MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 26 birthday yesterday

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'The Chen family has prepared for Chen Ran for a long time, and the grand engagement banquet is finally held.

It is said that the guests present were all prominent figures, which gave Chen Hongfei enough face.

Chen Ran was wearing a high-end suit, and he was meticulously groomed from hair to leather shoes. His Omega fiancée is a young actor from a famous family, holding Chen Ran's arm and leaning on him like a vine.

The media took a lot of photos that day, Chen Ran knelt down on one knee to put on a ring for his fiancée. The fiancee held a pink rose and smiled sweetly.

Comments everywhere are praising them for their talent and beauty, they are a match made in heaven.

"Why didn't Chen E come?" Some people had sharp eyes and realized that an important role was missing.

As a result, the rumors of the discord between the Chen family brothers were uncovered again, and popularized science over and over again on social media.

—It turns out that Chen Ran's birthday party is almost of this kind every year, but the Chen family has never celebrated Chen E's birthday, not even once.

—Chen E himself has never attended any banquet where Chen Ran was the protagonist.

Someone complained: "It's clear that it's different treatment. Chen Ran is the young master who is held in the palm of his hand. If I were Chen E, I would definitely not want to put a hot face on a cold ass."

"I don't know if the Chen family has regretted seeing Chen E's status now."

When the news came out, Zhuang Yan was still in the Bojiang Starfield. He ran back and forth between the hotel and Changlin Middle School, hardly having time to pay attention to other messy things.

408 sent a message saying: "Xiao Yan, the colonel is boarding the ship and will arrive tomorrow afternoon."

Zhuang Yan suddenly woke up from his busy schedule and asked, "Are you coming?"

408 is a smart AI with a strong learning ability, and sent a crying cat emoticon: "I stay in the central star to handle business."

"...I see."

Zhuang Yan always felt that Chen E would be easier to get along with if 408 was present. In case of cold, there are also robots to help spread the word.

But he comforted M, maybe even if he came here, Alpha would be busy too? There is no certainty how many opportunities to meet.

The next afternoon, Chen E landed and sent a brief message.

At that time, in order to focus on design, Zhuang Yan switched his optical brain to the do-not-disturb mode. It took several hours to see it.

He felt a little guilty, but he wasn't sure whether to apologize.

He simply replied with an emoji, saying that M had just seen it.

They didn't see each other for the next day, and Wen Xuan mentioned intentionally or unintentionally that Chen E went to visit his mother's grave.

Another day later, Wen Xuan said that Chen E seemed to be tidying up the old house where he lived.

There was nostalgia on her face: "It's a little far from the hotel you live in, and the building is too old, but the scenery is good."

Zhuang Yan hummed lightly.

After dinner time, Chen E finally sent a second message: "Go downstairs."

At that time, the modification of Zhuang Yan was just halfway through, and the train of thought got stuck. After drawing on paper for a long time, no matter how I look at it, I feel that it is flawed.

But he glanced at the optical brain screen again, and the word Chen E was so bright that it made people flustered. Zhuang Yan pursed her lips, thinking that she couldn't do it, she still had to be responsible.

So I reluctantly got up and tidied myself up, arranged my clothes and appearance, and went downstairs.

Although I tried to move as fast as possible, it still took some time.

Chen E should have been waiting in the car for about ten minutes. When he saw Zhuang Yan, he just glanced at him with a slight frown, and didn't get angry.

Counting the dates, I haven't seen each other for more than half a month. Zhuang Yan first apologized kindly: "I'm sorry, I'm not ready to go out tonight."

Alpha frowned, hummed, and stepped on the accelerator.

The traffic and street lights in Bojiang Starfield are sparser than those in Central Star. After a short drive from the hotel, the road is completely dark.

But the galaxy in the sky is beautiful, floating on the horizon like pieces of silver.

With the light of the stars, Zhuang Yan glanced at Chen E's clothes. It is indeed a summer attire, a thin shirt with the cuffs folded up, revealing the lean and muscular lines of the forearm.

There was a long, deep-looking scar that ran from the wrist to the sleeve.

Zhuang Yan looked away. As if he had glimpsed something, he was inexplicably flustered.

For a moment, I even wanted to take out the optical brain and take another look at the design to calm myself down. But just as he moved, he heard Chen E's order: "Put the light brain back."


"It's too bright, it affects driving."

Zhuang Yan hummed and obeyed meekly.

As the car gradually drove from the urban area to the suburbs, Chen E opened the window a little, and the mild and cool wind in the summer night came in.

Not far away is a small house, and there is a bay in front of the house, and the depth of the river cannot be seen clearly. There are clumps of shrubs growing by the river, and clusters of flowers are dotted with lush leaf tips, which are Osmanthus osmanthus.

Chen E parked in the open space next to the house and let Zhuang Yan go down.

Zhuang Yan was at a loss and did not know Chen E's purpose. Then he waited for Alpha to push open the iron gate, and led M into the courtyard.

