MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 47 high energy warning period

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Chen E was at a loss for a moment, his throat became hoarse.

"Fortunately, I took medicine before."

Zhuang Yan slowly put the medicine in Chen E's palm, raised his eyes and asked, "How many times a day do I have to take it?"

"three times."

"After dinner?"


Zhuang Yan thought, Chen E did a good job of hiding it. After so many days, he has never been caught by himself.

But it is still very sad, because I compared my experience when I was a child.

In the past, Zhuang Yan was a very healthy child, but if he accidentally fell ill, his mother and elder brother would take turns to take care of him and coax him to take medicine. There is still sugar after taking the medicine, so you can act like a baby.

But was Chen E ever indulged in this way back then?

In Central Star's teenage years, certainly not. Zhuang Yan only saw the Chen family let Chen Ran bully and ridicule him.

Zhuang Yan walked over to him and took his hand. As soon as the fingertips touched it, Chen E squeezed it hard.

"Go inside and have a seat." Zhuang Yan said.

Then they were brought into the study by Chen E, and they sat down on the sofa together. Alpha's long legs were bent, and her knees touched Zhuang Yan's knees.

Chen E let go of Zhuang Yan's hand, his eyes were dark and gloomy, and he touched Omega's trembling eyelashes.

There was still daze and daze on his face, because he didn't expect Zhuang Yan's reaction.

But the movement was extremely light, as if he was approaching, while preparing to withdraw his hand at any time.

"Chen E." Zhuang Yan asked again, "When you were injured, did it hurt?"

In the quiet study room, his voice was very soft. So Chen E carefully pinched Zhuang Yan's earlobe again.

"I don't remember." Chen E said, "It should be fine."

"Then plan to remove the gland, what's going on?"

Chen E frowned, not understanding what Zhuang Yan was talking about. Zhuang Yan sniffed and confessed:

"I found your previous medical records."


"Do you hate being drugged and marked by counterfeit goods?"

It's quite annoying, especially the need for Omega pheromones that is not under one's control.

At that time, Chen E was very extreme and wanted to get rid of this situation, but he couldn't find a way. He had to stick his thorns upright again to hide his liking for Zhuang Yan when he was a teenager.

But liking is an instinct that cannot be hidden, and he will be attracted as soon as the real feast comes back.

——At first, I just wanted to keep people by my side.

Later, I hope that when Zhuang Yan is in a happy mood, he can bend his eyes and smile at himself.

People are always greedy and push for an inch. Now that Chen E touched Omega, he wanted Zhuang Yan to treat him well—as Zhuang Yan himself promised.

But his experience in this area has always been very poor, and he can't even imagine how good it can be.

Chen E said, "Xiao Yan, I don't hate you."

He liked it so much that he was willing to hand over the privilege of hurting himself to Zhuang Yan.

Zhuang Yan said: "Then don't hide it from me in the future."


Zhuang Yan's tone was very gentle, it didn't look like he was blaming, but he was almost discussing with him: "Chen E, I'm not blind, I can't even tell that you are uncomfortable."

Chen E froze, looked away, and said nothing.

"I'll be worried if you don't tell me."

"...Don't worry." Chen E said.

He rubbed Zhuang Yan's soft and smooth black hair, feeling a little sour in his heart for no reason.

Unable to restrain himself no matter what, he lowered his head and kissed the corner of Omega's lips again.

So in the next few days of vacation, Zhuang Yan treated Chen E carefully and thoughtfully, as if treating him as a fragile product.

He also eagerly asked Chen E what he wanted to eat, and planned to spare time to cook for himself.

Chen E was silent for a while, and asked, "Aren't you busy with competitions and homework recently?"

Zhuang Yan shook his head.

"It's almost over soon."

"Forget it, let me do it." Chen E said, "I have more time these days."

His culinary skills still haven't improved much, but the wound on his wing is recovering day by day, and his spirit is much better than before.

In the training ground, he could even bear the pain and fly a small half circle, and then landed on the ground smoothly.

At that time, Chen E had only 408 by his side. As an AI assistant, he was responsible for recording recovery and flight data and forwarding them to the doctor.

Out of pride, he didn't want to be seen by Omega. And Zhuang Yan is very obedient in this regard, and obediently avoids it every time.

