MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 22 Rage (1)

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Before going to bed that night, Zhuang Yan looked through many old news and materials.

About the poor and remote Bojiang Starfield, a generally backward small town in the last era. There are many times as many mines as there are schools. A young man who has not grown up yet, he went straight into the mines right out of junior high school.

If Chen E had not come to the central star.

After the death of his mother, he may embark on a life path similar to other teenagers in the Bojiang Star Region - facing an overly harsh working environment at a premature age, and in another thirty or forty years, he will be as old as seventy or eighty years old Same.

There are many such reports and videos.

Facing the microphones of different reporters, the half-grown children in the mine who had faded from their student appearance gave similar answers:

"The family is too poor."

"There are three younger brothers to support."

"My father passed away too early, and the family really couldn't afford to go to school. It's better to come out to work earlier and help my mother share some pressure."

In such places, dropping out of school is a hundred times easier option than going to school.

But there is such a middle school, which stands on a remote and inconspicuous little planet. Its tuition is free, as long as the child wants to study, he will not be turned away.

This middle school is called Changlin Middle School. In the list of the Design Innovation Competition, it put forward a need to renovate the teaching building with a very low budget.

It was the last one on the candidate list by Zhuang Yan.

Wen Xuan, the principal of this term, is the third principal since the school was founded.

In fact, she was ordered at a critical moment—before taking office, the former principal suddenly became seriously ill and was unable to manage it. The operation and finance of Changlin Middle School were all in chaos.

And under such circumstances, Wen Xuan resigned from his original stable job and resolutely stepped into the campus of Changlin Middle School.

During these years, Wen Xuan received almost the lowest salary in the whole school, just to make ends meet. She was vigorous and resolute, and it didn't take long for her to gradually get used to it, and she handled all major and minor matters in an orderly manner.

Some time ago, there were many interviews and reports about Wen Xuan, from her childhood life experiences to now taking over the banner of the previous generations of principals and becoming the mainstay of the new generation of Changlin Middle School.


"The most outstanding alpha female in fifty years."

All kinds of praise appear in articles and videos. And Wen Xuan never showed any pride on his face no matter when he was.

She is strict and doesn't like to laugh; she is also warm and humane.

"I don't want too many cameras to focus on me personally," said Principal Wen. "Changlin Middle School and the children who are out of school in Bojiang Starfield are the ones who need more attention."

Wen Xuan's voice was sonorous, and there seemed to be heat in his eyes looking through the lens.

At that moment, Zhuang Yan felt touched.

The messy and complicated thoughts that were left in my mind before all settled down.

Zhuang Yan flipped through the design draft and re-examined his choice.

Maybe other schools have more money than Changlin Middle School, and they have a bigger budget, so they can play better. But such things as creative impulse and inspiration are unreasonable.

There was a small voice in his heart, but he couldn't ignore it—

Just this.

So before the deadline, Zhuang Yan selected Changlin Middle School and pressed the submit button.

That afternoon, Qin Heyu, who heard the news, was shocked: "Is it true? Zhuang Yan, calm down, don't get overwhelmed."

Qin Heyu chose a noble middle school by himself. Anyway, it's just a preliminary round, and I don't want any particularly good results. Just be steady, don't make mistakes, just make it to the semi-finals and then shine.

"I've already thought about it."

Qin Heyu: "Don't do it, there is still time to change it now."


Qin Heyu continued to complain: "Really, with this budget, what kind of flowers can you design? It's too laborious!"

Zhuang Yan knew that Qin Heyu was thinking of himself.

He was not angry, but only smiled gently, with a very firm tone: "But I think this school is the most challenging and suitable for me."

Qin Heyu was silent for half a second.

"...All right." He said reluctantly, "I believe in you."

With the deadline for registration, various discussions on the forum continued to ferment.

Most of the posts are touting and building momentum for this year's seeded contestants and star academic masters.

"Do you know Duan Yang's classmate from X University? Quickly find out what he chose? The students of our school must avoid it, and don't be publicly executed."

"I heard he chose S Primary School."

"It's over, me too!"

"...Bless you, if it doesn't work, please continue to work hard next year."

There are also some who are discussing the content of the game.

"Has anyone checked the budget of Changlin Middle School? Isn't it too small? I counted it several times, and it's one digit less than other schools' budgets."

"Changlin Middle School has often been published in newspapers in the past few years. I actually have a little affection for it, but I really dare not choose it. It is too difficult to design within the budget."

