MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 53 revenge

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These are very subtle dispatches, and ordinary opponents cannot capture them at all.

But this is what quantum life is best at. For him, all macroscopic changes are like a torrent.

He played out the cards in an orderly manner, arranging them step by step, and as long as there was a chance, he would be able to throw out Wang Bo.

Notifying Mingzhou to leave Central Star was also when the cards were halfway through.

At that time, the starship had just set sail from Andromeda, and Ning Huabi and Chen E were both on their way back.

On the side of the central star, the search team and the special police team are still continuing the carpet search, looking for erratic abnormal signals through the induction between the captives and the same kind.

Ming Zhou was taken aback for a moment: "You want me to leave Central Star?"

"Don't you want to leave the Ming family?"

Ming Zhou dreamed of it.

But being raised like a pig by the Ming family for so many years, he felt like a waste, and he didn't even know how to live after going out.

The other party laughed and teased: "So what are you afraid of? After you become like me, what do you want for the so-called money and status? This is just the last trivial test."

"Okay." Mingzhou said.

According to the information provided by Quantum Life, he can no longer help Mingzhou hide for longer. Within tomorrow, no matter what, we must leave.

The route has already been set, and there will be a transport starship that will set sail from the central star around six or seven in the afternoon.

After Mingzhou received it, he couldn't help frowning.

"Is there no other choice?"

This turned out to be a ship transporting radioactive waste.

"Yes, another option. I will throw you directly to the Central Army. Let them cut your brain open and conduct various human experiments on your body. How about it? Do you like it?"

Ming Zhou trembled.

"I see." Ming Zhou said.

He didn't even have to pack his luggage, nor did he bother to say goodbye to anyone. Mingzhou waited empty-handed, hoping that after he left, he could successfully ascend to a higher life.

He was already tired of being a human being, and he no longer wanted to experience Omega's impulse and instinct that he couldn't get rid of every year during the climax.

It's about time.

The voice whispered in his ear, "Go, I'll wait for you in the Cape Town sector."

Whether he comes or leaves, he is always erratic, and Mingzhou can't catch him at all.

He could only listen to the instructions, drive the suspension car alone, and drive towards the airport in the afterglow of the setting sun at the fastest speed.

It was very windy that day, and I should feel comfortable.

Mingzhou rolled down the car window and let the cold wind blow for a while, suddenly a little urge to clamor arose in his chest.

He held the steering wheel with one hand, took out the spare optical computer with the other hand, and entered the number of Zhuang Yan that he had memorized in his heart.

After connecting, Mingzhou couldn't help laughing.

"Hi, Zhuang Yan." He said.

In the tracking system, the signal suddenly became stronger.

Zhuang Jin hurriedly stood up, and sent a notification from the internal system—

"The signal is heading to the airport, all teams pay attention, the signal is heading to the airport."

"Please pay close attention to the instructions and go to the airport to conduct a carpet search, whether it is passengers or staff, everyone will be spared."

"Group C, please contact the ground force at the airport, and use the weather as an excuse to prevent all starships from setting sail."

When it's time to take action, every second is precious. Zhuang Jin wished he could use up the time and devote himself to tracking and arranging.

After finally taking a breath, I have a little time to look at other news.

He lowered his head and noticed in astonishment that on the screen of the optical brain, there was a line of words sent to him by his younger brother Zhuang Yan——

"The counterfeit came to me."

Zhuang Jin:? ? ?

He immediately dialed Zhuang Yan's phone number, but it was busy for a long time.

People are so anxious that they will get angry, and the other end has business to do. Zhuang Jin had no choice but to throw the optical brain to Shang Yu, and said quickly, "Help me to see when Xiao Yan can answer the phone."

Although he didn't know what happened, but it sounded very important, Shang Yu quickly cooperated.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jin has always had a sharp mind, insisting on commanding the situation, and checking on Shang Yu's progress from time to time.

Three minutes later, Shang Yu said, "The call has been transferred to your optical brain."

Zhuang Jin took it over impatiently, and couldn't help shouting at Zhuang Yan: "What's going on?"

Zhuang Yan's voice was very calm: "Brother, the counterfeit is going to escape from the airport tonight."

"I know, everyone is stopping him."

"He said he wanted to meet me first before leaving."


"I agreed, and I will delay the time." Zhuang Yan said, "Brother, locate my optical brain signal, so the efficiency may be higher."

Zhuang Jin was almost mad with anger: "What the **** are you doing here? Go back to Xiaoyan, it's very dangerous!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuang Yan hung up. Zhuang Jin cursed, his mouth was full of blisters, and he threw the light brain back to Shang Yu.

"Help me trace Xiaoyan's optical brain signal."

Shang Yu took the optical brain and followed Zhuang Jin's instructions in a daze.

At that time, Zhuang Jin's face was darkened, and he returned to the command position.

He gritted his teeth, and every sentence carried a vicious meaning, like a wolf trying to protect his family.

After a while, there was a shock in the light brain.