There are several boxes in the corner of the yard, the seals have been opened, but the contents inside have not been taken out.

Nearby are two wicker chairs and a stone table. Chen E pointed to one of the positions, and said indifferently, "Sit."

Zhuang Yan sat down.

He said softly: "I heard Principal Wen mentioned a few days ago, did you live here when you were young?"

Chen E paused slightly, and hummed.

It was late at night, and there was a wind blowing across the water in the distance.

Osmanthus was wafting in the yard, and in the shadow of the gray wall, Zhuang Yan couldn't see Chen E's expression clearly.

Alpha rolled up his sleeves and moved the box in the corner to an open place. Zhuang Yan stood up hesitantly and asked if he needed help.

"Wait," Chen E said, "you don't need to move."


The things didn't look heavy, and after two or three trips, Chen E didn't even sweat much.

After it was done, Alpha asked Zhuang Yan to open the box from M.

Inside are fireworks.

The lighter was placed on the table, and Zhuang Yan looked at Chen E in confusion. At this time, Chen E didn't intend to do it himself, and his tone was very light: "Go and order."

"…I'm not very good at."

Chen E glanced at Omega. With clear black eyes, Zhuang Yan pushed the lighter towards Chen E.

In the end, Chen E gave in, opened a corner of the package, and turned out the leads.

He said, "Hands."

Zhuang Yan bent down according to his will. The two were so close that they could smell the alcohol lingering on Alpha's clothes.

Chen E held Zhuang Yan's hand from behind, wiped it, and lit the lighter.

Orange-yellow flames shot out, following Alpha's movements, burning onto the fuse.

Zhuang Yan's heart was beating wildly, and the back of his neck was unconsciously stiff. This hug-like movement lasted less than two seconds. Chen E took half a step back, pinching Zhuang Yan's wrist and retreating.

"Stay away when it's lit," he said.

Zhuang Yan responded softly.

The place where the skin touched was slightly hot, but Chen E didn't look at him, his eyes fell on the fireworks.

So Zhuang Yan took his breath lightly and pretended not to care at all.

Three seconds later, a cluster of bright colors rose from the ground and went straight into the night sky.

The moment the red fireworks exploded, the small river and bushes in the distance were illuminated brightly.

Chen E asked, "Are you meeting now?"

Hands separate naturally.

After all, Zhuang Yan has a calm personality, so he put back the words "Why don't you let yourself go".

He said, "Learned."

Chen E gave him the lighter.

There are quite a lot of types of fireworks on the ground, including firecrackers, spray flowers, and some fireworks sticks in hands. Zhuang Yan lit one and stuffed it to Chen E. Alpha glanced down at Mars, and the action he took over was a little unnatural.

The nearby private houses are not very popular, the doors and windows are closed, and there is no light in the windows, so they should all be abandoned. Don't worry about the sound of fireworks setting off disturbing the people, Zhuang Yan studied for a while, and gradually found an advanced way to play—

It turns out that the length of the lead wire can be adjusted for the fireworks that are launched into the air. After one click, they explode and scatter.

The quiet and deserted summer night suddenly became alive and lively.

When I was a child in Central Star, the ban on fireworks was very strict, and Zhuang Yan only saw this kind of scene in his mind. Now try it yourself, it seems really fun.

I just occasionally feel that I am being stared at by someone.

No one else was around. Zhuang Yan glanced back and noticed that Chen E's gaze was not on himself.

Alpha raised his head, the strange flame colors were reflected on his always pale and cold cheeks. The fireworks exploded in the sky, but Chen E didn't show any expression.

This will bring people an inexplicable sense of alienation, just like the night before, he was spied by Zhuang Yan standing alone on the terrace.

Zhuang Yan stood up and lit another firework stick: "Why don't you let it go?"

This time Chen E didn't reach out.

"I do not like."


Then why are there still a few boxes of fireworks here!

There was the last box of fireworks, Zhuang Yan pursed the corners of his lips, and pushed the lighter in front of Chen E.

"That's all that's left, it's gone after it's done."

The legs of the rattan chair swayed slightly, Chen E barely stood up, and walked to the box with the lighter in hand.

The strong gunpowder smell gradually overwhelms the sweet osmanthus. The position of the lead wire is very low, Alpha has to lower his head slightly, and the shadow of the eyelashes falls under his eyes like a small fan.

The flames lit up in the night, and the silvery white sparks fell to the ground.

No one spoke.

When the last cluster of fireworks was burned, Chen E turned around and asked Zhuang Yan: "What time is it?"

Zhuang Yan glanced at the time.

"It's almost half past twelve."

I came out late, drove for a long time, and set off fireworks here for a long time. Tiredness surged up, Zhuang Yan became more and more unmotivated, and even almost lost the strength to laugh.

Chen E said, "I'll take you back."

Zhuang Yan nodded.

Having said that, after waiting for a while, Chen E didn't move.

