Chen E came out of Ning Huabi's room.

Both of them had very natural attitudes, only Zhuang Yan seemed to be scratched by a kitten's paw, full of curiosity.

But in front of my mother and brother, I was too embarrassed to ask more questions.

Zhuang Yan had no choice but to endure it until he finished his meal at night, bid farewell to his family, and then sat on the suspension car back home, he couldn't help asking:

"What did my mother tell you?"


During the meal before, Zhuang Yan drank some wine. It should not be to the point of being drunk, just slightly drunk, and the end of his eyes was slightly red with alcohol.

There is a light on the night road, the car passes under the light, and the eyes of the beautiful Omega are illuminated for a moment.

Zhuang Yan poked his waist: "I don't believe it, my brother told me all about it."

"Don't make trouble, I'm driving."

Zhuang Yan turned his face away, not looking at him as if angry.

After two or three seconds of silence, Chen E asked gently, "What did Zhuang Jin tell you?"

Zhuang Yan remained silent.

Chen E urged him with a nasal voice: "Well, Xiaoyan?"

The young man said in a muffled voice, "... about our marriage."

Zhuang Yan was still looking out of the window, but under the messy hair, there was a small section of red earlobe.

Chen E said, "Then are you willing?"

The night was quiet, and all the way back to the major general's house, Zhuang Yan reluctantly turned around.

Chen E didn't get out of the car, so he didn't open the car door either. With a faint smell of alcohol, Zhuang Yan leaned over and silently rubbed Alpha's side face.

"You asked knowingly." The young man complained.

"Xiao Yan, are you drunk?"

"…I don't."

Since Zhuang Yan said no, let's pretend he didn't. Anyway, Chen E himself had never had a drop of alcohol, so he was too sober.

Danguixiang was flowing in the carriage, and Zhuang Yan's eyes were slightly closed, like a small animal making trouble.

But being touched by the corners of the eyes and cheeks by Alpha, he slowly became obedient again.

Chen E said: "Academician Ning's plan is to get engaged first this year, and then register and hold the wedding after you turn 20 next year."

Zhuang Yan hummed lightly.

"She also said, you are young and still in school. Let me take care of you more, don't affect your grades."

Zhuang Yan said with a sense of grievance: "I have a sense of proportion."

Chen E chuckled.

After getting out of the car, he led Zhuang Yan upstairs. Omega still drank a little too much, and his walk was not steady.

So Chen E made his own decision and hugged Zhuang Yan. Anyway, Zhuang Yan is light-boned and not heavy.

After entering the house, Zhuang Yanweng said in a low voice: "My brother told you not to bully me."

"I won't bully you."

"Mom also told you to take care of me."


The itchy touch came from the neck, and Chen E was startled, realizing that Zhuang Yan was kissing the Adam's apple lightly.

"Chen E," the young man said with a foolish tone, "I'll take care of you from now on, okay?"

Chen E lowered his head and saw that Zhuang Yan's pupils were round and clear, looking at him earnestly and intently.

He suddenly said: "Xiao Yan, I used to think that you are like a star."

It is as soft and bright as 7c, but in fact, it is far away from itself.

Zhuang Yan asked, "Where does it look like?"

Chen E put him on the bed, didn't speak, went to the bathroom to wipe his face and hands with a towel.

In just a short while, Zhuang Yan really forgot the topic just now. Omega's short-circuited brain after drinking is simply cute and silly.

He softly grabbed Alpha's cuff again: "Chen E, I've already finished the repair design for 7c."

Chen E lowered his head and kissed him.

Zhuang Yan couldn't speak when he was so kissed that he couldn't breathe. The pretty young man's face was blushing, but he still tried to speak intermittently while taking advantage of the gap between kisses.

He said that he had already uploaded the design and model to the competition website two days ago—the model is very beautiful, because sometimes, like human beings, the planet will obtain a kind of incomplete and vicissitudes of beauty because of scars.

There are not many contestants in the final stage, so maybe the final results will be seen before the school starts.

"It doesn't matter whether we win the championship now or not," he continued after being kissed once with a sticky nasal voice, "I... want to do some private work in the future and save more money. Repairing the planet is really expensive, how can I calculate it? They can't come down."

"Small banquet."

Zhuang Yan raised her eyes ignorantly, trembled again, and bit her lower lip with her head tilted.

Chen E sent his thumb over, pressed Omega's lips, coaxed him to loosen his jaw, and bit his own hand if he wanted to.

"...I don't want to bite you."

"Chen E, take it easy."

Zhuang Yan's voice was soft as if he was about to cry. Alpha frowned, with a thin sweat dripping from his forehead. In the end, there was really no other way, so I had to pick up Zhuang Yan and let him do it by himself.

He is very obedient, but really not very good at it. After two or three strokes, he exhausted his strength, and Lai let Alpha continue to kiss in Chen E's arms as if he had no bones.