Shang Yu glanced down, and Zhuang Yan's message popped up again——

"By the way, the counterfeit is called Mingzhou."

Turn the time back half an hour.

When he received the call, Zhuang Yan had just finished class and was packing his schoolbag to go back to the dormitory with Qin Heyu.

It was an unfamiliar number. After the signal was connected, Mingzhou's voice came from inside: "Zhuang Yan, I know you and your Alpha still want to deal with me. But forget it, after today, I will leave the Central star."

Originally planning to hang up directly, Zhuang Yan's fingers stopped unconsciously.

He asked coldly, "So what?"

Mingzhou was not angry, and smiled lightly on the other end: "I'm just a little bit reluctant to part with you."


"What about you, will you forget me from now on?"

Zhuang Yan was silent for half a second, and told Xiao Qin to stop talking with his eyes.

He suddenly realized that this might not be the second time he heard Mingzhou speak.

The previous time there were too many people, there were conflicts, and they were drunk.

Now there is only the very clear voice of Ming Zhou coming from the light brain.

It's like when he was occupied before, when he heard the impostor say ambiguous words in his own tone, and chuckled mockingly.

— This kind of smile is actually very familiar.

He will never admit his mistake!

Zhuang Yan said slowly and word by word: "It's you."

Mingzhou laughed again.

"Xiao Yan, other people like to call you that, right? I decided to hide it from you for the rest of my life, but I'm so happy today that I can't help it."

Mingzhou asked: "Do you like being occupied by me, eh?"

Zhuang Yan pinched the optical brain tightly with her fingertips.

He suddenly realized why in Mingzhou's eyes, he often saw inexplicable hatred and hostility—and those disgusting stumbling blocks that he couldn't get rid of like brown sugar.

But Zhuang Yan himself is clearly the one who should hate and take revenge.

He quickly switched the optical brain screen and found the names of Zhuang Jin and Chen E.

— Gotta get the message out first.

At the same time, Mingzhou lazily said: "I think we are destined, anyway, now we have to say goodbye, Zhuang Yan, do you want to come to the airport, we will meet for the last time?

"I have to leave at six o'clock, hurry up, I'll wait for you."

This was clearly a provocation, the angrier Zhuang Yan became, the calmer his mind became.

He also laughed, and asked Mingzhou: "The airport is so big, you don't even dare to tell me the location, how can I find you?"

Ming Zhou said, "Then see you in the Fifth Aviation Building, near the statue on the third floor."

"I see." Zhuang Yan said.

He sent the time, place, and the word Mingzhou to Zhuang Jin and Chen E.

Zhuang Jin on the other side was about to go crazy, and he refused to put his brother in danger no matter what.

"I don't have time to say more now, if you can't do it, you can't do it! What if the counterfeit has a weapon on him, or he takes your body again?"

Zhuang Yan was already on the suspension vehicle, and he insisted, "So I'll let you locate my optical brain."


"Brother, he is provoking me. I want to avenge myself."

After Zhuang Jin listened, he almost dropped his optical brain.

Chen E's side was much calmer. Alpha looked serious, but he only said: "Xiao Yan, try to delay the time, I will land at 5:50."

Zhuang Yan hummed.

"Bring a self-defense weapon, do you remember how to use it?"

"Bring it." Zhuang Yan said, "I remember."

Then there was a short silence.

Chen E frowned, but didn't speak.

Zhuang Yan said sullenly: "By the way, Chen E, don't tell my mother, she must be worried."

"Well, I'm worried too."


The speed of the suspension car is very fast, and 408 is in control. Listening to the whistling wind, Zhuang Yan lowered his head slightly.

"I will try my best to protect myself," he said, "and I will try my best to wait for you."

Chen E: Don't stop communicating, keep in touch. "

When we arrived at the airport, it was fifteen minutes before six o'clock.

Mingzhou got impatient and called again: "Zhuang Yan, are you here yet?"

"Three minutes." Zhuang Yan said.

It really only takes three minutes to go from the underground parking lot. Zhuang Yan took the elevator to the third floor, and saw Ming Zhou standing beside the silver sculpture.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked up idly. He said he was going to leave Central Star, but he didn't bring a single piece of luggage with him.

There was a radio echo in the airport: "Dear passengers, I am sorry, due to the influence of weather and air currents, we have to suspend the departure of all starships."

Omega didn't care and was indifferent, and all the travelers in the distance complained. Mingzhou glanced over needlessly, and when his eyes fell on Zhuang Yan, his eyes stopped firmly and lit up little by little.

Zhuang Yan stood where he was, without moving.

Three seconds later, Mingzhou walked over automatically and consciously.

There is Chen E's voice next to my ear: "Xiao Yan, try to take the counterfeit goods to the first floor, near the exit on the ground. Zhuang Jin wants to arrange arrest, but I let him clear the place first."

Zhuang Yan responded softly.

"I just landed, I'll be right there with you."

Chen E seemed to be his confidence, Zhuang Yan suddenly had nothing to fear.

When Mingzhou came a little closer, Zhuang Yan raised his eyes to look at him: "There are a lot of people here, go to the first floor to chat."

