MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 68 favoritism

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Zhuang Yan raised his eyes and responded to some remarks and questions—

"Why did you accuse him now? Because it was Bian Liu who had been hiding for so many years and only recently revealed this matter again. As a victim, why can't I hold him accountable?"

"About the specific evidence, I'm sorry, it involves personal privacy, and it's not convenient to show it in the live broadcast. But I have submitted it to the police, and I believe that the public security organ can handle it fairly."

"Manipulating public opinion through live broadcast? No, I just want to clarify some things and seek justice for myself. And when it comes to this topic, Bian Liu, who hides behind the media, is probably the coward who really tries to manipulate public opinion."

Another sentence flashed across the barrage.

"Why don't you explain your relationship with Chen E? How did he just arrive at the scene?"

The beautiful young Omega stared blankly, his long and thick eyelashes drooping slightly.

He said: "As mentioned in the barrage before, the Chen family is very close to the dealer, and we have been classmates and neighbors for a while.

"And I believe that anyone with a conscience and a sense of justice, once they find out about Bian Liu's despicable behavior, will definitely stop it. It happened that Chen E appeared on the scene and saved me."

"As for now, yes, I like him."

The barrage was all messed up, densely packed with exclamation marks of various colors.

Zhuang Yan didn't go to see it, he admitted frankly in a gentle but firm tone:

"My Alpha tried his best to protect me at that time. If he was accused and punished undeservedly because of this, I would feel very guilty."

During this period of time, Zhuang Yan and Chen E's private lives were very low-key. After digging for a long time, the melon-eaters struggled to find some old news from the corner of Xingwang.

Back then, something unexpected happened on the Star University campus. The tall and handsome Alpha covered Zhuang Yan under his trench coat, and took him away from the scene as if protecting him.

The heat must have been overwhelmed, and there were not even a few photos left. The video is also quite blurry because the cameraman shook his hands so much.

But even under the low-definition and low-pixel camera, one can see Chen E's care and care for his own Omega's jerky and clumsy.

And at the spring dance last year, Chen E, wearing a military uniform, directly hugged the drunk Zhuang Yan.

Under the dim yellow light, Alpha's pupils were dark and surly. But when his eyes fell on Zhuang Yan, he revealed a restrained gentleness.

Someone on the Internet asked a question: "If the person you like is almost bullied, can you bear it?"

There is only one answer, no.

So Chen E treated himself unreservedly, and Zhuang Yan would do the same to him.

Maybe it was because they talked a lot about the past. After the live broadcast, Zhuang Yan suddenly remembered the situation when they first met.

At the beginning, Zhuang Jin casually said that the Chen family had taken over his ex-wife's eldest son, who had a strange name called Chen E, which sounded like bad luck.

And Zhuang Yan is a lucky child who was born with his father's blessing.

When I was playing with my classmates in physical education class, I accidentally photographed the basketball over there. The ball almost hit Chen E's head, the boy dodged sideways, and then reached out to catch it.

Xiao Zhuangyan felt that he looked fierce and his expression was not very friendly, so he timidly begged for the ball.

He even shouted foolishly: "Brother Chen E."

Chen E is a lonely and surly boy like a lone wolf. He is cold and doesn't like to laugh. Hearing this brother, he paused slightly.

He didn't get angry or make things difficult for anyone, he just passed the ball casually and let the child hold him in his arms.

"Be careful."

Presumably at that time, he showed kindness to Zhuang Yan. In the ten years since then, it has gradually evolved into a favorite.

Zhuang Yan thinks that this should be the luckiest thing in his life - there will be no one else like Chen E who can bestow on him the silent, stubborn and selfless love from childhood to today.

408 said: "Xiao Yan, Chen Ran and the others have made some troubles recently, and some comments on the star network are not very pleasant. Don't look at it, just concentrate on the design, the major general and I are working on it."

Zhuang Yan didn't take it seriously, and hummed.

He didn't avoid it on purpose, but he could still catch a glimpse when he opened social media occasionally.

It was all bad debts brought up by counterfeit goods back then, and they were brought up again, and they doubted whether Zhuang Yan's words were credible or reliable.

But no matter how loud the wind outside was, it couldn't blow into the major general's house. After Zhuang Yan completed the design stage by stage, Chen E closed the optical brain, bowed his head and kissed him as gently as possible.

The breath spilled over the side of the face, and then to the edge of the earlobe. Zhuang Yan was teased so much that her heart beat wildly, and she grabbed Alpha's clothes in a daze.

He explained with a good temper: "Chen E, don't be angry. The reason why I have to live broadcast by myself is because the effect will not be so good with you."

Chen E said, "Yes."

"And just once."

Chen E rubbed Zhuang Yan's soft hair.

The light on his back made it hard to see the expression on his face, but his movements were always light. Zhuang Yan stretched out his arms and was hugged naturally.

Chen E put him on the sofa and sat side by side.

"With Zhuang Jin watching, the progress of the police station should be very fast." Chen E said, "Within half a month, Bian Liu will be prosecuted."

Zhuang Yan looked up at him.

"You don't need to appear in court, but if you want to attend, you can. I will accompany you."

Zhuang Yan thought for a while: "Then you accompany me."

Zhuang Jin also called. As the elder brother, he had a rare understanding of his younger brother's mood, and he didn't say anything that would run people off, and just chatted casually about some light things.

"Xiao Yan, your birthday will be in a few days. What gift do you want? I haven't made it in the past few years. My brother will give you a gift this year."

"No need." Zhuang Yan said.

Zhuang Jin chuckled: "Why are you still being polite?"

Zhuang Yan said solemnly: "No, I have already grown up."

"I have to be pampered when I grow up, I'm just such a younger brother."