"The difficulty is so exaggerated, it's impossible for someone to choose this?"

The post chatted for two or three pages in a tepid manner, and finally someone found in the publicity list—

"Laughing to death, guess which idiot chose this school."

"Mom, why is it Zhuang Yan again?"

"You're kidding me. Does Zhuang Yan have any self-knowledge?"

Qin Heyu, who was browsing the forum secretly, happened to see this post.

If it was before he met Zhuang Yan, he would definitely have left a message at the bottom of the post, and made a few mocking remarks by the way.

But it's different now.

Qin Heyu clicked his tongue in his heart, and even had a little evil expectation. Others don't know, but he knows how good his roommate is.

At that time, Zhuang Yan will announce his design model. Who is the fool, what is self-knowledge—

Oh, keyboard designers on the forum, wait to be slapped in the face!

Qin Heyu closed the light brain abruptly, turned his head and shouted loudly: "Xiaoyan, are you going to class?"

From the other side of the room, Zhuang Yan's crisp voice came out: "Yes."

Duan Yang, the only male protagonist in many forum posts, who was in the center of the vortex, also put down his brain at the same time.

Duan Yang went to school early and skipped grades, so he looked younger than his classmates. He is youthful, with slightly curly hair, which is often curled up in a mess, as if he has a head of dull hair.

Hearing others booing and praising him, Duan Yang blushed immediately, and repeatedly retorted: "Don't do that, I'm not as powerful as you say."

"Xiao Duan, excessive modesty is pride!"

"The Central Star University Forum has admitted that you are the brightest star this year."

Duan Yang: "..."

Although it seemed that no one would listen, Duan Yang still defended seriously:

"I'm not humble. It's true. After all, there are people outside the sky and people outside the sky. When I was learning design from Teacher Ning when I was a child, my talent and expressiveness were much better than mine—it's a hundred times mine!"

Hearing this, the students next to him all became satisfied.

Those who are familiar with Duan Yang don't know this legendary little senior brother.

It is said that the little senior brother was a classmate who used to study design with Duan Yang and studied design with academician Ning Huabi, and he is very talented.

It is said that Duan Yang skipped grades continuously in order to catch up with his younger brother, and worked hard to get back to Central Star to go to university.

Someone joked: "I hear you bragging about your little brother every day, why have you never seen you meet? Isn't he also going to college at Central Star? Has he signed up for the competition? Will he run into you? "

Duan Yang stunned for a moment.

He sighed: "Young senior brother may have forgotten me... After all, I haven't seen him for many years. I sent him a message and called him, but he didn't reply."

"Tut tut."

"Not at all."

"Student Xiaoduan, don't feed the dog with your sincerity."

"it's OK!"

It seemed like yesterday that the two children were drawing pictures side by side at the table. Duan Yang raised his chin slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Anyway, we are at the same level, as long as the junior brother signed up for the competition, we will bump into each other sooner or later in the semi-finals."

Teenagers of seventeen or eighteen are like stars.

Shining brightly, the sky is adorned with dazzling arrays, and each one has infinite possibilities and futures.

On the evening when the topic selection was officially closed, the roster and projects of the contestants were handed over to the table of the organizing committee. After registration and notarization by the organizing committee, the materials will be submitted to the Design Institute for final record.

late at night.

Yu Qiongshu sent the information to Ning Huabi's assistant robot, and then asked cautiously: "Is Academician Ning still busy with confidentiality projects recently?"

"Academician Ning just came back from the project and is looking at the materials."

Yu Qiongshu knew how intense Ning Huabi's work was. For more than a month, she only slept three or four hours a day.

She didn't dare to disturb any more, and only said to the robot: "Please tell the academician, these are the entry materials of this year's students. There are a few good seedlings worthy of attention and cultivation, but don't worry, when they enter the semi-finals, I'll screen the submissions again."

The robot should come down: "OK."

The year when Zhuang Shaoyuan died.

The internet was full of photos of Ning Huabi wearing plain mourning clothes. She was pregnant with her husband's posthumous child, and was holding her eldest son Zhuang Jin, who was only seven years old.

A poor, helpless Omega widow naturally received countless pity and regret.

But this woman has a tough and powerful soul.

——In the second year, a peace memorial sculpture combining art and technology to the extreme was born, and her ability and talent shocked the entire Federation.