Like two mating birds.

Like cats rubbing their tails at each other.

When the wings fluttered at the end, Zhuang Yan couldn't breathe with tears in his eyes, confused and breathless. He only felt that one hand was tightly held, and the strength of fingers intertwined.

With a heavy breath, Chen E restrainedly rubbed the back of Zhuang Yan's neck with his palm.

"Don't cry," he said.

Why cry, it's not bullying.

…When I woke up the next day, my whole body was limp. When Zhuang Yan was chatting with classmate Xiao Qin, his voice still had the hoarseness from last night.

Qin Heyu did not suspect him, and asked with concern: "Xiaoyan, the temperature was a little low last night, did you catch a cold while sleeping?"

Zhuang Yan acquiesced with difficulty: "Maybe."

"Then you observe it. If you don't recover at night, remember to take some medicine. By the way, who is watching you catch a cold?"

"...He has returned to the military headquarters."

Classmate Xiao Qin: "Oh."

Chatting with Qin Heyu is very easy, he will find topics by himself—

"By the way, Xiaoyan, I, I'm going to try Beta."

Zhuang Yan opened his eyes wide, and immediately sat up straight:!

Classmate Xiao Qin was a little coy: "That's about it. I went to the library for self-study these days, and that Beta sat across from me every day, rain or shine, and it didn't matter whether the other places were empty or not."

"Xiaoyan," Qin Heyu asked eagerly, "is he interested in me?"

Zhuang Yan: "Maybe!"

"Then what do I do next?"

Zhuang Yan thought about it, but before he could think it over, he heard the impatient Xiao Qin continue to ask: "Speaking of which, Xiao Yan, how did you start here before...?"

Zhuang Yan: "Speak directly, directly."

Qin Heyu: "This is too embarrassing!"

"Then you can wait for next year's spring dance."

"...After waiting for so long, do I still want to get out of the order!"

Having been rejected two proposals in a row, Zhuang Yan couldn't think of a new one for a while, so he had no choice but to stare at Xiao Qin.

Qin Heyu blushed a little: "Forget it, how about I also hit a straight ball, and if it succeeds, it will be blood money."


"Xiao Yan, won't you cheer me on?"

Zhuang Yan couldn't help laughing, and said cooperatively: "Come on!"

Then he casually sent an emoji of a rabbit with branched ears.

The days passed at a leisurely pace. At the end of the month, the final results of the Design Innovation Competition were finally announced.

The organizer organized an award ceremony that was broadcast live on the entire network, so before Chen E went to the military headquarters that day, he specially drove Zhuang Yan there.

Before leaving, Alpha asked: "You really don't want me to accompany you?"

Zhuang Yan shook her head with red earlobes: "The other contestants don't bring their family members, so I'm so sorry."

Chen E looked at him gently.


After driving back to the military headquarters, before starting work, Chen E called up the live broadcast interface, a small window was placed in the lower right corner of the screen.

After all the speeches were over, the formal award ceremony finally began.

As in previous years, the awards are announced starting with the third prize. Winners need to walk on the red carpet and say a few words before coming to the stage.

Qin Heyu squeezed Zhuang Yan's hand, his face was pale: "Xiao Yan, are you nervous, my hands are sweating a lot."

Zhuang Yan comforted him: "Don't be nervous, anyway, the result will come out soon."

—It turned out to be Xiao Qin himself.

He only had time to say "Really or not", before being surrounded and walked up in a daze, facing the microphone and the camera, he began to express his thanks with tears in his eyes.

Zhuang Yan couldn't help laughing below, and the clapping hands turned red.

Classmate Xiao Qin walked down as if sleepwalking, and said to Zhuang Yan in a fluttering voice: "I never thought that I would really win this year. I thought I was destined to accompany him."

Zhuang Yan frowned: "I just said, there will definitely be awards!"

The second place was Duan Yang, he couldn't help but scratch his hair nervously as soon as he opened his mouth to speak. She is also younger than the same class, and looks like she is still a middle school student.

The host took care of him, asking and answering questions for him.

"I have no regrets. Although I know that many friends are optimistic about me before the game, I am also very happy to win the second prize."

Duan Yang smiled purely: "And I lost to the first prize, I am actually quite convinced, really, thank you all."

Who is the first prize, in fact, there is no suspense.

Zhuang Yan stepped forward amidst all the cameras and gazes, and took his golden trophy from the professor.

Bullet screens and forum posts are swiping—

"Is this project to repair the planet real?"

"The Design Institute has done calculations and verified it. How could it be fake? This is indeed a work independently completed by Zhuang Yan's collection of materials."

"My God, he is not yet twenty years old this year! Is this man a genius?"

"I heard that he is the youngest son of Academician Ning. Maybe he has been familiar with it since he was a child."