After the weekend, Zhuang Yan had to go back to class.

It was a long drive from the major general's house to the school, but Zhuang Yan never complained.

Instead, he took many pictures of flowers in the school for Chen E. Late spring and early summer coincided with the blooming season of tung tree, and the white flowers on the tree and the ground were as thick as a layer of snow.

Chen E also learned to steal emoticons from 408, and replied to Zhuang Yan with a probing cat.

Zhuang Yan looked at Guangnao and couldn't help laughing.

Qin Heyu on the side complained: "Xiao Yan, why did you feed me dog food as soon as I came to school?"

Zhuang Yan quickly closed the screen, and apologized obediently and cowardly: "I didn't mean to."

Recently, he has been wearing an insulating sheet on the back of his neck to prevent it from smelling too good.

Qin Heyu glanced at it, and asked cautiously, "Are you in your climax?"

Zhuang Yan shook his head: "Not yet."

Classmate Xiao Qin let out an ah, and understood: "It's almost time, now is the high-energy early warning period."


Some people's physiques are really special, and there will be a short transition before the pheromones in the body reach the threshold of the climax period.

Signs include, but are not limited to, changes in smell, so that he and those around him can be prompted—

This Omega is about to usher in a boom, please prepare in advance.

Qin Heyu's preparation method is quite special.

He said: "Why don't we go buy some small cakes at noon today, or your pheromone will come up in a few days, and you will definitely not be able to do anything."

After the proposal, he added, "Did you bring the inhibitor with you?"

Zhuang Yan: "Bring it."

Qin Heyu made a decision: "Okay, that's it, it's done."

Recently, a new cake shop opened in front of the school, which also sells some coffee and milk tea.

After lunch, before class, classmate Xiao Qin led Zhuang Yan to the store entrance.

Showcases of delicate pastries, cream topped with fruit and chocolate.

There is also a menu book next to it to show other things that are not outside.

Classmate Xiao Qin looked and looked in front of the cabinet, hesitating.

Zhuang Yan didn't rush him, so he patiently flipped through the menu to see if there were any unusual pastries.

Turning to the last few pages, I found that there are even vegan desserts, the ones without eggs and dairy.

Zhuang Yan's heart moved slightly, and he raised his eyes to ask the clerk. As a result, the other party responded quickly and said, "Sorry, the vegan desserts need to be made fresh, can you wait?"

Classmate Xiao Qin interjected: "How long will I have to wait?"

"About half an hour."

The next class happens to start half an hour later, so there is no time to eat.

Qin Heyu hesitated for a moment, then turned his head to discuss with Zhuang Yan in good spirits.

"Xiao Yan, this is a bit slow, why don't you change it? I remember that you are not a vegetarian either."

Zhuang Yan's ears turned red: "Don't worry, I just want to take it back."

Qin Heyu: "...Oh."

Dog food always comes so suddenly!

So I ordered like this, a chocolate mousse and a tiramisu. Zhuang Yan ordered another coconut cake, and will come to pick it up in the afternoon.

In the sunny afternoon, they found a seat by the window.

The delicate and beautiful young man, sitting in front of the glass window, looks as good as a painting.

Half a street away, a young man who was flamboyant turned on his optical brain and found out Mingzhou's contact information.

"Hey, Young Master Ming, do you know that I'm at Xingda University, and I saw the Omega who provoked you at the dance last time."

He thought for a while: "That's... that one, by the way, his name is Zhuang Yan."

On the other side of the phone, Ming Zhou laughed.

He hasn't been having a great time lately. Because of the cheating in the exam, the Ming family negotiated with X University for a long time, and in the end, Mingzhou was temporarily suspended from school without punishment.

The Ming family was too lazy to get in touch with Ming Zhou, so they only sent his mother to warn him.

A dodder-like mistress, no matter how much makeup is on her face, she can't hide the traces of her age. She asked worriedly: "Xiaozhou, have you offended someone?"


"Both your father and your uncle said that the other party has great energy, and this is just a warning. Xiaozhou, after all these years, I know that it is not easy for you. But mom just wants you to be more obedient."

At that time Mingzhou sneered and raised his eyelids.

"Mom, is it because I am more obedient and you get more benefits from the Ming family?"

Mother and son broke up unhappy.

