MTL - I Have a Random New System Daily-Chapter 2943 blood king

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Ye Tianyi knew Ye Xian'er's character.

Probably, after thinking about it, she didn't need to trouble the Moon God Palace to take action, she went directly to get rid of the blood king, so Ye Tianyi told Ye Xian'er that someone had already contacted the Moon God Palace, and they would come to solve it. .

Ye Xian'er nodded slightly.

At this time, Ye Xian'er's sound transmission mirror trembled, and she immediately picked up the sound transmission mirror.


Ye Xian'er said respectfully.

"Well, I got news that something happened in the mysterious realm in the fourth month, how are you doing now?"

Ye Xian'er then said: "The disciple is very good, and they have indeed done something to him."

"Well, come back first, Luna Palace will send other people to solve this matter."

Ye Xian'er said, "Why don't you leave this matter to me."

Ye Tianyi; "..."


Let him just say, based on what he knew about Ye Xianer, she definitely wanted to do this.

Although it is not necessary for her to do it, she is also a righteous person in her heart, and she is willing to solve some things by herself.

There was a moment of hesitation.

"Okay, but it's best to find someone to go with you."

Generally speaking, this kind of thing would naturally not fall on Ye Xian'er's head.

The reason why they agreed to let her solve it was also because they had absolute confidence in Ye Xian'er's strength!

It's just that if you're not afraid of 10,000, you're afraid of an eventuality. It's best to have someone with you who can guarantee her safety to the greatest extent!

Ye Xian'er glanced at Ye Tianyi next to her with beautiful eyes, and then said to the sound transmission mirror: "Xian'er just met a disciple of the Moon God Palace here.

"Oh? Who?" asked the other side.

"Ye Tianyi."

"Okay, then you two should go together. The other disciples from the Moon God Palace are back. This matter has been settled. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact the Moon God Palace."


Afterwards, Ye Xian'er put the sound transmission mirror on her waist.

This matter is indeed not too difficult!

No matter what the other party is, at most his cultivation base is the first or second level of the Immemorial God King Realm, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be so strong.

And Ye Xian'er's own combat strength and cultivation base are here, and the powerful treasures, spiritual weapons, and trump cards on her body are absolutely countless.

"Let's go and settle this matter first."

Ye Xian'er said something to Ye Tianyi.


Ye Tianyi smiled and nodded.

In fact, he is happy in his heart.

Because Ye Tianyi thought that since Ye Xian'er agreed to do this with him, she also seemed to want to spend more time with him?

"But... I don't know where he is."

Ye Tianyi said.

Ye Xian'er glanced at the five people who had died, and said in her heart that it was indeed her who killed them too quickly.

"I can find it anyway, let's go."

Then the figures of Ye Xian'er and Ye Tianyi walked forward randomly.

Now, if you meet a villain or a monster here, you should be able to ask the location of the blood king.

"However, I feel that this blood king is more cautious, so we have to be careful."

Ye Tianyi said.


Ye Xianer nodded.

"No matter what he does, he always asks other people to take action. He never shows up himself. Is it for cultivation? I don't think it's purely. What can that little time affect? ​​He wants to arrest the disciples of the Moon God Palace so much, in order to ensure that Success, he could have done it himself, but he never has."

"Yes." Ye Xian'er said.

Ye Tianyi continued: "So, I think facing such a person, when we go to him, we must pay attention to some mechanism traps, formations, etc.

Things like that, he has lived in his place for so many years, if he is such a cautious person, he can definitely make his place safe for so many years. "

"Yes." Ye Xian'er nodded again.

But this Ye Tianyi is more at ease, because he has the eyes of common people, he can see it.

"By the way, I have to find time to use the law of the mind." Ye Tianyi looked at her and said.


"How can that be done!"

Ye Tianyi immediately became anxious.

"Didn't I come here to look for you? Only in this way can I rest assured."

Ye Xian'er paused, looked at Ye Tianyi with beautiful eyes and said, "After all, it's something that cannot be changed. Why do you have to forcibly reverse it? Besides, it really doesn't make any sense, but it will just take more time."

"No, just a little more time will be a little more possibility! When I am strong enough, I will make the entire Moon God Palace not dare to disobey my will!"

Ye Tianyi clenched his fist and said.

Ye Xian'er looked at Ye Tianyi with beautiful eyes.

Then she nodded slightly.

"Let's settle this matter."


Ye Tianyi smiled and nodded.

They continued to walk forward.

At this time, above the void, a group of flying monsters flew by.


Ye Xian'er screamed sharply, and she flashed directly into the void, blocking the group of monsters.


A terrifying cold force erupted from Ye Xian'er's delicate body that made the group of monsters feel palpitations.

"Where is the blood king?"

Ye Xian'er asked lightly.


The monster beast at the front let out a cry, and its wings pointed in one direction.

"Thank you."

Afterwards, Ye Xian'er fell to the ground.

"The west."

It is enough to know the general direction. As for how far it is, you can meet other monsters or other people on the way and ask.

"I suspect that the Blood King already knows about our situation."

Ye Tianyi said.

"It doesn't matter." Ye Xian'er said.

Then she continued, "As long as he doesn't run, there's nothing wrong with that."

"That's right, but if he really doesn't run, it can be confirmed that he is already fully prepared and waiting for us."

the other side.

This is a world of ice and snow!

A huge ice crystal palace underground.

And this is where the blood king is.

In this ice palace, UU reading www.uukanshu. There are many monsters in the com that seem to be under the blood king's command and are being guarded by him.

"Blood King! Blood King!"

At this time, an old man hurried in!

And in the depths of the huge ice palace, there is no ice in the space here, and there is a small pool filled with liquid like blood.

A figure of a man in a red robe sits in the middle, surrounded by red threads.

Hearing the movement, he stopped his cultivation, and the surroundings returned to calm, but he opened his eyes and stood up.

"Come in!"

Then, the old man ran in!

"Blood King, it's bad! Our plan failed, Lord Xiefeng and the others were all killed. Fortunately, I didn't participate in the operation. I saw everything in the same place, so I hurried over to report."

"Is it the ancient **** king realm?"

The Blood King asked flatly.