MTL - I Heard That I Am a Scumbag, God of War Alpha-Chapter 15 sense of responsibility

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Perhaps because of this conversation before going to bed, Zhuang Yan had a dream all night.

All the scumbags of the counterfeit, the fish they caught, the relatives and friends who let them down, all held up the torch sticks and ran after Zhuang Yan. While running, he also shouted slogans about digging out kidneys and glands.

Before dawn, Zhuang Yan woke up with fright.

Zhuang Yan's heart was pounding, she turned on her optical brain, and took another look at Qin Heyu's ABO legal education courseware.

When I calmed down, I lay back on the bed, but suddenly found that I couldn't fall asleep.

After tossing and turning for a long time, Zhuang Yan finally sat up in a daze.

And think about life.

...Does it need to take a very extreme way of apologizing to Chen E, the victim of the impostor's molestation?

No way.

Life is so precious, he still has to continue to apologize to his brother and mother.

And in the final analysis, it is not my fault, so no matter whether I go to prison or go to the crematorium, it seems very unfair.

That being the case, he had no choice but to take this responsibility to Chen E in a normal way.

Thinking about it this way, Zhuang Yan suddenly felt that since regaining his body, his attitude was actually quite good.

The fish that should be deleted are all deleted; the ambiguous objects that should be blocked are all blacked out. Interpersonal relationships are clean and there is no stain left.

I am ready here.

...I just don't know what Chen E thinks.

Zhuang Yan has been smart since childhood and has a strong memory. Whether it was the knowledge in the textbooks or doing some harmless villains with Zhuang Jin, he learned quickly.

The only thing I'm not very good at is trying to figure out complicated people's hearts.

His likes and dislikes are simple, he treats whoever treats him well.

Only Chen E has an extreme and surly personality, often jumping back and forth between good and bad, likes and dislikes.

I still remember when I was a child, if Chen E was in a good mood, he would let Zhuang Yan lie on his back and fly him down from a high place. If you are in a bad mood, you don't even want to listen to Zhuang Yan politely calling out Brother Chen E.

If it wasn't caused by counterfeit goods.

Zhuang Yan should grow up step by step and drift away from Chen E.

After all, Chen E can only be regarded as a classmate whose family lived relatively close before, who was several years behind.

But it's different now. After making up his mind, Zhuang Yan saw the word Chen E in the address book, and felt that there was a sense of responsibility shrouded in it.

But how exactly?

It is obviously unrealistic to ask Qin Heyu for help outside the court. Classmate Xiao Qin, the envoy of justice, can only teach the responsible way of sending people in.

Zhuang Yan bit her nails, and sent a message to Chen E in great confusion: "Are you free on the weekend?"

The moment I clicked send, I suddenly felt relieved and relaxed.

Just use the idea of ​​​​game theory and simplify the model a little bit—

If Chen Erli is a person, he will continue to be responsible.

If Chen E ignores others, it means... he doesn't need to be responsible for the time being!

As if pushing away a boulder weighing on his heart, Zhuang Yan put down his brain and lay flat on the bed.

After a while, drowsiness came over him, and his eyelashes trembled as he fell asleep.


After a very long meeting with the Border Force, it was five o'clock. Chen E turned off the video, got up and went to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water.

It was still pitch black outside the window, but the room was illuminated by cold light throughout the night. Plain white walls, empty halls and rooms. Apart from the furniture necessary for living, there is almost nothing else.

After suffering for so long, I'm actually not very tired, but my stomach feels empty.

Chen E opened the refrigerator and rummaged through it, and suddenly realized that he forgot to stock up on nutritious meals.

I never thought of buying a butler robot.

He pulled out his optical computer, clicked on the shopping platform, and placed an order. Before paying, a message popped up suddenly.

"Are you free on the weekend?"

The sender is Zhuang Yan.

Chen E paused.

He looked tired, and his first reaction was to shut down the conversation. But he remembered the rainy night before, when he drove Zhuang Yan back to school. The tip of the boy's nose and the corners of his eyes were red, and he said sorry softly.

The dark astringency stabbed again, Chen E lowered his eyes to cancel the transaction, and deleted the nutritious meals and the butler robot in the shopping cart.

Then search for the business district near the university town, compare it with your own schedule, and select a time to send it to Zhuang Banquet.

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, I will pick you up."

Chen E's news was as cold and tough as his personality, and he didn't mean to discuss it at all. Zhuang Yan woke up at noon and saw it. After being confused for a while, he typed slowly and replied:


He thought in a good temper, Chen E actually replied.

