MTL - I Have a Game Clone-Chapter 162 Super God Mountain and Soil Ash

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After waiting in the Giant Rhinoceros Plain for a long time, the leader of the tribe, Voi, finally appeared.

This is a huge tiger with a body length of more than ten meters and a height of more than 4 meters.

The first moment he saw Voy, Ning Shi understood why his bloodline was called Thunder Winged Demon Tiger.

On its broad back, there are two pairs of silver wings, and on the wings, there is thunder and lightning flowing in it, which looks extremely cool.

This is the origin of the Thunder Wing.

Voy's body always exudes black magic flames, his eyes are pitch black, there are no eyeballs at all, instead, black flames.

That's why it's called the Devil Tiger.

When Voy walked into the clan, all the beasts were silent and bowed their heads respectfully.

This is the power of the leader.

The two flames in Voy's eyes stared at Ning Shi, and asked slowly, "Is it your challenge? Do you know my rules?"

Voy's rules, Ren told Ning Shi before.

Once a challenge is launched, failure is death, and Voy's subordinates have never survived, and the challenger's advanced magic core will become the nutrients for Voy to become stronger.

Because once the Thunder Winged Demon Tiger fights, it will fall into a state of madness. After sacrificing reason, they are not afraid of any mental control and negative states.

Its own combat power will also double.

Within the group, there have been elite beasts that have won 50 consecutive victories in the last ten years, but no beast dared to challenge Woi as the leader.

It is true that the previous challengers all died too miserably.

"I know."

Ning Shi said calmly, "Go to the gladiatorial arena!"

Voy's information, Ning Shi used the eye of truth to investigate.

[Used by the true eye, exploration target: Voy, comparison of the mental power of the host and the exploration target: 36/40, you can view most of the information. 】

Character: Voy

Constitution: 40 (40)

Mental Power: 40 (40)

Face value: 9 (in the tiger group, the fiercer the more attractive the more attractive)

Family background: 10 (the direct descendants of super-order Warcraft)

Bloodline: Thunderwing Demon Tiger

Skills: Lightning Strike lv7, Magic Flame Armor lv5, Thunder Escape lv4, Rachel lv9, Lightning Five Whip lv10…

Talents: Regeneration (Purple), Lightning Affinity (Purple), Demonization (Purple), Tiger Body (Purple), Unyielding Will (Purple), Battle Hunger (Purple), Black Flame (Purple)

Evaluation: The ceiling of the high-level Warcraft's combat power, in terms of single-player ability, Voy is the king of the high-level Warcraft.

Voy's various skill levels are very high, and his abilities are extremely comprehensive. Because the comparison of mental strength is suppressed, Ning Shi cannot check the information of all Voi's skills.

In addition to skills, Voy has seven purple talents, and he is worthy of being the direct descendant of the master-level super-order Warcraft.

Among them, there are four talents that Ning Shi is also envious of.

[Tiger body (purple): Tiger is the king of beasts, a beast that walks alone, its physique is increased by 50%, and the combat power of various values ​​when singled out is increased by 100%. 】

[Evilization (purple): After casting demonization, you will fall into a state of madness and completely lose your senses. Attacking only by instinct, the damage will be increased by 200%, and you will be immune to all negative states and skill control. 】

[Battle hunger (purple): There is an unusual thirst for battle. The longer the battle, the stronger the physical values ​​will be, up to 100%. 】

[Black Flame (Purple): Active talent, when the Thunder Winged Demon Tiger is released, a large amount of black flame damage will be attached to the attack. 】

From Voy's data, Ning Shi could see the power of the Dominion-level super-order Warcraft Thunder-winged Demon Tiger Aogu.

With Voy's strength, it is not too much to be a leader of a super-large monster group when there are no super-order monsters.

Too bad it wasn't very lucky.

With such a strong strength, being reduced to being the leader of an unknown small group, there must be stories and twists and turns in the middle.

Now that I have met Ning Shi, I can't even be the leader of a small group.

When the referee announced the start of the fight, Ning Shi continued to play his excellent fighting style.