Alpha stood in the embers of the fireworks, his voice was very low and seemed a bit depressed: "Come here first."

Maybe it was the night, or maybe he was too sleepy to judge. Zhuang Yan took a few steps slowly, and then felt his hand being pinched again.

The metal chain, which was warmed by body temperature, was stuffed into the palm of his hand. Zhuang Yan looked down and suddenly realized——

Isn't this the necklace that Chen E snatched away from M just a few days ago when he regained his body from the counterfeit?

At that time, Alpha needed personal items with Omega breath to survive the estrus period, and later it was said that he lost them. Chen E didn't lose it at all, or did he get the necklace back?

What on earth does he mean.

Zhuang Yan raised his eyes, and for the first time in his life, he felt that his thoughts were very confused, and his brain was not enough.

But the man opposite looked as stiff as himself, and was at a loss.

The emotions that were often hidden in Chen E's eyes seemed to surface. The excitement brought by the fireworks has dissipated, and the cicadas sing long and loudly in the midsummer night, accompanied by the rustling of the bushes on the shore by the breeze.

When he spoke, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and Zhuang Yan couldn't help but noticed the shallow scar on Chen E's neck again.

It took more than a second before he realized what Alpha had said.

He said,

"Yesterday was my birthday, Zhuang Yan."

It is half past twelve in the morning.

On the drive back, Zhuang Yan was still very sleepy. He leaned against the back of the chair weakly, but his mind could not calm down.

Chen E sent Zhuang Yan to the door of the hotel and stopped the car. He didn't look at Zhuang Yan, but looked ahead and said in a flat tone: "Go back and rest early."

Zhuang Yan looked up at him: "Chen E, happy birthday."

There were warm yellow street lamps in front of the hotel, and Chen E's expression was softened a little.

He didn't say anything else, just hummed in a low voice.

Zhuang Yan got out of the car, closed the door, and waved to Alpha through the glass window.

I only vaguely saw the people inside nodding their heads, and the car drove away, driving silently into the night.

Then wait for the elevator and go upstairs. Zhuang Yan opened the door, hesitated by the bed for a long time, and decided to send Qin Heyu a message before taking a bath.

"What if you find out that you forgot your friend's birthday yesterday?"

Unable to see the reply for a while, Zhuang Yan was sleepy and tired, so he decided to put down his brain and take a shower first. After washing, Qin Heyu's reply was already on the screen.


"What's the meaning?"

"Whose birthday was yesterday?"

"Xiao Yan, talk, are you implying that I forgot your birthday?"

"Forgive me, I will order a breakfast online and deliver it to you."

Zhuang Yan: "..."

The reminder of the scheduled meal delivery appeared on the optical computer screen, and Zhuang Yan felt a pang in his conscience, and hurriedly typed an explanation with his wet hair.

"It's not my birthday, it's me who forgot someone else's birthday."

To be precise, I never noticed it. After all, Chen E was at the border a few years ago, and he never brought it up.

Qin Heyu: "?"

Qin Heyu said, "That's it... I'm sorry to bother you, but please give me the breakfast money first."

Zhuang Yan couldn't laugh or cry. He also knew that his M roommate's life was a bit embarrassing, so he quickly sent a red envelope to Qin Heyu.

The soft bed was slightly recessed, Zhuang Yan got into the bed, and slowly typed: "I'm so sleepy now, I can't think clearly."

"Then wait until you wake up."

"Can't sleep."

Qin Heyu: "..."

The red envelope was returned again, Qin Heyu replied: "Zhuang Yan, why are you speaking so stupidly?"

Zhuang Yan was taken aback.

Qin Heyu's three soul questions popped up: "Did you forget whose birthday? Is it so serious? Have you secretly progressed from a responsible relationship to a relationship behind my back?"


Zhuang Yan replied quickly: "No."

One-sided, and not very certain strange feelings, can it be considered love? Can't.

"Let's talk about it next time, I'll go to bed first."

After typing these words, Zhuang Yan buried his face in the pillow and quickly turned on the do not disturb mode.

take a deep breath.

As long as it is not punctured, the status quo can be maintained.

—Adolescence’s liking is like stepping on ice, not knowing which direction to go, for fear that it will break.

I was also afraid that the person who caused my heart rate to fluctuate would have a completely different mood.

The exchanged necklace was in the pocket of his trousers, Zhuang Yan got off the bed and walked over to turn it out.

The metal chain was cooled by the air conditioner, dangling dangling from the fingertips. Zhuang Yan put it together with another asteroid necklace given by Chen E, turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The room suddenly darkened, and in a half-dream and half-awake state, Zhuang Yan suddenly realized in a daze why Chen E refused to set off the fireworks by himself.

Two people, such a secluded place. Although the fireworks are beautiful, compared to the lively scene of Chen Ran's birthday party full of guests, I always feel a bit lonely.

It would be too lonely if even the celebration had to be done in person.

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