To go out responsibly, dress decently, Zhuang Yan washes up slowly and takes care of herself.

The gaudy clothes that belonged to counterfeit goods in the closet have been cleared out. Zhuang Yan chose a plain one for replacement, hesitated for a moment, and put on the necklace Chen E gave him before.

Before going out, Qin Heyu happened to be in the living room. Classmate Xiao Qin glanced up, his eyes widened: "Zhuang Yan, are you going on a date?"

It's so pretty!

The Omega boy was already beautiful, with gentle eyebrows and eyes as clear as the moon. The knitted sweater is loose, with a small collarbone and silver chain exposed at the neckline.

Zhuang Yan thought for a while: "Go and take responsibility."

Qin Heyu: ...?

In the suspension car, the space is cramped.

The daylight was dim, and Chen E happened to be shrouded in shadow. Alpha's eyes swept over with a sense of oppression, and stayed on Zhuang Yan's face for a while.

Zhuang Yan paused and closed the car door.

"Where are you going?" Zhuang Yan asked softly.

"Go buy a butler robot."


Then the two didn't speak for a long time.

Chen E looked tired now, but his fingers holding the steering wheel were still steady. He has always disliked autopilot because there is no sense of control.

Zhuang Yan quietly looked ahead.

Chen E followed the navigation instructions to turn, turned his head slightly to the right while turning the steering wheel. While looking at the road, he suddenly noticed a small mole on Zhuang Yan's earlobe.

Pinkish red, like a drop of rouge with the tip of a pen.

Chen E looked away, and asked in a low voice, "Do you have anything to buy?"

Zhuang Yan shook his head.

Again there was silence.

Until the suspension car drove into the mall, the welcome robot opened the door to help park. Zhuang Yan stepped on the ground and looked up at Chen E.

"Let's go." Chen E said.

Chen E is tall, has long legs, and has big steps. Zhuang Yan came around from the other end of the car and had to walk a little faster.

When he came to the side, Alpha slowed down without any trace.

Until the escalator, Chen E, who was always walking half a step ahead, hesitated unnaturally.

After all, I have been at the border all these years, even if I return to the central star occasionally, I will not waste time coming to such a place. With an impatient hostility in his expression, he looked at the translucent light curtain floating in the air, looking for which floor to go to buy electronic products.

Zhuang Yan said gently: "This way."

Chen E frowned.

But still followed Zhuang Yan's instructions and stood on the escalator one after the other.

On the fourth floor, Zhuang Yan walked absent-mindedly, thinking about the direction of the store in his memory.

His wrist was suddenly grabbed, and a force brought him to fall backwards. Zhuang Yan was stunned for half a second, and his shoulder hit Alpha's hard chest. He lowered his head, only to notice a small flower bed in front of him that was neither tall nor short.

And he almost ran into it just now.

"You don't look at the road?" Chen E asked coldly.

Zhuang Yan was not angry at this thorny remark, but raised his head and replied: "Thank you."

The appearance is gentle and polite, like an obedient little animal that lives under its wings.

To Alpha, Omega is vulnerable. Chen E squeezed his wrist, the skin under the fingertips was delicate and warm, and the blood was flowing vigorously. The wrist bones are thin and easily broken.

Even the place where the glands grow on the back of the neck looks soft and hot. Just a few times of bullying with force, and the skin will be covered with red marks like bruises.

Chen E glanced at the small mole on Zhuang Yan's earlobe, and then retracted his gaze for a moment. Omega was ignorant, he was dragged around the flower bed, and continued to move forward.

So he maintained this posture all the time, as if he forgot to let go.

Alpha is born with strong hands and doesn't know the severity. Zhuang Yan endured and followed Chen E half a step behind. The circle was pinched red, and the wrist bones were almost burning.

After finally finding the door of the store, he took the opportunity to break free and pointed to the products in front of him: "It's all inside."

Chen E glanced at him, then walked over.

Alpha's way of buying things is simple, rude and fast, just glance at the instructions, and even don't bother to compare performance and price, just choose one at random.

When paying the bill, Zhuang Yan raised his eyes hesitantly: "I'll see you off."

Chen E frowned, his expression seemed to say, what are you thinking.

Zhuang Yan: "Take it as a gift in return for the necklace you gave me last time."

His shoulders were pinned again. With slender fingers, Chen E swiped a card that Zhuang Yan had never seen before at the cash register.

The salesperson looked at the backstage with an expression of surprise and reverence. He helped pack the butler robot and arranged for it to be delivered directly to Chen E's home.

Chen E's tone was casual: "I still have a lot of points left."