The lion fights the rabbit, and does his best.

Plus there are not many harsh words.

Voy's strength was not fully exerted, and he was hit by Ning Shi with all his strength, and the huge body was hit to pieces.

High-level monsters cannot be contracted as servants, and Ning Shi will not show mercy to Woy, a monster that is difficult to tame.

After its body was smashed into pieces, Ning Shi filled up with several thick lightning bolts, directly electrifying Voy's body into fly ash.

The battle was over as soon as it started.

The beasts watching were dumbfounded. In their hearts, they represented the invincible leader of the advanced beasts, Lord Voy, who was instantly killed by Ning Shi.

What kind of combat power is Ning Shi?

The clever Warcraft already had guesses in their hearts, but no Warcraft dared to say it.

Everyone can't understand why such a powerful super-class monster like Ning would come to such a small group of thunder monsters.

It was Ren who had the fastest reaction. After seeing Ning Shi winning, he suppressed his excitement and took the lead in shouting.

"Ning! Chief! Ning! Chief!"

Under the leadership of Ren, the other beasts also began to shout Ning Shi's name.

The voices of these monsters are very loud, and for a time, Ning Shi's name resounded throughout the giant rhinoceros grassland.

After the beasts were quiet, Ning Shi said.

"From today onwards, our clan will have a name, it will be called the Thunder Armor clan!"

Ning Shi brought victory over Woyi's might, and all the beasts in the group worshiped him, and no monster dared to resist, not to mention the name Ning Shi took, which was very in line with the characteristics of the group.

Everyone shouted together.

"Thunder Armor! Ning! Thunder Armor! Ning!"

It took Ning Shi a day to completely control the Thunder Armor group.

In the next few days, he led the Thunder Armor group to fight south and north, killing and annexing more than a dozen small and medium groups.

The Thunder Armor group suddenly became the largest force around the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

The number of advanced monsters in the group has reached more than 3 million!

Since many of the killings were caused by high-level monsters, Ning Shi didn't kill too many monsters.

Because high-level monsters are intelligent creatures, as long as they feel that they are invincible, they will surrender.

The experience value of a high-level Warcraft is between 20,000 and 50,000. Ning Shi's experience gained in battle reaches 120 million. With the previous accumulation, the level of experience is still about 10 million.

Ning Shi didn't plan to kill them all for the time being. When necessary, he didn't mind killing all the advanced beasts in the group to upgrade them.

The reason why I didn't do this is mainly because I thought about the explanation of the previous game system. After absorbing the original weapon, the ability of the game system to absorb souls in the Morn world will be enhanced.

So if they absorb the original treasures of the Morn world, will these advanced monsters provide more experience points?

It's more cost-effective to upgrade then.

Ning Shi is the person who most hopes that the monsters can exist for a long time, so that he can get a steady stream of experience points, and Ning Shi will not do the stupid thing of fishing.

Ning Shi borrowed the system of human beings and divided all high-level monsters into five levels: squad, brigade, company, battalion and army, thus producing squad leader, group leader, company commander, battalion commander and general above the elite. five levels.

This solves the problem that many advanced Warcraft have no motivation after they become elites.

Controlling such a wide range of forces, Ning Shi's ability to obtain information has greatly increased, and he gradually learned about the Super Sacred Mountain.

It is known that the eight master-level super-order monsters all live around the Chaoshenshan mountain range.

Ning Shi released all the sacrificial worms into the Chaoshen Mountain, and let them secretly inquire about the information of the Chaoshenshan. The main focus of the Thunder Armor group was to collect information on places other than the Chaoshenshan.

This time, Ning Shi didn't want to delay.

He wants to find the original treasure of Morn World in the World of Warcraft, devour the original treasure, and then take back the game clone and directly complete the ultimate task of the game system.

See what rewards the ultimate mission has.

Therefore, his body and clone have been staying in the World of Warcraft.

Ning Shi has dealt with several abnormal incidents reported by the subordinates of Warcraft, such as eating the earth armored dolphin whose strength has skyrocketed, and accidentally eating the corpse of a dragon beast and awakened the bloodthirsty dragon lizard of the dragon bloodline.