Later, Ning Huabi participated in the city construction of many star fields. It was only because of being too busy and low-key that the discussion on the star network gradually dropped, and it was only brought up intermittently when a new project was completed.

The robot knocked on the door and entered the room to report: "Do you need to see the list of students participating in this competition?"

Ning Huabi squeezed the space between her brows and raised her head.

She has an eight-point resemblance to Zhuang Yan, with a soft and beautiful appearance, but the temperament between her eyebrows and eyes is more sparse.

"No need for now," Ning Huabi said, "wait a minute, Duan Yang is in this class, right?"

The robot searched through the data: "Yes."

"Let me see."

The robot transmitted the data, and Ning Huabi flicked the optical brain screen, looking down line by line.

The robot added: "So is Zhuang Yan."

Ning Huabi paused slightly with her fingertips.

The broken hair on the forehead fell down, and the line of her nose was illuminated by the light. His eyes were covered, so he couldn't see the expression clearly.

"Small banquet," Ning Huabi said slowly, "He also participated?"


She sighed, and asked wearily: "How is Xiaoyan?"

The robot searched again and commented very rationally: "There is no news recently."

After all, considering how outrageous the Zhuang Banquet was before, no news is good news.

Ning Huabi raised her forehead hair and laughed like a sigh. After flipping through the roster, she waited for the screen to dim before she said to herself:

"Forget it, let him do whatever he wants."

There is still a long time to prepare before the next deadline.

Even spanning the entire winter vacation, Zhuang Yan planned to take advantage of the opportunity and drop by Changlin Middle School to have a look.

So the design is done slowly and carefully.

The focus of life has returned to school work.

It just so happened that 408 sent a message saying that Chen E was busy with other work and had left Central Star overnight and would not return until a few days later.

Zhuang Yan replied ah.

Putting down his light brain, he was at a loss for a while, and then a sense of relief emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, Qin Heyu's nerves were thick enough, and he didn't see Zhuang Yan's absent-mindedness in time. He browses the forum every day, discussing the latest hot spots with great interest.

"I heard that Duan Yang is very powerful."

Zhuang Yan was stunned for a moment: "Duan Yang?"

Qin Heyu was reluctant and vague: "That's the one. I heard that he is very smart. He is very popular on the forum. Many people are optimistic about him and think that he will become the highlight of this competition. Duan Yang."


"Oh, by the way, it is said that he also studied with Academician Ning."

Qin Heyu squinted at the past: "Zhuang Yan, why do I think you actually know him?"

Zhuang Yan: "Yes, I know."


He is simply a famous detective Qin Heyu!

Zhuang Yan recalled it for a while and said, "But it was a long time ago."

At the beginning, there was such a child who followed his buttocks every day and called him brother. After years of no contact, Duan Yang might not even remember who he is.

Qin Heyu asked: "Then is he really as powerful as in the legend?"

"It was great when I was young."

"Tell me!"

Zhuang Yan said gently: "My mother seldom praises others. If she had to praise, she would mostly praise Duan Yang. Later, Duan Yang moved to other places with his parents and had to stop studying. My mother regretted it for a long time. .”

Qin Heyu clicked his tongue and forced himself to boost his confidence: "It's all about my childhood, and I haven't studied with Academician Ning for long anyway. Who knows what level I'm at now?"

After speaking, he suddenly noticed that Zhuang Yan was staring at the optical brain screen, dazed in a daze with whom he was chatting with.

Qin Heyu:?

He patted Zhuang Yan on the shoulder.

Zhuang Yan paused for a moment, then turned his head, with a disturbed look on his face.

Qin Heyu: "What's the matter, what are you thinking, so serious?"

Zhuang Yan made up his mind.

"Thinking about...the physical fitness test in a while."

Zhuang Yan's reaction was slower than before, and his tone seemed hesitant.

If Qin Heyu had been more sensitive, he would have been able to tell that this was obviously Zhuang Yan's forced excuse to justify himself.

Yet he's not just insensitive.

And dread the fitness test with all your heart.

Qin Heyu's face turned pale: "...Oh my god, physical fitness test! Why do you remind me of this?"

Zhuang Yan looked at him in blank dismay.

The two people immersed in different thoughts coincidentally show similar melancholy.

Qin Heyu sighed.

Zhuang Yan calmed down and tried to comfort him: "Don't worry, there is still a period of time to practice anyway, isn't it?"