Zhuang Jin looked tired and lazy, and said casually: "Xiao Yan, since you don't say anything, I'll prepare it casually. When the time comes, watch the time and bring Chen E over here early, you know?"

Zhuang Yan is very obedient: "I know."

In the past few days, the restoration design of 7c has also gone smoothly. Zhuang Yan dragged Chen E over to let Alpha see the reshaped shape after the collision of the continental plates.

Zhuang Yan was extremely proud: "Before the crustal movement was too violent, I calculated for three days and finally determined the optimal model. You see, if the continental plate is fixed in this way, the earthquake zone can be limited to these few places."

These things are too professional, in fact, Chen E can't figure it out at all.

But when Zhuang Yan smiled, his eyes were bright and his dimples were cute.

So Chen E also praised him with a smile: "It looks good."

Zhuang Yan: "..."

Alpha's acting skills are not very good, no matter how you listen to this sentence, it is not sincere.

He changed the subject, pinched Chen E's fingertips, and asked eagerly: "Then I'm going to continue. By the way, Chen E, do you like a more natural planet, or a more urbanized and more lively planet?" "

"It will be all right."

Just as Zhuang Yan was about to say, "It's fine if you don't want it", Alpha pressed his shoulders and kissed him again.

Chen E has learned quickly now and knows how to use this method to coax people. Zhuang Yan held his breath and his eyes widened.

Chen E moved a little away, his voice hoarse: "Even if you want to turn it into a military base, I can accept it."

Zhuang Yan: "..."

No, I can't.

"There is no such information," Zhuang Yan said in embarrassment, "I don't know how to design a military base at all, you can choose another option."

"Then you choose."

"...Or just be natural, anyway, if you want to rebuild the city in the future, it won't be too difficult."

Chen E said, "Okay."

So the general direction was set like this.

I have done a lot of mental work this day, and Zhuang Yan plans to continue working on the design tomorrow.

He turned the pencil with his fingertips, opened the chat interface, and found Xiao Qin's name.

There are several unread messages in it, which were just sent by Qin Heyu two minutes ago.

There are several videos on the top, and the titles are too long to be fully displayed.

Then there was Xiao Qin's scream: "Ah, Xiaoyan, you are awesome!"

"Really, I'm proud of you!"

"Cat moved to tears.jpg"

Zhuang Yan was dazed for a moment, clicked on the first video, glanced at it, and was slightly stunned.

My hand is a little unsteady, and I can't hold the optical brain.

In fact, he didn't care about other people's opinions and attitudes. After such a high-profile live broadcast, he had already anticipated what kind of remarks would appear on the star network.

As long as Bian Liu and the people behind him can pay the price, Zhuang Yan doesn't mind making a little sacrifice. It doesn't matter if people treat it as a topic of discussion after dinner, say a few words or even scold them in the air.

Anyway, the Internet is very forgetful, and after a while, there will be other hot spots.


Before the controversy and doubts subsided, Zhuang Yan suddenly discovered that there were actually a lot of people who were trying to speak out for him.

Several Star University students were interviewed by the self-media. They all testified that Zhuang Yan has a gentle personality and studies hard. He is not as bad as the rumors on the Internet.

"I am very sad that my friend has encountered such a thing." Xuan Yun's eyes flushed slightly. "It takes a lot of courage to accuse the assailant in this way. He is very brave, really. I hope that once Those who harm Zhuang Yan can be judged and punished by law as soon as possible."

Next video.

Ms. Sun, who once applied for the welfare housing reconstruction project, answered the reporter's questions with a little impatience.

"That's right, the house my mother lives in was indeed remodeled and designed by Zhuang Yan and his classmates."

"I'm very satisfied, mainly because my mother lives comfortably and happily—wait a minute, you mean, this student has encountered some controversial things now?"

Ms. Sun slowed down her speech and frowned: "In my opinion, Zhuang Yan is a kind, excellent, and very responsible student. When the refitting project was over, he even visited me two or three times to make sure that my mother was comfortable. Live comfortably in it.

"So no matter what, I trust him."

The third video.

The principal of Changlin Middle School, Wen Xuan, faced the camera and briefly introduced the school's teaching building reconstruction plan.

The drawings and optical brain models are ready. Principal Wen said: "We have all read it and are very satisfied with it. Taking advantage of the current summer vacation, we can just start construction.

"It's not made by a famous designer, it's the student work of this year's innovation competition, but the quality is very high. After the review of several academicians of the Design Institute, it can be used directly."

She brushed her hair, with a smile on her face: "Changlin was supposed to pay this student a design fee, but he actually refused. Taking this opportunity, I still want to represent the teachers and students of the school, and formally accept He immediately expressed his thanks.

"Student Zhuang Yan, thank you."

In the end, Zhuang Yan even saw Duan Yang, his playmate who had learned design from his mother when he was a child.

At the beginning, it was just a friendship like a child's play, but in the past few years, he even thought that Duan Yang had forgotten himself.

But that naive kid has already skipped grades and became a student in the same class as himself. Duan Yang's hair is messy, he doesn't speak very well, and he can't help pulling the hair on the back of his head when he's nervous.

But he said with a serious face: "Others say that Zhuang Yan is a bad student and full of lies - I don't believe it. I have known Zhuang Yan since I was a child, and he is the most sincere and good-tempered person I have ever met.

"Zhuang Yan must stand up and accuse Bian Liu with evidence when he couldn't bear it. I hope everyone will not be too harsh on a victim, because it may cause secondary harm."

...All the people he has treated with kindness have given Zhuang Yan the most precious trust and support during this special time.

With so many voices appearing one by one, there was a gust of wind on the star network that could turn public opinion around.

Read The Duke's Passion