These beasts are the lucky ones who have suddenly emerged, and their strength has exploded in a short period of time.

In these events, there is no trace of the original treasure.

Until a mid-level Warcraft Elastic Flying Rabbit came to Ning Shi, it was parasitic from a sacrificial worm.

The spirit sacrifice worms are very intelligent. After they reach the Chaoshen Mountain, most of them are parasitic in the body of high-level magical beasts. With the high-level magical beast as the mother body, they hatch their own magical beast body.

A small number of them were parasitic in the body of the mid-level monsters that were small and difficult to attract attention.

The sacrifice spirit insect 010086, parasitic in the body of a elastic rabbit, hatched the body of the elastic rabbit.

On the surface, it is an elastic rabbit without intelligence, and no magical beast will guard against it, but in fact it is a spiritual sacrificial insect with wisdom.

Such camouflage is good for intelligence gathering.

After No. 010086 became an elastic rabbit, he learned the common language of the Morn world, and his body was able to make a sound. He said: "The great ruler of the sacrifice, we have found important information in the Super God Mountain. I'm here to report the details to you.

Inside the Super God Mountain, a very strange beast has recently emerged, it is called Tu Hui.

Its body shape is very strange, with the head of a bear, the body of a tiger, the tail of a lion, the arms of an ape, the eyes of a crocodile, and a pair of sturdy elephant legs.

This is the bloodline of mutant beasts that have never been seen before, but Tu Hui has always insisted that he is the bloodline of the gray rabbit, which brings together all the rabbit-type beasts in the Super God Mountain.

Tu Hui declared to the outside world that he wanted the rabbits to truly stand up and become the most powerful group of Warcraft in the World of Warcraft! "

Hearing this, Ning Shi was particularly interested in this dirt. The other party believed in the bloodline of the gray rabbit, so its initial bloodline must be the gray rabbit.

There is no need to lie about this kind of thing, because Rabbit-type Warcraft is basically synonymous with weakness and meat-eating in the World of Warcraft.

The number of Rabbit-type Warcraft is huge, hundreds of millions. In the World of Warcraft, there must be tens of billions of Rabbit-type Warcraft.

Most of these rabbit-type monsters are primary or intermediate monsters, with low strength and no intelligence.

Rabbit-type high-level monsters have never appeared in the World of Warcraft, but rabbit-type monsters play a very important role. They use their super reproduction ability to feed a large number of high-level monsters with their bodies.

Bunny is so cute, but so delicious.

In this case, it is not out of true feelings, there is no need for Tu Hui to admit that he is the blood of the gray rabbit.

There is no need to gather Rabbit Warcraft together.

Ning Shi thought so in his heart, but he completely underestimated the power of rabbits, said No.

"Tu Hui's strength is very powerful, he once defeated the super-order Warcraft, and under its leadership, the Rabbit-type Warcraft broke out with astonishing combat effectiveness.

With their numbers of over 100 million at every turn and their excellent unity and cooperation, they release a huge number of group magic attacks in every battle.

Under the magical attack of indiscriminate coverage, the advanced monsters can't stand it either.

The rabbit-type monsters under Tuhui defeated several groups of beasts one after another, occupying the southeastern hills near the Chaoshen Mountain, and became a major force in the Chaoshen Mountain. Even the eight master beasts began to notice the power of the soil dust, and they were attracted to them. fearful heart. "

Ning Shi suppressed his inner excitement and asked, "Rabbit monsters have no wisdom at all, how can soil ash make them unite and cooperate in battle."

If the rabbits are wise, the number of tens of billions, and know how to cooperate, the magic attack released will have to be avoided by the gods.

The sacrificial worm replied: "Tu Hui did not know what method was used, so that many advanced monsters were born in the rabbit group of monsters. Under the command and cooperation of these advanced monsters, the rabbits cooperated."

Hearing this, Ning Shi's inner excitement could no longer be concealed.

The more magical the ability of the soil ash, the greater the possibility that the original treasure is in its hands.