Qin Heyu: "...Hey Zhuang Yan, don't act like you're not afraid at all."

After all, everyone is an Omega.


Qin Heyu: "?"

Zhuang Yan: "Not afraid."


Although one was afraid of the other, Zhuang Yan and Qin Heyu appeared on the training ground more frequently during this period of time.

Qin Heyu's friends were stunned: "Student Qin, when did the two of you become so close?"

After Zhuang Yan passed the endurance training without too much difficulty, the young people were shocked——

"Really, is this kind of achievement really something that an Omega can casually achieve?"

"I can barely hold on for so long as a Beta."

"This kind of physical talent can almost be compared with ordinary Alphas, right?"

Qin Heyu is like a proud old father: "I told you that Zhuang Yan is very powerful, but you didn't believe it before."

One of the friends grumbled: "It's not because you were so dumbfounded by the broken relationship before, and you didn't have the slightest credibility in what you said."

Qin Heyu: "..."

Break up!

Zhuang Yan finished another physical activity and got off the equipment panting.

The Omega boy was sweating, his face was slightly red, and his skin was set off to be as white and clear as enamel.

Zhuang Yan was stunned for half a second when he heard the students who were resting next to him booing at the data on the screen, with a dazed look on his expression.

"Great banquet, only 5 seconds left for Omega's highest record."

"One more, one more!"

Zhuang Yan has that kind of pretty face without the slightest aggression.

But it was unexpected that in the simulation test, which was so difficult and frightened everyone just thinking about it, they could still get such amazingly good results.

Excellent and good-looking people, who doesn't like it?

Coupled with the observation during this period of time, Qin Heyu's friends all discovered that Zhuang Yan is actually a very humble Omega who is very easy to get along with.

Someone said with a smile: "Xiao Yan, tell me the truth, did you sneak here to practice some time ago?"

Before Zhuang Yan could open his mouth, Qin Heyu couldn't help complaining: "You think too much, we two stayed up late together to catch up with the design innovation competition. If he still has time to practice more, he won't even need to sleep."

Zhuang Yan bent her eyes and shook her head: "Yes, why would I leave my friend and come here to practice alone."

As a certified friend, Qin Heyu was immediately overjoyed.

The other students clicked their tongues again, and asked with evil-hearted sideways eyes: "Then you have the heart to watch your friend struggling on the passing line?"

Qin Heyu: "...?"

Zhuang Yan smiled: "There are indeed some skills to improve your grades. I will show them to you in the next round of practice."

The machines for physical fitness training and testing are actually old models from many years ago. At that time, physical education classes had just been changed, and many new rules were still in use.

When he was a child, Zhuang Yan was actually like other children. He was so tormented by the difficulty and intensity of the test that he wanted to cry.

Seeing his younger brother's frowning face, Zhuang Jin laughed and said, "What are you afraid of? My brother will teach you."

Little Zhuang Yan didn't believe him. After all, everyone's exam content is new, how can Zhuang Jin teach it.

After several days of continuous tinkering, Zhuang Jin figured out the trick.

He supported Zhuang Yan's arm, asked his younger brother to tighten his core, and punched with all his strength. Sure enough, the numbers looked much better before than before.

Zhuang Jin said: "Look, is brother good or not? Xiao Yan will practice more next time, and I will guarantee a full score in the physical fitness test."

Not only did my elder brother teach me, but Chen E also taught me with a vicious voice at that time.

In Zhuang Yan's fortunate youth, he actually received help from many, many powerful people.

Now regaining his life from the counterfeit, he patiently and kindly taught the skills he had learned to other students.

The atmosphere gradually became more relaxed and harmonious.

Some teenagers are ticklish, and hide while cooperating with a smile. Over time, all have learned a lot.

Zhuang Yan found a gap and got water from the water dispenser.

Across the wall, someone might have noticed that he was not there, and immediately yelled, "Where is Xiaoyan, where did you go?"

Qin Heyu said, "Drinking water outside."

The man said again: "I'm a little hungry too. Let's have a meal together later, and bring the banquet with me. I'll treat you."

"By the way, is there someone still having a banquet in the forum recently?"

"People who don't understand like to talk nonsense. Those rumors are so powerful that even I was brainwashed before—by the way, shouldn't we help clarify it?"

"It should be like this. It can't look like Xiaoyan is not very popular."

They purposely didn't talk in front of Zhuang Yan, after all, this kind of talk is too straightforward and easy to appear blunt.

But the wind still brought the sound over.

Zhuang Yan's ears were burning with embarrassment, but joy rose in his heart like a cluster of fireworks.

Not the kind of plastic friend that knockoffs buy with money.

When people get along with each other, it is nothing more than a heart-to-heart exchange.

The young students came out laughing, and when they saw Zhuang Yan, they naturally changed the subject and stuffed their schoolbags into his arms.

"Let's go and eat."

Zhuang Yan smiled with red ears: "Yes."

There have been new changes in the wind direction of the forum.

If someone opens a post to complain about Zhuang Banquet, more and more people will speak for him—

"Who are you? You go to the Heizhuang Banquet on the forum like this every day, and you don't even look in the mirror to see if you are worthy."

"As if you are very familiar with Zhuang Yan, does he know you?"

"Didn't the primary school teacher teach it? Don't talk nonsense about things you don't understand. Be careful that your face will hurt later."

Posted by: ? ?

This person had conflicts with counterfeit products before, but he couldn't tear them apart in reality, so he kept staring at the news about Zhuang Yan, and when he was in a bad mood, he would get discouraged on the Internet.

After all, Zhuang Yan is notoriously morally corrupt, like a live target, if you spray a few words casually, someone will always agree.

This day, he looked at the posts where the two parties were evenly arguing, and thought to himself, isn’t it—

Maybe Zhuang Ban has so much money that he has no place to spend it, so he just invited the sailors online, right?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this assumption seemed too real.

After all, besides robots and paid workers, who else would speak up for a hot chicken Omega who has no friends!

The person who posted the message contacted the moderator overnight and wrote a letter of report, requesting a thorough investigation into the immoral behavior of Zhuang Yan, a first-year student at Central Star University, who launched trolls on student forums.

In less than twelve hours, I received a reply.

[Verified by the background, the users in the post are all student personal accounts, and there is no troll. 】

[The poster used the proxy ip to switch accounts many times in the building, and published controversial remarks, causing disputes. 】

[The appeal will not be processed, and the poster will be banned for 365 days. 】

Poster: "..."

Gan, how could this be so!

The result of this processing was posted on the homepage of the forum. Zhuang Yan's new friends passed by once, and couldn't help but like a post. No matter how you look at it, you are happy, and you can't even stop laughing.

At the same time, an unremarkable piece of news quietly appeared in the corner news that no one paid attention to.

"Medical miracle vegetative person wakes up after sleeping for four years"

Chen family.

Chen Ran glanced over the line of words, entered with a half-smile, and looked down.

Sure enough, it was really the illegitimate son Mingzhou of the business giant Ming's family who accidentally injured his head and was kept in the hospital for four years.

We are all of the same generation, and we had occasional contacts when we were young.

Chen Ran casually wrote down this name in his mind, planning to include Mingzhou in the VIP list for the engagement banquet.

Although he was an illegitimate child, his mother was favored after all. The Ming family has a big business, and now they have more exchanges with each other, and there may be other opportunities for cooperation in the future—

When he was thinking about it, he saw Chen Hongfei pushing open the door with a straight face.

Chen Hongfei's face was ashen. These days, he repeatedly hit a wall on Chen E, and felt that his dignity and face as a father were going to be lost.

So seeing Chen Ran's tired and relaxed appearance, Chen Hongfei couldn't help but get angry, and shouted sharply: "How do you sit, get up for me."

Chen Ran was taken aback.

"Look at your brother's status and status now, how about you? You are like a waste, even your parents have to worry about the engagement banquet."

The reprimand fell like a storm, but Chen Ran laughed out loud.

Chen Hongfei choked with anger, turned his head and shouted: "Bian Wei, you have taught me a good son!"

Footsteps were heard upstairs, and Bian Wei hurried downstairs.

Chen Ran put down his brain, and met Chen Hongfei's gaze directly.

"Dad, do you still think of Chen E as your own son?" He asked with a smile, "What the **** did you and my mother do to you back then, and what happened to your uncle before—if you were Chen E, do you think he still wants Is this family still willing to recognize you as your father?"


Chen Hongfei slapped Chen Ran on the face.

Bian Wei stood by the stairs leaning on the wall, like a pale ghost.

"Xiao Ran."

Chen Hongfei was breathing heavily, pointed at the stairs and yelled at Chen Ran: "Get out of here."