Zhuang Yan was startled for a moment, then suddenly remembered. Indeed, for soldiers who have contributed, the Federation will give a lot of shopping points, and they don't need to spend a penny to buy things.

On the road of responsibility, there will always be some unexpected obstacles.

Zhuang Yan hummed meekly, waiting for Chen E to confirm his signature.

Next to it is a store selling games. A group of young people passed by noisily, talking and laughing to try out the latest holographic game.

A few people looked familiar, so Zhuang Yan glanced at them and didn't pay much attention.

Quiet and restrained by nature, he actually doesn't like wasting energy on irrelevant people.

But the young people on the opposite side whistled first, and the person in the lead shouted: "Zhuang Yan, I asked you out a few days ago and you ignored me, why do you see me here now?"

"If you're free, let's have dinner together later."

——Of course I didn't get a reply. For people like this who can't remember their names, Zhuang Yan is all thrown into the blacklist.

The imperceptible smile faded from Chen E's expression, he sneered, glanced at Zhuang Yan, and then stood half a step forward, blocking in front of Omega.

Zhuang Yan said, "I don't remember who you are."

When the person on the other side heard it, his expression was visibly broken.

"Isn't it, Young Master Zhuang, why don't you give me face like this? When you asked me for my contact information, you weren't so cold."

Zhuang Yan didn't want to talk to that person anymore, and raised her head to explain to Chen E: "I haven't contacted him, you can check my optical brain, I blocked all those messy people."

The other party shouted again: "He also said that he would invite me to dinner, and the two of us will travel together after the holiday. To go to other galaxies, the farther the better, I will live in a room without my parents!"

Zhuang Yan: "..." Enough is enough.

Chen E strode over.

Feeling the oppression of the pheromone, the young man who was talking nonsense immediately put away his laughing face. At first he felt that he could struggle, but as the Alpha got closer, the terrifying deterrence and chilling fear grew stronger.

A sound of "Fuck" stuck in his throat, his pale face was lifted by Chen E pinching the fabric of the neckline.

The people next to him suddenly exploded, and while trying to fight, they shouted in a hurry:

"what are you doing?"

"Are you crazy, put Yan Chen down quickly."

Yan Chen's scalp was numb from fright, and his toes could barely reach the ground. He thought desperately and hastily, how could he offend this psychopath by saying a few words of congratulations.

Wait, it's involved with Zhuang Yan, and it's so murderous—who else can it be, except Chen E?

Yan Chen, who never read military news or remembered faces, finally remembered this name from the corner of his mind.

He said tremblingly, "Don't, don't hit me, I'm talking nonsense."

Chen E bent his lips without smiling.

He raised a struggling large living person with one hand, and no matter how much the people around him pulled, it seemed as if it was rooted in the ground. It was clearly a crazy move, but the black eyes revealed a coldness.

"Stay away from Zhuang Yan." Chen E's voice was unbearably low, "Little boy, even if I kill you, I will at most be punished, and I won't even have to pay for my life, you know?"

Yan Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Chen E still didn't let him go. The smell of alcohol was so cold, he laughed mockingly, pushed away the person who was standing next to him, and pushed Yan Chen against the wall.

He squeezed a little with his fingertips. Yan Chen was strangled by the neck, his breathing was difficult, and his face was flushed.

Everyone wanted to pull him away.

The mall's electronic monitors even sounded an alarm.

"Chen E."

He froze for a moment.

Zhuang Yan hugged his waist from behind, breathing heavily, and Omega's sweet osmanthus scented him gently. Chen E slowly let go.

Yan Chen's knees softened and he almost knelt on the ground.

The soft hug was quickly withdrawn, and Chen E turned his head.

There was a lot of noise around, and the people next to him were busy helping Yan Chen. Yan Chen lowered his head and inhaled while rubbing his throat.

He didn't care at all, just looked at Zhuang Yan.

Zhuang Yan's face was also a little pale, perhaps because he was afraid—Chen E looked at the small mole on his earlobe and at the silver necklace between his collarbones.

Finally meeting Omega's gaze, Zhuang Yan's pupils were a slightly lighter amber color. When he looked at someone intently, his eyes were filled with the shadow of that person.

But if it gets bad, it's easy to poke humiliating words on its weakness.

Chen E suddenly felt tired, and the exhaustion from staying up for several nights also came up. He said coldly: "You go back first, I will handle the rest by myself."

"…do not be angry."

Alpha paused slightly with his fingertips, but his face was still taut.

Zhuang Yan raised his eyes. The light fell on his face, and he was breathtakingly beautiful.

"I'm not going back," he said, "I'll stay with you."

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