With the humblest gray rabbit bloodline, this soil ash has become a super-order monster in a very short period of time, and it can also help the weak rabbit-type monster to be promoted to a high-level monster. This kind of magical power is very likely to be the original treasure. The mighty power!

Worrying that Yuanchu Zhibao escaped again, or something happened, Ning Shi planned to go to Tu Hui to investigate.

He grabbed the sacrificial worm that was already an elastic rabbit, and used the lightning escape technique to escape towards the Super God Mountain Range.

The World of Warcraft is extremely vast, and Ning Shi escaped for a full 2 ​​hours before reaching the vicinity of the Chaoshen Mountain.

According to the instructions of the sacrificial spirit insect, Ning Shi reached the southeast hills.

"Respected Lord, Ash lives in the castle on that hill."

Ning Shi looked around and saw a tall castle made of bluestone standing on a hill that was not very high.

Although the castle is not very delicate and a little rough, it is a building after all.

This is the first building that Ning Shi saw in the World of Warcraft.

This dirt is really different.

Ning Shi let the sacrificial worm move on its own, turned into an evil spirit assassin, and sneaked towards the castle.

When I got closer, I realized the actual size of the castle.

In order to adapt to the tall body of dirt and ash, the entire castle is hundreds of meters high.

Entering the castle, Ning Shi found that the castle was all made of simple piles of large stones, with no construction skills, and if he used too much force, he would be worried that the castle would collapse.

This is the monster.

Although the soil dust has changed under the influence of the primordial treasure, he wants to live in a castle house, but he does not understand architecture, and there is no such talent in the World of Warcraft.

The castles that are built have their own appearance.

There are three steps and one post in the castle, and there are many high-level rabbit-type monsters standing guard and patrolling.

Relying on the concealment ability of the body of the evil spirit, Ning Shi kept walking, wandering directly in the castle, and soon found the dirt.

It is sitting in the hall of the castle, discussing matters with the senior rabbit-type monsters under its command.

"Supreme Lord Tuhui, according to your instructions, we have been closely monitoring the movements of many super-class beasts, and there is information from our subordinates that the two-headed dragon on Longya Mountain woke up and began to hunt and prey in Longpo Mountain. "

Hearing this news, a look of excitement appeared on his face covered with golden hair.

It hammered its bulging chest muscles hard and said.

"I'll go over here and hunt this two-headed dragon!

After absorbing its bloodline, I will be stronger, even if I can't beat the Chaos Heavenly Demon Ape, the Chaos Heavenly Demon Ape will not be able to kill me!

Camus you idiot! He even dared to threaten me, so that I would not start a war in Chaoshen Mountain!

Do they think of our pain when they eat our rabbit meat? Without fighting, we will always be their meat!

This is not me starting the war, it's our rabbit's self-defense action! "

When Tu Hui said these words, he was really sincere. It seemed that he really had an obsession with the weakness of rabbits in his heart.

It is this obsession that can make it stronger in such a short period of time.

Otherwise, even with the help of Yuanchuzhibao, its willingness to become stronger is not strong, and its growth rate cannot be so fast.

Ning Shi just wanted to use the True Eye to check the news of the dirt, and the game system gave a hint.

[The exploration target has the breath of the original treasure of the Moen world. Once the Eye of Truth is used, it will be detected by the target. Please use it with caution. 】

[Are you sure to use the true eye to detect the information of the dirt. whether. 】

Ning Shi chose no.

With the prompt of the system, he has confirmed that the soil ash is the host of the original treasure, as long as it is killed, there is a chance to devour the original treasure of the Morn world.

Now that Ning Shi has the advantage of being outspoken and secretive, he can't be stunned.

It just so happened that Tuhui was going to hunt down the super-order Warcraft Two-Headed Dragon. With the strength of the two-headed dragon, even if Tuhui could win, it would not be easy.

Ning Shi was going to come up with a coup for the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole behind.

When the dust ash killed the two-headed dragon, it was the time of its death.

The transformation of hunter and prey is instantaneous.

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