Chen Ran lowered his head and covered his face, turned and went upstairs.

Bian Wei glanced at him with tears in her eyes, then hurried down to appease Chen Hongfei. After all, she was a dodder wrapped around Chen Hongfei's body, and at this moment she didn't even dare to take care of her son first.

Chen Ran closed the door with his backhand, but it was not locked.

He lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling for a while. Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Bian Wei pushed open the door softly, and asked with a hint of complaint: "How can you talk to your father like this? He usually cares about saving face the most, and it's not like you don't know it."

Chen Ran was silent for half a second, and when he spoke again, his tone was more relaxed than before.

"Mom, what are you afraid of? I'm no match for Chen E, and I'm also the only son of Mr. Chen. He doesn't count on me, can he continue to please Chen E? Can he hold back his face?"

Bian Wei put a cold towel on his face.

Chen Ran hissed, endured the pain, and didn't speak for a while.

"And," after a while, Chen Ran said again, "Chen E is a lunatic."

He raised his optical brain and slowly found Zhuang Yan's name.

Chen Ran bared his teeth and smiled, his appearance was somewhere between twisted and funny.

"He won't give me face, and I won't let him have a good time. Mom, tell me, he takes Zhuang Yan so closely. If I just break them up, will Chen E lose control?"

Even if Zhuang Yan can blacklist the number, it is difficult to avoid a person in reality.

Chen Ran rested for a few days, and after the palm prints on his face faded, he started planning again.

Zhuang Yan's whereabouts are not very difficult to find - his life is quite regular, basically only haunts the campus every day, and goes to and from classrooms, dormitories, training grounds and cafeterias with classmates and friends.

The social circle is also simple, and it seems to be different from the rumored dude.

But this kind of thought only stayed for a moment, and was left behind by Chen Ran.

In such a day, there was only one time when Zhuang Yan went out alone in the afternoon and was not sent back until very late.

It was late at night and the wind was bitterly cold. Chen E got off the driver's seat, went around to the other side, and helped Omega open the car door.

Zhuang Yan raised his eyes and looked at him. The central star has cooled down in the past few days. Chen E just came back from the front line, wearing only a thin combat uniform, with the indelible smell of gunpowder smoke and faint smell of alcohol.

Alpha stood in the wind, blocking some of the chill. But every time Zhuang Yan took a breath, he felt that the breath on his body was aggressively drilled into his lungs.

I don't know if we should reduce the number of meetings with Chen E, after all, from the perspective of responsibility, there is no need to be so frequent.

It's just that I can't say anything.

Looking at Chen E more often, he felt his heart beating violently.

Before leaving, Alpha asked him with a stern face about the timetable from the end of the term to the winter vacation.

Zhuang Yan: "I'm not ready yet."

Chen E glanced at him and frowned slightly: "Then hurry up, I also need to arrange work and make time for vacation."


Leaving Chen E's side and returning to the dormitory, Zhuang Yan pushed open the door of his room and waited for his heartbeat to calm down before realizing what the conversation just now meant.

Chen E has to follow his own winter vacation schedule.

To make time for vacation.

— Literally, nothing more than that.

But Zhuang Yan always thought of Chen E's dark pupils, and the rough texture and temperature of his skin when he accidentally touched his fingertips.

Maybe people who are a few years older than me will have deep thoughts. He always felt that Chen E was like an unstable eye of a storm, as if he was hiding something, but if he got too close, he would appear dangerous.

Once Qin Heyu couldn't help complaining: "Zhuang Yan, I read an article about the person you are in charge of on the Internet today, and he looks a little bit wrong."

Zhuang Yan:?

Qin Heyu, a social networking enthusiast, immediately dug up the report and posted it on Zhuang Yanguang's brain.

During this period of time, Chen E was in the limelight, but he was unwilling to accept media interviews, so each family could only try their best to dig out the old stories, piece together the materials, and then synthesize a story that could barely justify itself.

The creator of this article is obviously very dissatisfied with the military decision.

The title is very sensational, and it is a call-to-action at first sight-"Chen E: A rising star in the military, or an uncontrollable anti-social element?" "

Zhuang Yan: "..."

The first few paragraphs are written about commonplace things. It is said that Chen E's character is extreme and his methods are cruel. At the border, they were often criticized for being too radical and inhumane in their decision-making.

Finally, there is some different content in the back. It is said that the author visited many people and finally pieced together the anecdote.

One is that Chen E didn't go to college when he was young, but went directly to the border to join the army. The reason turned out to be that he had intentionally hurt someone, almost to the point of going to jail.

Qin Heyu's face was full of curiosity: "Zhuang Yan, this is true or not, you grew up with him, right?"

Zhuang Yan thought about it.

"Fake, I've never heard of it."

Another thing happened in the first two years. There is a small tribe on the border, known as the wall grass. When the rebel army came, they fell to the rebel army, and when the federal army came, they immediately surrendered.

In the past, the federal army had been stabbed in the back like this several times, but after Chen E took over the military power, his first order was to slaughter the young and middle-aged men of this tribe.

This matter is said to have caused an uproar within the military department and the review office, and was forcibly suppressed before it spread to the outside world. However, when the insiders talked in private, it was still inevitable to reveal a few words—

"It's so extreme, it's not conducive to the federal retake of the border."

"No normal person would do such a thing."

"They're putting an executioner into high office in the army."

Qin Heyu pointed to those few paragraphs of text, and concluded: "Seriously, Xiaoyan, I think your thinking is very dangerous. For such a cruel Alpha, does he need you to be responsible for him?"

"But it's two different things."

Qin Heyu: ...?

Zhuang Yan put down his brain and said seriously: "My responsibility is my business. As for his decision-making on the battlefield, it is decided by the military department and the review office."

"You're pretty good at speaking up for him."

"If it is really that unacceptable, the military department will definitely implement internal punishment as soon as possible. But now, not only has Chen E not been punished, but he has successfully regained the border. He has indeed accomplished what no one has been able to do before. , which is remarkable in itself—why care about whether it sounds good in public opinion?"

Qin Heyu looked at Zhuang Yan: "It seems quite reasonable, but Xiao Yan, why are you blushing?"

Zhuang Yan was startled.

Then he forced himself to respond calmly to Qin Heyu's gaze: "Am I blushing?"

"…A little."

"That's why the room is too stuffy."

The wind in late autumn is getting more and more biting, Qin Heyu likes to close the windows to only a crack.

Classmate Xiao Qin hummed in doubt, but didn't delve into it further, and casually led the topic to other directions.

Zhuang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly leaned his back on the back of the chair.

Far away, Chen Ran continued to collect the movements of Zhuang Yan.

He found out that Zhuang Yan had recently met with Chen E - roughly calculating the time, at that time, Chen E should have just finished his work on the border, and came back overnight on a starship.

Chen Ran sneered, thinking, a person like Chen E would care so much about an Omega.

But now that Chen E has returned to the central star, he can proceed to the next step.

Throughout the week, Central Star University has been immersed in the atmosphere of physical fitness testing. From the senior year to the freshman year, everyone in each class has to take turns to enter the training ground for assessment.

408 sent a message saying that Chen E would take him to dinner tonight.

Zhuang Yan replied with an um, indicating that he knew.

After thinking about it, I was afraid that Alpha would come too early and waste time waiting for my exam to end. So he sent the exam time again and asked 408 to explain to Chen E.

408: "Received."

However, there were a lot of unexpected situations on the day of the exam, and the machine had a small malfunction first. After rushing to repair it, several students in front of the row tried again one by one.

When it was the Zhuang Banquet's turn, it was nearly five o'clock.

Chen E's message popped up: "On the way."

Zhuang Yan lowered her eyes, sent an emoji of sea otters applauding, and said, "It's a bit late for the exam, it's my turn just now."

The implication is that you may have to wait for me for a while.

He felt that Chen E should not reply again.

But after a while, the word [Come on] appeared in the dialogue interface.

Zhuang Yan: "..."

You can almost imagine the cold and perfunctory look on the opposite Alpha.

But some blessings are better than none.

After a while, it was Zhuang Yan's turn. Qin Heyu slapped him on the shoulder, full of enthusiasm: "Xiao Yanchong, surprise the audience with a good result!"

He was so strong that Zhuang Yan staggered.

Before I had time to speak, the other friends beside me also started to boo—

"Come on, Zhuang Yan!"

"If you bring back the first place in your grade, I will post 800 posts on the forum every day to confess my love to you."


The invigilator robot started to call the number, and Zhuang Yan walked to the waiting area. After a brief warm-up, the test will begin.

Suddenly heard a loud noise from behind, it should be some kind of adult

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