"Yes." Mingzhou said.

That place happened to be very close to the escape route arranged by quantum life, and the starships transporting radioactive waste had special permits. Even if the traffic is restricted, according to the regulations, the ground troops must cooperate with the manufacturing conditions to ensure smooth navigation.

So it can still take off after the investigation team finishes checking the personnel on board.

As long as you successfully smuggle up there before six o'clock according to the agreement—

He can leave the central star.

There is not much time left now.

Anyway, there's nothing to say, it's just a farewell to the past, Mingzhou thought briskly.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and tilted his head to look at Zhuang Yan. What can a beautiful Omega do with herself?

No one else was around.

Near the safe passage, the lights were as bright as day.

Mingzhou said frankly: "Zhuang Yan, to be honest, I was actually very jealous of you at first."

Zhuang Yan looked coldly and frowned.

Mingzhou smiled self-consciously: "An Omega like you, certainly can't imagine what my life is like. From the beginning of the division, he was destined to be sent out for marriage and breeding. Zhuang Yan, you say, depending on Why can you be favored by others, but I live like a pig?

"I'm not reconciled." He said again.

So he always has a desire to destroy in his heart, wanting to drag the whole world into the quagmire.

The cleaner the person, the more dirty he is.

"But after dominating your body, I realized that the so-called preference of relatives is nothing more than that."

Mingzhou also planned to review how he hurt Zhuang Jin and how he made Ning Huabi so disappointed that he cried all night with red eyes.

As soon as the words came to his lips, he was punched in the face.

The nose is hot and has the urge to cry. Mingzhou chuckled, slowly raised his head, and saw Zhuang Yan's suppressed angry brows and eyes.

"That's my relative!" Zhuang Yan said every word.

It is also his life.

Mingzhou laughed and burst into tears, in the hazy water vapor, he even felt absurdly that the Zhuang Banquet at this time was also very beautiful.

Zhuang Yan has a superior and good-looking skin, with a gentle and peaceful appearance. Omega, who has no aggressive temperament, now holds a small weapon in his hand, and gradually raises it horizontally, aiming at Mingzhou's body.

Time passed minute by minute.

Mingzhou took two steps back, and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with the back of his hand: "You really can't afford to joke, I won't chat with you anymore, I'm in a hurry."

He turned around and ran towards the safe passage, betting that Zhuang Yan would not shoot him.

For an ordinary student who hasn't used hot weapons much, aiming at a moving person is indeed very difficult.

But Zhuang Yan still remembered how Chen E taught him.

Breathe steadily, and don't shake your hands.

Just aim and fire, and it doesn't matter if it's crooked. Activate the safety lock with your fingerprint and continue with the next shot.

There was a muffled sound.

The bullet landed a little in front of Ming Zhou, making a dent on the metal wall.

Mingzhou's back froze for a moment, his footsteps trembled slightly, he paused and continued to flee.

Zhuang Yan activated the safety lock and continued to aim.

He was so focused that he didn't even notice the footsteps behind him until he heard Chen E say calmly in his ear: "Xiao Yan, I'll help you."

The Alpha took his hand with a rough palm, index finger on the trigger. Chen E's body temperature was high, and his hands were steady.

The bullet ejected and directly pierced Mingzhou's left knee.

Mingzhou staggered and fell, his face was contorted in pain, and his screams were suppressed in his chest.

The young man who was arrogant and shameless just now was lying on the ground like a dog, dragging his injured leg and struggling to crawl forward.

Chen E asked, "Where will the next shot go?"

"Can I kill him?" Zhuang Yan asked.

Zhuang Yan's heartbeat is actually very fast, and he is not unnerved, but his brain is rational and clear-headed.

A good temper does not mean that he is weak and deceitful. Just like last time, when he was taken away, even if he was alone and helpless, he would pick up a stick to resist.

"It's best to keep him alive. The military department wants to collect some information." Chen E said, "But if you really hate him, you can kill him directly."

Anyway, it is not difficult to deal with the aftermath.

"Then the right leg." Zhuang Yan said.

Chen E held him hand in hand to aim, and then shot.

The moment his right leg was pierced, the unbearable pain was like a majestic tsunami. Ming Zhou howled and curled up his body.

His face was full of tears, he didn't even know what he was begging for—

Beg Zhuang Yan to let her go.

Or beg him to give himself a good time.

Then came the left hand, the bullet burned a hole in the palm, the metacarpal bone was shattered inch by inch, Ming Zhou couldn't even make a fist.

He turned half over in despair, hiding his remaining right hand under his body.

"Zhuang Yan..." Mingzhou's nose was covered with tears and tears, and he was crying tremblingly, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Some people have to go to the end of the road to know how to regret. Zhuang Yan let go of his hand and asked Chen E to take the weapon.

He walked slowly in front of Ming Zhou, squatting down across the pool of blood.

"Mingzhou, stop apologizing." Zhuang Yan said annoyedly, "I spare your life only because you are still useful."

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