Zhuang Yan is a bright and excellent person.

But gentle and beautiful, with a light in his eyes when he smiles.

"Have you seen the background of the design? The planet he restored is Cape Town 7c!"

"That's right, isn't this the planet his Major General Alpha once owned? It was almost completely destroyed after the explosion, but now it's repaired so beautifully."

Someone below asked about the ownership of the planet: "Is the Chen family still in a lawsuit to grab the ownership of 7c?"

"It was dismissed a long time ago, so it doesn't matter. The Chen family just made trouble there because they had a lot of lawyers. Now that their reputation is bad, they dare not even appeal."

Then, old news and old photos were dug out again. The young students who were eating melons kowtowed again, and had to say that the interaction between the two seemed quite sweet.

And among the various replies, no one knows.

In fact, there was a low-key message from 408's client, and the robot echoed solemnly—

"I feel so too."

After the live broadcast, Zhuang Yan didn't take the initiative to open the social network for a long time.

He returned home and chatted with 408 with a smile. Then, holding the trophy, he looked for a place in the major general's house to see where it would be better.

408 suggested: "Isn't it good to just put it in the living room?"

Zhuang Yan blushed and shook her head: "It's too high profile."

He finally decided to go to the study and put the trophy on the bookshelf. This is just a starting point. If you make another design in the future and win a better award, it may be able to fill a whole row of space.

After finishing the arrangement, I went downstairs, only to find that Chen E had also returned.

Alpha was wearing a dark shirt, the sleeves were rolled up to the forearm, and the hem of the clothes was tucked into the trousers, revealing a thin waistline.

Seeing Zhuang Yan, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Zhuang Yan said: "You came back very early today."

"Busy working."

Zhuang Yan looked at him eagerly and stretched out his arms. Chen E walked over with strides, and forced the Omega into his arms.

He is still not very good at expressing his love, even if he likes it very much, he is not very good at saying it.

"Small banquet." Chen E said.

Zhuang Yan raised his face and smiled obediently at him.

When I accompanied Zhuang Yan home for my birthday two days ago, I passed by the military academy and took a look at the peace memorial sculpture.

Beside the holographic image of his father, Zhuang Yan said a lot of silly things like a child who couldn't grow up.

"I had a great time during this time."

"The new classmates in the university are very friendly. The course was a bit difficult at the beginning, but now I have caught up with the progress. It should be easier to learn in the future."

"By the way, Chen E is my Alpha now."

Zhuang Yan said softly: "Father, I want to give him half of the luck."

At that time, there were cotton-like cumulus clouds floating in the sky, and the sunlight formed a soft reflection on the ground. Chen E lowered his eyes and went to hold Zhuang Yan's hand.

It's like holding a very sweet candy, and the heartbeat is also chaotic. Chen E was unfamiliar and clumsy, his throat was so dry that he couldn't speak, but he couldn't help thinking—

You must treat Zhuang Yan well in this life.

Because the stars he looked up to for a long time in his youth finally fell into his arms.

-End of text-

The author has something to say: Am I finished? Yes I'm done!

Not only was there no pitfalls, but even though the later deposits were exhausted and the update was not stable, it was interrupted for a day. Rounding up to 28w words, this is the longest article I have ever written in my life! God, it's a big step for mankind, ecstatic dance.gif

After a few days of rest, it will drop randomly outside the episode, and it will be updated soon. If the day goes on, people will die qaq

Next time I will definitely save more drafts

The next book is about cats, teachers who are interested, please bookmark it~ It should be a sand sculpture to a happy comedy article, the main CP will have a little healing component (after all, cats are really healing), and, damn, I just write the article like this Mouth


Hang Chuan, a poor trainee. In order to get food and housing and a fixed salary, he sold himself to participate in the "C position has you" men's team audition.

However, on the solo stage of the first stage, unfortunately, he suddenly fell ill. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he changed from a handsome boy to a shivering little milk cat.

...everybody was shocked!

May I ask, who can refuse a beautiful kitten with blue eyes, pink meat pads, and a cute voice?

No one cared about the sticky beans had a support club overnight, and everyone who was cute was screaming——

Zai Zai wink is so sweet and cute

Oh my god, Zai Zai just jumped three times in a row and performed a perfect front flip without panting

Zai Zai, walk the flower road with mother

Hangchuan, who originally came here to make up a reservation for a round trip, suddenly became popular like this.

Kitten can't talk, and Pawpaw is very stupid.

But that year, all the big screens on the street played a loop of a video of a milk cat typing hard with a meat pad.

"Hi everyone, I'm Hang Chuan."

"Please vote for me, thank you."

[A sand carving text. 】

It's not uncommon to watch people's drafts, and it's the number one in cats' drafts.

Don't think I'm stupid in writing, there's nothing I can do for happiness.

Thank you Tiger Landing!

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