MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 17 illuminator

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The Ministry of Defense is also very busy during this time. Seeing that the border was about to be recovered successfully, the team led by Zhuang Jin, like a spinning top, began to coordinate and approve the construction plan for the second phase.

After staying up for several days in a row, and having meetings with the Military Design Bureau, Zhuang Jin smoked from his throat, so he took time out to drink a glass of water and rest for ten minutes.

When I met Shang Yu, I didn't have the strength to laugh, so I nodded casually as a greeting. Unexpectedly, Shang Yu's face was also very haggard, and he began to sigh at himself.

Zhuang Jin suddenly had a bad feeling.

He waved: "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

Shang Yu immediately showed a look of being seen through: "You found out?"

"Say something quickly."

Shang Yu said: "A bad news, and a good news. Do you remember what you predicted before, that sooner or later you will see your brother and his Alpha's name on the social news?"

Zhuang Jin:? ? ?

He barely caught his breath.

Zhuang Jin laughed angrily: "These two are really fighting?"

"Almost, the good news is that the news has been suppressed. After all, it is the seedling of the major general who is about to be judged. Chen E himself also asked someone to put pressure on him. In the end, everything was calm on paper, and nothing happened."

Zhuang Jin let out a breath, and said with drooping eyelids, "That's good, let's do this first, and I'll talk about the rest after I'm done."

A week later, in order to prevent himself from being mad, Zhuang Jin didn't even read any news about Zhuang Yan.

After catching up on sleep after work, I immediately sent a message to Shang Yu to inquire about the situation.

The result was unexpected—

"It's okay, it's quite calm, nothing major happened."

Zhuang Jin was shocked: "Really or not, don't tell me my brother has already been sent to the hospital, you are still lying to me with white lies?"

Shang Yu replied coldly: "If you care so much about your brother, why don't you turn on your optical brain and ask him yourself?"

no way.

Zhuang Jin turned off the friend's dialog box with a cold face, and went to check the news about his brother that he missed during this time.

It's really nothing.

The only thing worth seeing is that the list of students from Central Star University who signed up for the Design Innovation Competition has been announced. On the school forum, it caused a small discussion.

Zhuang Jin casually used his student account to sneak in, and clicked on the post titled [Zhuang Yan].

"I saw a strange person in the entry list, do you want to discuss it?"

"It's Zhuang Yan. He's hugging Qin Heyu's thigh. Isn't it enough to get a perfect score in the homework? Rubbish dude like this should get out of the campus and participate in some kind of competition."

"That's right, Chi Tianyi has been fired. In this more stringent singles competition, is he trying to cheat or lose face?"

"Haven't you heard? Zhuang Yan has been quite popular recently. After humiliating Chen E like that, he can still climb high. Let's go, I feel that I can do whatever I want."

The protagonist of the next topic gradually turned to Chen E. The bored students began to speculate whether this Alpha, the rising star of the military who came back from the border, had some strange hobbies in his private life...

Otherwise, there are so many Omega in the world, why must Zhuang Yan not let go!

Zhuang Jin was amused to watch.

He is in a good mood today, and he is too lazy to post rumors to black Chen'e himself. After reading other news on one side like a boneless one, Shang Yu's news came again:

"By the way, do you have much contact with Chen E in your next job?"

It's okay that Zhuang Jin replied with two words.

Shang Yu: "He recently had an assistant, probably because he finally realized that the workload of the central star is too much (laughing expression pack)."

Zhuang Jin asked: "Who is so unlucky? Isn't Chen E famously independent and doesn't like to cooperate with others?"

"A robot."


"It was also specially sent to the Technology Bureau for modification. The AI ​​level is very high. I sent a meeting invitation to Chen E, and the robot replied all the time, coordinating the time with me."

Zhuang Jin clicked his tongue.

He didn't want much when everyone else didn't have it. But seeing that Chen E was the first to use this robot assistant, he began to feel unhappy.

So Zhuang Jin immediately sat upright and calculated the department's budget for this year, which was enough.

He wrote an e-mail to his boss and wrote a long article. Xiaozhi expressed his affection and politeness, and called on the Ministry of National Defense not to lag behind the military. Each robot assistant should have one type to improve work efficiency and quality.

But there is nothing impossible for Zhuang Jin to do if he seriously wants to do it. He is cunning and dark-hearted, and he has a lot of tricks to plan, and there is always one step that can bring people in.

——The only time in my life that I had a big somersault, and because of my soft heart, I ended up falling on my younger brother.

Zhuang Yan also met Chen E's robot assistant.

Its way of speaking is much more negotiable than Chen E himself. When he came up, he said, "Xiao Yan, I am Colonel Chen E's robot. Please send me the class schedule and schedule, so I can help arrange the time."

Zhuang Yan sent the information, and the robot replied: "Received, it is being processed."

After waiting for a while, the robot asked again: "Xiao Yan, if you are free on the night of the 13th and 25th, can you stay and have a meal with Senior Colonel Chen E?"

Zhuang Yan: "Okay."

Then that period of time was fixed by the robot, and an emoticon of soybeans eating was even posted on the schedule as a note.

After replying to the message, Zhuang Yan went outside to look for snacks. While opening the refrigerator, I was still thinking, the AI ​​of this robot is really strange, and he even knows his own nickname.

Looking back, Qin Heyu looked like a puffer fish, facing Guangnao as if facing an enemy.

Zhuang Yan:?

