MTL - I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World-Chapter 1573 The first military parade in the twenty-third century

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In the actor's lounge, two girls squatted by the window and watched the marshal on the stage perform a speech.

For most people who woke up before the war, they didn't experience the rise of nac in person, but they were not strange to that period, because the old people always talked about it to new people. Even if you rarely take the initiative to inquire, you can passively hear a lot.

For Naval's Marshal Jiang Chen, almost all the "civilized people" who wake up from the dormant warehouse have special emotions.

All these things have in common, they are curious.

“A very perfect speech...”

The speech was over and the host had already taken the microphone.

It is really difficult for him. It is a huge test for the host to guide the atmosphere of the audience back to the direction of the celebration.

No way, the marshal's gas field is too strong.

Aside from the content of his speech, he did not even need to speak at all.

For nac, the marshal is a flag in itself, and just standing there will gather a group of supporters.

Zhao Youyue still squats in front of the window, staring at the stage. The girl next to me glanced at her and squatted slightly, then smiled and snarled.

"Hey, you are crazy."

She is the dance of Zhao Youyue, her friend, or girlfriend. The two were friends before the war, but all the concerts of Zhao Youyue will definitely see the dancer. Because they entered the same dormant refuge, the two opened their eyes together in the twenty-fifth year of the last days.

"What happened to me, what, what a crazy," face red, Zhao Youyue knows that he can't hold on, and he is looking at his friend with a playful expression. "Hey, you dare to say that watching such a man, you Don't you feel at all?"

"What's so good." The girl rolled her eyes.

Although she also admits that such a man is really attractive, how can I say...

Sure enough, it is still too dazzling.

Moreover, she came from the pre-war period and could not accept the concept of marriage that prevailed after the war.

"I made a decision!"

Looking at the friend who suddenly became quite aggressive, the girl was shocked and asked awkwardly.

"Decision... What?"

"I want to use my voice to convey my heart to him!" Looking at the direction in the middle of the stage, Zhao Youyue, whose cheeks are red, squeezed his right hand in his chest, his eyes sparkling with radiance.

It’s really big...

Looking at the inexplicable friends who have become motivated, the girl thinks about it.

In any case, there are indeed their programs at the celebration.

Incorporating feelings into the song, and finally Zhao Yuyue's super-level performance, won the audience's cheers.

However, she does not care about this at all.

When she stepped down the stage, her resentful eyes were stuck somewhere on the stage, but she was destined to be disappointed. Across this distance, someone sitting there can read the resentment in her eyes, which is so clever...

"The song just sounded very good." Relying on Jiang Chen's side, Xiao said with a smile.

"Yeah," Xia Shiyu definitely nodded. "Although the style is somewhat novel, it is undoubtedly good. Even if it is placed in the world, it is the level of the first-line singer."

"Well, after all, it's not just technology, culture will accumulate over time." Lin Ling swayed her head and commented on the foot.

"Speaking, the hearts of these singers can't be underestimated," Jiang Chen, who looked down at the eyes, smiled softly, and said something bad. "Before helping my sister as an assistant, in the mailbox of Marshal's Mansion." Every week, I can clear out a lot of letters written by foxes. Although it is related to work, there is some taste of self-recommended pillows in the words."

"Hey? Is there such a thing?" Sun Jiao looked at her sister in a strange way and blinked.

"Of course, I have dealt with my brother-in-law," looked at Jiang Chen, Xiaorou smiled and said, "Sister husband should not blame me."

"No, no, I thank you." Feeling behind the line of sight like a mans in the back, Jiang Chen coughed cough, and said quickly.

"Yes? That's good."

In a flash, the soft smile of the black belly was revealed, and the topic quickly ended in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, I always feel that I can't relax my vigilance. After all, it is Jiang Chen..." Xia Shiyu nodded seriously and inexplicably reached a consensus with Yao Yao next to him.

"View? I don't have any opinions, as long as it is not a bad woman who is not guilty..." Aisha didn't seem to care much about this problem. She slammed her head and said Lin Ling, who was sitting next to her.

Soon the second program began, and the focus of the attention of the women finally shifted from Jiang Chen to the stage not far away.

With a sigh of relief, Jiang Chen reached out and wiped the sweat on his forehead, and slammed the little softness next to him.

The latter seems to expect that Jiang Chen will sneak into himself, deliberately not looking at this side, pulling his sister and excitedly talking about other problems.

I thought about waiting for me to go back and clean up this little Nizi. Jiang Chen would no longer care about what happened.

As for those letters that have been disposed of...

Although I was very concerned about what I wrote above, Jiang Chen vowed that he definitely did not expand the meaning of the harem! Just now, he is already busy, and he is armed with a gun every night. The night shift is full, and there is no weekend.

Just curious!

Yes, it is like that!

The noise continued until two o'clock in the middle of the night. With the end of the last song, the New Year's New Year's Eve will come to an end.

People have gone out and returned to the sixth block or nearby hotels.

Although the New Year’s Eve is over, the celebration is not.

The sixth block is still lit up, and the major stores are promoting sales. Many people who came back from the city center didn't go home to go to sleep, hooked their shoulders to the food street, went to a food stall, and let the boss put on a row of skewers and a beer. .

Since last year, food has not been a luxury item that can be consumed occasionally. Large-scale mutant fruit farms and nutritional mixture production plants have closed down. The sweet beer was originally a luxury that the rich can consume. Sitting in front of the food stalls and spending time with friends, is no longer just a good memory before the war.

Only when you feel the alive, can you be alive in the true sense.

Originally these lives were not even dare to think about them, but now everything is so real.

As the marshal said.

The new century has arrived.


The celebration lasted for three days.

At noon on the fourth day, there was a major event.

In the central square of the sixth block, a grand military parade is underway.

50,000 army soldiers participated in the show, including elite troops from the four major legions, as well as foreign corps from overseas colonies. The Air Force flight formation showed superb flying skills in the air, and both the Aurora-20 and the F-79 Freedom Wings performed quite well.

Standing on the stage, Jiang Chen with his hands behind his back and looked at the infantry phalanx that the team had walked in front of the square.

Standing next to him is all the senior officers of nac. At the moment, they are all dressed up, the waist plate is quite straight, and the eyebrows are not angry and self-defeating. They do not lose the soldiers who have passed the following teams.

The murder of the square is full of energy.

Looking up at the military power of nac, the dictators from the southern survivors' settlements shivered. The power of nac, even if all of them are united, can never be the opponent of this army.

If the man does not intend to go south, otherwise their best ending is to offer their own territory and their lives. Any resistance force in front of these forces will be ridiculous as a car.