But this thorn still sticks out, Mingzhou thought, why.

——Didn't Chen E hate him so much that he didn't want to take a second look at himself? Why was he willing to support Zhuang Yan?

After all, Mingzhou is too familiar with the body that has been occupied for so long. He counted the calendar day by day, waiting for the climax of Zhuang Banquet.

He even thought maliciously, should he just count the time and find a few Alphas to block the banquet.

He just can't see people well. The more beautiful the glass bottle, the more likely it will be broken.

And now, the opportunity finally came.

Ming Zhou was on the optical brain, lazily directing his lackeys to act.

After Zhuang Yan left, he walked into the store and asked if he had bought anything else. Will I come back later and take away the ordered coconut cake?

After the attendant asked about the information, he came back and suggested enthusiastically, "Xiao Ming, do you want to add some ingredients to the cake?"

Mingzhou laughed: "If you can do it, then it's fine."

This matter is too difficult, the other party probably can't do it, Ming Zhou thought.

But in the afternoon, he still got some good news.

"Young Master Xiao Ming," the other party said excitedly during the call, "I found someone to cooperate and used some tricks. Guess what happened in the end."


"We secretly changed that Omega inhibitor! Damn, replace it with the most expensive aphrodisiac, let him learn a lesson."

Ming Zhou was amused, and felt that this group of people were quite good at performing.

"Good job, the money has been credited to your account, see for yourself."

He hung up the call, turned on the game in his brain, played it absent-mindedly, and thought—

In a few days, maybe you will be able to see news about Zhuang Yan on the social news.

two days later.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, it happened to be the break between classes, Zhuang Yan packed up the course materials and stood up.

He shuddered for a moment, and suddenly felt a little hot on the back of his neck, as if there was a heat flow down his spine, and his body became heavy.

After preparing for so long, it is obvious that the boom period has finally arrived.

Zhuang Yan dug out the inhibitor from his bag, ate a piece, and explained to classmate Xiao Qin.

Qin Heyu's tone was relaxed: "Just eat it, don't be nervous, Xiaoyan, this is not the first time that Omega encounters things every year."

Zhuang Yan: "..."

Coincidentally, rounding up, it was his first time.

But the state was still very wrong, Zhuang Yan waited outside the classroom for two or three minutes, the inhibitor didn't seem to work.

The frequency of the heartbeat is chaotic, like beating a drum. Even his fingertips were sweating, but his body was limp and he had no strength.

Qin Heyu also felt that something was wrong, and reached out to check the temperature on Tan Zhuang Yan's forehead—

Then he was shocked: "Xiao Yan, this inhibitor has expired, right?"

Zhuang Yan raised his head blankly.

His eyebrows and eyes have always been gentle, even if he has a good shape, he is still beautiful without showing any sharpness.

Now there is a blush at the end of the eyes, and the pupils are wet looking over, as if the water of the spring river is stained with peach pollen.

Qin Heyu made a decisive decision, pasted three new insulating sheets on the back of Zhuang Yan's neck, and said hastily:

"Xiao Yan, don't go to class, go back to the dormitory first, and I will ask for leave for you. Remember to inform Chen E, by the way, where is the inhibitor you just had? Give me a copy, and I will ask the school doctor if I can take it again."

Zhuang Yan was led by classmate Xiao Qin, and walked towards the dormitory with weak hands and feet.

Fortunately, the distance is not too far, and there are no students wandering around.

The tip of his nose is all exuded from his body, the rich and strong osmanthus fragrance.

In this situation, it may be a problem with the medicine, or a problem with my own constitution. Zhuang Yan thought drowsily for a while, and felt that his head was not enough.

During the upsurge of classmate Xiao Qin before, did he say something?

When he was pushed into the dormitory and the door was firmly closed, Zhuang Yan finally remembered—

Want an Alpha.


With trembling fingers, Zhuang Yan turned on the optical brain and found Chen E's name on the top.

Not wanting to type anymore, he pressed the call button. The call went through in two or three seconds, and the other side sounded very quiet, Alpha asked him in a low voice: "What's the matter, Xiao Yan?"

Hearing Chen E's voice, Zhuang Yan suddenly felt aggrieved.

With a fever and a nasal voice that could not subside, he said muffledly: "Chen E, I feel so uncomfortable."

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