Qin Heyu snapped off the light brain screen, pretending to be serious: "It's nothing, do you want to eat, together?"

Zhuang Yan hummed, dug out a bag of nuts, and shared them with Qin Heyu.

Qin Heyu is very interesting, as soon as he eats, he turns from a pufferfish back into a hamster. Zhuang Yan suppressed a smile and fed him, and asked by the way:

"Who are you mad at?"


With this tone, he was still angry when he heard it. Zhuang Yan raised his eyes: "Really?"

Qin Heyu said in a muffled voice, "It has nothing to do with you anyway, it's so annoying, please leave me alone."

In fact, it has a lot to do with Zhuang Yan!

Qin Heyu originally wanted to browse the school forum for fish, but suddenly saw a post with his roommate's name on it. Curious, he clicked on it—

What does it mean to hold your own thighs and get full marks for homework? This is obviously a strong alliance to kill the audience, okay?

What is embarrassing to participate in the competition? This is obviously gold will always shine!

What is the high branch of Panchen'e? Even if there is a bit of a strange inside story, the AO pheromones of the people are highly compatible, and they are a natural couple. How can it be your monsters to object!

Thinking about how good his roommate is, Qin Heyu typed a few words out of anger, then returned viciously to send a long rebuttal.

Then Zhuang Ban came.

He pushed the screen violently. A beautiful day has only just begun, and Zhuang Yan must not be allowed to see these inexplicable posts.

Qin Heyu knocked on the nuts for a while, feeling much better. After a few seconds, Zhuang Yan asked himself again: "Going to the library in the afternoon?"

Qin Heyu shook his head vigorously, and said duplicity: "Isn't it good to study in the dormitory?"

Zhuang Yan:?

Qin Heyu: "The library can't eat snacks and read books at the same time."

The most important thing is, maybe you will meet classmates who spread rumors.

Zhuang Yan thought about it, too, is there anything delicious in the dormitory refrigerator?

He was thirsty after eating too many nuts, so he went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of juice, and asked Qin Heyu if he wanted any.

"Okay, thank you."

When he came back with the juice, he suddenly saw Qin Heyu's expression as if he had seen a ghost.

Zhuang Yan asked nicely, "What's wrong?"


Qin Heyu put down his brain, stared at Zhuang Yan, and confessed seriously: "Xiao Yan, there is such a thing."


"I just saw someone scolding you on the forum."

Zhuang Yan suddenly said: "So you were upset about this just now."

"This is too irritating!"

"well enough."

In the years of being possessed by counterfeit goods, I have never heard any ugly words. Zhuang Yan has already cultivated an astonishingly big heart.

Qin Heyu:? ?

Qin Heyu leaned forward, and seriously retorted Zhuang Yan: "How can this be okay? Look at how many buildings they have built, they are all sour, lemon essence, and they all regard you as an imaginary enemy!"

The more he said, the more he got angry: "That's okay, I typed for a long time, and wrote a long reply to help you refute. But when I turned around and refreshed, all the posts were gone!"

Zhuang Yan was taken aback.

"It's all gone!" Qin Heyu said in a vibrating voice.

Under Qin Heyu's resentful eyes, Zhuang Yan opened the school forum. The front page is quiet and quiet, and all the posts that come up are such as "what is the most reliable learning method", "how to cultivate inspiration", "should I choose key points or review all before the exam".

There is an atmosphere where I love learning and learning loves me.

No gossip at all.

In addition to the top one, it is a new announcement from the administrator: [The forum has been attacked by an unknown source, and some lost posts cannot be recovered, please let us know. 】

Qin Heyu was still aggrieved, because of Zhuang Yan who was posted on the forum for his innocence, and because of the serious and long rebuttal post he wrote.

Zhuang Yan didn't take it to heart, turned off the optical brain, and stuffed the juice into Qin Heyu's hands: "Okay, this is a thank you gift."

Qin Heyu:?

Isn't this the juice I ordered myself? Why did it become a thank you gift?

But he managed to take it reluctantly. He sat on the sofa and drank juice with his pillow in his arms. Ton Ton drank most of the cup, and didn't bother to care about the disappearance of the post anymore.

Qin Heyu raised his eyes again and said, "Zhuang Yan, I believe in you."

"Trust me in what?"

"You're going to hit those people in the face with a particularly beautiful preliminary competition, right! This is an individual competition, and no one can take away your limelight. We'll see you for the top two."

Zhuang Yan laughed.

There are stars in his eyes. He is obviously not a sharp-edged person, but he naturally exudes high-spirited pride.

Four years of life stolen by counterfeit goods is like dust in a box. Since childhood, Zhuang Yan has always been a bright and talented person.

"That's a must."

At the same time, Zhuang Jin, who had finished writing the email, was going to watch the excitement in the student forum of Xingxing University.

Then his anticipation froze on his face—who, attacked the forum indiscriminately and deleted all interesting posts!

The structure of the forum is simple, and it looks like the technical level of many years ago. Zhuang Jin used his three-legged cat skills to investigate, and he really caught some clues.

Then he followed the vine and found a non-human terminal.

It turned out that AI did it.

The owner of this AI is pointing to a rather familiar name... No wonder the management team of the Central Star University forum did not dare to pursue responsibility, so they issued a statement that was not painful.

Zhuang Jin clicked his tongue.

He discovered that the relationship between his younger brother and the rising star of the military, Chen E, seemed a bit complicated.

It's not just that the two hate each other in my imagination, it seems that Colonel Chen E himself is really interesting.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy